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Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:10 am
by KamiKaze
She was sleeping... but a noise was bugging her.

It sounded like something was swooshing, or being moved around. She really wasn't sure what it was, and to be honest, she really wasn't in the best state of mind to figure out what that was. All she wanted to do right now was continue sleeping. My, was that a nice soft mattress she was sitting on? It felt kind of cool and lumpy, though. And that was an interesting air conditioner her mom must have put in her room, as it smelt kind of salty. Some of it did not seem right, though. The salty smell... the noises of things being moved around... the feel of the mattress... it really made her nervous, as if it reminded her of something she did not want to.

And that's when Carol Burke opened her eyes and saw that she was lying headfirst in... sand? The sound was continuing... what was it? She placed herself upwards in a criss-cross apple sauce position, rubbing her head for a few seconds, and once she looked up she saw something she did not want to see.

Water. Lots of it.

You see, Carol had suffered from a phobia ever since middle school. One summer, she had attempted to swim far out into the world famous Lake Tahoe, and had almost drowned. Ever since then, she had always feared water. Sure, a glass of water sitting on a table didn't bug her, but a pool? That freaked her out. And an ocean? Oh god, yes.

Water was cold. Water was strong. Water was salty. And most importantly, someone could drown in it.

Carol found her heart beat racing, as she stared at the waves coming in as if they were a wild animal. Sure, she was a few feet away from the highest point the tide came in, but that did not stop her from freaking out. Carol felt herself start to sweat, as her eyes widened out of fear.

How did she end up here?!

Was this some sort of sick prank? Although none of her friends she could really see leaving her out like this near open water (most of them knew about her fear), there were her some of her classmates she could see doing something like this. Yes! That's right, they were on a trip. She must have fallen asleep on the bus and they left her here as a joke! And then she would go find Mr. Kwong or some other teacher and tell them what happened, and then they would get punished! That had to be it.

But the Badlands weren't near any beaches, were they? She had no clue. Her head was throbbing, but most importantly of all, the water was still on her mind. Even though she was nowhere near it to feel it, she could already feel it surrounding her... cold, cold water...

Oh god.

As of this moment, Carol didn't even remember that she was on SOTF. All she knew right at that moment was that there was water, and she was just a few feet away from it.

She flipped her body to face away from all the liquid, and attempted to bring herself to her feet. Carol was only able to get herself on her feet for a few seconds, before falling down on the ground again. Oh god... she really did not be on this trip right now! As she fell, she screamed loudly.

This trip? Was hell.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:07 pm
by Rattlesnake

G090: Start

Kari Nichols broke into a run. She grabbed the gun thumping against her chest, finding purchase for her fingers on the folding stock and wrenching it open. She directed her flight towards a ridge of rock that obscured her view of whoever was screaming and, feeling a little bit heroic and a large bit foolhardy, made a giant leap off the ridge towards the beach.

Just over an hour earlier, as judged by her digital watch, Kari had pushed herself out of a heavy dream and into reality. There was no stewing in uncertainty, no slow realization for her. She had woken cursing her unconsciousness and cursing the terrorists. Her landing had been the best she could've hoped for, she thought as she surveyed the rut left in the sand by her tumbling body and got to her feet. First order of business was to check her surroundings for hostiles.

Second order of business was a few solves of her Rubik's Cube. She couldn't resist, and besides, she mused, pinching the stop timer button on her watch, it served as a useful metric.

"Twenty-one and a third seconds. Man, am I ever nervous."

A few runs later, she opened her bag and stowed the cube, then turned her attention to her standard-issue daypack. Immediately after undoing the zipper, a thrill ran up Kari's spine, followed by a renewed sense of shock and dread. A gun with two uncomfortably long clips lay on top of everything. She examined it. There was no question that the weapon meant business. There was no polished cherry stock, no foam rubber contoured grip, no ergonomically designed trigger; just death stamped out of sheet metal. Removing it from her bag revealed an owner's manual, from which she discerned that it was called a Madsen M50, that it shot a 9mm slug (Was that good, she wondered?), and that yes, it meant business. The whole thing, apparently, was so simplistic that she little doubted her ability, had she access to a good wrench to work off the barrel locking nut, to remove every piece and reassemble it in perfect working order.

