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The first day of school

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:05 am
by Buko
High school, the great equalizer, for Paul Smith that is. Though not scared, Paul was obviously eager, standing at 5'6" he was much shorter than everyone in the school (or at least that's how it seemed) and despite his ranking as the king of his middle school, now he realized that there where other bigger kids in the pond ready to push him out of the way...and some of them had whiskers (Paul was years away from getting his first whisker), still the fourteen year old Paul Smith was visibly shaking as his friend Billy "Cheeseburger" Walker came up to talk to him.

"So, Paul you ready for high school?"

If life where that easy that I can just be ready for something, ready for beautiful girls, ready for douche bag jocks, and most of all ready for just being a face within a crowd of 1500? Jesus Christ, Cheeseburger how could you even ask something like that with a straight face? Of course I'm not fucking ready! I fucking just went through puberty a few months ago and now you're putting me, an attention starved loud mouthed douche bag in the same environment as grown ass men?

No, I don't think I'll ever be able to say that I'm ready for stuff like this...

"Ready? Cheeseburger, I'm Paul fucking Smith, I run this shit.", Paul said with a wild smirk, it was this false bravado that not only made his friend Cheeseburger more comfortable, but Paul himself was put at ease by his own verbal autofelatio. As Cheeseburger stared at the girls eagerly, Paul himself was taking a more conservative approach, these girls...where different then the middle school girls he had been accustomed to talking to, virginity was debatable with these girls, kissing was probably not as big of a deal to them as it was to Paul...he was intimidated and his lack of words made it obvious to Cheeseburger who decided to go hang out (i.e. bother) a more mentally prepared classmate.

As he went to homeroom he quickly found himself lighting up the Zippo lighter repeatedly, he had gotten into the habit as soon as he was able to turn one on, perhaps it was just the constant feeling of doing something that made him feel comfortable, but the teacher obviously did not like it.

"Stop it Mr....", she looked at the class roster, but Paul immediately stopped her.

"Smith, yeah I'll stop though Miss."

Paul knew that she didn't know his name because he was a new student at the school, he also knew that he was lucky she didn't take his lighter from in (as he knew this was against the rules), but still he felt somewhat hurt as the teacher continued to go on about introducing everyone (smiling sweetly as she said Paul's name) sending a sharp pang of guilt through his body as he was still playing with his lighter (albeit underneath his desk), needless to say Paul was a bit relieved at least his Chemistry teacher seemed to like him...

At least I hope she continues to like me when she realizes that I plan to do nothing, but stare at the girls and play with my lighter the rest of the year.

He smirked to himself as the teacher began handing out supply sheets and telling him he had to pay lab fees (7 dollars), he probably would've fallen asleep if it wasn't for someone walking through the room and this presence got Paul's full attention fairly quickly, though for very obvious reasons. The girl herself had long beautiful blonde hair, was just his height, had beautiful green orbs, and of course had a very flirtatiously large rack. Her eyes where framed with thin wire framed glasses, but she found herself immediately making eye contact with Paul who simply returned the smirk, she giggled a bit as the teacher continued.

"This is Courtney Estevez and she's the valedictorian of this year and one of my best students, she'll be helping you guys with your Chemistry this let's do a small lab today with our remaining time.", she looked around the room spacily obvious that she had forgotten half of the kids names, but as her eyes came to Paul she once again smiled very vividly.

"Mr. Smith can you go with Courtney to get me the Scientific Calculators?", now Paul really couldn't say anything to that and simply got up and clumsily went to Courtney and stood by her, she simply rubbed his shoulder and Paul felt shivers go down his spine as the older girl simply touched him, he felt powerless, yet full of confidence at the same time as he stared at Courtney for a few seconds.

"Well?", the teacher said impatiently and Paul immediately went back to a more rigid form, he looked at the teacher and simply nodded as him and Courtney turned around and walked out the door, he was obviously very shy around her and she was amused at the little boy (Paul Smith was not the 6'2" monster he would later become) and his nervousness.

"So, you like me or something...Paul was it?"

Paul was shocked at how the girl could say something so bluntly and simply tried to play it off with a nervous smirk. He didn't think that he could ever get used to somebody so bluntly saying something that you where supposed to be ashamed of in middle school, he simply looked down on the floor.

"W-W-What makes you say something like that? I mean we just met each other and you're a lot older then me, it's kinda ridiculous for me to have such strong emotions and stuff...", he said trying his best to say this eloquently as he continued to stare at her and he got more nervous as she simply shook her head.

"It's funny how little boys think, they don't think us girls notice them staring at us half the time," she said coyly and Paul was taken a back as she stared at him in the eye, "It's also funny how they try to play something off futilely," she said with a calm laugh and Paul simply smirked.

"Hey, it fooled me.", he said jokingly as she stared at him and simply shrugged as she grabbed his hand and lead him to a broom closet, Paul himself was simply sitting there very scared not knowing exactly what to do as she kissed him, he felt her tongue slip in and massage his own, a very new sensation and his single eye was very large as she continued to caress her fingers down his body.

High school girls, who knew?

And it was then that he saw the shirt come off and the bra shortly after, breasts where the holy grail for a young boy. You dream about them, you're curious about them, you want them. They where in your face since you where born and after a year of them you have them taken away, only to spend the remainder of your life wanting to see them. His eye visibly widened as he reached out and instinctually squeezed her right one, it wasn't sensual, it wasn't even smooth, it was just out there and random.

Paul did not kiss her, he did not even motion to kiss her he simply went into his pocket (without removing it mind you) and lit up the Zippo lighter, several times, and soon he had his eyes glued to Courtney as she waited expectantly to do something.

"Well...aren't those...lovely."

She simply smiled at him as she began to motion close to him, Paul put his hand out to her.

"Despite how corny this is, is it hot in here?"

She shook her head and stared down at Paul's pants and her eyes widened.

It was then that Paul realized his pants where on fire.