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The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:32 pm
by Killer_Moth†
((Jen Romita cont'd from Some Fantastic))

All this running must be doing wonders for her figure. It was strange the thoughts that went through Jen's head as she moved. Here she was, her life in the greatest peril she had ever experienced and she was wondering about her weight.

The exercise had been nearly continuous. Ever since the short break she'd taken with Morgan, she had been nearly continuously on the move, trying to find her companion. Somehow, in breaking from the clearing where they'd heard the gunshot, she had lost track of where she was going. Now, she was alone, and on ground that was increasingly damp and less solid.

Finally, exhausted, she slowed and stopped, the effort of dragging her legs through the mire was becoming too much. She needed to sleep. But that would bring dangers of its own. First, she'd be open to attack. Second, unless she found someplace solid, she could well drown.

Still, with everything she'd experienced, she needed time. She'd heard that Eva was dead now. Poor little Eva. So much life, so much potential, now rotting somewhere on this hellhole. So many others as well. And this was only the third day. How long did she have? She wasn't going to win, she knew that. And now Morgan was gone too. Would he look for her, or would he continue with his plan?

She needed a warm bath and a change of clothes, a chance to recharge, to recover herself within this ordeal, but she knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Even in her tired state, she wasn't going to bathe in the murky water surrounding her. She still had her standards after all. However, she could at least cool off for a moment.

She worked her way back to semi-solid ground, and found a place where she could put her bag down without it slipping into the mud. Taking her top off in one smooth movement, she allowed the cool air to flow over her skin, before using the sweat encrusted fabric to towel off as best she could. The cameras forgotten for the moment, she began searching in her rucksack for a fresh bra, and change of top, hoping that nobody would come across her until she was changed.

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:18 am
by Badb†
((Frankie Fiametta, continued from The Man-Slut, the Cocktease and the Lover.))

It had taken her several hours of cussing, falling over in the dark, cussing some more, and calling various members of the student body's mother's numerous slang terms for prostitutes, but Frankie had managed to clamber out of the tunnels.

However, aside from the obvious benefits of being above ground such as not falling over every fifteen feet and actually being able to see where the fuck she was going, Frankie had unsurprisingly found herself in just as shitty a situation as the one she'd been in beforehand.

Her marijuana ravaged lungs weren't cut out at all for hiking up the sides of fucking mountains, and as much as she hated it, she had to take breaks every so often. It was that reason that she currently found herself sat up against a tree, with her bag at her side, gasping for air. Her eyes wandered to her pack. Frankie figured she must've packed something in there before the trip. She was probably too baked to remember doing it. Shit, she didn't even remember owning a bag like this one.

Frankie pouted and carefully opened the bag, rummaging through it's contents for the first time in her amazing-so-far stay on the island. Fairly mundane shit, really. A map that really would have been helpful if she had any idea where the fuck she was, a first aid kit for any booboos she might need to patch up, bread, bottled water, a slingshot, presumably some kind of dumbass joke, and a flashlight. A fucking flashlight. She had spent fucking forever falling over in the dark, only to find that she had a fucking flashlight to start with? It was like this place was deliberately set out to fucking mess with her head. Jesus Fucking Christ.

On that note, what the fuck was up with the slingshot? Oh. Oh fuck. The realisation set in. Whatever, she'd just have to improvise something. Fuck it. Shoving the slingshot into her jacket pocket, Frankie got up to her feet. She'd had enough sitting around, she wasn't gonna just stay there and make herself a target. She slung her pack over her shoulder and started walking. She wasn't sure where she was headed, but again, she'd improvise, fuck it.

Eventually, Frankie came to what she figured was a swamp of some kind. Sure as hell looked like one. The smell was certainly there, too. Frankie made a quick approach, slowing down as she cautiously took the first few steps into the mud, taking quick, light steps after that to try and avoid getting stuck. She carried on walking, eventually managing to wander over to some slightly harder ground. Frankie slowly trudged along that until she had to take another break.

As Frankie went to sit down, she spotted someone in the distance, and, ever so surprisingly for a Bayview student, their back was turned, but they looked like they were topless, rummaging through their pack for some shit. Whoever they were, they were likely changing in the middle of a fucking swamp. Classy, currently nameless skank. Real classy.

