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Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:06 am
by Megami†
It was a hot summer day, just like any other. It had taken a little while to find a decent parking spot at the Del Mar fairgrounds, but finally, Michael had managed to find some suitable parking. Now, he sat on the tailgate of his truck, his legs dangling boredly off of the edge of the tailgate. He watched the lines of people steadily pouring into the fairgrounds through the large gates a short ways in the distance. He loved the fair. There was just something exciting about the entire atmosphere of it, there had been ever since he was young.

Really, he couldn't imagine why. The voices of shrieking ride-goers and dozens of people flooded through the air, and the mixed aroma of food, dumpster, and vomit all mixed together and intertwined in the air. It should've been nauseating, but really, it was just part of the whole "fair" atmosphere. He'd planned for it to be an interesting day. He, Lauren, his friend Bobby and their mutual friend Melissa had planned this day throughout the week, and more than anything, he was looking forward to hanging out with Lauren.

Speaking of, she had just currently removed herself from the interior of his red truck. She'd been on the phone with her grandparents, informing them of her plans for the evening. Michael gave her a toothy grin as she shut the door of his truck and hopped off the tailgate, shutting it in the process. Bobby and Melissa were supposed to meet them at the front gates, so he figured they'd better head that way. He walked up to Lauren, his hand latching onto hers as he walked passed, and headed up toward the entrance of the fairgrounds.

Lauren seemed a bit hesitant about the hand-holding thing at first. She'd never quite been comfortable with the whole public display of affection thing. It wasn't that she wasn't attracted to Michael. Quite the contrary, actually. They hadn't been together that long, but she'd been far from disappointed by him thus far. She opted against saying anything about it. It's not like it was attracting that much attention or anything, and it seemed better just to go with the flow. Besides, they were almost at the gates now.

It was then that Michael's phone rang.

"Hang on a sec," he instructed Lauren, reaching into the back of his pants pocket for his cell phone, "That's Bobby."

He flipped open the phone, but Lauren could only hear Michael's end of the phone conversation. The frown forming on his face was clearly visible, though, and informed Lauren immediately that something wasn't quite right. She couldn't make out exactly what it was from the series of "okays" and "no problems" that Michael kept uttering, but the look on his face told her something his words didn't have to. Eventually, he hang up the phone, shook his head slightly, and a smile returned to his features.

"What's wrong?" Lauren inquired curiously.

"Bad news," he responded, "... at least for Melissa. Bobby's not coming. Didn't give me many details, just said he couldn't make it. I dunno, it's probably just an excuse for flaking out, he's got a habit of doin' that."

Lauren frowned a bit. It didn't really matter to her whether Bobby came or not. It didn't affect her and Michael all that much. Still, Melissa would probably be a little disappointed. She hated to make her feel like a third wheel. Michael, though, didn't seem to care all that much. His arm draped loosely over her shoulder as he scanned the area for their other companion.

Re: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:06 am
by Chase†
"Van beats your tin can, get the fuck outta my way!"

The dirt parking lot wasn't her first choice to be sure, but she hadn't lucked out on getting a spot closer to the fairgrounds this time, and she was still pretty sore about having to shell out money for the crappy spot.

"Nine dollars was so not worth this..." she mumbled as she slammed to door to her Town & Country shut, making her way along the lengthy walk to where she had to meet Lauren, Michael, and Bobby -- who she thought was still going to show.

Pulling the brown Quicksilver cap further down over her eyes, she went under the small bridge, along the parking lot to the entrance, where she found Lauren, with a slightly uncomfortable demeanor, and Michael with an arm draped around her. They hadn't been together long, that was for sure, and Melissa thought that it was an interesting match up to say the least.

Maybe it'd be good for Lauren to have someone get her out of her shell sometimes. Not that she was unable to interact socially with people, Lauren was friends with Melissa before Michael and all, but, Melissa mused, he's got a penis.

"I'm not directionally retarded, I swear," she started as she stood in front of the couple, "but I found out there's a back street that makes it to the fair."

She tried to scratch her head through her hat as she squinted a little at the sun, "Where's the dude?"