The rest of the contents were of little interest to her at the moment, but she dumped them (minus Mr. Danya's Guide to Survival) into her own bag. The guide and her "personalized" pack could burn, for all she cared; she wasn't G090. She was Kari Nichols.

The next order of business was to thin out her bulging bag. Extra jeans, out; you could wear a good pair for weeks if you really wanted to, anyways. Most of the rest of her clothing was also tossed, barring the undergarments, which were a more integral part of personal hygiene and comfort - not like hygiene was a realistic goal in this place. Once she was happy, she set off to wander. Destination: unknown.

Not long after, the glint of a camera caught her eye, and she turned to face it as another hot jolt of realization flashed through her, just like the one the M50 had sent. She was on TV. Of course she knew the whole thing was a TV show, but catching sight of the cameras - it must be something you really had to see for yourself to understand. Millions of people could be watching her, maybe betting on her lifespan or commenting on the length of her sleep. And, she realized with another jolt, that meant that people much more important to her were watching. Dad's watching me, she thought. And Stephen and Charlie and mom. They can't see me die. They won't see me die!

At that point, she unshouldered her pack and retrieved the submachine gun, snapping a long clip into place and looping the strap around her shoulder. She decided then that it would be her constant companion. She needed to be ready, because if she was caught unaware and unarmed, she didn't like to think of what awaited her. She couldn't stand the thought of dying in this place, but even more so, she felt almost sick at the thought of leaving behind a corpse armed to the teeth.

If I die in this place, I promise that there will not be a single round left in this gun, a single blade left unblunted, a single fingernail not broken and bleeding from their broken grip on life. If the Reaper's gonna collect me, he better prepared to take me by force.

Back in the present, Kari looked at her feet, trying desperately in her short, rapid flight to find good purchase for her feet. She landed a bit roughly, stumbling slightly on the rocky section of the beach.

"Hey!" she bellowed, "Leave her!"

And then, peering around for the altercation, she spotted Carol, and understood. It was tough going over the rocky detritus that seemed eager to twist and snap unprepared ankles, but Kari worked her way onto the sand, then jetted over to where Carol lay. "Carol! Don't worry," she panted, extending her hand downwards, "It's OK."

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:54 pm
by KamiKaze
Water water oh god water get me out get me out get me OUT OF HERE!

Carol tried to lift herself off the ground, but to no avail. Her knees kept giving way, as if they had turned to jello. Oh god, whose bright idea was this, leaving the aquaphobe nearby a large body of water?! Whoever did this had to be punished somehow by the teachers. Maybe they would be sent home, or have to sleep outside, or hell, just excluded from some of the activities!


Someone was shouting, but she had no clue who. Who was that? Was that the person who left her here? They had a lot to answer to. Mr. Kwong wasn't someone you pissed off. He was a very stern man, and very few of the students hadn't ever seen him actually happy. So he was going to be quite upset, of course! Yes! And the other teachers were going to put a stop to whoever did this as well!

She could see the speaker approaching. Was that Kari Nichols? Carol did not know her very well, but she was in a few of her classes. Did she do this to her? But she was saying get away from her, so someone else was nearby, right? But who? Pondsworth? Yes! He had to be him, he treated everyone at the school like crap! It was only a matter of time before he targeted the new kid that was afraid of water!

"KARI!" Carol cried out, and then began shouting very quickly. "Kari, I just woke up here and there was lots of water and I think Monty did it since he had to screw with the new kid before everything is over and I don't know where I am or if the teachers are looking for me or OHSHITWHYDOYOUHAVEAGUN?!"

Carol had just noticed that Kari currently had some sort of gun on her. She had seen guns in many of the video games she would play and in movies, but to be honest, she had never actually seen the real thing before. She did not recognize the build or anything. What was Kari doing carrying around a gun?! Wasn't that banned from the trip? It wasn't as if they were going hunting, and the teachers didn't want to have to deal with psychos running around! Heck, someone could get hurt! What was the point of the gun? What was the point?! All it was going to do was get her sent home early, for crying out loud!