Frankie sat down, setting her bag down besides her. She figured she'd get the currently nameless skank's attention somehow. Try to puzzle through some way of getting her attention without looking like some deranged voyeur who'd been watching her change or any shit like that. Bad first impressions would suck.

Frankie put her hands to her mouth. "Hey, skank!"

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:51 am
by Arscapi†
((Marion Summers continued from Caged in Like Animals ))

Marion was wandering aimlessly until the land beneath her feet became squishy. She looked down and realized she'd wandered into a swamp. I really have to start paying more attention, she chastised herself. Here I want to be this great journalist and I never seem to know where I'm going. Sighing she began looking around and spotted two classmates, just as one of them hailed the other.

"Hey skank," Frankie called to the bathing girl.

Marion rolled her eyes at Frankie's statement. The girl has seriously fried way too many brain cells. She can't honestly think that greeting's going to go well. She craned her neck but couldn't make out who the girl in the water was.

Someone was not paying attention in biology; she thought contemplating all the bacteria and viruses that could be found in and around a swamp.

Pulling out her trusty notepad once more, she took a few more steps into their line of vision. "Hey girls," she said. "You guys didn't happen to pack any paper did you? See I'm writing down all my experiences here on the island. Have any stories you'd like to share?"

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:48 am
by GregTheAnti-Viking†
((Morgan Leftowitz continued from Some Fantastic))

(this starts on day 2)

Morgan Leftowitz had had his fill of running away again. His sides were aching with cramps and his breath was heavy. He could feel the thick ooze of saliva clinging to the roof of his mouth. He spat out globs that stuck to the grass and he heaved a heavy sigh.

He had made it into some thick woods. That much he knew. He had crossed some sort of bridge over a river. He remembered that much. But everything after that was a blur. All he knew was that he and Jen were safe from whoever was wielding that gun. They would recover, and then go to that mountain and find a way out of here.

"I'm so...freaking...sick...of this...island..." he said, between heaving pants, "You alright Jen?"

There was no response...

"Jen?" Morgan said, standing up and turning completely around. There was nobody there behind him.

Morgan's felt his heart pounding in his chest now, it was the loudest thing that he could hear in this forest. He was sure that Jen was behind him. The two of them left on his mark and then...he couldn't remember the rest. Was there a gunshot? Was there a scream? He couldn't remember anymore.

"Jen! Where are you!"

He started to run as best as he could, but all he could manage was a jog. His breath was starting to quicken and small yelps were creaping out of his mouth after he had called her name again. Morgan had promised her! He had held her close and promised her that she was going to be alright! Yet now she was nowhere to be found!



Morgan could not sleep that night. How could he sleep? He had wandered the forest all night, fighting through the intense desire to sleep, in search of the girl he loved. How many times had he wanted to tell her his feelings. How many times had he just said nothing. WHEN he found her. He promised himself that he would find the courage to say something, give a hint at least. He would then tell her once they got off the island. Once they were safe.

The massive swarm of trees that had encompassed the area he was once in started to thin out. The area began to clear and that's when teh announcement hit. The sheer glee in Mr.Danya's voice had caused the temperature around him to go cold. Time began to slow and Morgan couldn't help but squeeze his eyes shut as he listed the previous days' events.

He heard Eva's named announced and shuddered. Eva was one of Jen's closest friends aside from him. She was a nice girl too. She didn't deserve to die. The game had suddenly become increasingly real. More real than what he was already feeling.

He waited. Holding his breath as the names of the students dead grew. Then, he stoped, and Morgan found himself colapsing to his knees in relief.

Thank god...she's alive...

Morgan opened his eyes and sighed. Using the butt of his rifle as a cruch, he lifted his body up and sunk his shoulders down in relaxation. There was only one thing to do now; and that was to find Jen!

"Jen!" he called out, his voice still raw from last night, "Jen are you out there?"

There was still no response. This time though, he didn't panic. He was a man on a mission now and he wasn't going to stop now. Tightening the straps on his heavy backpack. He began to march.

Morgan first felt the bugs biting him half an hour later. He tried smacking them away but he found that it wasn't much use. He figured that is was just the sweat that had attracted them towards him. His entire body reeked of sweat, but there was nothing he could do about that.

His left foot suddenly sunk downwards and he could hear a disgusting squelching sound as it sunk. He looked to his foot and found that it had sunk into a soft brown mud. He stuck out his tounge in response. The mud was cold and it seeped into his shoe.

