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Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:13 pm
by KamiKaze
((Emma Luz continued from Waiting for the End))

Did she do the right thing, leaving Serena, Alessio, and Matt? That was something she still didn't know the answer to. Maybe it was for the best. Alessio was dangerous, Matt and Serena probably were. But it still gnawed at her. Someone could've died back there, if they didn't already. She knew Alessio and Serena from orchestra, and, even if she didn't know Matt that well, it'd still wouldn't feel right if she'd left him to die.

"Whatever happens, happens," she had repeated to herself a few times as she walked along the dirt path to the asylum.

It still felt slimy, even if it was necessary. It was like the thing with Kaitlyn way back when, in a way? With the food and water. Emma remembered how she felt taking things off Mabes' body. She'd liked Mabes, even if she thought the whole drone thing was silly. But they'd done it, and it felt gross. It also felt gross in a similar way to the bird. Gross, but maybe necessary. Maybe.

It didn't help that she left the bird in the fire, as well. Emma grimaced at the thought. That wasn't good. It was food, and she'd wasted it. Maybe she should be more careful with fire in the future? Since it only took a few minutes before three different killers had shown up. Fire brought smoke, after all.

She'd decided to take shelter in the asylum for the evening. It was starting to get dark, anyways. Some time ago, Emma remembered thinking that there might be some supplies laying around. She wasn't sure if it was good to dig in to canned food a decade old, but you never know what's there. Again, if she had to take food off dead people again, she would do it.

Emma felt worse when she made it indoors. She'd taken her pills earlier, but she still felt dreadful. A few times she'd stumbled and tripped. Another time she dropped the sword. Maybe she'd been too energized earlier? She killed a bird, she dressed the meat, and she cooked it. She just... couldn't finish it. Her stomach growled in reminder. It might have helped her a bit, to get some protein in her. She'd be less tired, at least.

She found herself in a more intact part of the asylum. By "intact," she meant "not about to collapse on itself." It still looked like things were going to fall on her head, just not as easily. Her feet dragged along, feeling heavy. A few times, it felt like she'd space out, only to find herself a few more feet ahead. Her head felt dizzy, like her brain had turned to slosh.

She needed a place to rest. Now. She knew that the trek up here didn't make her feel good. Maybe she was hungry, maybe she was stressed, maybe it was, again, she was too energized earlier. But what was important was that she needed to lay down somewhere.

That thought was only supported when Emma saw more outlines of people, right in front of her as she turned a corner to the left. She stared for a minute, clutching her sword, before the people had turned their heads towards her. Then, they disappeared. Emma let herself blink for a few more minutes, then continued walking.

"They aren't real," she again whispered to herself.

A few more feet ahead, and Emma saw a set of double doors. There was a smell, too. It reminded her of Mabes. Maybe Lily, too. There were other times she'd smelled it, too, but it seemed almost normal nowadays. Was it weird to think that? Emma didn't want to focus on it.

As she stepped towards the doors, the smell got stronger. Emma guessed that it came from a pile nearby, but she didn't want to look at it for too long. She had an idea of what it was already, anyways. But, she wasn't in any shape to take a close look right now. Even her fatigued brain knew that.

Emma stepped inside. It was dark, and she could see multiple long tables. She didn't even think. Instead, she sat herself down at one, slamming the sword onto the table. The bag made two banging noises of its own: one when she dropped it next to her on the bench, the other when it fell to the ground a second later. Emma flinched at the second, before realizing her bag had fallen. For a moment, she considered picking it up. Instead, though, she sighed and closed her eyes.

A moment later, she let herself doze. Maybe she'd do so for a few minutes before looking around some.

In her fatigued state, Emma did not notice the posters in the room, nor did she notice the names carved into the wood further down the table. She hadn't even fully realized that, intentionally or no, she ended up following Alessio's instructions anyways.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:14 pm
by Courtography
(Keith Bauer continued from The Waste)

Keith had left the chapel behind and headed back to the asylum and he was just so chilled. It was May and he was freezing. Where the fuck had those bastards taken them? As much as he occasionally complained back in Kingman, he would much rather be dealing with the early summer heat of Arizona than this bullshit.

Of course, there were probably a few other reasons for that.

