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Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:43 am
by LordB†
((James Wade continued from Oh Dear))

James had gotten himself very lost.

He'd been walking for a while now, and the odd silence of the woods was starting to get to him. He was used to being alone, having taken many solitary biking journeys into the countryside before, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease as he trudged forward, leaves crunching underfoot. Then again, feeling a bit uneasy was to be expected, considering what they had been told. Though he had very few friends in school, the thought of actually killing someone sickened him. Probably because of how it would end.

There can only be one. He'd never much liked the Highlander films, though immortality wouldn't be bad considering the situation they'd been placed in.

James sighed, and glanced to his left, catching sight of a man-made sign pinned to a post not far away. He made his way towards it, keeping an eye out for any sign of his classmates; not that his board game would do very much against someone armed with a gun. Or a knife. Or a big stick, really. It was an arrow, painted black and yellow. It seemed to be pointing along a narrow dirt path that presumably led to somewhere that wasn't this accursed forest.

Well, better than wandering around these bloody trees all day.

Checking the path behind him to make sure a classmate-turned-killer wasn't stalking him, James kept on, still clutching his useless weapon and wondering how the hell it could possibly come in handy. Chances were that somebody had given him it for shits and giggles. In any case, he'd have to keep an eye out for something to use, though if it came down to it he could use his fists. James was no Muhammad Ali, but he could hold his own pretty well in the training ring.

Great, now I'm making strategies for fighting people I've known for years.

He'd seen the orientation video, same as the others. Other classes had fought to the death just to win this stupid game. People his age backstabbing one another, raping and killing just so they could go home. James moved his fingers over the metal collar fastened around his neck.

There'll be no escape while I've got this thing on, either.

He stopped in the middle of the path, checking behind him once more. He was starting to get a little paranoid.

Need to find shelter, a place to hide. James was well aware that if he hid up here too long, he'd either end up having more panic attacks or have his collar blown. He'd have to make some friends, at the very least. That would probably be harder than he found it back at school. It was one thing to approach a group of his peers in the classroom, and another to walk up to a bunch of people in the middle of the game. He wasn't hated, at least, but he'd never been the most popular guy around. He was just...there.

James shook his head. No point standing around here angsting over shit. I'll have plenty of time for that when I get home.

The dirt trail had obviously been well-used, once. James had probably biked down similar ones back home, and found himself missing his trusty means of transportation. I'd rather have a bike than this box, he thought. Still, there was no one to whine to, so he'd have to keep quiet. The only reason he hadn't chucked the board game into the bushes by now was that he was determined to find some use for the damn thing. Waste not, want not, as his dad used to say.

Following the path was pretty easy. All he had to do was pay attention to the signs and with any luck he'd be out in no time. James wasn't feeling too bad, all things considered. He had a plan, he had supplies, and he had his useless game box. All he had to do was not die and he' d be back home soon enough.

I really, really want to get out of this forest...

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:43 am
by Arscapi†
((Kathryn Nguyen start))

Kathryn had been awake for a while now. How long she wasn't certain, but long enough for the shadows to start to move.  She'd awoken to find herself lying in the middle of a forest, she supposed. No one had been around so she took the opportunity to sort through everything she'd just been through. She'd heard of this situation before. Some of the sites she visited discussed it, treated it like it was a normal scripted television show. She'd always been disgusted by those conversations, and click clicked past them.

Laying here she'd processed many things and come to three conclusions. The first was that this really was happening and no amount of laying here was going to make it a dream. Second, that as quiet and peaceful as this place was she didn't really like the forest. Last, she didn't really like being totally alone. At home she constantly had people around, whether they were family or teammates, she always had people around. All of these things meant she needed to get her act together and get moving.

She had no idea where she was or where she should go, and she figured it probably didn't matter. The island was only so big and she was bound to run into someone eventually. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing remained to be seen. She climbed to her feet and reached for the duffle bag that had been lying next to her. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the rifle lying on the other side of the bag.

Kathryn cautiously picked it up. Wish I knew something about guns. This might come in handy if I need to defend myself. I don't even know if it's loaded. With a sigh she slung the bag over her shoulder easily and, after a few minutes debate, decided to rest the rifle against her shoulder. The end of the barrel resting just over the top of her shoulder.

She took a step forward and caught sight of a classmate coming towards her. He looked familiar and she searched her brain for his name.

"Hey, James isn't it," she called softly not wanting to startle him.

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:43 am
by LordB†
James had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he'd nearly walked right into someone.

It was a girl from class, though he couldn't quite recall her name. She seemed to know his, at least. Then he noticed the gun. James froze, holding the board game up to his chest. He may well have been using paper for all the protection it would give him, but at least it made him feel a little better.

Okay, calm down. If she was playing, I'd be dead already.

"Oh, hey."

He'd seen her around school before, but couldn't quite recall her name. This wasn't the first time he found himself wishing that he'd made more friends. Not taking his eye off the gun the girl in front of him carried, James tried to force a smile. He was clearly no danger to anyone. The cardboard box pressed to his chest made that pretty clear to anyone else.

"Its Kate, isn't it?" he said, imitating her greeting. Nonono, that's not it. He knew he'd gotten it wrong.

"Err, Cathy...erm...Kathryn! That's it." He tried smiling again. "Sorry," he finished lamely.

Since she hadn't blasted him into a tree, James could assume that Kathryn was okay. While he was pretty sure that most of the people back in school weren't complete psychos, the situation they had been placed in could screw up anyone. He'd been lucky to find someone who was armed and not trying to kill him on sight. He pushed some hair out of his eyes with his free hand, and stepped forward.

Still, I've got to be sure.

"So, uh, you're not playing the game, right?"

