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Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:05 am
by ElTejon†
((Mercedes Wilson's intro))

As much as she told herself otherwise, there was no mistaking the growling roar that bubbled in her stomach. Wincing, she rubbed her hand against her belly as she made her way down to the track. Thinking back, she couldn't remember what she'd eaten for lunch today. More to the point, she couldn't remember much aside from whatever idle chitchat she'd immersed herself in the little amount of time Bayview saw fit to allot to their students during lunch break.

She remembered Eddie letting her have a bite of his sandwich, and hating it because of how gross and greasy the chicken in it was. Really, for a guy with a six-pack he sure got by with eating a lot of junk food. And he wondered why she was skipping meals over at his place, especially over here, where everything the cafeteria ladies knew how to cook seemed to involve a deep fat fryer and a shitload of preservatives. God knows it wasn't anything like what her mother...

Her mother...

She cut that train of thought off right at the pass. Her hunger had already placed her in a sour mood, and she didn't need to think about her parents right now, especially when she needed to get a run in to clear her head off all the stuff life had been piling on her. Enough had been going on at school right now, what with all the upcoming tests that stood as a gateway between her and a future spent partying it up at the University of Phoenix; she needed to get a little exercise done to burn the stress away, and right now she was feeling bad enough to want to go out for a few laps, regardless of how much she'd had to eat.

Anyways, she distinctly remembered having a Gatorade and a snack bar in Biology class. Sure, it wasn't a full course meal, but it would be enough to keep her going for a few minutes.

That's all I need, Mercedes thought as she made her way though the gate that separated the tracks from the bleachers. Just a few laps to help me relax.

Letting out a deep breath to help some of the anxious feelings that were starting to choke her up, she began going through her usual pre-exercise routine. A few leg stretches helped loosen up her taut legs and got the blood flowing. Impatience creeped up imidway though a hand-to-fence calf stretch -- she wanted to go now.

Taking a deep breath, she started on her jog, and for a moment, as the track ahead seemed to span out in front of her like an endless stretch of highway, she felt that old familiar rumble in her stomach again, this time stronger than ever.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:37 pm
by Tythanin†
(Andrew Mitchell's first post!)

'I heard the people at the roleplaying club are going to be making a D&D game next...I wonder if I should join in for that or just watch. Watching is just as fun as playing with those guys. Perhaps roll up a rogue or something. Make him fast and stuff and he'd be a master of backstabbing.' Andrew thought to himself as he walked towards Bayview's outdoor track, not paying particularly good attention to his surroundings. The sprinter had just finished his last class and after being scolded twice for daydreaming, he felt like running a bit to help calm his nerves.

'I shouldn't have forgotten my pills...' He thought to himself, pausing only slightly to step around a stone pillar that he had nearly walked into. 'But I've got to concentrate as best I can.'

He shut his eyes tightly for a couple of seconds before breaking out in a short jog towards the track, his school bag banging against his back. He arrived within a couple of minutes and was surprised to see that he wasn't the only one around. 'She's not even from the track team either.'

He placed his backpack where he could keep a close eye on it and began jogging in a place, performing a few stretches to really get himself ready. He wondered if he should talk to the girl or just leave her alone. Andrew couldn't really place a name to her, having only seen her in a couple of classes, but it probably wouldn't be bad to just chat.

He ran up to the girl, a pleasant smile on his face as he kept pace with her running. She was a lot prettier close up than from far away. He gave her a small wave to get her attention. "Hey, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be out here at this time besides other track team members. Anything on your mind you wanna talk about or...? Oh right, my name's Andrew Mitchell."

"Huh?'s nothing." The girl responded with a shy smile, looking away for a moment before letting her gaze meet up with Andrew's. "There are just some things on my mind that've been bothering me. It's nothing important, really."

"You sure about that? You can tell me, I promise not to let the word spread. I'm as trustworthy as a locked chest that requires a DC 50 Open Lock check!"

'What the hell, how did a D&D reference get in there? Stupid.' Andrew broke out of his daydream and smacked himself on the cheek lightly. With a sigh, he began his run, sprinting up to the dark-skinned girl before reverting back into a nice jogging speed. 'It's now or never. And no stupid RPG jokes.'