He wasn't really sure why he had gone back to the asylum. Sure, it was the nearest shelter besides the chapel, where he also didn't want to stay. At the same time though, he'd spent most of his time on the island in or around the asylum, and it felt like all he could remember when walking through its hallways were the people he'd spent his time there with, both the dead and those that had just left him.

Maybe at some point he'd head over to the western part of the island. He hadn't been there, and he wouldn't be thinking about how Joshua was dead in the library he had just passed.

His fingers rested on the door to a room. He didn't know whether it was smart to open it or not. Some killers might think it would be smart to just hide behind doors and stab people when they opened up.

He opened it anyway and no one stabbed him.

It was dark.

He sighed and turned on his almost used up flashlight, not knowing whether to expect carnage or just some classmates watching him uncomfortably.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:14 pm
by KamiKaze
Emma heard a noise. Was that the door opening? Slowly, she opened her eyes. With a soft groan, she rubbed her face for a second, gently pushing up her glasses. Then, she saw it, out of the corner of her eye. A dim yellow orb, inside a doorway. She moved to look at it, taking a moment to figure out what it was. Was she hallucinating again? After all, yellow orbs generally don't just float there, and give off a beam of light, and-

Emma tensed up. It was a flashlight, pointed close to her. Someone was here. It may have been a fake someone, but if it was a real someone... she couldn't take too many risks. It probably was a real someone, she was sure. Maybe one of the three people at the beach had followed her here. Or, it was a completely different person. Either way.

She pulled herself up, and glanced at the sword. Her hands snapped out and wrapped around the hilt. It seemed even heavier now. Maybe it was because she was exhausted. But the ache in her hands didn't improve any.

Her tired eyes focused on the shape holding the flashlight. She couldn't recognize who it was. It looked taller, like a boy, she guessed. But she shook her head. Emma kept the sword in front of her, as difficult as it was. She wasn't sure if she should say something, but, as dry as her mouth was, it came out.

"Y... yes? Who is it?"

For a moment, Emma let herself grimace, before closing her mouth. Try to look confident. Try to look less vulnerable than she was. Maybe they'd go away, or... something. She didn't think they could be someone friendly enough.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:14 pm
by Courtography
He tensed up.

Someone else was inside. Part of him wanted to just turn around and leave. But being alone would put him at higher risk of getting attacked by people like Brendan or Fiyori, assuming whoever was inside was fine with him and wasn't a murderer. That seemed unlikely, how many of them left weren't killers?

"It's Keith."

Would whoever was inside be glad it was Keith? He hadn't killed anyone, but at the end of the day, well, he was still Keith, and Ty and Fiyori had taught him that people didn't always want to be around Keith.

He slowly turned so the beam of light moved closer to the voice.

"Who are you?"

He kept his feet still. No point in getting closer to a possible murderer, even if he couldn't remember any remaining big killers that were girls being left, besides Kimiko, and it obviously wasn't her.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:14 pm
by KamiKaze

Emma frowned. Keith was kind of an odd name to say, wasn't it? It sounded like "key," but it had a random -th sound at the end. Though, did she know a Keith? The name did ring a bell, but Emma was drawing a blank on who it belonged to.

"Keith, Keith..." she muttered to herself in thought.

She'd glanced down towards her sword for a moment, before something came to mind.

"Programming?" she continued.

There was a Keith like that, right? One who did computer programming. Maybe? She didn't hear a Keith on the announcements. That, though, could mean anything. It just meant that he was still alive, and that he didn't kill anyone either. Whether he was safe, though, was another question. Maybe, again, he was another hallucination. Why she would hallucinate a "Keith," though? Her head still felt a little foggy, her legs felt off, her arms ached, and colorful shapes danced around the corner of her vision. But he was probably real, wasn't he?

She looked back up. Her mouth twitched. She adjusted her neck for a second.

"It's... nobody."

Nobody? Was that a good response? Emma thought it over for a second. Then, she changed her mind.

"Emma," she said.

