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Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:07 am
by Laurels
"Hello, if you're watching this, know that this isn't fake. This isn't fiction, this isn't a publicity stunt, this isn't even viral marketing. This is real fucking life. I know it can be hard to believe, but please believe me when I say that this is real."

"My name is Claire Monaghan. I'm seventeen years old, I'm from Aurora High School in Seattle, Washington, and I'm on Survival of the Fittest."

((G018 Claire Monaghan: Start))

Moments earlier, Claire awoke in a chair at the top of the Airstrip Tower. She had her brief moment of panic, and then searched through the bag that was on the floor next to her. They took the video camera she brought for the trip to Disneyland, something that set off a string of expletives from her. She found the large flashlight the terrorists gave her buried beneath her shirts and food, and soon found the instruction manual with it. They actually gave her a gun.

After a few minutes of pacing around the tower, Claire noticed the camera in the corner of the room. That Danya prick mentioned it was being watched and broadcasted. That meant that people had to be seeing what she was doing. She needed them to see her, if only to help anyone looking for them to find them.

"I know there's a chance that what I'm saying won't be broadcasted," she said to the camera. "I know live shows often have a tape delay. I have no clue if this is live. From what I've read, it's not likely that this is done in real time. But I can understand that. Being a creator of cinema, I can understand the importance of gathering all your footage and then editing it into a finished product. Of course, this isn't a movie, but real life."

Claire cleared her throat. She held the flashlight shotgun up to the camera.

"The people behind this show want me to kill everyone in my class. They want me to give you bloodshed and violence. But that's not me. I'm not that kind of girl. So, if you were hoping to see me slaughter my way to victory just so I could end up like John Rizzolo, you are mistaken. I'm more of an arthouse cinema kind of person anyways."

"So, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to find a safe place to hide. Everyone in America, do whatever you can to help us get off this island. Use satellites, radios, drones, whatever you've got to find us. I'm going to try to ensure that I stay alive. Please, don't abandon us."

Claire removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

"Also, Mom, Dad, Emma, Mason, Jessica, I'm so sorry, but there's a chance I won't be coming home. I love you guys so much."

Claire turned away from the camera and sat back down in the chair. She removed her glasses and set them on the table next to her. She buried her face in her hands and let out a small cry.

So this is how Claire Emilia Monaghan will be remembered. Forget the award winning films and directorial style, she's going to die on some island somewhere. Fuck.

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:07 am
by Skraal
((Kyle Fitzpatrick Start))

Kyle scratched at his shoulder as he climbed the stairs of the Airstrip Tower. The vest chafed against his bare skin as he moved forward. His legs were burning. He was hardly used to physical exertion at the best of times, and now with the added weight of his daypack, the exercise was... pretty painful.

He didn't even know why he had chosen to climb the tower. It's not like there was a tangible benefit to being there. The equipment was most certainly not functioning, and the height wouldn't be much advantage to him with no ranged weaponry. He sighed as he put his pack down for a moment before continuing.

He supposed that the main appeal of the tower was mainly in its appearance. How many stories involved the protagonist climbing a tower? And, after all, wasn't this a story of its own, a story of real life? Kyle let out a quiet chuckle at the idea. He had spent his whole life daydreaming and waiting for something interesting to happen to him, and now it had. Funny how things worked out that way.

Well, I guess that's our Kyle then. Always making the bad decisions. Bet you're regretting this now.

"Shut up," he whispered to himself as he resumed climbing. After what seemed like an eternity of climbing, he finally reached the door to the control room. This was it. The top of the tower. The place where the knight in shining armor finished his quest. He yanked open the door to reveal a sobbing girl sitting at a table. Kyle had found the inhabitant of the castle, so to speak.

But was this one a princess, or a dragon?

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:07 am
by Laurels
Claire continued to cry in her chair. She hated being completely helpless. Back home, it wasn't difficult for her to do something if she wanted to do it. Her parents were supportive of her interests, she usually had Jessica to aid her if she needed it, and she had the ambition to create any film or idea she had. But now, what could she do? There wasn't any equipment in the tower for her to use in case there were any planes flying above. Could she wait for rescue, or would the game only end when all but one person was left?

Just then, the door swung open. Claire was startled and looked up at the boy standing in the doorway. She didn't really know Kyle Fitzpatrick that well. He was supposed to be pretty quiet in school, so Claire just never really noticed him. He didn't appear to be armed, so she knew there was a chance he wasn't immediately going to kill her.

Claire reached over and grabbed her glasses. She quickly wiped her eyes and put the glasses back on. Even though she didn't need them to see, she felt strange without wearing them, as if it was too embarrassing to be seen without them. She left the flashlight shotgun on the counter though. He probably couldn't tell it was a gun by looking at it, so she was willing to let him think she had a non-lethal, huge-ass flashlight.

"Um, hello," she said to Kyle. "How are you?"

That's a really stupid thing to ask. How the fuck do you think he's doing while on Survival of the Fittest?!?

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:07 am
by Skraal
Well, she didn't seem to be hostile. Now what? Kyle wasn't exactly good with meeting new people back home, so in a situation like this he had no chance. Or so he thought, anyway. He scratched his head. He'd better say something soon, or he'd look even weirder than he already did.


Stupid. You're in the middle of an internationally televised death game and all you can think of is "hi?" She asked you a question, so answer it! God, I can't believe you're such an idiot.

"Shut..." he closed his eyes as he started to whisper to himself. Remembering Claire's presence, he quickly stopped himself. It wouldn't do to have her think he was crazy or something. He decided that he needed to take attention away from that lapse as soon as possible.

"Um, I guess I'm doing alright, considering the circumstances. What about you?"