Gun... Kari... water...

Carol stared at the thing, and found herself freezing once again to the spot. Oh god, she was trapped between one of her classmates holding a gun and a body of water! She didn't even know why she was carrying a gun! All she knew was that there was water and there was a gun! Should she run away from both of them? But... but...

Hell... what was going on?!

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:45 am
by Rattlesnake
Myriad scenes flitted through Kari's mind when she heard the scream in the distance.

This was not one of them.

Her SMG could fire on full auto, but her mouth seemed to be all jammed up. A million words twisted over in her mind, one for every scenario that didn't involve breaking a classmate's illusions. It wasn't fair. Why should she have to break it to Carol? Danya had already broken it to them. Shattered it, in fact. Just like their lives. It pained Kari to see someone so unprepared for the world of pain and murder stretching out before them to the end of their life, which couldn't be long - not when she, Kari, was going to win it all.

"Carol," she started. Her voice lacked all the steely decisiveness and calming assurance she tried to pour into it. She stopped flat, acknowledging a thought that came screaming out of nowhere - how much nicer it would be if Carol was pointing some wicked instrument into her face, something nice and spiky and full of malice and maybe explosives. At least then she'd know what to do. Flip her ponytail back unnecessarily, take a firm stance, point her weapon right back. And if she thought about it long enough, she could even convince herself that she'd find the guts to pull the trigger. She would ruin a life, but she could do so in glorious, justifiable self-defense. If only she could find the guts. She swallowed.

"We're... not in Minnesota any more. We're really far away. Like, really far. I'd tell you to sit down, but -" she couldn't contain it any more, "Survival of the Fittest. Survival of the Fittest, Carol, do you know what that means? That's not a lake. That's the ocean. The ocean! And there," she pointed, swivelling around, "or there, or there - some way, there's home. Don't you remember the auditorium? Were you awake? Those teachers... He shot them. And," she blazed onwards, rattling the gun before her in two white-knuckled hands, "This. If he was here, I'd shoot him, I really think I would."

Breathing deeply, Kari cast an eye over the wide expanse of blue, but quickly swept her gaze back over the beach. It was on land, not by sea, that people would come, and there really wasn't time to stop and smell the roses. Or, for that matter, dead fish and rotting seaweed.

Wrinkling her nose and wiping her eyes, she turned back to Carol, extending her hand downwards again. "Come one. Let's get out of here."

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:50 am
((Rein Bumgarner continued from You're Gonna Go Far, Kid))

The young German had walked quite a distance in a short period of time. The boy had gain a unnatural amount of energy from the thought of his friend Gary being in danger. It had become his mission to find his friend, protect him and get him home. He had to make sure that Gary would be able to see his family again. To be able to see Elaine. The thought of her always brought mix emotions to Rein. Sadness for never going to be able to see her ever again. Joy and relief knowing she wasn't in danger. Fear for the fact Elaine was probably watching him and knowing he was a dead man walking. All of these emotions put together was enough to motivated Rein to find Gary, and help everyone he could find. He had to make sure Elaine would be proud of him.

Of course there was one huge flaw in his whole plan; he had no idea where he was. Nor had he realized he had a map which he could of used. Instead the boy just marched from the apocalyptic woods into a random direction, while hoping he would find someone or something. Both of these were answered but neither were what he had expected. First he had left behind the felled forest for what seem a large layer of rocks which obscure his vision of the beach and the two girls on it. Rein of course simply marched on; he was determine to keep moving forward no matter what.

