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Food For Thought

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:19 am
by KamiKaze
((Anna Chase pre-game debut))

Chase walked into the cafeteria, and, upon seeing a large group of students already there, almost turned and left.

However, that would be silly. Chase wouldn't leave because of all the people there. It was the sound that was bothering her, really. She was more a fan of arriving just before everyone else. But, class sometimes didn't allow that. Today was an example; the teacher had kept them in a few extra minutes, to talk about... something. Chase couldn't remember. All she remembered was that the teacher was saying something about "responsibility". Huh.

Placing her lunchbag on the table, she took out a juicebox, stuck a straw in, and started sipping. Sure, people always told her that drinking out of juiceboxes was very childish, but they were easy to pack, at least. Besides, juice box juice had that taste that no other juice had. This one was apple for example, and one of the better apple juices that she'd ever had. Chase didn't understand why that is. Maybe it was the "100% Real Juice" on the packaging?

After a few seconds, Chase took the straw out of her mouth, and took out her math homework. It was due tomorrow, but Chase had better do it now. Or else... she would forget. Chase always got into the habit of finishing her homework at lunch, and today was no exception. Taking out a mechanical pencil, she worked on the problems a bit until...

She was stuck. This problem... how was she supposed to complete it? It was a little too difficult for her to do. And, it wasn't as if she had a calculator to use, since hers broke a while ago.

After a few minutes of stewing over the problem, she placed her head on the homework as if in despair. Argh, math. She hated math. Sure, she could do the problems most of the time, but... argh!

With her head still down, Chase started to think about the problem a bit more. She wondered if sitting like this made her think better. It might. Who knew? Some things worked for people, oddly enough. Like how some people have strange fetishes for anything you can imagine, and some have fears, some people learned in odd ways.


Why oh why was math difficult, sometimes? Sometimes it was easy... and sometimes it was this.

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:02 am
by Brackie
((Brendan Wallace Pre-Game Debut))

Brendan hated large crowds.
Brendan also hated American school cafeterias.
So a large group of students inside an American school cafeteria was not one of the ideal locations for Brendan to spend a period of time with every day. But he knew he had to confront this fear one day or another, so he shoved this anxiety into the depths of his mind, and walked in.
The large groups hanging around the very prominent tables were a no-go location to him.
I'll never go near those people. What would they think of a lumbering, nervous Australian kid who just appears out of nowhere?

Brendan only came to America a few years ago, and had always hoped that the stereotypes portrayed in the media about American High - or Secondary, as they were called, apparently - Schools, were false. For the most part, he was right. No one came up to him with a knife, no long line of people strolled down the hallway, with everyone moving out of the way for them, and no monotone, apathetic teachers, who could care less about the school (none that he had, anyway). The cafeteria lunches, on the other hand...

Brendan caught a whiff on the first day of school of the so called foods, and vowed never to touch them again. He packed his own, semi-nutricious lunches, and was proud of it. Who knows what terrible things lurked inside the pantry?

Each table had a group of people all engaged in conversation, except for one. A petite, black-haired girl was head first in a maths book.
Dear lord, someone finally died of food poisoning, he thought, but then saw she had her own lunch. A small juice box was standing idle next to her head. He wondered whether she had any friends to sit with. She probably did. Not everyone was as anti-social and lonesome as Brendan. But then he thought that maybe she was also alone.
A smile flickered across his face. Was this the chance to make a friend?
Ben slowly walked towards the table, and mouthed conversation to himself over and over.
Hi, is anyone sitting here? Hi, is anyone sitting here? Hi, can I sit here?
Ben reached the table before he realised it. The girl hadn't noticed him yet. So he silently cleared his throat, and spoke.

" sitting here?"

Finally, human contact. It wasn't that hard!

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:11 pm
by KelleyA†
((Lexie Logan-Price pre-game debut))

"Oooh, fresh meat!" Lexie exclaimed with a grin plastered on her face. The cafeteria tray made a heavy clacking sound as she set it down rather impatiently on the table. She pulled back a plastic chair, then shook the khaki strap from her shoulder and watched her messenger bag plop down to the floor with one of her pale blue eyes. She gave a second grin, and sank into her seat. She picked up a fork, and began to pick away at the french fries, cutting them into smaller pieces and shoving them to one side.