Gazing into the distance, Morgan saw that he was now on the edge of a swamp. He couldn't quite tell how large it was and he could only see so far before the fog in the distance obscured whatever was beyond it. He shook his head, sighing as he did so. He was going to have to start somewhere if he was going to find his love. He decided that here would be as good a place as any.

As he walked, he became increasingly more annoyed with the amount of mosquitos that he was attracting. He had wished that there was a can of bug spray in his backpack, but he never packed any with him. Danya probably would have taken them anyways. The only place he hadn't really been bitten was his now mud coated shins. He had sunk as far as his shins occasionally and because of that it seemed to work like a repellent.

Morgan recalled a documentary he had seen once. It was about some dogs in Africa that covered their snouts with mud to mask the blood and prevent bug bites. Maybe...maybe it worked on humans as well...

His gaze turned towards the thick earth that he was standing in.

Dude why are you thinking about this! You have to go find Jen! Get going!

Morgan felt the bite on his cheek and smacked it. That was the last straw! His arms dove into the wet earth and he began to coat his bare legs, his arms and neck and eventually his face with mud. It felt cold at first, but soon that gave way to pleasure as he realized that the bugs weren't biting, even better, his skin didn't itch!

"Hey, skank!"

Morgan's head turned to the sound in the distance. It wasn't Jen's voice. He knew that for sure, but it was a voice none-the-less. He began to wade through the bog towards it. It didn't matter who it was right now. All that mattered was the chance that Jen was there. Or at least that Jen had been seen by the person who called it out.

As he came closer, he saw three figures in the distance. The first was Marion Summers, a girl in the school paper and someone he didn't know very much more about. The second was Frankie Fiametta, a party girl, and most importantly, one of the three members of the ilustrious Fiametta triplets in Bayview. A girl that he knew had partied with Jen at some point though those parties bled into one another and he couldn't remember when. Most importantly though was...


If there was a way that he could run like he had done just a day ago, Morgan would have done it now. Regardless, he galloped as fast as he could to where the three of them were standing. Only one thought was running through his mind, and that was that she was alive! He hadn't let her down and the two of them were going to be okay.

"Jen! Oh my goodness! You're alright! I had been looking everywhere for y-"

Morgan nearly tripped when he finally saw it. Morgan had only seen someone half-naked in the movies. It was in those lame horror movies that used boobs and gore to hid the fact that they had nothing else. It was hot, but it wasn't anything spectacular or anything. This was the first time that he had seen his friend, let alone anyone in real life half naked...

He wanted to turn away, but he found himself struggling to do so. She was hidden partially by her bag, but it was hard not to notice her. There was a time once when Jen was drunk and she had tried to take her top off in front of him, but Morgan was able to stop it from happening. Now there was nothing he could do now...He was staring at the love of his life, covered in mud, and when he opened his mouth all he could manage to say was...


Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:12 am
by Killer_Moth†
Jen had located a clean bra in the bottom of her bag without dislodging too many of the contents, and had removed her current one. Neither was anything too erotic, built more to stop anything from moving around too much, but given the activities she'd planned on undertaking on the trip, she'd felt that it was essential to have functional underwear, as well as sexy. She discarded the sweat encrusted one into the depths of the swamp.

"Hey, Skank!"

Her head shot up at the sound, and her hands followed to cover herself. Who was it that had shouted, that had dared to insult her? Crazy Jen's rep must be in danger on this island if somebody thought that they could get away with calling her a name like that. This island was seriously messing with the natural order.

Looking round, she saw Frankie Fiametta, one of Bayviews iconic triplets, and well know party girl. Jen had partied with her in the past, enough to know that she wasn't going to trust her right off. She looked her square in the eye and shouted back, "What do you want, bitch?"

Worse than Frankie was the girl with her, who had apparently decided that she was on assignment for the school paper. "I don't know, Girl Friday. I guess getting spied on when you're changing in a swamp is right up there. I'm sure all your readers would love to hear about it." The girl was dumb, and annoying her. She missed Morgan.

And like that, he was there. Jen had relaxed her arms in the presence of the girls, which had clearly had an effect on her erstwhile rescuer. Even as he half ran, half stumbled through the foliage, she could see the familiar sight of a guy blinded by the headlights. She didn't know whether to be excited, flattered or upset that Morgan was just like everybody else out there, obsessed with her boobs. She quickly covered herself up.