Those two syllables also seemed odd to say. Em-ma. It was her name, obviously, but it still sounded like a foreign language to her. It also felt like she hadn't said it in a while. But she hoped that giving her name wouldn't be an issue. She also hoped that she'd be able to deal with whatever this was quickly, and she could probably rest for a while longer. It still felt like she needed it.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:14 pm
by Courtography
His flashlight continued moving while she mused about who he was.

"Uh yeah," he responded lamely to the question of if he programmed. He was that Keith, not that there were other Keith's wandering around.

And shit. Emma. Emma Luz. One of Lizzie's cousins or something. There were a ton of them in Kingman, but Keith was pretty sure they were all related. He wanted to run off then. He didn't need the awkwardness of meeting a family member of someone who had run off and died on him.

And Emma sounded so off.

His flashlight found her before he spoke up.

"Uh, do you mind if I, y'know, stick around here for a bit?"

He waited for an answer before he'd consider moving forward, there was no telling if she was both off and armed.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:15 pm
by KamiKaze
Could he come in? Was it a good idea to let him stick around?

On one hand, Keith hadn't been on the announcements. That meant, obviously, that he wasn't killed or a killer. He was still a danger, though. Emma couldn't tell if he had any weapons on him, much less if he'd use them. It was still dark, even with the flashlight.

Her lip twitched again. Even if her wrists ached, and her head felt foggy, she kept the grip on the sword tight and in front of her.

"It... depends," she replied. "Do you have a weapon? Or... anything like that? You know? It's just..."

She adjusted herself again. Deep breath, and another.

"I don't want to take any chances."

Just because he wasn't on the announcements didn't mean he couldn't be an issue. He could be a mugger, or someone else who didn't kill, but did something to harm others. Heck, she wasn't entirely ruling out Keith being a hallucination. She didn't know. Just that she was uncertain about him.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:15 pm
by Courtography
Of course.

None of them wanted to take chances. Not taking chances could be the reason that Keith was still alive. Or maybe it was just dumb luck. In the end it didn't really matter. He didn't have any way to prove how he had stayed alive this long, and never would unless he managed to survive this whole ordeal. Which didn't seem likely, so why was he avoiding taking chances again?

He wasn't sure.

"I'm uh, unarmed," he concluded lamely. Maybe he should have lied. Emma sounded off. What if she was just checking to see if he could fight back?

He would have to take that chance he supposed.


If he was armed he wouldn't have had to ask about anything.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:15 pm
by KamiKaze

Was Keith lying about not having a weapon? Emma didn't know. There were plenty of reasons why to lie about that sort of thing. Maybe he had one hidden on him somewhere. Where? Pant leg, inside of shirt, maybe? There were plenty of places to hide a gun, for example, or maybe a knife. Maybe some places she didn't even think of.

Emma shook her head.

"Don't know," she mumbled quietly, once again to herself.

So unsure. She had no idea who she could count on at this point. It was kind of like... there were people she couldn't trust, and then there were people who she simply had no idea on. Were there people she could trust? At all? People still alive? Even Lily had done things. Things that Emma was still trying to figure out how she felt about them.

Her heart was pounding. She just kept staring at the beam of light, and the shape behind it. Her hands shivered as they were kept wrapped around the hilt.

"Don't know..." she repeated.

Another moment's thought. Then:

"Can you step a little closer? Like... it's dark. And I can't get a good look?"

She hoped that wasn't dumb, either. She hoped that it wouldn't mean the end of her that she asked to take a closer look. She hoped.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:17 pm
by Courtography
The pauses between her saying she didn't know felt like an eternity. He didn't like being up for scrutiny as someone who was trustworthy enough or good enough or whatever else to stay around.

He didn't mind being asked to step forward. However, was she expecting him to have a bazooka in his other hand? She should have damn well knew what Keith looked like, they'd only gone to school together for, well, long enough.

But he didn't want to wander the island alone and afraid for awhile.

He took a couple longer strides into the room. The light was dim that it was possible she wouldn't see him that well at this point.

He could have turned the flashlight up so she could see him better, but he needed to be able to see what he was getting into.

"Was that helpful?"

