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Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:43 pm
by Acelister†
"A face is fine, Would you prefer a wet-from-the-shower face?"

"Yeah, wet face is fine." John grinned. A wet face was kinky. Who knows what was covering it, making it wet? Sure, he knew it was simply water, but it also helped that it got rid of her makeup. There was something incredibly sweet about her, without all that gunk on her face.

"Phone's in my room, You want to come with me?"

John had noticed that she kept whispering - did she know that someone was in the house? Was it safe to walk around in the nude? He was surprised that he didn't feel the need to cover up. He wasn't fat, but he was self concious about his weight. Yet, having been inside this girl, he seemed at ease with it.

"My phone's in your room, too." he chuckled, taking hold of her hand. "But, I do need your phone number... I kinda only remembered when I thought you weren't turning up to the skating rink, earlier..."

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:34 pm
by Moth†
"My phone's in your room, too." he chuckled, taking hold of her hand. "But, I do need your phone number... I kinda only remembered when I thought you weren't turning up to the skating rink, earlier..."

"You thought I wasn't going to show up?" Celeste asked, walking down the hallway and leading him back to her room. She didn't cover up this time, either. Celeste looked over her shoulder, flashing John an offended pout. "Did you really think I'd do that to you, Big Guy? So mean..."

As they reached her room, Celeste had to look around for her purse. Wasn't on the bed, that was for sure, and even if it had been, they'd probably have knocked it over. Celeste dropped to her hands and knees, peering under the bed for it. "Oh, here it is...I found mine," she giggled, suddenly whipping the phone out and snapping a picture of John. Out of respect, she only snapped the picture from his chest to face. "Did you find yours alright?" Celeste opened her "Contacts" section...

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:41 pm
by Acelister†
"You thought I wasn't going to show up? Did you really think I'd do that to you, Big Guy? So mean..."

"I was worrying..." John admits with a shrug as they reach her room and he lets go of her hand. He watches her go down onto the floor, his eyes going to her rear. He leans a little to look between her legs, feeling a guilty shiver of pleasure go through his body and make his shaft react.

She suddenly turned and took his picture, the look on his face as it snaped obviously guilty and wishing he hadn't been doing something.

"Did you find yours alright?"

"Uhm, not yet..." he said, going to his pile of clothes and picking up his pants. He took his phone out and put it into camera mode before taking aim at her face.

"Say cheese." he told her, waiting until she was ready before snapping a pic.

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:30 am
by Moth†
"Say cheese."

Celeste stood up, so her face would be in better light. What was the point of getting her picture taken if John couldn't even see her that well? Sitting on the bed and her legs crossed, though they wouldn't be shown, Celeste brushed her hair away from her face and smiled. "Cheese."

A few moments later, when she was certain the picture had been taken, Celeste bent down to pick up one of very few clothes on the floor; a button-up, long shirt. Sure, no one else was home, but she planned to walk John to the door, or to the mall if he was so inclined, and she couldn't go parading around giving everyone a free show. Slipping it on and buttoning the top three buttons, she walked over to John and tried to see his phone. "Did it work, Big Guy?" she asked him with a tilt of her head.

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:27 am
by Acelister†
John pressed the button, Celeste's shoulders upwards getting captured on the screen. She started to get dressed as he saved the picture and went to view it.

"Did it work, Big Guy?"

John looked up and noticed her coming over. He turned the phone slightly and lowered it so she could see it.

"Yup." he nodded before handing her the phone. "You can check I didn't take anything below your shoulders."

He picked up his shirt and pulled it on over his head before picking up his boxers.

"You want these?" he asked, smirking. "A trophy, or to wear?"

He was fairly certain they were clean. Maybe some faint traces of precum - she cleaned him off after he blew his load at the ice rink.

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:22 pm
by Moth†
"You can check I didn't take anything below your shoulders."

"I'm sure you got it right..." Celeste said, leaning over and standing on her tiptoes to see the picture. Hey, she didn't half bad in that one... "You seemed too nice to try and sneak anything racier," she teased lightheartedly, giving John's arm a playful squeeze.

As he put his shirt on, Celeste walked over to put on a skirt. She wanted to get dressed as quickly as possible, and with more simple clothes for the time being. A skirt would be easier to put on than her tight jeans, and hey, skirts were sexy. Especially if she didn't put underwear on underneath--like now. I've already gone down on someone, had the same done to me, and had sex twice. Going commando shouldn't be any problem at all for me, she thought.

"You want these?" she heard John ask, and she turned to see him holding up his boxers, smirking. "A trophy, or to wear?"