"Highpockets, don't stand there gaping. Turn your back, I'll be there in a second." She began to don the clean bra she had looked out. "I'm glad you found me."

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:01 am
by Arscapi†
Marion raised an eyebrow at Jen's bitter little rant, but it was hard to take her seriously when she was playing exhibitionist in disgusting, fetid swamp water. And given Jen's reputation, it's not like her showing off the goods was anything new. She wanted to be the bigger person. She really, really did. She had every intention of taking the moral high road when the words tumbled out of her mouth.

"Please, Jen. A naked you is hardly newsworthy. Lead stories are things that are interesting, exciting, or unusual. Your boobs? Not so much."

Horrified, Marion slapped her hands over her mouth. Did she really just say that out loud? Sure, Jen was being an ubër bitch since she has only asked an innocent question, but that was no excuse for being an even bigger bitch right back. 'I mean, she *did* call me Girl Friday, so maybe she wasn't meaning on sounding like a total bitch? Or maybe she's just so slow she doesn't realize that's not an insult?'

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:53 am
by Badb†
Yeah, that definitely got her attention. Nameless skank turned around. Frankie recognised her face immediately. Oh boy, was she a familiar face. Jennifer Romita. The biggest slut in Bayview. No, wait, her mistake. The second biggest slut in Bayview. Couldn't forget about her dear old skank-bag of a sister. Even if Rosa had probably forgotten about her in her search for more clueless losers to fuck.

"Oh, Jen! Hey Jen!" Frankie shouted back. "Y'know, I thought I smelled tuna!"

Frankie got the usual "what the fuck do you want?" response, which was par for the course, really. Well, that was the introductions out of the way. As for the answer for Jen's question, Frankie didn't even know that one herself. Why the fuck was she here? She figured she'd think up some bullshit reasoning for her being there, though. Again, she wasn't all that big on the whole derranged voyeur gig.

"Mind your own fucking business!" She bellowed back.

Yeah, that'd work.

Suddenly though, the fucking Paparazzi of all things came out of nowhere, probably to report on the shocking story in progress. Look! Breaking fucking news! Jen Romita is still a whore! Next up we'll have a four page report on the fact that JJ Sturn has the hots for Julian Avery and then we'll have an interview with Justin Corrigan on what it's like being openly gay in high school. Yeah, because fucking nobody had seen that shit before.

Frankie grabbed her bag and got to her feet, using the tree to support herself on the uneven ground. Wading through the swamp, she made her way over to the group, all ready to give her eye-witness interview and shit, just in time to hear some retard drool all over the place at the sight of Jen R's rack. God, she wished she was making that part up.

"Oh, come the fuck on." She looked over at the gibbering retard. Morgan Leftowitz. The boring as fuck tea-drinker. Probably the first time he'd ever seen a pair of tits outside of a smuggled-in copy of hustler or some shit like that. "You're fucking kidding me, right? You gotta be fucking kidding me."

"You're not serious, right?" She couldn't believe this. The fucker was actually gibbering. She almost burst into laughter right then and there, but she managed to keep her composure. "Jesus Christ, you fuckers really are all just hormonal, huh? The second one of you cocksuckers see some cleavage, you're drooling all over the fucking floor. Fucking hell."

She really needed a smoke.

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:51 pm
by GregTheAnti-Viking†
There was a moment that lingered when nothing happened. Morgan couldn't help but marvel at her lightly tanned skin. He had noticed this many times before, she made sure to flaunt it with every new look she brought out, but it was a little different when she had no clothing to flaunt it.

His mind was whiped back into shape however when he heard the voice shouting out to him. He remembered now that he wasn't alone with Jen right now. He was thankful that the gooey brown earth clinging to his face, he could almost feel the blush popping up to his cheeks. He looked ridiculous right now.

"Highpockets, don't stand there gaping. Turn your back, I'll be there in a second."

He didn't need to be told a second time. Morgan turned his back on Jen and the other girls and waited for her to give the okay to show his mud streaked face. His breath began to slow and the initial shock and awe of seeing the girl of his dreams half naked. The embarassment still remained; however, as Frankie began to make the 6' 5" giant feel like the smallest thing in the universe. Jen was probably less than pleased with the way he acted too, he was better than that, wasn't he? He was supposed to be the friend to be there for her, not the friend that wanted into her pants.