"It's pretty rare to see other people out on the track. Anything on your mind? O-Oh right, my name is Andrew Mitchell. I'm on the track team so...I guess I came out here for a quick run, you know?" Andrew says with a slight smile, looking at her. Inwardly, he sighed. 'Things never go the way I imagine them.'

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:23 am
by Cicada
((Continued from Never Seen Before))

Cecina was in good spirits, as she always was, whenever she took a walk. The absence of shouting, annoying idiots from the school was always nice. She felt reasonably full from her breakfast that day, so she had skipped lunch in favor for exploring the school. One never knew what they could find with a little walk, some quiet, and a clear head. Of course, not all people would agree, but that was of little concern to her. Instead, she wiled the time away, simple enjoying what she liked to do.

Of course, her parents never saw it that way... but it bothered her little. She had her own ways.

She continued down the trail, taking notice of the scenery as she passed. The path was wet, the grass shimmered with clinging water. The sprinklers had shut off recently, but she could still see water dribbling out of them, falling onto the ground below. It was an oddly mesmerizing sight, but she moved on. Cecina had more in mind for the day. The building that house the track was near. She often visited the track in her hikes, and found it a good place to walk aimlessly when the rest of the campus was crowded. Cecina drew closer, trailing along the wall of the brick building until she found the entrance.

She walked up the stairs into the bleachers that stood alongside the straight runs of the track, aware of the noise she made while doing so, an audible thunk resounding as she walked up. She rose out on the metal bleachers, where she lightly set her backpack aside against the wall of the stairway, then turned to survey the field. The track was there, a light brown dirt track that wrapped around the field before turning onto itself in a rough oval shape. Worn running lines were crudely marked with white chalk. She was about to go down, until she noticed movement just inside the glare of the sun.

Curious, she drew closer to the railing of the bleachers. When her eyes were comfortably out of the suns glare, she tried to locate what had made the blur she had seen. A dark-skinned female, running on the track, a paler male behind her. She could not distinguish any more from them, they were on the farther side of the track from the bleachers, but she assumed they were talking. She continued to watch from the bleachers, leaning over the rail, vaguely curious about the two.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:25 am
by ElTejon†
Whatever the reason, this just wasn't doing it for her. The stretches hadn't really helped her loosen up all that much, and there was still a lot of muscle tension in her legs, especially in her calfs. Every step seemed just a little more uncomfortable than the last, and even though she'd handled worse pain than this, she was sorely tempted to stop and head back to the locker room, get her stuff, and leave. But of course she couldn't do that, because that would be quitting, and whatever else Mercedes Wilson was, a quitter was not something she'd ever allow herself to be. Right now, though, the rumble in her tummy was nagging at her something fierce, and she found herself wishing she'd brought her iPod along, just to have some music to keep her relaxed and distracted from all the new aches that were trying their hardest to bog her down.

I could make a run back to the locker room, and get it there. My iPod should still be in the front -- wait, did I even bring it with me today? Or did I leave it at the house again? Okay, what did I do this morning before school?

She tried to picture exactly what had happened today, going through the old routine of retracing your steps, and immediately came to regret it when she accidentally dug up something she'd wished to forget. At breakfast, her parents had gotten into another argument, same as the one they'd had the night before, with her mother making some snide comment about her father staying out late last night, and her dad snapping back at her. For what seemed like an hour, she'd just sat there at the table listening to the two of them have at each other, not even bothering to keep it away from her ears, like they'd forgotten she was even there.

And what had she done? Nothing. Not a fucking thing, she'd just sat there, staring into a bowl of soggy cornflakes while the two most important people in her life tore at each other with insults and complaints. just remembering about some of the things they'd said to each other, hurtful, hate-filled things that she wouldn't have said to her worst enemy, she starting to cry. The tears didn't come fast, thank God, so she had enough time to wipe them away from the corner of her eye as she continued on the path, taking a quick glance around to make sure that there was nobody here who might have seen what she'd done.

She'd never allowed herself to cry, at least not outside the privacy of her own home, where she could afford to bawl and sniffle all she wanted without having to worry about embarrassing herself in front of her friends. They'd always known her as the happy one in the group, the girl who was always outside, running and riding around come rain or snow, the one person who you could always count on to cheer you up with a friendly smile or a few words of encouragement. People needed someone like her, and she wasn't about to let her parents' unhappiness change the one thing that made her who she was.