Lexie looked between the two, "Well don't just stand there like a sack of potatoes, sit down already!" She twisted open the cap of her mineral water and drank a mouthful, before setting it back on her tray too fast, making a small torrent of water splash out the top and run down her wrist. She began to wipe it off with a tissue, and bit her bottom lip, staining her slightly yellow teeth with purple lipstick.

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:45 pm
by KamiKaze

Chase slowly lifted her head, looking at the person who spoke.

It was a guy, much bigger than her, with red hair. And he wanted to sit here. Of course he could! Chase wasn't the kind of person who went "No! You're a dork! You cannot sit down and eat!". At least, she hoped she wasn't. If it turned out she was, that would make her sad. Very sad, indeed!

With a grin slowly growing on her face, she replied "Not at all! Sit, sit!".

She gestured at the seat while she did so. Although the sound was bothering her, she had someone to talk to. Chase still had to finish that math problem, but at least there was someone there for her to have a little talk?

Her mind started to play a song, that she heard in a musical a while back. Sweeney Todd, was it? There was this part where the woman making the pies was introduced, and upon when the throat-slitting guy arrived, started singing about not having a customer in weeks. For some reason, that song was now playing in her head. Chase had no idea why of all things, this conversation reminded her of it. Perhaps it was because of what she said? After all, she was pretty sure that the woman asks the man to sit during the song, and try some of her pies, which were apparently the worst in London. Chase remembered that bugs were crawling in and out of the pies during said musical number, so they had to be pretty bad. Unless the customer was into eating bugs, of course. Well, there were people who did in fact eat bugs, actually. But, this thought process had absolutely nothing to do with lunch.

And, oh look! There is someone else! Someone else had sat down with them! And was opening a water bottle, if somewhat messily!

"Hello hello!" Chase said, continuing to smile.

Turning to the guy who had asked, she nodded and said "Well! We've got more company, right? And that's always fun, right?"

And then her body turned to the girl who had sat down and cheerfully mentioned, as if she didn't notice "He'll be sitting here today, too. More people, more fun?"

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:04 am
by Brackie
Brendan was only a few short seconds away from hyperventilating. She didn't look like the type to say 'Fuck off, you freak', but he was still unsure.

To his relief, she smiled, and gestured. "Not at all! Sit, sit!"
He was about to sit down, when another girl with what he assumed was black hair and a bob-cut jumped into the seat opposite, threw all her things beside her, and started picking around at her food. Brendan assumed she saw him staring, because she also offered for him to sit down.

Wait, should I have not asked? She sat down without asking, should I have done that as well, and said hi afterwards?
That's why I prefer being alone, humans are way too complicated...
No, Brendan, you need this, if they can do it you can do it...

Brendan slid into the seat, about a foot away from the girl with the book, and also threw down his bag under the seat. He opened it, found his lunch bag, extracted it, and opened it. He found the roll he packed this morning, Salami-Lettuce-Cheese and Coleslaw, and started chowing down. The girl with questionable hair was drinking a bottle of water, if somewhat lopesidedly, and splashed some water over the table and herself.
"Well! We've got more company, right? And that's always fun, right?"
Brendan looked at the girl doing all the speaking, and then the other girl.
Not a bad start. Maybe there's hope for me after all.

As Brendan swallowed his fifth bite, he looked at the book the girl was reading, and saw that it was the same work that he had completed for homework last night. With speed, he might add!
He leaned over slightly, and saw that she was only halfway done. The work was due tomorrow!
Well, I can't willingly let someone walk off to their doom. I should help her with that!
Brendan was about to speak to her, when he glanced at the girl with the bob-cut. Should he speak to her as well, as not to leave her out?
Nah, one at a time.