"I'm glad you found me."

The tension in his chest was released as soon as he heard those words. Happy to hear that she at least, wasn't that mad...

"Thanks," he mumbled, staring down at a puddle of murky water, "I'm...glad you're safe..."

He cautiously turned over to where Frankie was standing, making sure he avoided looking to where Jen was still sitting, not wanting to be caught looking at her body once more.

"So..." he said directing his voice to all around him.

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:46 am
by Killer_Moth†
Great. Now she was somehow or other stuck with a bunch of hangers on. People who were only going to slow her down. Sure, Frankie might be useful, but she had a hard time imagining that the little girl who was using a life or death situation as a chance to play reporter would be anything other than dead weight to her.

She pulled a pink top from her bag and put it on. It clung close to her body, revealed her figure nicely, and displayed an ample amount of cleavage. Most importantly, it would be cool, and good for running around in. she felt much more herself now that she was looking better. She would have killed for a comb and mirror, but knew that was a luxury that they could ill afford.

Now that she was decent, she turned back round to the rest of them. Morgan was being chastised by Frankie for his wonderfully eloquent reaction to her assets. "Hey, give the boy a break, Frankie. He's good stuff. He's keeping me alive, so I figure a show is the least that I can offer him."

Wow, that sounded so trite. It didn't matter. Morgan knew enough of her to see how much of this was a show put on for the other girls benefit. Play the confident one so they won't see how scared you are, stop them from panicking. Keep them concentrating on anything other than how close they were to death. It was a sobering thought.

Highpockets was rattled by the situation, clearly. Indecisive, hesitant, he was returning to his old shy self from high school, rather than the competent leader that he'd been developing into. Maybe all that he needed was a little back-up. She waded over to him and took his arm, making sure that he was close to her flesh, able to feel her warmth. It reassured her to have him near, would show the other girls that he was taken.

A strange thought. He wasn't, really. Nothing had been said, they had always just been friends. Best friends, to be sure, but it had never gone any further than that. Now she was beginning to become jealous of the idea that others might compete with her for him. How long had it been since she had been promising to help him find somebody? And now she wanted him all to herself.

She had to get things moving, to force him to do something. She murmured softly, hoping that only he could hear her. "The plan, we need to keep moving, don't we?"

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:19 pm
by Arscapi†
Marion sighed as she watched the others interact. How was it that she always ended up on the outside looking in? She hadn't even been worth a comeback statement and although she hadn't meant for it to come out, she at least expected some kind of reaction.

She didn't know about that whole moving on thing. All she'd been doing since she got on the island was wandering from place to place. She was beginning to wonder if she shouldn't just find some place to camp out and just stay there, at least until it was declared a danger zone or something.

With a heavy sigh, she sunk onto a half decayed log, placing her bag in front of her. "Maybe if when we're all done fawning over the skank, we can actually remember our manners and interact with the people who are here," she muttered under her breath.

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:15 am
by Badb†
Jen finally got off her ass and put a fucking shirt on, but it really wan't much on an improvement, to say the least. Still, it stopped Morgan from drooling over her, so Frankie was okay with that. Baby steps, really. Gotta take it slow with skanks. Taken months for her sister.

Turning round, Jen told Frankie to give the boy a break. Frankie said nothing, shaking her head. Uh, hello? He's drooling over your boobs and you're telling him that's alright? Oh, right. Frankie almost forgot the part where Jen R. was a skank. Sorry about that. Apparently, he'd saved her ass so Jen decided a show was the best she could offer him? Really? Frankie almost laughed. Such. A. Slut. That reputation of yours was well deserved, Jen.

Well deserved.

"Oh my God you're such a slut." Frankie laughed as she mouthed the words- although it was more snickering than anything- before shaking her head and turning to the paparazzi. "Don't quote me on that one."

Oh, right, then she grabbed his arm, pulled him close. Obviously she was trying to prove a point with that one. Sorry ladies, but the chick magnet that is Morgan fucking Leftowitz is taken! You're all too late I'm afriad, but thanks for coming! We hope to see you again when we're auctioning off Jonathon Jarocki's virginity to the lowest bidder! Still, even if in some bizzaro world Morgan was half-attractive, sorry, Frankie wasn't into guys that drank tea and were boring as fuck. If she were she'd have booked a one-way flight to England and never looked back.

