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Earlier that evening...

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:20 pm
by Fiori
((Josh and Marty continued from Enjoy the Movie))

"So? What did you think?"

"Wuh? Think of what?"

"Dude! The sweet tune I've been playing for the last three minutes! What did you think of it?" asked Joshua Krakowski impatiently.

"Oh, it... it was pretty good, I guess..." answered Marty J. Lovett, but in reality he barely heard any of it. He was too preoccupied with the fact that in five hours the school prom would begin, which for many students signified the single most important moment of their teenage years, a time which in future they can look back on and reminisce about how they danced the night away like Michael Jackson, or shared their first kiss with their true love. And here he was, stuck in his friend's ass smelling bedroom listening to him play a mediocre version of Rock You Like A Hurricane. It wouldn't have been that bad if he only played the music, after all he was a more or less decent guitarist, but the fact that he also insisted on singing every lyric made it all somewhat cringeworthy.

"Oh... it was "pretty" good. I see..." said Joshua. He knew Marty long enough to realise that "pretty good" really meant "Actually, I wasn't really paying much attention".
"There something on your mind?"

"What? No, not really..." replied Marty, who was observing the Aerosmith poster on the wall. The entire room was covered head to toe in movie and rock music memorabilia. There were posters for bands like Aerosmith, Queen and Motorhead along with posters for movies like Pulp Fiction, Godzilla and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. He had a table which seemed to have nothing but Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle merchandise on it, and a shelf holding cult films he'd never even heard of, or considered even existed. Killer Klowns from Outer Space? Where on earth would you even get the funding for such a preposterous idea! There where piles of comic books stacked on top of each other, heaps of clothes left all over the floor and tons of vintage action figures scattered all over the place in various nooks and crannies. Plus, as the cherry to add on top this filthy excuse for a teacake, there was his 80's vintage TV and outdated PC, whose keyboard was covered in pizza stains and god knows what else. Yes, THIS is what he had in mind when he wondered what he'd be doing at this point in life; after all he certainly wasn't hoping that by now he'd be going to the school prom dressed in the finest of clothes along several beautiful women demanding him to dance with them. Nope, this was certainly a night he'd remember, sitting in a filthy bedroom with no-one but a nostalgia-loving surfer dude for company. How wonderful...

Joshua, however, was somewhat aware that something was amiss with Marty.
"You sure there's nothing you'd like to talk about?" He asked.

"Oh no, absolutely nothing. Nothing whatsoever. After all, today's just like every other, isn't it? Just another day for me to lay back and smile at the pointlessness of it all..." He said sarcastically. Joshua, however, wasn't quite catching on.

"So... You're upset because nothing is happening today?"

Marty had to refrain himself from committing a face palm. "NO! I'm upset because in case you've forgotten, and quite frankly in your case that's not too hard too believe, tonight is none other than prom night! The most important moment of the year, one which many of my so-called class mates have been looking forward to for months, and I'm stuck here listening to bloody rock music!"

Joshua paused for a second. Prom night? I thought that wouldn't be for a few weeks now?
"You sure its tonight?"

"Yes, I'm damn sure its tonight! They reminded us it'd be tonight several times yesterday for Christ's sake!"

Joshua paused again. He was never really good at paying attention during announcements at school. They always used to tell him a ton of stuff he'd never be remotely interested in, so as a result he tended to blank them out. So the once-in-a-lifetime moments when they DID mention something useful tended to fall on deaf ears. And of course, for Joshua, the school prom happened to be one of those interesting once-in-a-lifetime moments.

"Huh... I guess the prom IS on tonight then!" Said Joshua, who was in a brief state of shock at the revelation that he could have ended up completely missing it out of sheer laziness.
"Well, if that's the case the guitar practice could wait, I wouldn't want to keep you from going an' all!"

"No, no it's not that... I can't go because - well - there isn't really any POINT in me going..."

Joshua placed his guitar neatly on its stack, seeing as it was the only item in the room he tried to keep clean and tidy. "How'd you mean, no point?"

"Well, I've not got a date to start with..."

"Who needs a date? You're allowed to dance on your own, aren't you?"

"...AND I barely know anybody. Besides you, that is. I can't dance to save my life, what little formal wear I have needs a good wash and the pop songs they put on are always the worst excuses for music my ears have had the displeasure of listening to!"

Now Joshua was even more confused. "So, if that's the case... Why the hell are you upset that you can't go?"

Marty sighed. "Well... I dunno. I guess it's because it's always been one of those things I'd been looking forward to as a kid, you know? One of those little things that's had such a huge build-up in life that by the time it actually happens, you feel as if you must by obligation do it no matter what your own common sense tells you. Besides, even with all those people there and stuff it still sounds kinda... well... fun, I guess." He said solemnly. After all, as much as he'd hate to admit it, despite his lack of friends or distaste for pop music he really, really wanted to go. If anything so that he can at least look back and be glad he went in the first place.
"sigh But anyway, lets hear it again, I promise to actually listen this time, I swear"

Joshua smiled, and instead of picking up his guitar again he stood up, and started to walk out the room.

"... Where are you going?" Asked Marty, worried that he'd upset him or something.

"I'm just going to look for something a little less informal. After all, I can't go to the prom wearing this lame thing now, can I?" said Joshua, referring to his dirty tanktop.

Marty started to look gloomy. Ah well, and here I thought things couldn't get any worse for me. Not even my friends can bother to stay and keep me company.
"Well, I hope you enjoy yourself... good luck and all"

Joshua grinned once again. "Oh no, I'm not going on my own... YOUR'RE coming with me!"

Marty was taken quite back by this statement. "What?!? You mean like..."

"NO! NONonono... Not like that! I mean, more like buddies, you know. Uh, not fuck-buddies that is. I mean more - like - normal buddies, You know... Uh..." Replied Joshua, the sentence getting more and more awkward as he went along.

"Yeah, I know. Good ole' fashioned heterosexual buddies, I get it... But, I already told you, I can't go! I..."

"Dude, that's bull and you know it! I can't just sit here and watch you get all mopey about how much you want to go to the prom, when really there's nothing stopping you from doing so anyway! Its not like you've been banned from going or something, you're still allowed to go even IF you don't have a date to come along with"

Marty was going to object, but he couldn't help but see logic in what Joshua was saying.
"But, I can't even dance..."

"Who cares? I bet half of them won't bother to dance anyway! Now, unless you want to just stay here and waste this awesome opportunity to actually LIVE a little, I suggest you run on down home and get into something smarter!"

Marty stood up, but didn't move to the door just yet. "B... B, But I already said, my only formal gear is in the washing! It ought to be soaking by now!"

Joshua thought for a moment. "How long till it starts?"

Marty looked at his watch. "Five hours"

"Well then... You can just dry it then! Shouldn't take that long to dry now, should it?"

Marty paused. He couldn't help but not deny that Joshua was definitely in the right here. On the one hand, he could go along to the prom, not actually do anything except eat a couple of snacks and complain about the choice of music, or he could go home and wallow around in his own pessimistic self.
After a minute or so, he finally decided.

"Ah, what the hell. Couldn't hurt, could it?"

((Continued in Let the Dance Begin!))