Her thoughts gave her a boost of determination that spurred her on, and slowly but surely she began to pick up the pace, falling into the metronomic rhythm of her sneakers against the hard asphalt beneath her. The sound helped to ease her fears, just enough to let her start thinking about other things, like the night she and Edward were going to have together at that party that was coming up here in a few days. So lost in thought she was, she didn't even notice the boy coming up beside her before he started talking.

Startled, she looked over at the other student as he clumsily introduced himself, rattling off his words so fast that she could barely keep up with what he was saying. He'd said his name was Andrew, she was certain of that, and he was pretty cute, if a little skinny for her tastes; she remembered him saying that he was with the track team, though, so that was to be expected. He was also clearly nervous, which was an endearing quality in her eyes, since most of the boys who came up to her were of the swaggering, popped collar variety who thought that they were nothing short of walking, talking sex gods.

Hey, and now I have someone to talk to.

Turning to the boy without breaking pace, she smiled, and started talking.

"Hey, I'm Mercedes. Yeah, it's just me out here, working off a little excess energy. So you said you were from the track team?"

It wasn't as smooth as it could've been, but it did the trick. At least it wasn't as bad as the way he started off, she thought to herself.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:22 am
by Tythanin†
'Phew, she answered. At least she didn't like snub me or call me some sort of geek. Ugh, that would have sucked. Her smile is cute. I wonder if she has a boyfriend. Probably does, with my luck. Better not ask. The school year is almost over anyway. Oh shit, that's right. I don't have a date for the prom. Crap.'

Thoughts flew through Andrew's mind as he continued to jog beside the girl and he nearly drifted off in his own world again before a mental hand slapped him upside the brain and brought his attention back. Sometimes it sucked having an overactive thought process. He gave her a quick nod and smile as he replied, "Nice to meetcha, Mercedes. And yeah, I'm on the track team. A sprinter, actually. I can't handle the long distances, but I'm really good with quick bursts of speed. At least, I like to think that I'm good. I try not to get overconfident, you know?"

He laughed a little and turned his attention back to his running, his feet pounding against the sand as the track curved. He felt a lot better now than a couple of minutes ago, a lightness having settled in his heart. Talking to other people about unimportant things really was like a soothing medicine. It felt good to not worry about his problems, even for a couple of minutes.

"Anyway, enough about me. Do you do any extra-curricular activities? Like any of the sports teams?"

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:32 am
by ElTejon†
Talking with him was a good way to pass the time, but at the rate she was going, it was only a matter of time before the hunger started to get to her. She was already starting to feel a little woozy, but not enough to let her balance suffer. Eventually, whether she wanted to or not, she would have to stop or risk getting some nasty stomach cramps. Keeping her pace with Andrew wasn't an easy task, but she was sure she could hold out long enough to give Andrew the benifit of a friendly conversation.

"No," she admitted, feeling just a little embarrassed. "I've never been much for team sports. It's just never been my thing -- too much competition, and I just don't want to have to deal with the pressure of playing to win all the time."

Looking ahead, she could see a girl looking out at them from the bleachers. Without really knowing why, she waved, hoping that the girl would see the gesture and wave back. Turning her attention back to the track, she felt herself slowing down a little and began to run a little faster so as to keep up with Andrew. They rounded the corner, marking her third lap around the track. Right now though, she was starting to feel as if she'd just sprinted across the football field at a breakneck pace.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:05 am
by Cicada
Ceinca watched as they rounded the bends, one lap, two laps. Their feet lightly struck the ground, kicking up a fine trail of dust beside themselves. The two seemed to be in conversation, and they remained in rough synchronization as they jogged around the field. They didn't seem to notice her, all the better, for she had really had no intention of being noticed. She was about to turn and leave the two when she happened to glance upon the two one last time. She saw that the female had finally noticed her up on the bleachers and had decided to wave at her.

Cecina froze, wondering whether she should return the gesture or not. She idly pulled at her hair, debating her decision internally. On the one hand, it wouldn't really hurt her. But would there be any point? Ceinca knew that most of the school still thought of her as an outcast, and the two jogging on the track would probably be no different. They would most likely want to break away upon realizing who she actually was. "It would just be a waste of time..." She thought to herself. They were beginning to speed up, the dust trailing them slowly puffing into a cloud as their feet struck the ground with harder force. She could leave, and they probably wouldn't notice. They were on the far side of the track.