"Still haven't finished that homework, huh? Do you need any help?"
Brendan looked at her implements. She had a mechanical pencil, her book, and a notable abscence of a calculator. Not surprising to Brendan, as those things lasted a maximum of six months, and that's if one actually took care of them.
"Loose your calculator?"
Brendan didn't know if he was being intrusive, but he was helpful at heart, and if she didn't want help, then that would be fine. He could always talk about something else, or just talk to Miss Bob-cut on the opposite side of the table.
Brendan, you're doing alright! Now stop thinking and speak outloud!

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:28 pm
by KelleyA†
Lexie smiled, as she set her spring water back on the table and twisted the cap shut. She raised one finger to her ear, and scraped one pink fingernail against the surface of the crucifix hanging from her ear lobe. What accent is that? she thought, Whatever it is, he's taken an interest in my good 'ol buddy Chase here. Shame he's not the flavour of the month right now, I think she has her eyes on that douche in the football team. But hey, she'll move onto this guy soon enough.

Lexie cut up another french fry, and pushed it to the side of her plate. She stared down into the mushy fried potato mess and smiled. She picked up her fork and put it into her mouth, savouring the taste of french fries. She gave a smile, as she pulled the fork out, streaks of purple lipstick were left smeared on the prongs. She pondered the thought of actually eating a french fry, but decided against it, opting for another mouthful of water.

She pulled out her purple iPod and popped the plugs into her ears and scrolled through. Oooooh, Republica! She gave a smile, and selected 'Drop Dead Gorgeous', the song began to play. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before pushing her lunch tray away.

I wonder when this bozo is gonna say hello...

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:21 am
by KamiKaze
Chase took a sip of her drink, and then decided to reply to the guy's question. He had asked her if she needed any help? Well, not really. She hoped. After all, she could figure out this problem, it was just that... well, she needed to figure out how to do it without a calculator. Thing was though, it somehow stumped her. Was she paying attention during the lesson? Or was she underestimating the problem? If she was, then she needed to think it over. If it turned out to be quite easy, then Chase could solve it. All it needed to do was just click in her head, and it would be done. Now, to make it click... that was a problem. Perhaps she could remember PEMDAS, or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally? That could work. After all, it was drilled into people's heads all the time, since the minute you got into algebra.

"Ah... I'm fine. It-it's just that this problem has me stumped, but I think it can be solved. My calc-y broke a while ago, and I should find a new one, if they're c-cheap. I think I'm fine though. I'm pretty sure I have math tomorrow, so... p-plenty of time?"

Chase's lips formed into an awkward smile, as she turned to Lexie. At this very moment, she was eating fries, and pulling out her iPod. Why didn't she want to talk to him? He didn't seem like the type to hurt a fly. Okay, maybe he would. Flies were annoying, after all. But, anyways, he wasn't going to hurt her. At least, she hoped. If he did, Chase wouldn't be happy. Not. One. Bit. People shouldn't hurt others, unless they are a slasher villain. And they still got punished by the end, right?

Turning back to the guy, she cheerfully announced "Well! I believe we have names! Mine is Anna Chase. Only call me Chase, though. And you?"

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:56 am
by Brackie
"Ah... I'm fine. It-it's just that this problem has me stumped, but I think it can be solved. My calc-y broke a while ago, and I should find a new one, if they're c-cheap. I think I'm fine though. I'm pretty sure I have math tomorrow, so... p-plenty of time?"
Maybe you should have introduced yourself, before breaking the ice out from underneath.
"Well...alright then," Brendan said. He noticed that she seemed to be staring at the girl opposite the table. Miss Bob-cut was now listening to her iPod, a dark purple one. He used to have one like that, but he lost it when his house was mugged a year ago.

"Well! I believe we have names! Mine is Anna Chase. Only call me Chase, though. And you?"
The girl, whom he now knew was Chase, was now speaking to him.
Perfect, she asked me! No more awkward conversation starting!
A small grin formed on Brendan's lips. He turned to her and responded in kind.
"My name's Brendan. Brendan Wallace. And yeah, that accent is Australian. I moved from 'the land down under' to Minnesota last year,"
Brendan looked over at iPod girl, but turned back to Chase.
"So, do you know her?" Brenda asked, motioning over at the girl on the opposite side of the table.
Could this be the start of a friendship? I need to find out what this Chase girl is like!

