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A Walk to Forget

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:42 am
by MurderWeasel
((Jennifer Perez continued from Lunch Line))

Jennifer was walking through the alley behind The Promenade, fuming and trying not to cry. It was Saturday evening, and Jennifer knew she should be somewhere else, doing something, anything else. Saturday nights were supposed to be fun.

Instead, she was here in this grimy alley, walking alone, because her brother couldn't keep his mouth shut. Sam had started an argument with their mother. Jennifer didn't even know what it had been about, but it had ended in screaming on both sides. She had stayed in her room, trying to ignore it, but eventually it had gotten too loud. When she couldn't feign deafness any longer, Jennifer had gone out to try to mediate between them.

She couldn't believe how stupid she had been, trying to work things out for them. Trying to solve things always made them worse. As a reward for her efforts, she had been yelled at by her mother and her brother, and had slipped out of the house a few minutes later to walk.

As far as walking places went, the alley behind the mall wasn't too bad. There were sometimes people, usually emos and such, but they usually left people alone. Jennifer had heard about a fight or something a few weeks ago, but she didn't lend much credence to the story. Rumors always got blown out of all proportion.

Jennifer glanced at a puddle in the middle of the alley and cringed at her reflection. She was wearing a bright yellow skirt and an orange top.

I look like a fucking ray of sunshine, she thought bitterly. When she had gotten dressed in the morning, she had assumed the day would be good. Now, she was in an alley, dressed in bright, happy clothes, feeling lost, alone and down.

Jennifer shook her head and sighed. Walking had seemed like such a good idea, but now she was starting to get lonely and a little scared. The alley was somewhat menacing, and she was wearing clothes that called a lot of attention to her. She also hadn't had anything to eat, having left her house before dinner.

She quickly retraced her steps through the alley, telling herself that she was going to get food, not leaving because she was afraid. Jennifer considered just going to the mall's food court to eat, but she decided against it. The mall was too bright; that was why she had gone to the alley in the first place. Besides, she liked the mall. She didn't want to associate one of her favorite places with this awful evening.

Jennifer decided to try heading to The Varsity. With any luck it would be loud and crowded. Maybe she'd be able to lose herself there for a while.

((Jennifer Perez continued in Looking for 'Company'))