After crossing the rocky barrier he took a moment to look at the sight before him which was of course the ocean. It gave him a feeling of loneliness for some odd reason. As if he was separated from the rest of the world. Which was funny considering he was probably being watch by millions of viewers. He would of debated on the subject if it wasn't for the fact he noticed two girls on the beach. He also notice one had a gun. Said person was also giving her hand to help the other girl, and it seem like she was trying to help. Good that meant she was less likely to put a bullet through his chest. The gesture also made him think of when he had tried helping the girl back at the felled forest. He wonder in the end if she had chased after him or not. He had never bothered stopping to look behind to see if she had followed, and he didn't bother looking behind now either. Instead he focused on the two girls in front of him. Taking a deep breath he started walking towards the pair.

"Hey! Are you tvo alright? To you need any help? Ton't vorry I ton't have a weapon! My name is Rein Bumgarner!" He shouted to the two girls.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:36 am
by KamiKaze
Kari had just sighed, and acted as if she wanted to explain something.

What was wrong? Carol was freaking out here, and all she could do was attempt to explain something? What was going on? Why was she holding a gun? Why was she acting all hesitant? What the hell was the matter with her? What's with all the water? Absolutely nothing made sense here!

She could vaguely hear someone shout out asking if they needed help, but she couldn't focus on it. Hell, Carol couldn't even see the guy who was saying it. All that was going on in her mind right now was water, water, and oh, did we mention water? Seriously. If only she could just get back to where everyone else was, that would be dandy.

Then Kari finally mentioned that they weren't in Minnesota anymore. What did she mean, "not in Minnesota"?! As far as she knew, they wouldn't take them so far out of the state! Why would they do that? Carol noticeably tensed up even more, and the rest of Kari's speech she could only get bits and pieces of.

Something about evolution... something about lakes and oceans... home... auditorium... teachers getting shot... her mind could barely focus on it.

And that's when she remembered.

That boy in the video they showed, he just shot and stabbed that girl like it was nothing! And she was his friend as far as Carol could tell! Friends weren't supposed to do something like that! Friends were supposed to be nice to each other and help each other no matter what! Why would he do that? That was horrible!

And they were expected to be... just... like... him.

The teachers were dead. They weren't coming to save her or punish those responsible for leaving her near a body of water. They were gone. Every last one that had come on the trip. That wasn't supposed to happen! Carol was supposed to graduate and go back to Nevada to meet her friends from home! Were they watching this? What was going on in their minds?

"Kari..." she whimpered, her eyes widening. Carol's body was now shaking all over, and her vision seemed to be dimming. No! They couldn't be here!

Kari had extended her hand a second time. Grabbing it, in Carol's eyes, meant that she had to accept what was happening. But, could she?

Carol lifted her arm to take Kari's hand, but it seemed unsteady. One could easily see that it was shaking, and that she was hesitant. But soon enough, it had become close enough to her hand, and Carol went to grab it.

"I need... away..." she tried to say. Every single thought in her mind was replaced by fear, as if she couldn't form coherent sentences right now.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:01 am
by Grim Wolf
(Simon Grey continued from Two Roads Diverged in a Dark Hellhole)

He was out.

He breathed a sweet sigh of relief, rubbing one hand along his forehead. He had not pulled out his flashlight the entire way--had been too afraid of giving away his position. Out in the light it was different; out here, even if he were seen, he was a known quantity, as was his enemy. They would be recognizable to each other, regardless of what was going through their heads.

In there, there they would have been faceless enigmas, people who could have killed him (or he them) easily. He would rather avoid that. But it had made for slow and treacherous going, and the air was thick in there--thicker than even the darkest parts of his conversation with Raidon.


But no, save that for later, save that for a time when he could effectually breakdown. For now, he had to be on guard. He had not had time, in the struggle to control his panic, to contemplate his next move. Now that he was free, now that he had returned to sunlight, he could start to think.

He made his way out into the dawning light, eyes closed as a cool sea breeze wrapped around him, filled his lungs with a suffusion of oxygen. Soon enough he felt the shifting of sand (albeit rocky sand--he could feel it jabbing him through his boots) beneath his feet. Here was a place for him to cool his heels, get his shit in order. Here was a place-

Someone yelled. He opened his eyes and froze.