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:21 am
by KelleyA†
Lexie raised her hand, and flicked out an ear plug with her thumb. It swung into the air before tumbling down into her lap. She tugged the other one out and giggled. That tickled! She switched her iPod off and bent down, tucking it into her bag. She gave a slight grunt that wasn't noticed as she resumed her sitting position and gave a flustered grin. The Australian guy had moments ago motioned towards her and said "So, do you know her?" almost as if he had expected her not to notice or hear. That's a bit rude, of course Chase knows me! I don't go sitting next to random strangers...

Being polite hadn't paid off, he had spoken to Chase first and she responded. Lexie was waiting for when the conversation would turn in her direction, and then she'd introduce herself to him. But no, he pushed the conversation fowards in Chase's direction before finally referring to Lexie in third person. Perhaps now was the right moment to jump in and say something, she was all ears now and it wasn't like she was going to finish the mush on her plate. She rolled her eyes and stared out of one of the cafetorium windows, acting like she hadn't heard a thing. She held her water bottle in her left hand, and prodded it with the fork in her right hand, almost in a playful stabbing motion. Fine, I'll let Chase introduce me then. This guy is either bad at meeting real people, or definitely has a crush on Chase. Maybe I should stick around for a while, this seems...interesting.

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:08 am
by KamiKaze

Brendan Wallace? Like Brendan Fraiser or William Wallace? Huh. What a name. Sounded nice, in a way.

And he was Australian? Huh. Aussies had such nice accents... quite underrated, really. If she had to pick an accent for her own voice, it would be Australian. And he had an accent, himself. How fun!

And now he was asking about Lexie. Well, Lexie was... Lexie. Who was now ripping the iPod earplugs from her ears, and poking the everloving heck out of that water bottle. Why would you need to poke a water bottle? It already had a hole at the top, after all. And for some reason, she seemed... upset about something. Perhaps she wanted to introduce herself? Well, she had her iPod on, so maybe Brendan didn't want to bother her? That must be it. After all, very few people wanted to be bothered while listening to music. It would be hard to listen to both it and the conversation. Chase knew her own head would explode from the sheer pressure of having too much going on in her head, and to process. But, it was probably something that could be done. People did it all the time. Just not very often, right? It was quite rude, after all.

"Oh... her? That is Lexie. And we do know each other. She needs to say hello. Now."

Chase turned to her, and then, very cheerfully, she said "Now, say 'hello', Lexie! I bet he want to talk to you, too!"

They could have a nice little chat, as well. After all, she had a nice chat with Brendan, didn't she? Lexie couldn't hurt anyone, as well, so...

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:58 am
by Brackie
"Oh... her? That is Lexie. And we do know each other. She needs to say hello. Now."
Brendan looked at Lexie from across the table, who was now making threatening stabs at the water bottle.
Well, she seems...kind of hostile. Did I do something to offend her?
Brendan looked at the earbuds; they were no longer in her ears.

Oh crap, she heard me talking about her in the third person. People don't like that, do they?
Should I apologize? Make a joke? Run?
"Um...hi, I'm Brendan," he started "Um..." Brendan paused for a few seconds, and came up with a statement "I make a bad first impression, don't I?"
Brendan turned back to Chase.
"I...think I might of offended Lexie when I said 'her'," Brendan said.

At least you're not freaking out too much. Just relax Brendan.
Brendan turned back to Lexie, not sure whether he should make eye contact.
"I'm kind of new to this whole...socialising thing," Brendan said.

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:25 pm
by KelleyA†
"Oh... her? That is Lexie. And we do know each other. She needs to say hello. Now."

Lexie gave a slight grin, that did sound pretty final. She casually scraped at the lable of her waterbottle with her fork, a tickle had risen in her throat, and she felt like she should giggle or give a big dopey grin. Now wasn't the time, so she suppressed her childish amusement. Chase swiveled in her chair, facing Lexie and in an ever so cheerful voice said: "Now, say 'hello', Lexie! I bet he want to talk to you, too!"