That's not much better. Good luck getting anywhere with those conversational skills.

Please shut up.

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:07 am
by Laurels
Oh good, Kyle's as awkward as I am right now. I guess it means I might not be in a whole ton of danger right now. Probably should be cautious about that though.

"Oh, I'm, no I'm not. I doubt anyone here is 'fine' right now. Anyone who is must be smoking something really calming right now."

Claire stood up from her seat and stared at Kyle.

Eh, it couldn't hurt to see if I should be worried about this guy.

"I haven't actually left the tower yet. I made a heartfelt plea to the cameras, but I doubt anyone will see that."

Claire brushed her hair behind her ears. She picked up the flashlight gun and showed it off to Kyle.

"The only way I'll probably be featured is if I take this big ass flashlight and act like Eli Roth in Inglourious Basterds. Did you get anything halfway decent?"

Okay, that might not have been the most subtle way to ask about his weapon, but hey, you got to work with what you got.

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:07 am
by Skraal
Kyle was momentarily taken aback by Claire's question.

Why is she asking about your weapon? Does she want to steal it or something?

Kyle sighed. He had got to stop addressing himself in the second person. Still, he questioned the wisdom of revealing his weapon to this girl. For all he knew, she might be planning to stab him in the back and take it. He stuttered as he tried to think of some sort of response to her query.

"Uh...I, um...have this..." 

Screw it. There was no way for him to think of a convincing lie here. He lifted up the bottom of his shirt a little, exposing the kevlar beneath. The next words flowed freely from his mouth.

Don't do it...

"I have this, uh, vest thing here. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be bulletproof."

There, he said it. He tried to relax his posture, but his body refused to cooperate. A knot of regret formed in his stomach as he replayed his previous decision over and over again in his mind. 

Yeah, nice going there, Kyle. Just tell her all about your equipment. Why don't you give her your phone number while you're at it?

Desperate to quell the tumult of thoughts churning invisibly in his head, Kyle blurted out the first thing that he could think to say.

"So, what now?"

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:08 am
by Laurels
Hmm, a kevlar vest. I think I read somewhere that those don't work too well and can cause serious bruising and possibly break your ribs if you are shot too close. Well, at least I know he can't hurt me. With an object. I guess he could strangle me.

Kyle asked what they do now. Claire's train of thought was interrupted and she placed herself back in the situation. He did have a good point. She quickly turned her head and looked around the top of the tower. They could see anything in the immediate area of the tower from the windows surrounding the top of the tower. Since there was only one way up, they could block the door to protect themselves.

And then someone could just set fire to the tower like what the Nazis did to the church in Come and See. Dammit. This is just ridiculous.

Claire shrugged her shoulders.

"Wanna hang out?"

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:08 am
by Skraal
Hang out? What kind of question is that?

I don't know, maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Who'd want to "hang out" with you, anyway?

Shut up and let me think!

Kyle pondered her question for a moment, looking down at the floor. Nobody had ever asked him to "hang out" before. Desperate times called for desperate measures, he supposed. He tried moving his shoulders a little. The vest was chafing again. He looked back at Claire and tried to force his face into an awkward smile. He could feel that the movement was unnatural, but there was no way to fix it now. He decided to just speak up.

"Um, sure!"

Yeah, like there's no way this won't end badly.

Embarrassed at his over-eagerness, he quickly followed up his response with another question.

"Wanna get moving then? I mean, we can't stay here forever. You heard what that guy said before. They'll probably start naming danger zones soon."

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:08 am
by Laurels
Huh. Maybe I said the wrong thing. Wait, of course it was the wrong thing. Who just "hangs out" while on Survival of the Fittest? Great, I've watched too much Gen X shit and now I sound like fucking Spicoli.

But Kyle did agree, making Claire glad that he wasn't put off by her question. She grinned and rested her flashlight on her shoulder. He suggested they leave the tower in case danger zones began to spring up.

"Yeah, that's fine. When you're in a tower, the only directions to go are up and down, so let's go somewhere we can move more freely."

Aw yeah, modified Hemingway reference for the win!

Claire grabbed her bag and swung it over her other shoulder, keeping the flashlight in her right hand.

"After you," she said, motioning to the door.

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:08 am
by Skraal
Well, it was decided then. They were leaving. Kyle picked his daypack off the floor and turned around. Was it just him, or was the air in there kind of stale? Never mind. He opened the door and started to head down. He groaned as he realised that he'd have to walk down all those steps again.

Ha ha, sucker.

I know you are, but what am I?

Kyle briefly wondered if other kids had arguments with themselves in their mind. He hadn't really read about it before in books or anything.

Less pondering, more moving, please!

To his chagrin, he realized that he had stopped moving. Hoping that Claire didn't notice, he resumed walking, heading down at a steady place. This was going to be a long few weeks. Hopefully they got rescued soon.

((Kyle Fitzpatrick continued in Wisteria Lane, After the End))

Re: Un Certain Regard

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:08 am
by Laurels
Kyle turned around and began to head out. Claire grinned and followed after him. Of course they had no idea where they were going, but it had to be better than the tower. If they had to, they could always return to the tower and fortify it. That would mean they'd have to be sure they could stay in the tower for a while and not be rushed out by a danger zone.

Well, there might be better options of places to fortify. If anything, we'd probably have to pick a place that would be less likely to become a danger zone. There's got to be a way to figure that out. But then again, they might make our area a DZ just to spite us. These guys are supposed to be real dicks anyways.

Claire began to head down the stairs after Kyle. There was a lot to do over the next few days, and it wasn't likely to be very easy for them.

((Claire Monaghan continued in Wisteria Lane, After the End))