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Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:02 am
by Brackie
((Brendan Wallace continues from That's a bout. Salute. Shake hands.))

After hours of aimless wandering, he finally collapsed out of exhaustion, butt-first, into the nearest sand bunker. Really, it wasn't just exhaustion. It was stress. A lot of stress. On all sides, he was surrounded by death.

Somewhere near the trees, right where he stopped, were two dead bodies. At the bottom of that little hill, only a few paces away, was another one. One was covered in blood and bullet wounds, another was lying face down on the ground, and another, some black guy, staring face-up at the sky...but he didn't go anywhere near them. It wasn't out of fear, or disgust, but rather...he just didn't want to care.

That was the scariest thing he'd encountered in his time on the island. That little clasp on humanity which he'd promised himself he'd retain. Care. The senior class of Bayview Secondary school was being shredded apart by their own guilt, suspicions, and insanity, and he'd promised himself he'd stay human, stay caring, just because he knew that sooner or later it would stop. He'd care about every little person he'd encountered, every dead body, he'd at least thought something if he knew them. But he'd hit that point where he'd stopped recognising them as people and turned it into a recognition of the dead.

Brendan didn't know whether or not he was still as human as he was when he got on that bus a few days ago.

He could count it off. Chris, Charlotte, Jaclyn, someone unrecognisable, Petrushka, Rose, Carol (who wouldn't recognise Carol?), and two other people bodies. He was scared of getting close to them, because he didn't want to feel the pain and loss of possibly coming face-to-decomposing-face with someone he could have shared a class with. He didn't want to feel all this pain, this loss, this...uncaring. this how all those killers felt? The moment they saw the people they knew and possibly loved as...things, rather than friends and people, did they also catch ahold of this uncaring?

Brendan clenched his eyes shut. He just wanted more than anything else to...just to say sorry to the people he knew he couldn't save. Chris, Dawne, Jonathan, Charlotte...he'd failed them. He never even said anything to them, not one word, it wasn't possible.

And now, here he was. Thinking. Just thinking about everything, everyone he made promises to, everyone he couldn't see, never got to see, and never will get to see.

He pulled his knees to his chest, and shuffled to the "wall" of the bunker. His bag, with all his worldly possessions, clenched tightly under his legs. The moon looked like it was dipping away for the night, or at least retreating behind some trees while the island really slept.

He looked around, watching the receding moonlight as the grassy hills turned from the battlefield of a dimly illuminated graveyard.

And he shut his eyes again, nestling his head from the world into the depth of his pant legs, his breath the only noise to break the silence.

This wasn't a good idea. I'm never going to be able to find them again...

Re: Birdland

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:05 am
by BetaKnight
((Aislyn McCreery continued from Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?))

Aislyn stalked along, trying to keep to the shadows. It was so hard to be quiet. Everything in her wanted to scream and rage at the unfairness of the situation. She had put her trust in the other girls, only to be let down at every turn. Every hesitation. Every glance out of the corner of their eye. It might have been better had they just openly attacked her instead of trying to be subtle about it.

She would have preferred a fight. She could have just kicked the shit out of Samya and Melissa. They would have been no problem. Felicia has some fight in her. Plus, she was a healthy girl. She might have given Aislyn a run for her money. Not that Aislyn wouldn't have put her down, but it wasn't something she was looking forward to. Whatever. Their loss. I don't know how much time Dad will be willing to spend finding the others once he gets here. Evacs need to be organized or else people get to swim home. That's just how it goes.

The comforting darkness of the shadows was quickly falling away as she approached a large, open area. She crouched down, plotting her movements to limit her exposure. From her current position, a quick dash to the trees. From the trees to....

Wait a minute. Were there people under the tree?

There were. At least two, possibly more in the area.

Narrowing her eyes, she settled in to see if they had noticed her back. After several moments without movement, she decided that either they were sleeping or no longer among the living. Either way, their supplies were fair game. Shit happens when you don't set a watch.

As silently as possible, she started forward. The setting moon offered little in the way of illumination, but she wasn't about to throw away her best advantage by busting out her flashlight. Besides, at this point, the flashlight would only make her a target for any semi-competent shot.

