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An Extensive History

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:41 pm
by Acelister†
((OOC: I just got the urge to write about Rizzo. This is what came out))

As they were raising him, Lizzie and Jim Vitoria had chosen to spend as much time with him as possible. This led to him being quite spoilt with affection - but as he entered his teens he wanted more time to himself, as teens are wont to do. Lizzie assumed they had smothered her child, as she was an older woman when she gave birth to their unexpected bundle of joy. She told Jim to be more distant as well.

Rizzo was fifteen when he realised he was no longer getting his parents attention. They shared meals and had vacations together, but he could tell it wasn't the same as before. They didn't cuddle him as often or ask him about his day despite regularly doing so before.

Part of him decided he didn't need their love or attention - so sought to get attention from others. He knew that negative attention - causing havoc, making himself look like a fool - was not the sort of attention that he should seek. People tried to ignore anyone who acted that way. So he tried to make himself useful to anyone and everyone. As he was paired with his cousin Thomas, to give him a best friend where one didn't seem to be appearing, they did a lot together. But as Thomas was a good few years older, Rizzo knew that he could get him to buy things he wasn't able to.

The first thing Rizzo wanted that he wasn't allowed to buy, were caffeine pills. He had read that they could keep you up better than drinking a cup of coffee, and decided he could do a lot more if he wasn't sleeping for all those hours each night. The first night he took them he created two Flash websites, download seventeen gigabytes of pornographic pictures and fell asleep at 5am. He woke up at half-past twelve, only because his mother was worried about him - then he fell back to sleep. That episode prompted him to start taking the pills at regular intervals, and ensure he went to bed at a strict time to try and teach his body to rest for as long as possible before he spent all that time awake.

The extra energy in the daytime, and caffeine-fuelled mindset, led him to start practising parkour. This helped with his practice of dumpster-diving. He was thirteen when he stumbled into the back alley of the Promenade - and found a store-worker throwing a bin of clothes into one of the dumpsters. Curious, he managed to climb in, and found lots of things that he might find a use for - including a lot of clothing. Torn, discoloured or just written off, he took lots of it home and attempted to repair it so he could wear it. His small size let him wear a lot more of it than a taller person would be able to, especially when he learnt how to adjust it. He found that it was best to buy decent, expensive sneakers, so he could get a better grip on walls and the sometimes slick metal of the dumpsters.

At school, he had long since started to do things for other students, and sometimes even the teachers. The thanks and praise hit the spot that his parents lack of attention left. The more he did for people, the more he wanted to do for them. He began carrying around a lighter and a packet of cigarettes when he found out that people in his class had started smoking. That way, he had an almost-daily source of praise despite not smoking himself. He tried it once and almost coughed up a lung as the smoke burnt his throat. Of course, that way he didn't use his own resource.

When Thomas reached 21, Rizzo began pumping him for alcohol. As one of the people known to be able to supply no-questions asked alcohol, he was invited to parties. So long as he brought drink. To his credit, he managed to make out with a girl who was only partly-drunk and not dared to do it. Unlike his first kiss, when he was fourteen. After making out with that one girl, he began to get a lot more confident in himself. Someone found him attractive! At least long enough to suck-face with him for ten minutes, and let him grope her through her clothes. He never saw her again, leading him to believe she was only in town for a vacation. He didn't want to face that she might not have been as sober as he thought she was.

He's been aware of the SOTF show since it began, but only watched some clips on YouTube. Excessive violence isn't something he likes to watch for too long. He prefers comedy or action movies to horror or thrillers - laughter and excitement to terror and implied pain.
He doesn't play videogames, though he is partial to the odd Flash-based game now and again, when he is up early in the mornings.
He likes to eat fast food, but he always has dinner with his parents which his mother cooks personally. According to Rizzo, she makes an awesome beef casserole.