He knew he sounded impatient and frustrated, but given the circumstances, who could blame him.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:17 pm
by KamiKaze
He did. He'd stepped closer. Though, Emma didn't like that tone. It seemed tense, angry. Like he didn't like that she'd asked. Or that he had something to hide? Maybe? It didn't look like he had anything in his other hand, but Keith could still have a weapon. Pant legs and shirt were still a possibility. She could ask to frisk him or something, pat him down to see if there was nothing hidden. But then, she'd have to get close to do that, wouldn't she?

"I guess so," she replied.

She bit her lower lip for a second. It felt dry. Another adjust, one more deep breath. Keith could still do something. Mug her, hurt her, something. Even if he wasn't a killer, she didn't want to risk it. He was taller than her, and while she had no idea if he was stronger than he looked, he still had an advantage. While she had the sword, he could easily knock her over.

The light was still dim, but something seemed to ring a bell about their surroundings. Emma looked off to the side for a moment, at the table she'd been resting at. Something snapped into her brain. She looked back at Keith.

Alessio said something about a cafeteria, didn't he?

"Keith... why did you come here?"

The sword felt heavier than ever.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:18 pm
by Courtography
Keith moved the flashlight closer to her. Was she holding something? She could have a weapon, and while the announcements indicated that if she did she probably hadn't used it, you never could tell. Every killer on the island had killed someone for the first time once. He breathed and out during the pauses in their conversation.

Why the cafeteria? He didn't know. He just wandered. He didn't want to be where Fiyori could find him again, but the cafeteria itself? He didn't really have a reason. No one was expecting him elsewhere, so he just kept moving.

He shrugged.

"Don't have anywhere else to be."

It probably wasn't a good answer. Having no reason for something didn't make people trust you, but he didn't really have a reason to be there. Part of him wanted to take off on Emma, but Lizzie had been kind to him.

He had to try with her.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:18 pm
by KamiKaze
Emma's lips tightened.

"Of... course. I see..."

Once again, too vague. On one hand, she didn't have that many places to be, either. She just came in here because... she was tired, she guessed. "Tired" wasn't anything new for her, but it was a reason why she came in here. Alessio told her to come in here, too. To be honest, she thought it'd been a bad idea. She had no idea why Alessio wanted her here specifically. Was it a trap of some sort? But how would he trap someone that way? Emma honestly didn't want to be here, but again, she was tired, and took the first place that seemed like a good spot to rest without realizing. So, she wandered in here, and... only just realized she followed what he said anyways.

The sword shook in her hands. It wasn't just the weight.

"Have you... did you see anyone else?"

She tilted her head to the side for a moment. Although she thought it might have been a risky thing to do, she took a few steps forwards. Her legs felt like they were limp.

Emma took a gulp. She looked over his face. It was too dim for her to make out his expression.

"Alessio, maybe?"

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:18 pm
by Courtography
Emma was closer now. He could make out that she had something in her hands. A sword maybe? It definitely could be. Joshua had been killed with a sword.

Anyone else? Of course he'd seen other people. You'd have to be either incredibly lucky or unlucky to not have seen anyone at this point. He wasn't sure which would be worse. No people meant no Nancy's or Isabel's, but it also meant not meeting anyone decent like Lizzie or Ty.

He thought Emma was staring at him. It almost made him think she could read his mind and know he had thought about Lizzie.

Seen Alessio? Hell no, and that was a good thing.

"I don't hang out with murderers," he responded defensively. Why would she think he was with that guy. It was ridiculous. The only murderer he'd spoken with was Fiyori and luckily he'd gotten that over and done with quickly.

Re: Late to the Party

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:19 pm
by KamiKaze
Emma tilted her head again.

"That wasn't what I was asking," she said. "I was asking about... did you see him? That's what I'm asking. I didn't say anything about you... hanging around him?"

That response was very specific, as if he thought that was what the question was. As if he had to defend himself for some reason. Why, she didn't know. It was an odd response, and one Emma didn't like. It was, again, too specific, but it didn't truly answer the question. Was he avoiding it?

"Let me ask again: did you see anyone?"

She hoped that this wasn't a part of some trap Alessio or someone else had set up. It didn't seem like anyone was here, other than her and Keith. Why would Alessio and Keith do something together? Still no idea. There was an off-chance he'd been ordered to go here too, but she didn't know. But she inhaled inward, waiting for his response. The sword continued to shake in her hands.