Ha, you don't know how much you sounded like my shrink just then, Chase 'ol buddy, 'ol pal! Lexie thought, her lips began to curl into a deeper grin. A second tickle, she didn't want to sound like an idiot and give a random chuckle as a reply. She stopped toying with her water bottle and set it down calmly on the table, before dropping the fork into the mess of mushed, mutilated french fries. It made a sickening squishy sound, which made her want to laugh once more.

The Australian guy, Brendan or Brandon or something had been staring at her a few moments ago. She was pondering the thought of saying "Take a picture buddy, it'll last longer!" In her best Gangster Moll accent, but decided against it, not wanting to come off as too...abraisive. Plus the moment had died rather quickly, as he wasn't exactly staring anymore, he was gearing up to say something.

"Um...hi, I'm Brendan," He had said in a kinda dopey voice, before following it on with: "I make a bad first impression, don't I?"

Lexie struggled to keep her lips pursed, one thought flashed through her mind. Oooh, lookit Slick Rick over there, the mans got a real way with his words! It boggled her, she didn't know whether the thought meant she was being snarky and didn't like him, or thought he was okay and was making a jest. She took too long realising it was the latter, as he had turned back to Chase.

"I...think I might of offended Lexie when I said 'her'," He had then said, Lexie grinned. Only a little offended, a little! Don't take it so seriously there slick! She liked that name, maybe it could be her pet name for him. Chugs, Chase and Slick the mighty trio...Sounds like some cancelled saturday morning kids show...

"I'm kind of new to this whole...socialising thing," He then said, Lexie started to feel a slight twinge of guilt. She know how he felt, she'd been kind of at the bottom once or twice. Making new friends was...a bit of a chore really, but he seemed to be trying, even if his interest appeared to be solely fixated on Chase.

"Yeah, as first impressions go that was pretty shitty!" Lexie said, before her eyes widened like saucers. Oh fuckmuffins! That was supposed to be playful banter, damned you look before you leap! Her throat went dry, she wanted another mouthful of water. She stared around awkwardly for a nanosecond, before attempting to correct her previous slip of the tounge. "What I mean is, we've all been there before....So hiya? What's up?"

See, you sound a bit like a Stepford Wife now, but at least it's better than shitty. You're not supposed to agree with a guy when he criticises himself!

She quickly twisted off the cap of her mineral water and took a big gulp and swallowed, before smiling awkwardly, first at Chase and then at Brendan.

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:58 am
by KamiKaze
When Brendan said that he was new to the whole socializing thing, Chase kind of smiled. Sometimes, she couldn't blame him. Socializing could be a difficult task, right? After all, people were... people. They were more complex than anything you could imagine, really. More complex than a computer program, or organs.

"Ah... don't worry, Brendan. I think that-"

Chase noticed that Lexie seemed to be holding back laughter, and, as a result, found herself close to laughing as well. Why? She did not know. Somehow, her grins were forcing her to laugh along. Dang it. She didn't want to laugh, but here she was, close to bursting out in laughter, herself. Dang dang dang dang!

After scrunching up her face from her forced in laughter a bit, she then, as calmly as she possibly could, said "Uh... I apologize. It's just that..."

Suddenly feeling a little shy, Chase looked down towards the book in front of her. Dang. She might have screwed up a bit. Now how was she going to leave a good impression on Brendan? It would suck if he found her an idiot or something, really.

And then she heard Lexie make a comment about first impressions, and how, as far as they go, his was "shitty".

Looking up a bit, she frowned and said "Lexie-"

But, Lexie had figured out what she said was a little... harsh, and changed course right away. Chase made another awkward smile, and picked up her juicebox and sipped a bit more. Well, first impressions weren't everything after all, she guessed. There was still the second impression, which, if you passed the first, would turn out to mean more. After all, they had more opportunities to learn about you, and what you're really like. If you turned out to be a jerk and they didn't realize it the first time, they would know. If you were a nice person, but just had a bad day, they would know the second time. People weren't stupid. At least, not that stupid.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Lexie drinking more out of her water bottle, and giving off an awkward smile of her own. She had asked about how things were, presumably aimed at Brendan. Ah, an opportunity to learn a bit more about him. How fun.