Her heart raced as she slipped into the tree's shadow. Not wanting to give whoever was on the ground an open shot, she kept the tree's trunk in between her and her targets. Aislyn pressed her back against the rough bark of the trunk, listening for any sound that would signify that the others noticed her.

No sounds broke the still night air.

Relaxing a bit, she cautiously crept closer to the people. All thoughts of taking their supplies fled her mind as she realized that the sleepers were, in fact, dead bodies. One male and one female. There was something about the female that seemed very familiar. Unable to leave the girl's body face down, Aislyn took a deep breath and steeled herself for what she would have to do next.

Bracing herself, she worked her right foot under the corpse's torso. A deep breath later, she grunted as she forced the body to roll over. "Oh holy hell. Carol," Aislyn moaned softly as she knelt next to the fallen Stagette. She dropped her head to her chest as she squeezed her eyes closed, willing herself not to cry. There would be time for crying later, after.

Even though she knew she should be moving, Aislyn silently sat alongside Carol's body. She was so tired. There wasn't a part of her that wasn't sore or didn't ache. She wanted to be strong because the strong survive. But it was just getting harder and harder. She didn't want to end up like Carol or Samaya or any of the others who had fallen here, so far from home.

Then don't. Don't be like them. They were soft and look what it bought them. You're right. Only the strong survive because only the strong have what it takes. Your body can withstand way more punishment than this. It's not a physical thing. It's all mental. It's about mental toughness. It's about keeping in all focused towards the goal. Are you focused? Or are you gonna sit here and piss and moan about how hard it is? Her father's voice echoed in her head. If you're gonna sit here and *cry*, then you might as well just lay down and kill yourself. Not ready to do that? Then adapt, overcome, and improvise. If it was easy, they all would be doing it.

"Adapt, overcome, improvise," she repeated as she pushed herself to her feet. Dad was right. She needed to get refocused on her goal. Since the other girls were with her when she stashed supplies, it was more than likely those stores were compromised. Priority one was to rebuild some equipment drops, focusing on getting more water.

Wiping at her eyes, she noticed that neither bag was there. She couldn't really fault someone else for having the same idea. Turning her head, she spotted another person at the bottom of a hill. The moonlight reflected off the puddles of blood around the body. At least this time, she didn't have to wonder if he was sleeping or not. And in a stroke of luck, his bag was alongside the body.

Cautiously, she trotted down the hill. Making a snap decision, Aislyn squatted next to the corpse and began rifling through the bag.

Re: Birdland

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:04 pm
by Brackie
In the murky blackness of Brendan's world, he could hear little scratches of noise. Nothing interesting. Nothing /notable/ at least.

Speaking. Voices. Voice, not voices.

It was night, and he was tired, he didn't want to speak to anyone. He just wanted to tell himself what a stupid thing he'd done, been doing, whatever, and loath himself over his stupid stupid decisions over and over and over again until he got tired of it. Cause that's what you do when you want to save everyone and you can't, you mope. Brendan moped.

He tried pulling his legs in closer, but they wouldn't move without warping his bag into impossible positions. His arms grabbed each other and yanked. If he could just pull himself out of this world and into a new one...

...or he could just harden the fuck up and go out there. He wasn't just some cannon fodder here. If he'd survived this long, then he had to have something looking out for him.

Brendan opened his eyes, the world retaining that little shade of blue it always did after a while of closed eyes but awakened senses. Few blinks, then it was gone. He turned his legs cross-legged, and yanked the bag out from under them, plopping it straight into the tangled mess of lap.

He reached around, feeling for the tab of the zipper. It was still dark, even with the pale waning moon, so any chance of a good view tonight were abysmally low. Finally, he grabbed ahold. The bag came open pretty quietly, not as loud as he'd expect a zipper to be, not that he was taking measurements or anything.

The flashlight was sitting prominently on the top of the mess, somehow have become mixed up like he was running a cocktail bar here. More fumbling, and he had some light. Brendan didn't know how much light was being used here, but he had a focus he couldn't break from.

The gun was pushed into the corner of the bag, and the ammo was stuck beside it. He pulled it out, sat it snugly in his left hand while he looked it over with the flashlight.

