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It's Dating Time!

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:05 pm
by Namira
((Jessie continued from Motown Never Sounded So Good))

Jessie was having a hard time quelling her feelings of excitement, which had been building steadily as she moved through the mall with DK, chatting about various things - from music, to hockey, to golf. She just couldn't help how she was feeling, although she was doing her best to inwardly play things down. DK was taking her for something to eat as a friend, nothing more than that - there was no way he could be having feelings for her.

That's what Jessie kept telling herself anyway. It wasn't really helping a whole lot.

Having made it to the bottom floor of the mall and the foo court - which as always was bustling with activity, Jessie turned to DK with a smile to ask him a question.

"So... uh, pizza. Is there a chain that you prefer or do you not mind?"

Although Jessie personally didn't see why a different 'brand' of pizza would make any difference to another, she really didn't want to step on DK's toes. She could worry about things a little too much at times, but if that wasn't something Jessie did, she wouldn't have had such a good reputation around Bayview for helpful and friendliness. With every good came some bad. Every silver lining had its cloud.

Okay... chill out, he's just being friendly, don't get all dizzy over him.

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:44 am
by Ares
((DK continued from Motown Never Sounded So Good))

Dan heard Jessie ask about the brand of pizza, causing his eyes to scan the row of restaurants and stands.

"Mrs. Vanelli's, Mrs. Vanelli's," DK muttered to himself looking for the stand, "Well son of a bitch," He said turning back to Jessie, "They put an A&W where Mrs. Vanelli's used to be. Ah well, let's grab some food from there. They've got decent food for a fast food joint."

After they both ordered and sat down, DK suddenly found himself at a rare moment of not knowing exactly what to talk about. They'd covered music, hockey and golf on the way to the restaurant.

"So, how about them current world events? Riveting stuff wouldn't you say?" Dan said somewhat sarcastically.

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:59 pm
by Namira
Jessie didn't mind where they ate, and she doubted DK cared that much, but softly, softly right?

In due time, they'd both sat down and were waiting for their food. Jessie couldn't really think of a ecent conversation starter, and by DK's sarcastic remark, it seemed he couldn't either. It was funny though, all the same, and she couldn't help but giggle a little. .. Was that the humour though, or just her own silliness?

"So I know you're pretty into golf," 'pretty into'? He played in tournaments and everything... ugh, that was a stupid thing to say. "Are you planning on going anywhere with that, or do you have anything else in mind for college?"

Oh good, I managed to get that out without babbling, and only one stupid thing, that's an improvement.

Maybe it was something a little odd to talk about whilst waiting for pizza, but eh, when you were their age and other subjects had either been trodden over (music) or were verging on uncomfortable (relationships, hockey), there wasn't exactly a whole lot else to talk about.

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:08 am
by Ares
"Well to be quite honest, I'm trying to get into Florida State or somewhere in Arizona where I can play year round. You know how our St. Paul winter gets. Though I did try golfing in light snow once. Bright orange ball and away I went. It last all of one tee shot before I lost the ball," DK said chuckling as he remember that botched attempt, "Though getting back to your question, I don't know whether FSU or Arizona will take me with my knee history. If my knee conks out on me and I can't play for them, I'd be done. My doctors say I'll be fine, but every now and then I'll have a moment where I'll be walking and it just gives out, and I think to myself whether it'll ever be really fixed."

Dan scowled at the thought of his parents paying all the money on medical bills for what might be nothing.

"What are your plans for college? You've probably had some sweet scholarship offers eh? Excellent female hockey players are a hot commodity nowadays."

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:54 pm
by Namira
"Of course it'll be okay DK, you can't just shrug off that kind of injury. I mean, I'm sure you've been told this hundreds of time before, and probably by people much more qualified than me, but when you screw up your knee, it's not going to get... unscrewed overnight. Besides..." Jessie smiled at him. "You're a determined guy, I'm sure you'd just tear through the course in a wheelchair and hit your shots wearing a knee brace or something."

Jessie sort of regretted what she'd said after the words had left her mouth. It hadn't been too tactful, and in retrospect, Jessie realised that she could have offended DK, although she was just trying to be encouraging... hopefully he'd see it that way too. She flushed a little about the hockey comment, but then again, was there any real reason to? Although it might have seemed slightly arrogant, Jessie was a good player. Otherwise, she wouldn't be captain, would she?

