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This Old House

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:07 pm
by Cyco†
((continued from Memories and Revelations))

'The Mansion.' The island map had made it sound so very safe. So inviting. Huy stood staring at the bleak ruins before him, his nose wrinkling skeptically. Ignorance truly was bliss.

"Oh, motherfucker," he choked. He felt a little betrayed, like Mr Danya had planned to get his hopes up while he was hand-drawing the maps in his basement or something (at this he would've chuckled, if he wasn't royally boned). Huy had read his "survival guide" on the way here, and had gained a little insight to their persecutor's sick sense of humour. He couldn't explain it, but Huy'd felt as if Danya knew every thought that entered his head. Like he would detonate the collar the moment Huy started to settle down and start using his head. Fortunately, that wasn't the case, as it had come to pass on the way to the ruins, but still...

"Better go take a look," he said quietly. Huy had a habit of talking to himself, softly, when no one was around. It had become much more frequent following his stay on the island. He looked around every five seconds, being quite on edge considering he wasn't issued a weapon, and approached what was left of the mansion slowly. Caution was the name of the game here.

"Caution," he whispered.

(open to anyone with a character nearby)

Re: This Old House

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:08 pm
by Cyco†
(ok, forget it then...)

"Urk...cckkhaution," Huy droned on in his sleep. He'd stayed the night at the ruins, despite being a little worried about getting jumped during his slumber. If that was the case, at least he'd go in his sleep. But no, he awoke and was still in one piece. Lucky. He got up and stretched. The sun shone between the rubble, and everything looked quite peaceful and serene. Too bad everyone was trying to kill eachother.

Huy sat for a while and tried to relax, which was easier now than it was yesterday. So far he hadn't made any actual contact with anyone, he'd survived the night, and his life hadn't really been threatened at all. He was still a little paranoid about Danya reading his thoughts, but all in all things were looking a little better than before. Maybe he could look for one of his friends from Franklyn; he wasn't quite sure how that would help, but at least it was better than just sitting around in the "mansion" waiting for his death by either fellow student or collar explosion.

Music rang out from a nearby speaker, startling him a little, followed by the voice of whom could only be Mr Danya. It sent shivers down Huy's spine, partially because of how cheerful and pleasant it was, given the situation. "You bastard," he whispered. "You fucking monster..." Huy remained stationary throughout the entirety of the announcement, glancing around every so often to check that he wasn't in any immediate danger. Someone could very well utilize the loud PA system to cover their footsteps; you never know. Twelve deaths were reported, a few of which he recognized from Franklyn.

"Jaime...Chad..." he didn't know either of them very well, but he still knew them. Chad Muntenau had gone looking for help; he wasn't dangerous, he couldn't have been. And Jaime Dibenidetti was in Huy's homeroom. She was nice, a little reckless, but very friendly. She was now gone too. Huy squinted his eyes shut. "How could you..." he whispered, unsure of whether he was addressing Danya and the terrorists or the very students themselves.

The announcements came to a close, covering dangerzones and some sick contest involving the "most entertaining" death of the previous day. You'd have to be a sick fuck to even vote for that. Huy gathered his bags and stood up. He couldn't stay here any longer. He had to look for other students like him, those who didn't want to fight. There had been several on the death announcements; he couldn't just let them all be slaughtered. Maybe they could team up or something, try to save as many kids as possible from this sick game. Huy checked his map. He would head northeast, to town. There had to be people there. He would just have to be careful which ones he interacted with.

"You're not gonna get away with this, Danya..." he mumbled, shouldering his bags, leaving the bleak ruins and his indecision behind him.