Okay, so far it didn't look that ba-

His musings were cut short by a few factors. One of the was his inability to notice the mosquito that buzzed through the air and landed on his "trigger finger" as it was. The other was his unawareness of said mosquito biting him. Another was him not being able to control the sudden reflexive constraint his finger forced him to do, which happened to clench down on the trigger, and...the ringing was still going strong in his ears, like they'd had bells shoved into them and it was the 12 o'clock feeding frenzy. He watched the casing fly into the sand, and his flashlight drop in almost the same place, while he was unable to stop himself from letting out...some sort of sound.


He didn't know what else to do. Never in his life had he been so close to a gun being fired, and he knew that it was probably gonna be his last time, too.

I probably...should have found the safety first...aaaaoooowww...

Re: Birdland

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:30 pm
by JamesRenard†
((Saul Fetteralf under new management and continued from "Can You Hear Me Now?"))

'This really sucks.'

Saul was alone once again. In the confusion and panic at the cellphone tower, Saul had somehow got separated from Sapphire, and no matter how much he looked or backtracked as close he could to the tower, he couldn't find hide nor hair of the girl. She was gone. 'Great, that's the third person I've lost now...' Saul lamented. First was Cyrille, who went and got herself killed. Second was Garry.

Saul didn't know what to think anymore. Garry had killed someone. His friend. His best friend. And now according to Danya he was a cold-blooded murderer who left someone to die in a slow and painful manner.

'Garry... what happened? Why did you kill that guy? Was it self defense? Was it...was it?' All those questions buzzing around in his mind only spurred his desire to meet up with Garry once more, if only to clear things up. He didn't want to believe what the bastard had said over the announcements. He knew Garry, probably more than every single living student on the island, bar Garry himself. Yes, the guy loved werewolves, wolves and that kind of horror stuff, but he wasn't evil or anything. He was quite a decent guy once he got to know him, quirky interests aside. 'Did I know him well enough though?'

And then...


"YAHH!" Saul instinctively screamed out and dived to the ground, placing his hands over his head and squeezing his eyes shut. The magic 8-ball inside his jacket pocket pressed painfully into his gut, but Saul ignored the uncomfortable feeling. That had been a gunshot, an honest to goodness gunshot and it was LOUD. Ergo, it had to be close. VERY close. 'Holyshitholyshitsomeonehasagunandtheycouldbefiringitatmeeeeee!'

Saul cowered for a few moments before daring to lift his head up from the dirt. 'Is it safe...?' Saul wondered, looking around in the darkness and then deciding to lay low for the time being.

Re: Birdland

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:45 am
by BetaKnight
Without conscious thought, Aislyn dropped to the ground at the sound of a gun's retort. Sprawled in the slightly tacky grass, she tried to calm her breathing. The flat, metallic smell of the corpse's blood filled her nostrils. It was not helping with the whole "let's calm down" department.

When the second shot didn't follow the first, she cautiously raised her head up, scanning to see if she could figure out where the shot came from. She could see light down in the bunker, probably from a flashlight just like the one in her bag.

Who ever fired the gun couldn't be *that* stupid, could they? It was way too convenient. They just *happened* to turn their flashlight on, betraying their position? No way. It was a set-up. Whoever had the gun had to be prowling around, hoping that anyone else in the area was stupid enough to head towards the light.

Plan set in her mind, Aislyn slowly moved from her prone position, taking a knee. She threw the rock she'd carried since she'd found it on the mountain as hard as she could towards the light. Hopefully, it would smash the flashlight and throw off whoever was stalking the area.

Re: Birdland

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:08 pm
by Brackie
"-aaaaah. Aaaaaaahahahaaaaaowww."

Brendan's ears were still ringing. Funny that. When you think someone with a gun, you think someone who knows what they're doing, not someone who's more than likely to shoot their best friend in the face because they don't know how sensitive that old trigger/finger is.

Eventually, it died down.

Fuuuuuuuuucking hell I'm not doing that again.

He sighed, shaking his head in one of those little vain attempts to rid himself of all the remaining ringing. Wouldn't have worked, either way, but it was just...something to do, really.

The flashlight on the ground was now probably telling everyone where he was. Not that he minded company at the moment (he still had some redecorating to do on his new house, so maybe guests weren't the greatest idea), but that flashlight was probably attracting the wrong kind of attention.