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:43 am
by Arscapi†
Kathryn smiled as the boy in front of her struggled to come up with her name. Truth be told, she was doing the same thing with his. James, she decided finally, like the captain of the Enterprise. She nodded when he finally came up with it.

Then he asked her about playing the game. Which game? She looked over at him and saw that he clung to a board game.

"Do you have Clue," she asked as she recognized the lettering.

She took a step forward and began to talking, but stopped when the gun she'd propped against her shoulder slid slightly.

She blushed, shook her head, and offered him a smile. "I'm blaming being knocked out twice for being that slow on the uptake. You weren't talking about Clue; you were talking about being trapped here on this island. To answer your question; I don't know. I only just woke up laying out here on this trail. I think I'll have to go with no. Well, not at the moment. If someone tries to attack me that may change, but I don't plan on going around blasting random classmates."

Kathryn shifted the gun again. "I can't figure out how to carry this where it doesn't look threatening. It doesn't really fit in my duffle bag. Did you really get Clue for a weapon? What do they expect you to do with that?"

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:43 am
by LordB†
Okay, so she's not about to kill me. Good.

James allowed himself to relax a little. He couldn't allow himself to get too worked up here, as one of his panic attacks would almost certainly get him killed. At least the first person on the island he'd met wasn't a raving looney, that was a definite plus.  He smirked, and held out the Clue board game for her to see; she'd asked about it.

"Yep, this is my weapon. Must have gotten the worst pick of the draw."

He rattled the pieces round inside, and shook his head.

"As for actually using this as a weapon..." He'd been thinking about it since he'd set off. "I don't have a clue what I'd do with it. Unless someone chokes on the pieces, this is absolutely useless."

James pushed some hair back that had started to fall into his eyes, wishing he had cut it a while ago. "In any case, at least you've got a gun to defend yourself. I wouldn't know what to do with one anyway."

His eyes flicked from the weapon and back to Kathryn's face. He gave her what he hoped was a friendly smile, and adjusted his glasses. He wouldn't have much of a chance out here on his own. Clutching the Clue box in one arm, he spoke.

"So, do you want to team up, then? The way I see it, we'll last a lot longer if we watch each other's backs."

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:44 am
by Arscapi†
Kathryn had to laugh at his unintentional pun about not having a clue how to use Clue. "Maybe you can wait until someone loses their shoes and then leave it lying around for them to step on," she said. "Have you ever stepped on the corner of a box, it is not fun."

Kathryn shrugged in response to his question of teaming up. She didn't know him that well, but she did know that she didn't want to be alone. She was used to being a team player.

"Sounds good to me," she answered. "Although I feel I should tell you, I have no idea how this works. Well, I mean in theory I know how a gun works, but I've never handled one before, let alone fired one."

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:44 am
by LordB†
James couldn't help but smile. His situation now was infinitely greater than it had been ten minutes ago. He'd found someone with a gun that didn't want him dead, and was willing to team up with him against the dangers of the island. Quite good-looking, too, he couldn't help but note internally. Still, now wasn't really the best time for idle flirting. They had things to do.

"Well then, Kathryn, I guess we'll just have to figure out how to work the gun if it comes down to it."

Note to self: Make sure she stays in front. He hadn't so much as touched a real gun before, and since Kathryn didn't have a clue either he didn't want to risk getting shot in the back by his new ally. He clutched his Clue box a little tighter, and looked around the empty bike path. It was odd that they hadn't met anyone else yet, though he was rather keen to get out of this forest and towards some kind of building to take shelter in. Plus, he had to pee.

"I know we didn't really talk at school, but you'll just have to trust me, okay? You keep the gun, since neither of us are good with it. I'll just keep on using this."

He rattled the Clue box. For some reason, he didn't want to throw the thing away. It was probably the crappiest weapon given in the entire game, but it had to be useful for something. Hefting his duffel bag, he unzipped it and pulled out what he needed: A map and compass. While he still wasn't sure where they were, exactly, by his reckoning the pair of them could try and make their way to a more urbanised area to find more people. James held up the map for Kathryn to see.

"Well then," he began before realising it was upside-down. He found himself going red as he turned it back the right way. "Any clue where to go?"

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:44 am
by Arscapi†
'Sure, I'm going to trust you. I'm going to trust you about as far as I can throw you,' she thought. 'Who put him in charge anyway? I'm so glad he's letting me keep my gun. Especially since it's my weapon and I have it in my hands. Sure, I'll just willing give you my weapon in exchange for your crappy game of Clue.'

Reigning in her anger she gave him what she hoped was a sweet smile. Stepping forward she looked at the map. "I have no idea, I'm assuming one place is as good as another at this point. They haven't announced any danger zones, that I've heard. I guess we either head towards the lighthouse or towards the homes. Both places might have some extra food."

She shrugged, picked a direction and started walking. She stopped turning towards him. "You're not going to make clue puns the entire time are you?"

((Kathryn Nguyen continued in Dead End))

Re: Wandering

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 5:44 am
by LordB†
With his ally starting to walk off towards what was hopefully a better place than this damned forest, James folded up the island map and stowed it away in his bag. While Kathryn was right about there being no announcements or danger zones yet, it would probably be for the best if they kept moving. Besides, I think it would be for the best if I let her lead. She's got the gun, and I'd rather not start giving orders when I haven't got a clue what I'm doing.

"Well, we'd best be off then," James announced cheerily, casting a look round at the trees that seemed to go on forever around the bike trail. He wouldn't miss this place. He putt down his box for a second so he could clean his glasses, rubbing the lenses with the hem of his shirt for a moment before replacing them. It didn't do much to help his vision, really. Grabbing the Clue box, he set out after Kathryn.

James pondered her request as they walked for a few seconds before chuckling. "I can assure you that I won't try to kill you without provocation, Kathryn, but I make no promises about ending the bad puns."

((James Wade continued in Dead End))