Almost immediately in front of him were two girls, one helping the other. He didn't see the guy who'd yelled--he sounded relatively close by, close enough to be heard over the lulling breath of the ocean--but the girls were considerably closer--no more than twenty, thirty feet away.

...Oh, Christ, I've been walking with my eyes closed. They'll think I'm a creeper. A stalker. A player.

Say something.



Simon's lips refused to move.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:24 am
by Rattlesnake
Well, crap.

Bracing for impact hadn't helped, and Kari's heart melted at Carol's reaction. She hauled Carol up off the ground, brushing a bit of sand off and squeezing her in a quick hug that was as much to bolster Kari's own constitution as to comfort the other girl. She dearly hoped that Carol hadn't noticed the cold, hard, impersonal steel of the M50 that slipped between them for the brief moment. That was when she heard the voice calling over the sea breeze and gently breaking swells.

Rein, that kid's fine as long as he doesn't try anything stup-
She suddenly caught sight of Simon as well.
What, are we being stalked? Two guys just suddenly show up out of nowhere? Mr. Grey won't hurt a fly, though, not if it's got two X chromosomes. Kinda creepy that way, actually...

"Carol, grab your pack and come on," she urged under her breath, and then turned. Deliberately, pointedly, Kari took hold of the folding stock and worked it so that it lay flat against the side of her weapon. The message, she hoped was clear; Hostilities weren't on the schedule, but God help anyone so foolish as to try to upset the status quo. Then, more diplomatically, she spoke again. "Uhh, hey there. Guys. Both of you. I'm good for now, I think Carol just needs a bit of space, I'm sure you'll understand. Girl thing, you know?"

"Come on now, look, I'll grab the daypack if you need me to..." Kari's attention was turned back to Carol, with whom she felt a maddeningly strange sort of kinship. It wasn't like they were best friends or anything, or really knew each other past in-class interaction. Was it just because Carol was the first girl, really the first person she had encountered? Or maybe it was because she displayed the weakness that Kari felt. At any rate, she thought, she couldn't go around pouring her heart and soul into helping and comforting every one of the 270 other lost souls on the island - trying to do so would certainly just end in tears. Especially since she, Kari, had to win, and that meant that everyone, at some point or another, had to meet their untimely ends. At the same time, though, the feelings of warmth and concern seemed very genuine...

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:41 pm
Rein did a quick twirl to look away from the girls. He was slightly embarrased about what the girl said. He wasn't sure exactly what she implied but he didn't wanted to know anymore about the subject.

"Oh... Vell... Sorry I didn't knev I barge into a situation like dat.... Uhhh sorry again I'll just vait ofer dere... If you need anyding just call..." He said. He also understood that there was a second guy in the area that he hadn't notice. "Hey second guy! Vhy don't you come ofer here vid me and let de girls have deir space? I'm unarmed so deir noding to worry about. I gave my veapon avay to some terrified girl I met a vhile ago!" He announced.

Afterwards he walked a short distances away from the two girls to give them their space. He went ahead to go over the same rocky terrain to lose sight of the beach and hopefully give the girls the space they desired. He search for a short while to find something that look comfortable and decided to sit there. Sitting there he wonder what to do next. Part of him wish to move on to find Gary but one of the two girls seem in distress. He would feel ashamed to just leave the girl there. The other one seem to know what she was doing but the crying one... He felt he should stay around a little longer to help her out.

"Hey girls I'm just calling to gife you girls an idea of vhere I am. Call if you need anyding alright?" He annouced a second time.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:14 pm
by Grim Wolf

Who were these girls? He felt their names like raindrops slipping through the lines of his hand. Carol, maybe? And what was the other, always reminded him of that show he'd watched when he was a kid, with the world made of data and the little monsters that everyone claimed ripped off Pokemon. What had it...


"Sorry," Simon mumbled, taking a few steps back from the other girl. "I didn't mean to intrude." He took a few more steps back, until he was about twenty feet away, then sat in the sand, crossed his legs, and stared at the ground. He wasn't sure what to do, and the words had sounded so absurd coming out of his mouth. Didn't mean to intrude? They'd been kidnapped by crazed terrorists, threatened with death, and compelled in no uncertain terms to kill each other. Why the fuck was he bothering with niceties?

