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Sights and Sounds and Kids All Around

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:35 pm
by ElTejon†
((Claire McGowan continued from Good Start))

Standing outside the door, Claire checked her pockets for her cell phone and the wadded up bills she'd tucked away into the inner pocket of her sweatshirt. Even though she'd checked her pockets twice already, both before and after their arrival at the mall, she couldn't help doing it again, just this once. It was a compulsion of sorts, something she'd always done whenever she felt nervous in situations like this.

What was there to be nervous about, she thought to herself in a bemused tone. Nothing of course, she knew that, but going out with someone new always made her a little excited and just a tad bit anxious. With a shake of her head and a sigh of exasperation at her own pointless worries, she walked in to join up with Jackie, who stood waiting for her just a few feet away from the entrance.