Well, it's better safe than sorry.

Still sitting against the bunker wall, he reached out to grab it off the sand with his left hand, where a few moths already decided to skirt around the rim-


The moths flew away, the rock bounded after them like a lost puppy, and Brendan's had was clenched on the front of his shirt. What he couldn't even try to clench, however, was the unplanned yell from his lips.

"AAAH! FUCK! FUCK!" Brendan yelled out into the night.


Re: Birdland

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:47 pm
by JamesRenard†
Saul kept close to the ground, debating on what to do next. The sound of the gunshot still rang in his ears, filling his mind with the annoying high-pitched noise. 'What do I do? Do I make a run for it, or remain here out of sight?' He decided on the latter option; jumping up to run away from the scene was only going to expose him to the unknown gunman. Maybe only for a couple seconds, but in this kind of environment, a couple seconds could be all it took to score a kill.

And now someone was crying out loudly. 'Oh God, did someone get shot then?' Saul feared, feeling a shiver work its way along the length of his spine. There was a delay between the gunshot and the shouting, but Saul couldn't explain what caused that. He didn't want to think about anything pertaining to the gunshot anyway.

He quietly grunted in discomfort, realising just how uncomfortable the fake pool ball felt in his jacket, digging into his abdomen as he lay on his front. He reached in his pocket to retrieve the toy, yanking the black sphere out with a hard tug. During the earlier panic though, Saul had perspired a lot more and as a result his palms and fingertips were slightly damp with sweat. Enough for him to fumble with the magic 8-ball and drop it. Under normal circumstances, Saul would've been able to pick it back up straight away and stuff it away in his pocket or bag.

Saul, however, was perched at the top of a slight slope. And he could only watch in horror as the ball immediately started to roll away from him, gathering momentum as it went. "Shit, shit!" Saul hissed, desperately clawing at the ball but only swiping at thin air, the toy eluding his grasp. It picked up speed and rolled towards a source of light at the bottom of the slope, which was currently illuminating two people positioned between it and the mascot. One of the two looked to be kneeling down, the other was lying down on the short grass. 'Wait a minute...'

There'd been a gunshot just moments ago, and someone had cried out quite loudly. Nobody should be able to sleep through those noises, not even the heaviest of sleepers. So why was this person still lying down? Saul put two and two together, and cried out, completely forgetting about his 'weapon'.

"Oh my God!" he shouted, then immediately clasped his hands over his lips as if trying to cram the words back into his mouth. 'Oh shit, way to draw attention to yourself!'

Re: Birdland

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:50 am
by BetaKnight

Just... fuck.

There were two of them. The swearing one by the flashlight and the yelling one off to the other side. Aislyn swung her head back and forth as she rapidly worked out a new plan. A realization hit her almost immediately. Son of a bitch! They were trying to pincer her. And doing a terrible job at it since both of them managed to get their positions made. Aislyn huffed in annoyance. Fucking amateurs.

She contemplated rushing one of them until she remembered the gun. One of them definitely had a gun, possibly both of them. It would be suicidal to rush an unknown, armed assailant. And she had not made it this far to get killed by being stupid.

Glancing behind her to make sure the path was clear, she quickly grabbed her bag and the bag of the fallen. Damn it, she would have to haul both along until she found a secure location to search her new prize. "This had better be worth it," she growled.

With one final glance at the unknown combatants, she sprang from her crouch and ran for the treeline, making sure to move in a serpentine path.

((Aislyn McCreery continued in In Theory, This Should Be Easy))

Re: Birdland

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:11 am
by Whirlpool531†
((Joss Joiner continued from Instinct.))

Jojo couldn't believe his bad luck. He'd spent the whole day going down the east part of the island with no sight of Jay. The only part he skipped over as trekked from the felled forest was the woods since he didn't want to be caught unaware and alone. The journey wasn't all for naught though, he began to see more corpses, former classmates cut down just like Maria was. He wondered how that Jackie girl was doing, she hadn't killed anyone after Maria it seems...


"Oh my God!"