"I've had a few... but it's a little annoying that my parents won't really help me decide. They're more like 'Oh, we'll support your decision' and don't stop to think that maybe I won't be able to make up my mind by myself," Jessie shrugged. "At least they don't try and control everything I do though I guess."

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:18 pm
by D/N
(Imraan Al-Hariq continued from The Daily Grind)

Imraan's mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of what to eat as he exited the Starbucks with coffee in hand. Then he saw Jessie, and pretty much lost his appetite.

She was sitting there with Dan Kensrue. And they weren't just eating together as buddies either, because he KNEW Jessie, and she'd never hung out with Dan before.

Ordinarily, he wouldn't have cared. She was just a friend. And he knew that Dan was a pretty good guy, so it wasn't like she was sitting there with some delinquent kid or anything like that. But man, why did it have to be now? Why did it have to be THIS close to prom? Yep, he'd blown it, all right.

He'd had been friends with Jessie since about the tenth grade. Not soulmates or anything like, just friends. She'd once joked that they'd simply seen each other one day when both of them were looking over the heads of all the other students. It was a natural friendship, two similar people who just liked hanging out with each other. They were both tall, friendly, athletic, and of course, faithful. They'd had their differences, of course. Imraan had always wanted Jessie to join GODSpeed with him, but she'd never seemed too enthused. She'd kind of wrinkled her nose at the whole organized religious group thing, so he hadn't pursued it much. And he'd never been able to understand hockey in the slightest. But hey, they got along. They ran in similar groups and had a number of classes together, and she'd always been good company.

But as senior year went on, he'd at some point, he didn't really know when, decided he'd wanted more. Things about her just seemed to jump out. The way she'd really started carrying herself with confidence, like she was for the first time feeling really comfortable with her body. He knew what that felt like. The way she laughed, even at stuff he said that wasn't that funny, just to be friendly. The way they could actually talk about stuff without worrying about offending the other or anything like that. And yeah, he'd started falling for her. It was just high school stuff, to be sure, but it was still tough. Imraan had never been much for the dating scene, and he'd always been too busy with school and sports and church to devote time to a serious relationship, so to find out you've got that crush but to be unable to really pursue it was difficult. And now, even though he'd TOLD himself he'd just up and ask her to the prom, just as friends if she wanted it that way, but with the possibility of something more, he'd put it off and here she was, starting up a relationship with another guy.

It wasn't in Imraan's nature to eavesdrop or anything like that, but he found himself watching them as he passed by with his coffee. Maybe he was just blowing this out of proportion or something like that. Sure, they LOOKED like they were engrossed in conversation, and it LOOKED like they were being really friendly, but it wasn't like they were slobbering over each other or anything like that and.--

--and now she'd glanced up and seen him.

"Hey, Jessie!"

He'd reacted quickly, at least. Just a coincidental meet-cute at the mall, nothing unusual about it. But he could tell from the look on her face that she didn't really want him to join her or anything. It wasn't an unfriendly look, just an "I'm-with-someone-else" one.

"Uh, good to see you. Sorry, just uh, wanted to say hi, didn't mean to interrupt."

Smooth. Get the heck out of here, man.

"I'm, uh, just on my break, gotta get back to work. See you at school!"

Yeah, he'd lost his appetite for now. And best of all, he had another three hours to go on his shift. Another great day.

(Imraan Al-Hariq continued in Twin Towers)

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:13 pm
by Ares
"Yeah. My dad used to be like that with my hockey. The minute I started to actually be a standout player in my leagues, all I could remember every single shift out there was thinking whether or not I'd be getting yelled at after the game. I know he just wanted the best for me, but you know how it is. I think you'll make the right decision, parents or not."

There it was. That strangely awkward silence while two people ate food. It was a little unnerving. Dan looked up for his food making brief eye contact with Jessie before looking back down.

It was then that Imraan Al-Hariq spoke up, greeting Jessie and making...well trying to make some small talk. Dan gave an acknowledging hand gesture to Imraan, then continued to eat. It was clear he wasn't here for DK's company anyways.

As quickly as he arrived Imraan fled the scene.

"Well damn. I was going to ask him if he wanted to sit down or something."

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:24 pm
by Namira
Having chatted for a little about college, Jessie got down to business and began to eat. Sometimes, she wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to watch her diet, but in the end, she always decided that it was best not to get neurotic about it. She was in shape, after all, from hockey and the general exercise she did, and it wasn't as if dropping pizza would miraculously cause her to shrink. Jessie had a large frame, and that was that, her lifestyle seeing to it that she was more muscular than fat. Getting worked up about food was the best way to ruin any enjoyment of meals.