She made to reach for her bag, turning her back to the two.

"Well... whatever." She turned on her heel, raising her hand and returning the wave. The consequences mattered little. And if they were like the rest, then so be it.

She waved.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:37 pm
by ElTejon†
Mercedes looked back across the field at the bleachers, where she was certain she'd seen the girl returning her wave. Still, it had gone by so quick that she could hardly say for sure whether it had happened at all, or if the girl had been waving to someone else.

She stole a few quick looks to the girl as she jogged in step with Andrew, whose words were barely registering with her as she tried to keep her mind on finishing the lap. The aches in her calf muscles were blossoming into sharp, stinging cramps, and she couldn't do anything to mask the discomfort she felt.

She would make it across to the bleachers, she decided. It couldn't have been more than a hundred feet from here; she could make that distance, even in her weakened condition. Besides, that girl had looked pretty lonely, and Mercedes had always prided herself on being one of the first people to help make an outsider feel welcome at Bayview.

"I'm going to stop here in a little bit," she confided in Andrew as she slowly but perceptively began to check her speed, falling just a few inches behind him as they approached the bend. Just a few more feet, she urged herself. After making it this far on an empty stomach, that was practically a cakewalk.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:17 pm
by Cicada
She stood there for a minute, watching as they continued on. The girl made no sign of having noticed her response, perhaps she hadn't seen her wave? Cecina chided herself, she had not expected a response, but she had gone ahead with it anyways. "Perhaps I long for human companionship, more so than I first thought..." She mused within her head as she watched them turn a bend, still maintaining their pace... But still, she had made the gesture. She nodded slowly, more to herself than anyone, and turned to make her exit.

She put her hands to her eyes, the sun having dropped slightly and back into her field of vision in the interval between the pairs' laps. They seemed to be slowing down, the female had fallen behind the male. Odd. "Perhaps she was tired?" Cecina thought to herself, drumming her fingers against the railing, slightly hot from the heat of the sun, her fingers slowly warming up as Cecina continued to track the pair with her gaze. She was on the bend nearest the bleachers, perhaps she meant to drop by the lockers?

Or was she going up to the bleachers? Perhaps she had noticed the wave after all, perhaps she wished to strike up conversation? Cecina slightly screwed up her face at the thought, wrinkling her nose and narrowing her eyes slightly. "Could be a bore, for all I know, she's one of the jocks who don't have a drop of wit..." She thought scathingly. Her thoughts then shifted, she felt slightly bad for harshly judging the girl before even speaking to her. Heavens knew that she had grown to hate people who were judgmental, and now she was simply being a hypocrite. She shook her head at the thought. "Simply distasteful, I should know better," she berated herself, returning her face to normal as the girl drew around the bend.

As the adage went, one must not judge a book by it's cover. And she had a potential new read.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:37 pm
by Tythanin†
"Nothing wrong with just having fun in a competition though, right? I mean, sports really are supposed to be all good fun." Andrew reasoned, although a couple of events rang in his mind where he had been chewed out for a less than spectacular performance. He had been tired during that meet, having stayed up late studying for his classes, and his reflexes were so shot that he ended up last. 'That was not a good day for me. Ever. Ugh, hope I never have to experience something like that again. Suuuuuuucked.'

He saw Mercedes wave to someone and he looked in its direction to see another girl in the bleachers, watching the two of them. She was fairly short and not that bad looking, although it'd be a stretch for Andrew to call her a looker. He blinked a couple of times at the thought, frowning a bit. 'Man, I came out here to relax, not to think about how hot girls are and stuff. You have more than enough problems, Andrew. Don't compound on them.'

He wondered if he should wave back to be sociable, but it seemed like the moment was past as the girl waved back. He shrugged mentally, promising himself to chat with the newcomer for a little while when he was done with his exercise. 'Wonder how many more laps I should do? Maybe one more. It's not like this is practice or anything. Besides, it's almost time to go.'