Habit. Force of habit. Habit keep a person functioning, even...

Even in the most bizarre circumstances, habit remains.

"Heh," he breathed, still looking down. He glanced towards the German guy (no idea what his name was). "You okay?" he asked, in lieu of anything else to say.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:03 am
by KamiKaze
((Was skipped. T_T))

Carol was brought to her feet, and before she knew it, she and Kari were in a hug.

"Kari..." Carol said, again, in a low voice.

She wasn't sure if she could accept this. This had to be a sick joke, right? They had to be able to get out of here. Maybe the teachers were playing some kind of joke on them, and any minute they would jump out and say "Surprise!". It wasn't as if- Oh hell. It had to be real. They were stuck here, and supposed to kill their own friends with their bare hands. Carol couldn't do that. She never saw herself as hurting her friends, either. She always saw those she heard about in the news or in the media she played or watched as horrible people, that did not deserve her sympathy. No good person would do that to their friends.

Of course. Her friends would never hurt her. They had no reason to, and they were, of course, her friends. They would all try to help her, and she would help them, of course. Carol never saw the other members of the Entourage as horrible people. How could they be horrible? Sure, they had flaws, like most people, but Carol adored them so.

But, how many members of the group had gone on the trip? All of them, she could remember. Reiko, Paige, Amber, Jacob, Ben, they were all on the bus. Every single member of the "Entourage" was there, which meant they were here. Oh god, they were going to die too.

She heard another person call out, and Kari released her grip. Carol could see two people standing on the beach, looking concerned. Two boys, by the look of it. One's name was on the tip of her tongue... who was that? Red hair, glasses, kind of chubby... damn, she knew who it was, but she couldn't quite grasp his name. Who was it? The other one was a blond guy, and one she could have only seen around a couple of times.

Who were they?

Kari didn't seem to like them, for some reason. She told the two boys that Carol needed some space, and that the two of them should just go. At the mention of a daypack, Carol looked around her, and noticed two bags lying on the beach just where she had woken up. Carol staggered towards the bags, her heart racing as she tried her best to avoid gazing at the water, and looked down.

Unzipping a dufflebag, she noticed that her things that she had packed inside the trip were inside it. She quickly zipped it up, and went to the other, a bag with her name and "G015" written on it. Was that also hers? It was sitting on a stick or something. Wait a second, that wasn't a stick...

Carol moved the bag aside, and her eyes widened at what it was. She had seen such things in the games she would play, and very often, the heroes in many movies would use such a thing to gun down some baddies. In the games, she would just shoot the zombies or whatever it was she had to fight with sheer delight, while in the movies, she would consider the scene where the hero shot the bad guy to be "badass". But, now that she was looking at a gun, she wasn't sure what to think. It was definite proof that she was going to have to kill people just to survive, of course. It wasn't as if she was just itching to try it out, of course. Sure, under other circumstances, she could have used it at a firing range or something, just to see how it worked. But, here was not the case.

She picked up the gun, moving it around in her hands. It was black, and appeared to be made of metal. Carol looked back at the two boys. Were they... good people? They seemed worried about her, at least. But, they were her classmates! They couldn't hurt her! It wasn't as if the entire class was made of psycho killers, after all.

She gripped the top of the gun by the barrel using her left hand, and slowly approached the two. Even if Kari didn't like them, they were still good people, right? No one could jump to killing that easily, especially the people she knew.

As she walked, it was as if she was learning how to all over again. Her legs seemed very weak, and could possibly give way again any second now. Normally, Carol was the happy sort, always remaining cheerful and carefree with a big smile on her face. But, if anyone who had met her before had seen her now, they would be surprised at how scared she looked. All that cheer had been replaced by all the water and the knowledge that she was going to have to kill her loved ones somewhere along the line.

Carol stopped a few feet away from them, just standing there holding "her" gun. She took a deep breath, and, with a slight waver in her voice, said "You... you... you aren't bad people, right?"