Jojo was shocked back into reality as these screams pierced the air around him. He got behind a tree as someone rushed by him and away from the cries. He looked around the tree to see someone's flashlight lighting up the area nearby. He decided to move towards the light, in case its owner was injured by whoever ran off. As he got nearer he saw that they were holding their hand in pain. As he got closer he could almost see their face but could tell it was one of the guys from his school. Finally he got close enough to realize who it was. He also saw the gun on the ground next to him, but considering he hadn't heard of Brendan killing anyone, figured it was safe to approach him.

In a whisper, so no one aside from Brendan could hear him, he asked, "Brendan are you ok? Its Jojo from English!"

Re: Birdland

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:04 am
by Brackie
Who the fuck was that? Who threw that rock at him? He sat there, rocking back and forth while he wrapped his hand in his shirt. Someone thought he must of wanted to kill them, and...well, it looked really incriminating. He had his flashlight on, and there was a gunshot from the other aforementioned darkness. Really, *Incriminating* didn't even begin to describe it. He had no idea what they were thinking, but if they were trying to knock him out with a rock, it couldn't have been an innocent thought rushing through their mind.

Still, the fact remained that a rock from nowhere just tried to kill him. That must have meant that whoever out there...

"Oh my God!"

There it was. Someone out there wasn't keeping their mouth shut. It had to be whoever threw that rock at him, so now it was just a matter of keeping quiet and...well, if he turned off that flashlight, then whoever just tried to kill him wouldn't know where he was.

...wait, try to kill me?

I'm jumping to all the wrong conclusions.

I just shot out into the dark, and then they tried throwing a rock at whoever they thought, for all intents and purposes, was trying to kill them. I'm an idiot, why the hell would I just think someone was going out for me?

I am a big idiot, really.

His self-hating musings were interrupted by a voice to his side, someone was there, someone who knew him. At least they knew his name, but that wasn't the same as knowing him, really.



Brendan looked over to his left, where he saw the guy, squatting down in the sand next to him. The whisperer. He wasn't the guy who chucked that rock at him, that much was for sure. Even though he knew Jojo wouldn't be the sort to hurt him, he still grabbed both his gun and his flashlight and brought them close.

"Jojo? I...hey," Brendan muttered quietly.

Re: Birdland

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:16 pm
by JamesRenard†
Saul pressed himself down against the short grass, knowing his outburst would've given himself away to whoever was ahead of him. It had to have done. Just moments after he shouted out, the person next to the dead body made a dash for it, leaving the corpse to rot by itself. Saul just lay there, breathing through his nose so as to minimize noise. He listened intently to his surroundings. No more gunshots, no more cries of anguish. 'It's finally calmed down around here, thank God,' Saul thought.

The flashlight was still on at the bottom of the hill, casting its circle of light over a small area of sand and grass. 'Whose is that?' he wondered. 'Does it belong to that person who just scarpered? Does it belong to the,' he gulped, 'corpse?'

Whoever it belonged to, his 8-ball had still rolled somewhere in that direction, and he needed to reclaim it. Sure, it was a crappy weapon, but right about now it was the only thing he had. When it came down to it, a plastic ball that gave him random yes/no/non-committal answers was better than absolutely nothing. Not by much, but still.

Saul got to his feet and, while crouched down, he slowly made his way down the slope, making sure to avoid tripping over the body. One thing he couldn't avoid was the dew that had already accumulated on the surface of the putting green. And as such his foot slipped on the damp grass, sending Saul somersaulting backwards with a loud yelp and landing painfully on his backside. He slid down the slick grassy incline for a few inches before coming to a rest.

"Ow..." Saul moaned, slumping onto his back and staring up at the dark night sky. 'Can this night get any worse?'

Re: Birdland

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:49 am
by Whirlpool531†
As Brendan affirmed that he recognized Jojo, he relaxed a little and closed the distance a little bit more. He saw Brendan draw his things closer to himself and stopped so he didn't intrude on the other boy's space.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to hurt you." he said as he put his sledgehammer on the ground, "I'm not playing, not until someone forces me to. I'm looking for Jay, Jay Holland, have you seen him?"

Jojo sighed, "I guess that isn't the most important thing right now is it? Is your hand alright? I could apply some first aid if you need it."

He tensed up as he heard a yelp then a moan come from nearby and crouched, putting his bags down and grabbing his sledgehammer again.