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:50 am
by Brackie
"Ah... don't worry, Brendan. I think that-"

What happened next was most amusing to Brendan. Anna was holding back what Brendan assumed were fits of laughter, something he had to master a few years ago when his mind wandered. Fortunately, there was no laughing bananza, and Anna settled back down. Looking perplexingly at Anna, but still smiling, he heard Lexie speak back.

"Yeah, as first impressions go that was pretty shitty!"

Lexie looked like a deer in the headlights after that comment. Fortunately, Brendan was still smiling.
"Wow, I've been here 5 minutes and you two already have an Aussie sense of humour!" Brendan was attempting to relieve the anxious looks he was observing on her face "Seriously, it's all right, you're honest, I like honest people. Most Australians I've met live on self-depricating humour," Brendan chuckled.

Okay Brendan, back of track! Sprint to the finish!

"So you asked me something? What's up? Well...nothing much, really. I mean, all I've got to do around these parts is schoolwork, homework, look for a job, volunteer work, watch anime, play video games, review movies, all that jazz...I haven't actually made any friends yet, so I've kind of been a loner for the last year," Brendan finished. Everything he said would just raise more questions, and that was good! He had about half an hour to kill until his Legal Studies class started.

Looking down at the roll he had dropped long ago he noticed it was still intact on the table. He picked it up, dusted it off, and took a bite. After swallowing a bite, he focuses back on Lexie.
"So what do people do for fun around here?" Brendan asked. He smiled. He hadn't had a well-structured and meaningful conversation like this in years.

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:46 pm
by KelleyA†
"Seriously, it's all right, you're honest, I like honest people. Most Australians I've met live on self-depricating humour,"

Oh thank fuck for that! I thought he was gonna get in a huff and blank me or...or... Lexie's thoughts were shut down as Brendan answered the question she asked moments ago. She politely set her bottle back down on the table and folded her arms in her lap, giving a rather awkward put presumably pleasant 'Miss Teen Queen' seated pose. She put both knees together and cocked her head slightly to the left, she completed this with a rather odd but kind of genuine smile.

"So you asked me something? What's up? Well...nothing much, really. I mean, all I've got to do around these parts is schoolwork, homework, look for a job, volunteer work, watch anime, play video games, review movies, all that jazz...I haven't actually made any friends yet, so I've kind of been a loner for the last year,"

Hot diggity damn that's a mouthful!No friends for a year huh? Try no friends from seven years old to freshman year! Brendan had picked up the roll he had left on the bare table top and resumed eating it. Lexie looked sideways at Chase, about to give a look that said 'Oh em gee, can you believe he just did that?' but quickly snapped her neck back fowards. Come on, I can't judge, I just went Texas Chainsaw Massacre on my fries.

Brendan looked towards her. "So what do people do for fun around here?"

Lexie didn't need to think it all, it fizzed inside her and came out like word vomit, only the good kind, if such a thing existed.

"First off, there's the mall enough said. After that this is a normal boring town I guess, there's this joint called All-Star Bowling where I get worked like a dog from 6 to 10 from Monday to Thursday. I guess it's okay, but the owners a real dipshit, all obsessed with keeping the place spic-and-span and he's always on my tail because I look like trouble." Lexie gassed, pointing to her dyed black bobcut with the pink bangs. "After that I guess, is to circulate more, try and get into the rich and or popular kids good books. I try to be friends with everyone and that's gotten me into a few sweet sixteens a few years back. Oh, and normally every week or so one of the rich kids parents goes out on a second honeymoon or to attend to some artsy fartsy business meeting in the city. All I can say is house party, if you do get invited be an early bird, the booze runs out pretty quickly."

Woah! You just took word vomit to the Linda Blaire level! Lexie thought, and gave a grin. She looked sideways at Chase, she didn't want to be greedy and answer the whole question to herself.