She looked at the redheaded one, and suddenly his name came to her. "You're Simon... right?"

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:32 am
by Rattlesnake
For a moment, Kari stood still, watching the two young men draw back and wondering how in the world she had obtained such an easy acquiescence from them. Then turning to the rest of Carol's gear, she realized why.

Seven pounds of mass-produced death swung around by her side, reminding her how disturbingly familiar it had become, and also why she seemed to have gained such powers of persuasion. It was simple, of course: she, Kari Nichols, was packing heat. Under her hands it felt cold and hard in the conventional sense, as well as somewhat reassuring and only slightly offputting. From someone else's perspective, though, it would seem cold not in the sense that ice is cold, but in the sense that pushing someone off a cliff is cold; and not hard in the sense of diamonds or steel, but hard in the way that a tumble over a cliff is hard. It would also seem, she thought, quite the opposite of reassuring and very much offputting. She should probably be more careful about swinging the thing around, but it did give her a nice command of the current situation.

And then she saw what she had missed looking at Carol's baggage for the first time, and another twisted stream of emotion ran through her. It was a shotgun. Kari's SMG was by no means inadequate - just one bullet wound could be a death sentence, given the location and the situation, and those wickedly long magazines held plenty more than just one. But a shotgun... There was something about it, some intangible sense of presence normally associated with field artillery. Kari's gun could throw half a dozen rounds through a human head - but only Carol's could remove it. And then came the sense of longing, a guilty sort of feeling she knew would do nobody any good but that she also knew would not go away. Surely Carol didn't want to deal with the thing? Surely it would be better in the hands of someone stronger, more together, more terrified of failing? Someone, to put it bluntly, who deserved it more? Kari couldn't block the brief mental image - falling back through some passage or doorway, whirling about, putting the decisive finisher through some faceless competitor's chest, someone she didn't know because how could she pull the trigger on one of her friends...

She shook her head, trying to clear it of such horrible, indecent thoughts. She laid a hand on her own weapon, but she only pushed it to the side, readjusting its position and reassuring herself. And then, with a returned sense of worry for her classmate's well-being, walked up the beach beside Carol, staying just behind her and to the side opposite the dangling shotgun, keeping what she presumed to be a respectful silence and inclining her head slightly toward Rein and Simon, acknowledging their presence and trying to indicate the acceptance behind the hostility.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:23 am
Rein nodded to Simon who was only a short distance away. "Could be a lot better but at least I knov my girlfriend is safe at home. Vid Dat knovledge I dink I can die happy knoving she has a future..." Rein answered Simon.

Strange that he didn't exactly feel that way. His heart was constantly stuck in a mix of torment and joy. As he had said the thought of his girlfriend safe at home was enough to keep him going. The thought of never seeing her again was enough to make him cry. Yet the German had to stay strong. He knew she was watching him and he had to put up a brave face for her. He had to play the hero that she fell in love with. Not some monster. He had to die as Rein Bumgarner.

Which made the next question quite funny. Carol has just ask if he was a bad person. It was hilarious to think he was trying to act like who he was and then get ask if he was a bad man.

"I hope I'm not a bad person, Carol. I vant to try my best to help as many people as I can before I die. I hope you all dink de same vay." He stated while getting up. He turn around and saw Carol approaching Simon, and was obviously trying to help. Rein greatly appreciated that kind act. Just like how he saw the other girl trying to help Carol. Overall Rein had felt that these were good people. People that deserved to live. It wasn't like the group back at the armageddon woods filled with hostility. This group was generally looking out for one and other.

With that thought Rein approach the other girl. He extended his hand to hopefully have a quick handshake.

"Hi dere. I just vant to let you knov dat... I appreciated de fact dat you help Carol. I just came quite a distance from here and de people dere seem almost villing to kill one and other. So I just vant to say this once more; dank you for helping someone and that I'm villing to help you as long as I live on this island. My name is Rein Bumgarner and yours is?" He asked.

