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End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:36 am
by Mitsuko2†
Continued from: Friends? What are friends?

Oh god... This just can't be happening. This was all... so impossible. It was like every breath she took she was stealing from someone who was dieing out there. She just... hated every second of it. And Preston... Preston was dead. He died protecting her and that other girl. She knew he didn't have a chance. But then why did she run?

Because it lowers your chances of dieing

Melanie jerked to a halt when those thoughts passed through her mind. It was like... not real. She wouldn't think that. Would she? She just didn't know anymore. She saw that she was on top of a cliff. She walked over to the edge and looked down. That was a LONG drop. She sighed and put Preston's axe down.

And he gave you a good weapon too

"Shut up!" She screamed at the voice and fell to her knees, sobbing quietly in the afternoon sun. she just... wanted to die.

((short, yes. Bad, no.))

Re: End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:37 am
by ZigZaggerty†
((Continued from The Church))

Debrah had continued walking for some time and had yet to find a single sign of Deliah here. Aside from the sounds of people screaming and guns being fired it was silent. The light filtered in through the trees, showing her forward destination.

As she stepped out she came across the Cliff, ending abruptly and the blue sea shimmering in the rays of the sun. Debrah smiled and turn to begin walking before her eyes caught a form hunched up on the ground.

"Hey, are you alright?" Debrah asked, hand outstretched. Maybe this girl had seen Deliah.

"I need to ask you something. Have you seen a girl who likes like me? She's my twin sister, Deliah" Debrah questioned, but something shimmered next to the girl.

That's one big fucking axe...

Debrah slowly made the move to take her gun out of her waistband and backed up a bit.

"Hello?" Debrah asked, the girl had not seemed to be up to responding at all.

Re: End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:38 am
by Mitsuko2†
"I-I can't... I can't anymore. I don't want to die here. I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't." She repeated under her breath while she shook her form gently in the breeze.

Then kill. Kill and survive.

"No... I don't want to kill. I don't want to die... Can I live? Please... Let me live. Let me die. Let me live. Let me die." She'd finally cracked. Melanie was now but a shell of her former self. She didn't want to die here, but she didn't want to have to kill to live.

You're so weak. Just let her kill you then.

Melanie's head shot up at that statement and she spun her head around. In the light of the sun she was able to see one of the Dollop twins. Definitely not Deliah. Then it was Debrah. And Debrah had a gun.

"D-debrah! I-it's me, Melanie. Please... please help me. I don't want to die. But I... let me die. Please. I'm so confused. Help me. Please." She sobbed as she stood, leaving the axe and bag on the cold ground. Debrah asked her if she'd seen Deliah. Yes, she did. She did, she did!

"I-I saw Deliah! I saw her! I did! At the park! But we all ran off, and I lost her. Please help me!" She screamed to the other Gilroy student. Debrah would help her, she was sure of it.

You'll die here. Just like the others Melanie.

Melanie's eyes widened at the voice and she grabbed her head, thrashing about. Melanie had lost her mind.

Re: End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:39 am
by ZigZaggerty†
Debrah cringed, this girl was obviously having a nervous breakdown. And when she said she had seen Deliah, everything sprang into place.

"Where? Which direction did she run off to?!" Debrah yelled, kneeling down beside the girl. She put her hand reassuringly on the girl's shoulder. She took all the kindness she could and helped the girl look at her.

"Come on, I can help..." Debrah whispered.

((Crappy, just got out of surgery so I'm not totally into it.))

Re: End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:39 am
by Mitsuko2†
Melanie didn't understand. She quickly stood and made her way to the cliff. She understood nothing now. Why does that witch you so desperately need always seem like some faraway dream? It is there to taunt you? To make you strive for that goal even harder? Is it there to make you wish you could reach it? Is it there to be inches within your grasp, only to be nothing more than an illusion once you grab hold of it? Nothing is everything, everything is nothing. What does that say about the world as we see fit to call it? Is there anything that one can reach, or will the spirits of the past continue to haunt and taunt you, before devilishly making you crumble into a mass of nothingness?