Re: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:06 am
by Megami†
It wasn't long before they heard Melissa's voice echoing out from somewhere in the nearby vicinity. She appeared in front of them moments later, regaling them with her tail of sidestreets and adventure on the way to the fairgrounds... or something to that effect. Michael cracked a grin as she approached them and Lauren gave her a nervous smile. She wasn't sure how Melissa'd take Bobby not coming. Then again, something told her that Melissa wouldn't really care all that much... hopefully.

"Yeah, about that..." Michael responded playfully, "Bobby's a flake."

"He called a few minutes ago," Lauren interjected, "He won't be able to make it. We shouldn't let it ruin our fun though, right?"

"Exactly," Michael responded, draping his free arm around Melissa, "Just means I get to hang out with two lovely ladies for the rest of the afternoon."

His attention turned toward Lauren for a moment and he grinned.

"Not that I had any objections to having just one."

"Um..." she responded simply, shaking her head and letting out a somewhat nervous laugh.

Michael removed his arms from around the girls and turned to stand in front of them. He was glad he'd dressed the part today, the summer sun was definitely baring down on him. He adjusted the red baseball cap on his head and gave Melissa an apologetic glance.

"I really am sorry about the dude though, but I promise ya, you're not missin' out too much."

Re: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:06 am
by Chase†
Thing is, Melissa could see the work of damage control, and she found it unsettling, at the very least, that instead of having someone to keep conversation with while the two love birds continued with the usual mushy puppy love crap that everyone did within the first few months of a relationship, she'd have to watch it front row.

How do you mystery science 3000 shit when you have no one to laugh at it all with?


It was a split second after she heard the word flake that her descent into a ticking time bomb seemed to snowball effect. She stuffed her hands into her pockets as she watched Lauren try to sound optimistic about what would inevitably be, in Melissa's mind, a long string of conversations like so:

"I love you."

"No, I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you more!"

"Jesus Christ, go fuck in the public bathroom already."

"Who are we talking about with "our"? I'm assuming this means you two," she tried to shrug off Michael's arm as it fell on her, but couldn't do much because of her height. That and she had somewhat begun to slouch inter herself as she started to nod her head in thought.

"I can see the amount of fucking suckage this is going to unleash upon me today. Dude, this friend of yours is retarded, sir. When did the moron fucking call? This is going to be so fucked fucked, fuckity, god damnit. Gah!"

But as she is saying this, she makes her way to the admissions booth and shoves a twenty at the teller, as her complaints become mumbles bouncing off the glass partition. Taking her ticket and change, she turns to the couple and blinks furiously, pulling her lips into a strained smile.

"They have that bell with the hammer and the thermometer looking thingy, right? I feel like I have to Hulk smash something."

Re: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:06 am
by Megami†
Internally, Lauren had known that Melissa wouldn't take being blown off very well. She hoped Bobby had a good explanation for why he couldn't bother to show up today, but odds were, he probably didn't have any reason at all other than the fact that he just didn't want to go. It was the reason why she didn't date many guys herself. They managed to make her mad by doing stupid stuff just like Bobby had. Unlike Lauren, though, Melissa was a lot more vocal about her feelings.

"Oh, literally about five minutes ago," Michael responded when Melissa asked when Bobby had called, "We would've called and forewarned you if he'd given us some kind of notice. He just called long enough to say he wasn't gonna show. I'm not really all that surprised though, he does stuff like this a lot."

Melissa went on a tirade of swear words that didn't seem to make a lot of sense to anybody but herself, and the couple just shrugged her off and followed her up to the admissions both. Michael dug in his wallet and purchased two tickets. By this time, Melissa was facing them again, forcing a pained smile across her features and asking for something to 'hulk smash'.

"Yeah," Michael responded cheerfully, "They have the little strong-man thing. Let's go, I'd love to see you smash the hell out of it."

He gave her a grin and gripped ahold of Lauren's hand once again, heading off toward the game in question and pulling her along for the ride. Lauren, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel bad that her friend was suddenly the third wheel. Michael was making an effort to include her, and she hoped it was something that Melissa would appreciate, but that ensured that it was going to be a very interesting day by all accounts. She didn't say much as she was dragged off behind Michael toward the game. There wasn't really anything to say.