Not long afterwards, Jessie happened to glance up, and then broke out into a surprised smile as she saw a familiar face nearby. Her friend, Imraan. He quickly called a greeting, but Jessie was very slightly perturbed. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but had Imraan... hesitated for a moment before speaking up? Nah, it must have been her eyes playing tricks on her. Anyway, even if that was the case, he probably had only just spotted her.

Imraan was a good guy, probably somebody she'd count amongst her best friends, even if he wasn't a typical 'childhood buddy'. They had quite a bit in common, really, and enough differences to keep their friendship interesting. Particularly where GODSPEED was concerned. Imraan had never really pushed the idea of Jessie joining the club, but it was certainly something that he'd brought up a few times over the time they'd known one another. Jessie disliked the idea in general, partially because she wasn't fond of the concept of an organised religious group outside of church. Maybe moreso because she didn't like Rachel Gettys very much.

Jessie tried to see the best in everyone, and generally succeeded. It wasn't as if she had enemies (not that she was aware of, anyway), but Rachel's attitude, both to religion and well... in general, it put Jessie off a bit. Funny how people could have a lot in common - faith, hockey, and then not get along that well. Anyway, it wasn't like Jessie hated Rachel, she just didn't enjoy her company, the feelings certainly strong enough to mean she avoided GODSPEED.

All the same, Jessie and Imraan were good friends, although on this occasion, she wasn't exactly looking to have somebody else join them. After all, it was DK's treat and had been his idea in the first place, it wouldn't really be fair...

"Hey Imraan!" she called out in reply. There was no reason not to be polite or friendly, although Jessie did hope he was just passing through, so she didn't have to explicitely say 'I'd rather you left us alone'. Thankfully, it seemed that was the case, as Imraan left as quickly as he came.

"Okay, I'll catch you later," Jessie said to Imraan as he began to move away again, before turning to smile at DK.

"Don't worry about it, we see a lot of each other. I'm sure he'll find me if he wants to talk."

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:03 am
by Ares
"Fair enough." Dan replied as he took another bite.

After wiping some sauce off the side of his mouth with a napkin, DK noticed that a lot of people had suddenly turned their attentions to the televisions in the food court.

"What the..." Dan was about to finish his sentence when the channel was change to CNN boldly broadcasting an update on Survival of the Fittest. Dan squinted to make out what the bottom scrolling line said.

United States government to place more security measures in local schools...

DK laughed at what he was reading.

"I dunno Jess. I think it is all a bunch of bullshit. They can't protect everyone. Hell, they couldn't find any of the three islands the kids played on. As heartless as this may be to say, those kids were screwed. The best thing anyone can do is just show support to the families of the kids who died."

There was a small pause.

"Sorry about going off like that, that whole situation just pisses me off y'know?"

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:46 pm
by Namira
As the TV reported its news, Jessie's part in the conversation faltered, and she looked down into her lap, avoiding looking at the broadcast. Things like that - not SOTF, but violence... well, death, in general, affected her deeply. Although Jessie wasn't a confrontational person, there was no denying the aspects of her preferred sport that entailed some pretty brutal contact. That was fine, that was sport, but just... violence, fighting for the sake of it... Jessie couldn't comprehend it.

She didn't want to have the sort of mind that could comprehend it.

"It's okay... just... I just don't really like talking about it."

Most of Jessie's reasons for that were religious, and she didn't really feel like beating DK over the head with her beliefs. She wasn't big on the preaching side of things, and heck, she wasn't about to try and convert anyone. Live and let live, right? So long as somebody wasn't doing any horrific for their religion, she could keep quiet about her own.

But all the same... this ... SOTF, it was just... she couldn't even put it into words. The very thought of somebody killing another person made Jessie upset, and on a scale like that game.... yeah, not much potential for a conversation from her.

"So, um... you thought much about prom yet?" the question came out a lot more shyly than Jessie had intended, especially since it wasn't supposed to be an invitation or anything. But, she supposed, this was a date, even if it was just friendly - she had no idea what DK would think of what she'd asked him.

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:54 am
by Ares
"So, um... you thought much about prom yet?"

