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Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:04 pm
by Ryuki
Zachary Beck- Pregame Start

Off to the side of the hiking trail, Zach stood on a rock and threw a rope over a tree branch. This took a few tries until he was successful. Attached to the end of the rope was a plush black spider with red eyes, tied up between the abdomen and thorax. Zach hoisted the spider up the branch and put his end of the rope underneath his left foot. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his little, black camcorder.

The sun was high, no clouds in the sky. People should be coming down the hiking trail on a day like this. The light shined through the branches and covered the trail in shadows. The spider was high enough in the trees to go unnoticed. Zach hid in the bushes, camcorder in hand, waiting for his chance to surprise anyone who crossed his path.

Zach was recording a prank for his channel on YouTube. He was close to breaking one thousand subscribers on his channel. He hoped that after this video he'd be able to accomplish that feat. Zach peeked from the bushes, camera recording, lying in wait. Let the test of patience begin.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:04 pm
by Cicada
Incidentally that's when Charelle showed up.

She was drag footing her way down one of the trails that happened to be not so about the whole 'hiking the mountain' part. She was dressed down in sweats and a grey sports top, sleeves left at home. Feeling the burn. It had been like five minutes since she'd actually started. She stared skyward as she walked, paying not so much attention to tree roots and cracks in the concrete and other kinds of tripping hazards. Just how she rolled.

Pretty nice day. Shit, she should have hit up Standifer Marsh. Welp, R-I-P. No take-backsies, no problem.

Weird thought, probably not worth the brain powers: what if state borders needed, like, passports? People would end up accidentally violating laws going the wrong places in this park, which sounded like a solid 2.5 out of 5 sketch for the funnies.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:04 pm
by Ryuki
Zach could here the steps of someone coming. In his sights was a girl in a grey tank top. She was getting closer with each step she took.

Zach prepared himself and readied his camera, just as the girl was five feet away from coming face to face with the plush nightmare.

Four feet.

Zach tried his best not to chuckle.

Three feet.

The camera had a nice perspective of the scene.

Two feet.

Zach loosened his grip on the rope.

One foot.

The plush spider dropped as Zach rose from the bushes. Just as quick as the spider fell, Zach tightened his grip on the rope as the spider hanged in front of his target.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:05 pm
by Cicada
Charelle wasn't sure how far she managed to walk per second, likely not any impressive. Her guess? One feet. Two feet... Red feet, blue feet, shit, Charelle didn't know. She was making it up she went along.

Suddenly something to the face.


No wait she didn't give a shit. She liked to think spiders were, like, bros. The cool-crawlies ate the not-cool crawlies, Charelle cultivated a few spiders free-range in dad's house. Her hit squad. Dad had used to have little roaches skittering around everywhere, not so much nowadays. Shrug on being unable to convince mom to allow the spiderbois.

Oh, also, it was clearly fake. Too smooth and rigid looking. Also her reflexes were hardcore dumb and she had a bad leg. Couldn't flinch away from the fake spider if she wanted to.

She lazily looked around for her prank-er. Smile on her face was that one where if dude saw it in bedroom they'd know the penis game was inferior.

"Gold star for trying."  She didn't bother to project her voice.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:05 pm
by Ryuki
The girl didn't even flinch. All that effort of hoisting that spider into the tree, and the payoff was completely non-existent. He glared at the girl with one eyebrow raised, annoyance painted on his face.

"Well that's friggin' lame," Zach said in a frustrated tone, "Not even gonna give me a tiny yelp?"

Zach put down the camcorder and began to hoist the spider back into the tree, still giving the girl the stink eye.

"Y'know how hard it is to put a spider in a tree at my height?," Zach continued, "It's friggin' hard as balls!"

With the spider once again in the branches, Zach picked up his camcorder and crouched into the bushes.

"Go on and get outta here," muttered Zach, "Maybe someone else will come along, and I'll get a better reaction."

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:05 pm
by Primrosette
((Adonis Cohen - Start))

Adonis was staring at his phone as he was waiting for a text from Emmett and he was not really paying any attention to his surroundings. He had been jogging for a few minutes but now he was walking at an even pace. He had all day to work out a sweat. Still he couldn't stop staring at his phone for five seconds. Emmett was definitely the slowest texter that he knew. Still Adonis was not going to blow Emmett's own phone with text messages of 'Are you gonna text me back?' or whatever else people do. Adonis was going to be the patient boyfriend and wait.

"Come on, Emmett."

Okay, maybe he was going to be a little impatient.

He did want to get back to his jog without his phone interrupting him every five minutes. He did love Emmett with every fiber of his being, but the boy always texted him at the wrong time. They were definitely going to have to talk about that at some point.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:06 pm
by Cicada

Dude was short. Charelle had only just done the quick maths and realized her eyes went downward, a-cutie angled when looking at ol' Zach. She'd known dude probably all her dull ass school life and somehow never realized. Well. eh, kinda extraneous information. She'd practice self-forgiveness. Anyways, Zach seemed to be all on with the stress. Charelle didn't understand though: why so serious?

"C'mon! It's just a prank, bro." Charelle offered an energetic, arm rocket of a thumbs up.

Anyways, into the bushes she went. Took a bit of hobbling while Zach was fiddling with his hard-as-balls spider and spazzing out his manlet limbs for all they were worth. Zachary found himself with a complimentary Charelle hiding beside him.