Well, at least then she wouldn't have to be bothered by this shit.

Jen started murmuring something, and obviously she didn't realise how loud and obnoxious she was being, because Frankie could hear it from where she was. Some plan or some shit. They were getting off the island? Fuck, Frankie might actually put up with these losers if that was what they were doing.

"Woah Woah Woah, hold up. Hold up a sec." Frankie stared at them. "I just heard shit about a plan. What plan?"

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:56 pm
by GregTheAnti-Viking†
Morgan heard Jen call for attention and he reluctantly turned her head. To his relief, Jen had found herself a shirt to wear. It was a nice shirt that clung tightly to her. Then again, all her shirts were rather nice. She was much better at fashion than he was.

"He's good stuff. He's keeping me alive, so I figure a show is the least that I can offer him."

Morgan whiped his head back and felt the colour coming to his cheeks even if it didn't show behind his makeshift bug repellant. He knew that Jen was reverting to her Playgirl persona that she had saved for her classmates, but that didn't stop him from feeling embarassed for taking a peak at her chest.

Morgan gazed up at the sky in an attempt to deflect being stared at by the two girls that had joined them. There was a point in time when he had considered talking to Jen about how he felt about her. That ship had sailed today; however, he ended up making a fool out of himself and now he was left feeling like an idiot.

It was a shock to him when he felt an arm weaving in-between his own. It was more of a shock feeling it pull him into the tiny body that connected it. He looked down and saw who it was connected to and it sent a shiver down his spine.

Morgan could feel the warmth of Jen's body mixed with the wet of the swamp water and mud of his own. He could feel his entire body warming up and his shoulders relaxing. He wasn't left to stand alone while he was being judged; it was a good feeling.

The moment was ruined; however, thanks to Marion and Frankie. They said what everyone else had said about Jen. She was a slut, a skank, she was a loose girl, she was obsessed with sex, he had heard it all. Although she was promiscuous, there was so much more to her than what people had said. He never spoke up about it, but he hated hearing people talk shit about her in school. He moved his gaze to Marion and then to Frankie, his eyes narrowing. What did they know about her anyways? He knew her since kindergarden. He knew the real Jen. Who were they to judge?

"The plan, we need to keep moving, don't we?"

Morgan blinked, looking back down to Jen, and nodded. He hummed in agreement and weaved his arm back out of hers. They had spent too much time wandering around the island and he had lost his vision in making sure that he and Jen were going to get out of here. Talking about his feelings would have to wait again, but there were higher priorities.

Frankie seemed to have also heard what Jen had said and it was then that things got complicated. It was fine that it was just Jen and Morgan going up a mountain and hoping that they found something that could potentially get them out of this island. Now he'd have to tell two people about what they were doing. Said two people, had also called Jen a skank and a slut and Frankie at least didn't look like she'd be happy with being ignored...

Morgan looked at Jen and frowned. There wasn't much that they could do now. He let out a sigh and readjusted the rifle straps.

"Ok..." he said summoning up the strength to talk about what he and Jen were doing.

He gathered his courage and sloshed his way in front of Jen "It's not really a plan...per sey...more like an idea. What I figured is that there has to be some way off this island. I don't know what it is, I don't know how to do it and I don't know how to get there. However, there is only one way to find out what it is. We were going to go up the mountain. What we're going to do then is scope out the island. It's the highest possible point on this place and we were going to forumlate an actual plan from there."

He paused, thinking about what was going to happen next. He really didn't want to invite them on their group. Then again, nobdy deserved what had happened to them.

" all honesty, we were going to be doing this alone. But...if you want to follow us, then I guess you can. But a little ground rule for you guys okay? Lets keep it civil okay? If we're going to be getting out of here, we'll have to do it togeather..."

He turned to Jen and gave a quick appologetic look. Morgan knew that Jen may not like the fact that they were likely going to have two more members in their party, but what could they do now? They were painted into a corner after all.

Morgan made his way over to Jen's bag. He zipped it up and brought it over to his friend, giving a hopeful smile to her.

"Now we're going to get going, so...If you do come with us, now's the time to decide."