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:59 am
by Grim Wolf
As soon as the boy spoke--German, Simon remembered, he was the German one--Simon felt his eyes arch. "Really?" he said. "You, uh...can you really..." But no, there was no good way to pose his question. Either this other man was deluded beyond reason or he was more noble than Simon could believe. "I hope you find her, then."

The girl--the one whose name he wasn't sure of--spoke. Asked them if they were bad people. Simon's lips almost quirked--if he were evil, he would have known better than to answer that question honestly--but then she asked him if his name was Simon.

"Y-yeah," he managed, raking his brain for her name. "And you're..." He trailed off, unable to come up with a name. "Sorry," he said weakly. "I, uh...I don't have much of a head for names." He scratched at the back of his skull, mouth set in a line.

The German spoke once more--said something about wanting to help as many people as he could before he died. Was it all lipservice? Simon wanted to think of himself as a good person, but he didn't know if had such confidence in the others. Well-armed as this pair was--shotgun and an SMG, damned if that wasn't a combo to be feared--there were two hundred students on the island, and how many of those were just...just...

He closed his eyes, the darkness only aiding his recall. The teachers were being gunned down, and in the echo of those bullets he saw a door swing open, saw his father pitch to the floor. He charged forwards, someone hit him, and the teachers were gushing blood and his head was reeling and his sister was on the ground and-

I'm not him.

"If you ladies want to leave, I understand," Simon said, keeping his eyes closed and staying seated as he was, not reaching for the gun in his pocket. "I'd...I'd be glad to help, but the pair of you looks armed enough to be safe."

Re: Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:02 pm
by KamiKaze
The two boys did not seem to like that she had to ask. Of course, it was kind of a stupid question, she had to admit. After all, if a crazed psychopath ran up to you, they wouldn't answer honestly.

Then again... there were probably no crazed psychopaths at Bayview. Everyone, as far as Carol could tell, was nice. Well, not everyone. Monty was there, and there were a few other nasty people. But, most people at Bayview were nice. Other times this has happened it was because there were horrible people at those schools who wanted to kill. But no one at Bayview was like that. Hell, only Monty and maybe a few others would participate, right?

Carol smiled, in spite of still feeling a little disoriented from all the water nearby.

"Carol", she responded to the questions. Pointing and glancing behind her, she said "That's... that's Kari..."

She could vaguely see the ocean as she glanced towards Kari.

The ocean. Big. Wet. Cold.

Carol felt her heart racing again, and she looked back at the two boys, her smile fading.

"We... we were planning on getting out of here soon... I don't like the water... I'm kind of... it scares me, alright? I don't like big bodies of... you get the idea..."

She rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand, looking down.

"If you guys want... you could join us. I believe that you're not bad people. Very few people in this school are..."

Carol looked up, and took a deep breath, feeling as if she was about to burst into tears. Again, she couldn't see anyone in her school actively killing, since close to everyone at Bayview was a nice person. But, she wasn't sure if she could kill her friends if it came to it. Friends were supposed to be good to each other, not kill one another. But, if she saw her friends, killing wouldn't be the first thing that would come to mind for any of them, right? Amber, Paige, Ben, Jacob, Reiko, they all were good people, and none of them would kill their own friend. And of course, Carol wouldn't kill them either.

In fact, they could all just be lucky and someone would come in and save them, like the coast guard or something. After all, the government had information, they were probably getting close. There was no way that they would get away with something like this a fourth time, if she remembered correctly.

"I think that the government will put a stop to this, right? They can't get away with SOTF four times over. I mean... they must know something... anything... I think I need to find my friends, though..."

After a few more seconds, she looked back up at the two, and said "I really don't think either of you are bad. And I don't think we should go off alone... but, it's up to you if you want to tag along. I just... need away from the water..."

Taking another deep breath, she turned and started walking towards Kari again, still feeling a little unsteady. Everything seemed to spin around her. Overall, she felt dizzy, and maybe once she got away from the water, she would lie down and take a rest. That had to be the first thing she did once she got away from the beach. Just lay down, think this over, and everything should be alright...