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It's not Sane.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:57 pm
by Buko
((Continued from Rebirth))

Jonathan Michaels had done quite a lot of things on his short amount of time on the island, he had committed the first kill, he had participated in combat with some pseudo-ninja, he had ripped off Brad Wilson's skin and now his two inch dick was rocketing for everyone to see (although according to Clerks, he might be busting a two and half one, but that's not the point the point is that Brad Wilson has a small penis and that is how he will always be remembered), he had intimidated a full crowd a way from the Western Shore and now was at the Wheat Field, just walking.

Yet for some odd reason Jonathan was not introspective, he was not thinking of his next move. To the contrary he was thinking perhaps the most dullest thing in the world and that was boredom. Apparently people watch little bits and pieces of SOTF or an abridged version, but having spent twelve hours on the island (and now stuck in a wandering state) he could tell you that it was the most boring thing in the world. More boring than playing monopoly, more boring than watching quadriplegic porn, and most of all more boring then even attempting to read a book written by J.R.R. Tolkien.

You know my nickname is boxing was the "Hobbit Horror" so maybe I'm just a bit biased on the quality of Mr. Tolkien's work.

All I can say you know my life it's pretty plain
And all that I can do, is just pour some tea for two
And speak my point of view, but it's not sane
No it's not sane
It's not sane

Sighing visibly Jonathan simply found a clearing within the field and sat down, he jumped visibly when he heard the crunch of the grass. His head looking around it was quite obvious that he was a bit confused, or maybe it was that he was looking around for people.

"Short fuck overfilled on testosterone is scared of grass? No WONDER I could kick his ass!" Jonathan said in a high pitched voice, obviously trying to imitate An Linh (albeit failing miserably).

"Yeah...well fuck you An Linh!" he muttered.

Motherfucker...I just had a conversation with myself. Yeah, insane people? You just got a new joiner for the club and his name is Jonathan Michaels.

Jonathan once again sighed, this was a waste, but he decided to lay down on the grass and sleep for a bit, keeping the shotgun close by and he decided to rest his eyes. He was awake, but just barely, content to stay there till sunrise. A smile crept upon his face and he stretched out like a cat does on top of a roof on a sunny day.

A small grunt could be heard and then snickering as Jonathan realized how hilarious that An Linh impression was.

And I don't understand why I sleep all God damn day
All that I do, is read a book to stay awake
It rips my life away
And it rips my life away
And it will rip your life away

Re: It's not Sane.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:58 pm
by Cactus
"Whoever you're trying to impress, they've already left and gone away, so you might as well just give up."

Jonathan Michaels' lone reprieve was shattered by a breathy voice that spoke as though its owner was exerting himself to the absolute extreme of their abilities. When one would look at the near four-hundred pound form of Rupert Stockton, thouh, one wouldn't exactly be surprised at this. The massively overweight boy had sauntered through the Wheat Field with what looked to be great difficulty. Upon being dropped out of the plane that had deposited all of the Hobbsborough kids on the island, Rupert had been almost humiliated to realize that he'd actually BOUNCED upon landing on the ground, and thanks to all of the fat on his body, he'd been generally all right. Rupert knew about Survival of the Fittest from what had been on the news, and he knew that his situation was a bad one. At this point, he was stuck on an island being forced to kill everyone he knew, until there was one person left standing.

This, of course, wasn't the biggest problem for Rupert, as most of the people that he knew hated him, and couldn't stand him. He felt exactly the same way about them. Pulling up his jeans a bit as he approached Michaels, Rupert scratched his pimply face and spit into the dirt. He knew of Jonathan Michaels, for the boy had gone to Hobbs just like he had. Like most people, Rupert didn't care for Michaels, often saying that "the reason he fought was to overcompensate for something he didn't have", but the two had never verbally clashed. This was actually rather surprising, being that Rupert had verbally clashed with almost everyone.

"No, really, Michaels. You should stick to fighting, because the more blows that you take to your head, the less chance that you realize that you just aren't funny, and even less the chance that you'll decide to stop talking. So how about you do us all a favour and just quit while you're ahead?"

For someone like Rupert Stockton, who had so much pent-up anger and rage inside of them, Survival of the Fittest may have been one of the best things that ever happened to him. Rupert was angry with the world, and thanks to his horrific family life that virtually nobody knew about, he held very little dear to his heart. The one problem that Rupert would undoubtedly run into during Survival of the Fittest was that he - quite simply, was not a killer. In all of his time being one of the most avoided students at Hobbs, Rupert had never once gotten into a physical altercation with another student. He hated violence, and preferred to simply demean his victims into submission, scoring whatever kind of small victory that he could in order to make himself feel better. But Rupert Stockton was truly a product of his environment, and as vile as the boy was, he absolutely abhorred violence.

It's been a long time since I can remember feeling happy about myself, and if I can't, why should other people?

It was as Rupert got closer to Michaels that he saw the shotgun laying at the boy's side. Hesitating for a split-second, Rupert shrugged it off and kept on going. Perhaps it was a sick feeling that death would almost be a reprieve for him, or perhaps it was just apathy, but Rupert didn't seem to be all that worried about death right now - though he likely should have been.

"Nice shotty, Michaels. Looks like you lucked out in the weapons department. Guess the folks upstairs knew that you'd have some serious overcompensating to do? Or maybe they just felt bad that they scooped up a midget? Take your pick."

Rupert sneered at Michaels, but stopped hurtling insults for a split-second to actually ask a question that the frightened little boy trapped all the way inside of his massive body had been screaming since he'd woken up.

" all seriousness, this ACTUALLY Survival of the Fittest, or is Ashton Kutcher going to jump out of a bush and tell us we've been Punk'd? I really don't know what the fuck is going on..."

Re: It's not Sane.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:58 pm
by Buko
Jonathan Michaels was immediately awoken by the rantings of what sounded like a very pissed off  Bulldog/ Hurling insults at him Jonathan simply shook his head, Rupert Stockton. Now we all know Rupert was an asshole, but what people fail to tell you is that Rupert was a special kind of asshole, he was an asshole that everyone knew, but no one liked.

He hurled insults at others obviously because he was envious and the overcompensating joke either meant one of two things A.) That the boy had a small penis or the more likely of the two was B.) The size of the boy had made it impossible for him to see his own penis and thus he had to berate others.

Yes Rupert Stockton was a sad individual even to the rather apathetic Jonathan Michaels. So it was only then (when Rupert asked Jonathan if this was really SOTF or not) Jonathan decided to simply get up, cut the crap, and break it down to Rupert.

"Unfortunately my rather hefty acquaintance this is not a joke, and if it is I'm going to prison since I've got two cold blooded kills on my hands." Jonathan sighed, pointing the shotgun at Rupert "And I would appreciate it if you do not A.) Rush at me in self righteousness or B.) Give me a cute speech about right and wrong, unless of course you want to be number three? Aw fuck it Stockton look at the size of'd make it up to number six." Jon said with a smirk.

Funny thing is that I really don't hate everyone...some people I hate and some people I tolerate, Rupert...meh he's tolerable.

The sun rising brought Jonathan's ears towards the anouncement, announcing his killer status. His eyes widened, everyone knew. Everyone knew he was a killer! A cold blooded killer.

"Sorry to cut this short Rupert, but I gotta go..."

((Continued in Karma))