He walked past the Marion and Frankie and sighed in relief. He had done all he could, if they followed or if they stayed, there was nothing that could be done now. He could only hope for the best.

"C'mon Jen, lets get out of here."

He still felt stupid, he was covered in mud and he had looked like an idiot who probably had no real idea as to what he was doing. At least Jen was still with him, at least she still believed...

((Morgan Leftowitz continued in Empire Ants))

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:40 pm
by Killer_Moth†
There it was. The reaction that she got from just about every female in the school. Disgust at her choice of lifestyle. Even from someone like Frankie Fiametta, who had just as much to be ashamed of, she had no doubt. And she was judging her because her close friend had happened to see her topless?

Then there was Marion getting all upset in the corner because Jen hadn't bothered to respond to her insults. "Look, little miss reporter, I've got more to worry about just now than your feelings. So forgive me if I don't want to respond to sarcasm. Morgan's happy for you two to come along, but God help me, if you treat this like a school trip to be reported in the paper..." She left the threat unsaid at the end. Hopefully that would leave the girl wondering what Jen would do to her. Probably nothing was the answer, but she knew that the girl was just going to irritate her as long as she was around.

The fact that Morgan had been so willing to offer to let the girls come along was so like him, but it still annoyed Jen. Sure, she understood the practicalities of it all. Travelling in groups made them more likely to survive. They would present a stronger image, making them appear threatening, so any solo killers would think twice before attacking. In the event of an attack, then they could defend better, and Marion and Frankie would be good bullet shields. But Jen just didn't want to have to go through the last days of her life putting up with all their shit.

She glared at them. "Come, don't come. I don't care. If you do come, just keep the bickering to a minimum. I don't want to have to put up with your shit until we get out of here." Half hoping that they'd wouldn't follow, Jen turned and walked off after Morgan.

((Jen Romita Cont'd in Empire Ants))

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:07 am
by Arscapi†
Marion watched the proceedings from her stump. Frankie seemed to be just as irritated with Jen's actions as Marion was, but seemed perfectly willing to go along with them.

"Don't quote me on that one."

Like I need to bother with a quote, the whole school knows what kind of a girl Jen is already. Marion thought a smile creeping on to her face. She opened her hands to show that she didn't even have her notepad open at the moment.

"Look, little miss reporter, I've got more to worry about just now than your feelings. So forgive me if I don't want to respond to sarcasm..."

So much for keeping it civil, Marion though as Jen continued her rant.

"Morgan's happy for you two to come along, but God help me, if you treat this like a school trip to be reported in the paper..."

You'll do what exactly? Strand me on a deserted island without my family? Oh wait already been done. I know maybe you'll sic your boyfriend on me. You know me, who at the moment is totally defenseless. At least as far as you know, but of course you don't know anything about me. If you did maybe you'd know I'm a purple belt in jiu-jitsu and have a wicked looking curved weapon stuffed in my bag. Maybe, maybe in this stupid game you should think twice before threatening people.

That's what Marion thought, what she said however was, "Keeping a record helps me to focus. If you want, from now on I'll keep your name out of it. It's not like we're not being recorded anyway." She watched them walk away and then making a quick decision grabbed her bag and jogged after them.

((Marion Summers continued in Empire Ants))

Re: The Worst Bath Ever

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:25 pm
by Badb†
So the plan was to march all the way to the top of the biggest fucking hill they could find so they could get a pretty view, then march all the way back down again to get to whatever the fuck they saw up there that would help them get out? Sounded like a shit-ton of effort for a whole lot of nothing, but Frankie reserved her judgement.

Keep it civil. The one rule to coming with them. Watch her tongue. No talking back, no calling names. That sort of shit. That seemed like that was going to be harder work than it really should have been. Nearly made Frankie reconsider. Stop for a second.

Right then, time to decide. Spend the rest of her short duration alone, weaponless, and constantly searching for her brother and sister before getting shot in the back by some loser she'd never spoken to, or go with the group of people she detested, to go get the hell out of there.

Frankie thought on it for all of ten seconds.

Fuck it. She'd put up with these retards if it meant getting out of this place.

"Yeah," She looked down. Didn't want to maintain eye contact with them. She might find something else to make fun of, bit about. Then she'd probably end up getting in some serious shit with skank-biscuits and Morgan. "Let's go, then."

((Frankie Fiametta, continued in Empire Ants.))