He looked over to Mercedes when she said she would be stopping in a while. He nodded in acknowledgment, but continued forward at his same speed. "It was nice talking to you then. I'm gonna be doing another a few more stores of energy I need to drain before I'm done."

He grinned a little before putting on a small burst of speed. He hoped the two girls would still be there after he was finished, but if they weren't...well tough luck. Just like usual, actually.

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:28 am
by ElTejon†
(NOTE: I'll have to cut my way out of this thread. Sorry for the hack job.)

"All right, nice talking to you." She called after Andrew as he continued on down the track, leaving her behind as her pace slowed into a brisk walk, which was no less uncomfortable for her as she tried to ignore that sharp little stitch that had made its way into her side, the pain throbbing against her ribs like a beating heart that'd become swollen and ready to burst. Wincing, she rubbed her side and started to walk at an ever slower pace than before. Looking up at the bleachers, she saw the strange girl standing up there, her form little more than a silhouette against the blinding glare of the afternoon sun.

Who are you? She wondered as she made her way through the gate which separated the bleachers from the fields. Even at this distance -- no more than ten feet, if that; perhaps even six, but then she was never good at judging distances -- there wasn't much for her to see, other than she was fairly short. As she drew nearer, she hopped on top of one of the aluminum benches and walked over to where the girl stood. She was even shorter than herself, Mercedes noted, and her dark, tangled hair made her look a little bit like that creepy chick from The Ring.

Reaching the end of the bench, she hopped off and took a tentative step towards the far end of the bleachers. She hadn't even made a step before she heard the unmistakable voice of Beyonce Knowles warbling from out of her pocket.

Uh oh uh oh oh no no no

Uh oh uh oh oh no no no


She reached into her pocket and flipped open her cell phone. Recognizing her home phone number, her stomach did a flip flop as her mother's voice piped out from the speaker. Forgetting all about the girl or the boy on the track, all that Mercedes knew in that moment was that she was late for supper and her mother was very, very mad at her.

Turning her back to the long-haired girl in the bleachers, Mercedes could only bite her lip as she listened to the anger in her mother's voice swell with every word.

"I'm sorry, mom," was all she could say, not really meaning it, even as she began her trek back home, away from school, away from her friends, and back to a place which she was already growing to hate.

(Mercedes Wilson continued in 9 Out of 10 Students Say Statistics Sucks)

Re: Hunger Pangs

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:26 am
by Tythanin†
(OOC: Since Katsuun said he was pretty much uh...inactive for now, I'll just have Andrew go now. Not exactly sure how to resolve the conversation though.)

Andrew continued his run normally, his feet pounding against the rough track as he tried to take his mind away from the two girls. It was hard, though. Prom was coming up and while he wasn't stressing out deeply about it, he had hoped to go to it with someone. Preferably someone of the opposite gender. He'd go alone if he didn't manage to land a date. It was prom, after all. No matter who you were or what you liked, prom was like the one event you had to go to and he wasn't going to break that unspoken rule. So as he ran, he wondered whether or not any of the girls had a date.

'They probably do.' Andrew thought to himself. 'After all, it's getting pretty close to time anyway, right? Only slackers and people like me don't have dates. Oh, and the nervous people too, I guess. I seriously swear that I should have gotten myself a partner though. I wonder why I haven't yet. I mean, there are some pretty girls in the track team. I could have just asked one of them. But I didn't. That was silly of me. Maybe I should ask at practice...'

Before he knew it, his daydreaming had taken him all the way around the track and he slowed down to a walk. He strode off, panting slightly as he felt his legs begin to burn from exertion. He cast a look up at the bleachers, where the two girls were still chatting. He considered going up and joining them, but immediately dismissed it. He didn't want to interrupt their conversation. It would be rude of him and he probably had already been nosy enough when he and Mercedes were jogging.

So he gave them both a quick wave, hoping they would catch it, and retrieved his things. He changed into a fresh set of clothes quickly in the locker rooms and breathed in. 'I need to find myself a date for prom. I hope I remember...Gotta remember, gotta remember, gotta remember...Wait where was I heading next?'

Scratching his head with a dismayed look, Andrew Mitchell left the locker room and wandered back towards the school buildings. 'Well, I'm sure I'll remember soon enough.'

(Andrew Mitchell continued in Lunch for the bored and hungry.)