The question caught DK off-guard. It was true that he'd thought about prom, but he didn't think he'd go. The golf team wanted him to. Even his buddies from hockey wanted him to, but it just didn't seem in the cards. Especially going stag.

"Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't," Dan replied, "I'm not sure on it yet. My friends want me to go, but they've all got dates and I don't want to be standing there with my thumb up my ass in every picture."

There was a pause as Dan took a drink.

"What about yourself? I'm willing to bet someone's asked you eh? Already busting out the Visa for the dress?"

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:09 pm
by Namira
"Then you owe me ten," Jessie told DK. She hadn't been asked by anyone if she wanted to go to prom, but she didn't really mind. If she saw Imraan again, she'd probably ask him if he wanted to go with her... as friends of course, although that was assuming that he hadn't got a date already. If Imraan didn't want to or was taken already... she'd probably just go on her lonesome. Not having a date was no reason not to enjoy yourself.

"Nah... I don't have a date. I'll probably go anyway, just because, well, it's prom," Jessie gave DK a bit of a shy look, unsure of whether she wanted to go on or not. An... idea had developed after DK had told her that he didn't have any plans for prom, but Jessie wasn't sure if said idea wasn't a bit forward, or making an overly large assumption. They were just grabbing a bite to eat, right? It wasn't... well she supposed it was a date, but not in the romantic sense.

Oh come on, the worst he can say is no right?

"Say. maybe we can solve one another's problem."

There, it was said, and Jessie had to resist the urge to giggle like a kid. What was she doing anyway? DK was a nice guy and all, but really, even though they knew each other, they weren't really friends. But here she was, asking if he wanted to go to prom with her! Madness!

I'm just asking because it would be a shame if he didn't go just because he didn't have a date... not because I'm interested in him or anything... riiight.

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:34 am
by Ares
DK almost choked on a small piece of pepperoni at Jessie's proposal. He quickly passed it off as a cough. The more Dan thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. Jessie was a good looking girl and they could shoot the shit about sports if prom was boring.

"You know what. That's a good idea. A damn good idea. It's a date."

With that DK took a comically exaggerated victory sip of his drink.

"I'll make sure to get you a nice corsage. Do you have a dress yet? I've been informed that my shirt should match the colour of the girl's dress."

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:27 am
by Namira
"No, no I haven't. It's kinda tough to get dresses sometimes, because well... you know," Jessie made vague gestures to try and encompass her size. In the past, pointing that kind of thing out would probably have upset her a little, but really, what was to be affected by? Jessie was tall, yeah, she was quite broad, yeah. That was just the way she was. Besides, you'd be pretty hard-pushed to call her fat with the shape she was in.

"It tends to be a little hard, ha."

He said yes! He said... okay, okay, calm down. It'd just be going as friends, right? ... Okay that's a load of rubbish. You don't ask somebody to prom as 'just friends', not without meaning something else by it. And DK isn't even somebody that I am friends with, just a nice guy I know. Eep. It really is a date!

Re: It's Dating Time!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:01 am
by Ares
DK chuckled at Jessie's reference to herself. It reminded himself of one of his favourite songs by Reel Big Fish called "Why Do All Girls Think They're Fat?". It was a legitimate question when Dan thought about it. He couldn't count the number of times he'd heard some twig of a girl at Bayview say, 'Lyke oomahgawd I'm sofaking fat uguyz!' Jessie on the other hand had the kind of body that DK actually preferred on a woman. She was fit. She still had very feminine curves, but it wasn't a risk of snapping her spine if DK were to hug her.

"I wouldn't say that I do know Jess, I see a very fit girl in front of me," Dan said with a smile, "When you do decide on a dress let me know so I can myself a nice shirt and tie set up. Thanks again for this eh. I think we'll have a good time. I've got to get moving along though. Thanks for joining me for lunch too. I'll pick up the tickets tomorrow and don't worry I'll cover the cost. Just keep me updated on the dress situation."

DK got up and gathered his stuff. He smiled a Jessie before turning and walking away. As he stopped to toss his garbage off his tray into the bin, he looked back again. He had this strange feeling going on. He wanted to go back and blow off his other engagements. Did...did he like Jessie? She was a good looking girl. They did share many mutual interests.

DK shook his head trying to focus on the day at physiotherapy he had coming. Dr. Thompson had been increasing the exercises and resistance on his leg and tonight DK knew he'd be feeling it.

((DK continued in Decisions, Decisions))