Of course, by looking around, no one can feel anyone else's pains, their agonies. That way, the world is always full of deceit, treachery, and desire. As long as desire exists in this world, none can ever reach that which is precious to them. In accordance to this simple fact, none will ever let down the barriers of their heart. They are too afraid of finding that they can never reach their ultimate goal, so they cling to it, and harbor it within the confines of their innermost heart of hearts.

She looked to the other girl, standing at the edge of the cliff.

"Kill me.... She went south, please kill me in my last time of sanity..."

You are the dead Melanie.

Re: End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:40 am
by ZigZaggerty†
Debrah smiled, she got what she wanted and she was happy. The girl would eventually have become another obstacle in her way, so it was best to just deal with her now.

"I'm sorry, maybe if we had met outside this game things could've been different" Debrah spoke, emotionless. She squeezed the trigger, feeling the gun pop in her hand. She squeezed again. The recoil wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be, the sound was worse. Two loud bangs signalling the impending death of Melanie, two bullets making their way slowly to their target.

Debrah smiled, she was so close to Delilah.

Re: End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:40 am
by Mitsuko2†
Melanie smiled as she heard the two dry pops of the gun blasts as they came towards her. She knew that this was the only way out. She knew that this was right. She knew that she'd beaten this game. The terrorists had lost. She'd won now. That one though made her smile. The first shot hit her in the stomach. Sending her body over the cliff she stood on the edge of, and filling her mouth with her own coppery blood. The second shot hit her in the chest, spraying blood every which-way as she fell from the cliff.

Time seemed to flow in slow-motion as Melanie fell, her body moving towards the ground slowly. She smiled as she fell, knowing that this was the only way to escape everything. Her parents no longer could control her. She no longer had anything to fear as she fell to her death. Perhaps death wasn't so bad. She knew hat now... at least now she'd be at rest. Her vision grew blurry as she fell, and her mind began to slip away. She knew that death was closing in on her, and that the grim reaper would soon arrive to collect her dues. Suddenly, she felt strong arms wrap around her failing body, and knew without a doubt whom it was.

"Grandpa! It's you isn't it grandpa?! You came for me! You did!"

"Yes Melanie. It's alright now. We're together now Melanie." The low voice sounded in her ears. Tears fell from her eyes, and she was once again happy at the final moments of her life.

"Grandpa... Thank you. Thank you for finding me."

"I'll bring you there Mel. We'll go there together."

"Yeah... Together.""

It would look to the viewers around the country as if she had simply fallen to her doom, but Melanie knew better. Her Grandpa had come for her. And now she could be with him forever! Melanie's skull hit the rocky edge first and he neck snapped like a twig. Her body flopped onto the rocky surface and the waves of the ocean washed over her scrawny legs. Melanie DeSilva had met the end of her life, but she had been happier in those 7 seconds than ever before in her entire life.

G12 Melanie DeSilva, DEAD

Re: End of the Line

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:41 am
by ZigZaggerty†
Debrah smirked as she sauntered over to the edge of the cliff, he shoes making tracks in the puddle of blood left by the now deceased Melanie. Casting her gaze over the cliff she could only see the bloody mark left when Melanie collided with the rocks below. Debrah had always considered it out of her nature to be a killer, but then again she always knew she'd have to eventually kill to get to her sister. It was getting a little chilly standing out on this cliff as the winds swept by so Debrah went around collecting any items Melanie left behind.

A glint among the grass reminded her of Melanie's little present for her, a big-ass battle axe. Debrah stuffed her gun into the waist of her pants and bent over to pick up the large death bringing piece of steel. This was a fortunate turn of events for her, with this she could probably cut through a body with one well placed swing.

"Now Deliah, she said you were going south. So I guess it's time I get moving again." Debrah whispered, the madness apparent in her eyes as she made her way back into the thicket of trees. The axe gripped in her hands, she left as silently as she had when she entered.

((Continued Elsewhere))