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Aden Alone

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:19 am
by Raegawl†
(The debut of Aden Yeltz)

Aden had been walking around school for quite a while till he headed outside. He wanted to spend time alone. Not like he doesn't get enough alone time as it is. "I'll just sit here." He told himself. The grass was nice and short, it felt good on the legs. There were chairs for students to sit in but Aden didn't want to risk running into anyone. He just didn't feel like talking today. He rarely ever talks to anyone anyways being shy and all. Well, anyone besides himself.

"I wish I had a girlfriend." Aden began talking to himself again. "Yes someone who likes me for who I am shares the same interests and everything." He let out a big sigh "Patience is a virtue I guess. Though I could make the first move" he paused for a second. He then responded to his statement. "Yeah like that would ever happen. I'm too shy I'd rather die than tell someone my feelings for them, though I'd rather not die either."

Aden continued talking to himself as he always did alone. This way he can hear the sound of his voice the way he wants to. For some reason Aden always talks differently to other people. Part of this is due to his shyness. When he talks to anyone he tends to talk in a more deep monotone voice. Also his sentences tend to be short. This is something he truly hates about himself.

Aden decided to lie down so he let his upper body fall to the ground. "Ah, that feels good." He was laying in as much shade as he could; now he felt at ease. Of course he never sits in the sun as he is afraid of burning his skin or getting a tan. Or worse skin cancer. Right now he does not have to worry about anything. Not the sun or even death, but he had one thing still on his mind. "When will that day come? I wonder how we will meet..." Aden took in a deep breath and then slowly let it out before finishing his sentence. "on that day."

Re: Aden Alone

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:57 am
by Moth†
[[And introducing Gloria Benson]]

Today was too good a day to be inside, in a classroom. Gloria stood in front of a window in the hallway, gazing outside. She took in the sunlight, the sky, the all looked so inviting. A perfect day for a walk, or to sit down and relax, or sketch a few dandelions...Gloria didn't understand why some people hated those things. They were so bright and cheery-looking; she loved them. her grip on her backpack, slung over one shoulder, tightened as she pondered going outside. Sure it was inviting, and sure she would have loved to go outdoors, but on the other hand, what if someone unsavory approached her? It was quite likely, she thought to herself, biting her lower lip, pushing her glasses up her nose. The school was a large one...Then again, maybe it wouldn't hurt if she stayed close to the building, so she could duck inside if need be. Or run into a friend of hers outside Strength in numbers and such.

Gloria took a deep breath, pushing open the door and walking onto the grass, sitting cross-legged as she unzipped her camouflage-pattered backpack. Her sketchbook was in here somewhere, she just knew it...Why;d she have to carry so much stuff with her? "Books...math homework, gross...lunchbag...Ah!" Her face lit up in a sweet smile as she withdrew her sketchbook and flipped to an empty page. She'd been using her pencil as a place-holder the whole time, and was now tapping it against her lips as she pondered what to draw.

It wasn't until that moment that she realized she'd sat down a few feet away from another student, something that would make her feel incredibly stupid later. Flushing a bit, Gloria quickly changed position so that her legs were against her body, knees at level with her chest. Her sketchbook was held to her chest, keeping the pages away from prying eyes. "Sorry..." Gloria said, too softly at first, then clearing her throat and repeating it. "I'm sorry. I didn't see anyone out here from where I was standing...and then I was so busy, I--Do you want me to leave, then?" she asked him, craning her neck to look at him, glasses sliding down her nose again.

((Gloria Benson continued in The Calm))