It's Dating Time!

It's your normal mall food court. Eateries are in place to serve the high brow and the low brow, the extravagant and the money-minding. Pizza, pasta, hamburgers, Oriental, you name it, it's here. A vast sea of tables and chairs sprawls forth from the food court, and it never seems to be empty.
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Post by Namira »

Jessie found herself blushing again at Dk's compliment. She wasn't used to that kind of thing being directed her way. Well, at least so far as her appearance went. Personality and attitude acclaimations she got a plenty, but... not often looks. That wasn't to say Jessie had a complex about how she looked - just that she was aware she wasn't somebody who was going to drop jaws. That was fine though, Jessie didn't mind it, all that it meant was that when somebody did send a compliment her way, she didn't really no how to take it.

"I'll keep you posted," Jessie promised DK, already beginning to think about prom in a way she hadn't even been considering before.

As DK left, Jessie took a few deep breaths to steady herself. It felt like she'd sat down in a chair only to find it was wheeled, and there was a slope ahead. Everything was... well, it was moving a little bit too fast. From seeing somebody in a music store to having lunch with them to them being your prom date? Scratch a little, way too fast.

All the same though... sometimes, playing it safe was boring. Nobody wanted to watch a hockey game where one team decided to ride out a lead, right? No, they wanted to see the team going at it, trying to extend what they had, finish impressively. Sometimes, it came off, sometimes it backfired and they ended up being the ones in trouble.

But hey, at least nobody could say it wasn't exciting, right?

((Jessie Anderson continued elsewhere))
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