"You have a thing for girls wearing your clothes?" Celeste teased again, going over to him and taking the underwear from his hand with a small smirk of her own. Having them as a trophy seemed a bit weird to her--what was she do with a pair of underwear just sitting there, never to be worn? But she could still wear them, after washing of course. Hey, maybe surprise the Big Guy one day, wear the boxers to bed sometime. Or if she wanted to be really daring, trying to wear them as a pair of shorts in summer. Nah, too much, she decided. "Since I'm taking your boxers, perhaps you'd like something of mine?" she laughed. "Oh, aside from my phone number," she added, suddenly remembering why they had their phones out in the first place. She quickly rattled off her number, waiting for John to enter it in before asking for his own.

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:03 pm
by Acelister†
"You have a thing for girls wearing your clothes?"

"I dunno, might be kinky..." John chuckled, looking over at her. She's wearing a skirt. But she didn't put on any panties, did she? 'Sweet!'

"Since I'm taking your boxers, perhaps you'd like something of mine? Oh, aside from my phone number,"

John entered her phone number and put a star after her name when he saved it. He wondered how many stars he'd end up having next to names, before he decided to settle down.

"I'd like something, yeah..." he admitted softly, blushing a little. "You know, if... You don't mind?"

He felt shy asking for underwear, even though she accepted his. He picked up his jeans and put them on. Even if she did give him panties, he wouldn't be able to wear them.

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:14 pm
by Moth†
"I'd like something, yeah..." he admitted softly, blushing a little. "You know, if... You don't mind?"

Celeste nodded, smiling at him. "Nothing to worry about...You earned it, Big Guy." After slipping some shoes on her feet, Celeste looked for something to give John. Hm...a bra or a pair of panties? Both were relatively easy to replace, especially in Celeste's size. But what could John want with a small bra? Anyone who might chance upon it would think him a pedophile, and they couldn't have that happening.

A pair of panties would be better for him...Celeste looked beside the bed, quickly finding the panties she'd had removed. Looked like they were a little wet... "You don't mind a souvenir on them, do you?" she asked, handing it over and frowning a bit. "I imagine after a while it won't smell so good, so if you want to wash it, that's fine."

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:26 pm
by Acelister†
"Nothing to worry about...You earned it, Big Guy."

John grinned widely at that. He was very glad she was giving him some panties. Or perhaps she had thongs! The posibilities! Well, there were two... But still...

He looked as she bent over, verifying she was naked beneath the skirt. Seeing her bare rear flooded his mind with sexual images of their day together. Best. Day. Ever.

"You don't mind a souvenir on them, do you?" Celeste asked, frowning as she handed him damp panties. "I imagine after a while it won't smell so good, so if you want to wash it, that's fine."

"Y-Yeah, that's awesome." he grinned, resisting the urge to try and sniff or lick them. He balled them up and put them in his pocket next to his phone. "I'll wash them."

He doubted he would actually wash them. They smelt of her! Of her pussy! That was totally hot! He'd have to be careful to not get his own cum on them though... That would be kinda disgusting after a day or so...

"So... I should go..." he says, buttoning up his jeans before putting his arms around her and hugging her. "Thanks for today. It was awesome. You were better."

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:06 pm
by Moth†
Celeste blushed as he hugged her, chuckling and hiding her face in his shirt. "You just won't stop complimenting me, will you, Big Guy?" she teased him. Pulling away from him, she took his hand as she led him to the front door. It wasn't too dark outside, so he should be alright...Celeste couldn't fight the large grin on her face. John may have enjoyed this day, but she suspected she enjoyed it even more.

"I'll see at school," she promised him, leaning up to kiss him as they reached the door. "We'll do this again soon sometime, promise."

With those words, Celeste opened the door, stepping aside and letting him leave. She kept smiling, even afterward. Damn, this was awesome! It was too bad she couldn't tell anyone yet, her sister would probably go nuts if she found Celeste lost her virginity now, too. Now she knew why John got a confidence booster--having sex with someone seemed to have done the same for her.

"Well, we'll see where this goes," she told herself, retreating back to her room.

[[Celeste Beaumont continued in Looking For Something?.]]

Re: Personal Victory

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:46 am
by Acelister†
"You just won't stop complimenting me, will you, Big Guy?"

"Nope..." John shrugged, holding her hand as they went to the front door.

"I'll see at school," she promised, leaning up and meeting him with a kiss as he leant down. "We'll do this again soon sometime, promise."

"Looking forward to it." he smiled, nodding. He walked backwards away from the house, hoping for her to lift her skit and give him a flash. It didn't happen though and she closed the door when he got to the end of the path. It didn't matter though, he still had a lot of fun. And more to come, it seemed...

[[John Smith continued in The morning of Prom]]