"What was that? Was that the person who attacked you? Or was it the person who I saw running?"

Re: Birdland

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:21 pm
by Brackie
As little of Jojo as Brendan knew, it was safe to say that he knew he would be safe around him. They shared a class, that had to mean something, right? It wasn't like everyone who knew him at least by name know, start with Brendan? Cause, well, they knew each other, so...


So, first thing was first; Jay Holland?...ah, he remembered that guy. Stoner, right? Madelyn was probably the only person he knew from that kinda crowd, and even then that didn't change the basic fact that he had no idea where anyone was.

"I...haven't, uh, seen Jay, uh, no..." Brendan muttered. He'd gone back to holding his throbbing hand. Fucking rock thrower, whoever it was...

What? His hand? First aid? Knowing his luck it would probably involve stitches again, so...maybe not.

Jojo was rapid-firing off questions so fast he hardly had time to respond, so when he finally stopped, Brendan cleared his throat and started to speak a little on his own.

"I, uh, don't really know. I...I was just sitting here, and I haven't seen anyone, I haven't seen anyone or looked or anything, so...I don't know."

He looked away from Jojo and his massive sledgehammer, back at the darkness to his left, where said person was probably waiting. It sounded like they'd taken a tumble or something.

...I think I'm going to regret this, but...

He lifted his torch up to the darkness, and shone it through.

"...Hello? Who's, uh, out there?"

Re: Birdland

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:55 pm
by JamesRenard†
Saul was still lying on his back, the base of his spine twinging like mad. He coughed, feeling slightly winded. The starry night filled his vision, the minute points of light twinkling down on him. Mocking him for falling over on his ass. 'Way to go, Saul. Way to fall flat on your back. Ugh... this really isn't my night. Could be worse I suppose, I could be dead right now.'

And then light returned to the world in the form of a flashlight beam moving over his body. Saul leaned up, yelping as the intense brilliance shone straight in his eyes and momentarily blinded him. He fell back, staring back up to the heavens. He couldn't see the sky or the stars anymore, all he could see was a mixture of black and flash blindness that slowly faded away to even more black.

There was someone, possibly more than one person, down where the flashlight was. So much for it belonging to that person who just left, or the corpse. Someone called out from where the light originated from, asking him to identify himself. What choice did Saul have but to reply to him?

"Uh... it's me, Saul. I'm unarmed, don't hurt me or anything," he called out in response, "who's that?" He tried sitting up again, using his right hand to shield his eyes from the flashlight, and raising his other hand to signal that he was indeed lacking in the weapons department. No shots were fired, nobody was climbing up the hill to stab him. So far so good. "You haven't seen an eight ball down there, have you?" he asked, "I think it might've rolled down where you are, whoever you are." He tentatively moved his hand to try and get a look at the flashlight owner, but anything behind the bright beam was blacked out. And he was blinded again.

'Ouch... I wish it was morning already.'

Re: Birdland

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:21 am
by Whirlpool531†
Jojo relaxed when he heard the reply. Saul, the school mascot, and more importantly, a proverbial unknown on the island with no kills announced as far as Danya let on. As Jojo heard Saul ask for him and Brendan to identify themselves he heard something moving towards them and upon locating the source of the sound saw it was a small black ball rolling down the slope. He broke his gaze and looked upwards as he heard Saul asking if such a ball had gotten down there. After Saul stopped talking again, Jojo looked towards Brendan who nodded that it was alright to respond.

"Hey theres two of us down here. I'm Joss Joiner and the guy with the flashlight is Brendan Wallace. I think I see the ball you're talking about, it got down here. We're not playing so if you want you can come get and it and we can talk face to face."

Having said all the important things, he let go of his sledgehammer and sat cross-legged on the ground. For once, he thought, a tense situation would be resolved without someone running off, getting injured, or in general having it all go to hell. As the thought crossed his mind, he realized that in such a short amount of time such unusual situations had become the norm for him. The dinners spent with his parents, Emily, and Yosuke, her boyfriend turned husband, just days before the trip seemed like they were as distant as his memories of the beginning of freshman year. He only hoped that he was doing right by them since they probably had been watching as much as they could of him to make sure he was still alive.