"We're gonna get 'em good," she smirked.

Also she was really badly hidden and about half of her actually stuck out from one side of the bush. Way Charelle saw it she was offering an 'accidental' advance warning, like. Anyone could see her if they were really paying attention, or walking slow enough, or had at least one pair of semi-functional eyes in their head in roughly the right place, give or take.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:06 pm
by Ryuki
Instead of leaving like Zach thought she would, Charelle was now in his hiding spot. Like, seriously, she just waltz on over and decided to stick around like a lost puppy. She wasn't even that well hidden, which annoyed Zach even further.

"Wha-!? Okay fine," Zach conceded, "but you better not blow our cover. And try to have a better hiding position. Your ass is hanging halfway out."

As Zach once again readied his camera, he looked at Charelle, who was smirking. Well, if she was gonna start having fun with this, no reason he should stop.

"I am this close to breaking one thousand subscribers!," Zach said as he put his left pointer finger and thumb close, a millimeter apart. He smirked back as he continued. "Hopefully that'll make me eligible for revenue."

Maybe one thousand subscribers was mere peanuts to bigger YouTube star, but to a small content creator like Zach, it was a major milestone. Appreciate the little things as they say. Zach returned to looking out for his next potential victim.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:06 pm
by Primrosette
Adonis decided to stop staring at his phone and he tuckered it into his jeans' pocket. He didn't want to get too attached to his phone right now. He wanted to concentrate on keeping himself fit. So he started to take a light jog again. Emmett would just have to wait on him now if he did reply at some point.

Adonis noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

Was that a spider...?

Yes. It was. He didn't even realize that it was a fake one in that moment. Adonis did the only thing that he normally did when he saw a spider as he hated them with a passion.

"FUCK!" He jumped backwards and he almost fell onto his butt. He didn't swear that much but spiders always made him freak out.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:07 pm
by Cicada

Fuck? Like, maybe, sure. She'd scoped out the target, easy on the eyes. Hard on the bod, always a bonus.

Anyways, cool. Have fun with the thousand subscribers, Zach. And with the whole 'explaining this to the taller-and-stronger-than-you dude' part too. Have fun with that one.

Charelle hung back, chilled out.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:07 pm
by Ryuki
"Haha~! That was good!," exclaimed Zach, "You just got pranked!"

Zach rose from the bushes after lowering the spider in front of another victim. Dude looked as though he was thrown off balance. A much better reaction compared to Charelle's stone cold indifference.

"Relax, dude," Zach said as he came out of the bushes, "The spider's fake. Don't shit yourself over a toy."

The camcorder was still rolling as he walked over to Adonis. Zach wanted to capture every moment of Adonis' reaction, including the realization that it was all in good fun (at his expense).

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:07 pm
by Primrosette
The spider was a fake? Well, he got scared for nothing. Scratch that, he was being filmed by a prankster. Zachary something. Adonis barely even knew the dude but he had seen some of his pranks before. Some did get a chuckle or two out of Adonis and some were not that funny to him.

"You really did get me good with that fake spider, Zachary." He coughed into one of his fists out of embarrassment and he stared at Zach with a awkward grin. "At least I didn't scream like a little girl."

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Now Emmett sent him a text. He ignore it and focused on the boy in front of him.

"Can't wait to see it, man!" He winked at Zach. "You're lucky that I'm not one of those guys who would knock your lights out for a prank like that. You'd be surprised how people can react to things that are just a harmless, little joke."

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:07 pm
by Cicada
Charelle was like, also there.

"Yo, little girl screaming's classic. Don't knock it."

She was awkwardly copy-pasted into the scene, standing on it's periphery. Taking her time, scoping the scene. Buff dude had a phone. Yo. Real quick slide into the Messenger, inbound.

"Smile." Charelle popped a photo of the two dudes with her own phone as she started to walk over. "Posterity," she barely explained.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:08 pm
by Ryuki

Zach turned to Charelle, whose phone flashed.


Charelle just took a snapshot of the scene. Well, good. If she posts it to her Facebook or Twitter, that'll be like free advertising. Even if she doesn't, it's not like Zach needs to protect his image. He turned back to Adonis.

"Who would get that pissed over a prank?", Zach questioned, "Whoever does needs a sense of humor and anger management."

To be fair, Zach had encountered those who couldn't take a joke. Sometimes they'd just freak out and yell, or worse, chase after Zach in a blind rage. Fortunately, Zach kept a mental list of those he should never prank. Pranking someone like Wyatt Carter was a one way ticket to Hell.

Re: Timing is Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:08 pm
by Primrosette
Adonis smiled as Charelle took a photo of him and Zach. Hey, he has no problem with posing for someone else. Emmett, on the other hand, disliked being the one in photos. Funny how the artist who draw people had a hatred of seeing himself in sketches, photos, etc.

Adonis chuckled. "I could name a few who would get pissed off over the littlest of things." He said simply, shrugging his shoulders lightly. "Heh. Some people can be too serious for their own good. Besides this prank was a harmless one. It's no big deal. I just feel a bit embarrassed now. Haha."

Zach was describing Emmett. Emmett wasn't into joking around and he sure did have a bad temper. Adonis would have liked to see his reaction to Zach's prank. Emmett would possibly cuss, yell, scream and give the middle finger to Zach. Adonis smiled slightly at the thought.