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Re: Every day is great at your Junes

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:27 am
by Aster
Caedyn was being her usual melodramatic self, going on about lovebirds and other things. Looks like she still wasn't dropping that. Jasper smiled and ate another caramel slice. He took a sip of water as he lamented the fact that he was on his last caramel slice. He'd have to pay up soon, but he may as well stick around to talk to Caedyn.

Adelaide and Lily had hurried out after that, leaving him and her alone. Caedyn took this opportunity to talk in peace. "Oh, her?" He mused, turning around to face her. "That's Adelaide. She's in our grade, actually. I don't talk to her much, but I haven't heard anything too bad about her." He paused before continuing. "By the way, I didn't know you knew Lily! But it looked like you two had some bad or something. What's up with that?"

Re: Every day is great at your Junes

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:28 am
by Emprexx Plush
Adelaide, Adelaide, Adelaide. She'd remember that one. Maybe write it down a few hundred times to make sure of that. If only she'd gotten a picture of them together...still, she could draw one, right? This rumor was way, way too juicy to let die that easily. There'd be this whole mock-up, like...

Yes. Yes, this would do perfectly. Caedyn couldn't help but grin at the thought of what she'd get up to once she went back home. She was drawn from her plotting by Jasper's questioning, though. Had she never told him about her and Lily? It must have just slipped her mind. No reason to keep it a big secret though. "Oh Jaspie," she remarked with a wink, "I definitely knew Lily, if you get what I mean." Caedyn turned back to the table and kept cleaning it as she talked. "We dated for a little while, like a few months. Lily doesn't really, like, people, though? So eventually I wore her right out."

Re: Every day is great at your Junes

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:28 am
by Aster
They were exes? Interesting. Jasper made a mental note about it as he sipped his water. He wasn't knowledgeable on his friends' romantic escapades, but he was interested, especially since there was so much beef between them. "Did you?" He asked. "When was this? Middle school or something?"

If it was middle school, then Caedyn must've been really terrible to leave such an impression on her. Jasper didn't blame her. He'd admit that Caedyn was a bit difficult to deal with even as a friend, and he couldn't imagine what it'd be like to be her lover. Jasper liked her, although he wasn't sure if he could handle being in a romantic relationship with her. He shrugged it off and eyed the last caramel slice. He was wondering if he should save it for later.

Re: Every day is great at your Junes

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:28 am
by Emprexx Plush
Caedyn gave Jasper a nod as he tried to plot out the timeline between her and Lily. It really was odd that it'd slipped past her for so long without telling him, but it wasn't a big deal. Lily probably wouldn't mind. "Mmmhmm, like, around then? I think I was doing the whole goth thing then. Ugh, what a drag."

The unfashionable memories were pushed back out of her mind by her renewed purpose. She'd need to put some things together when she got home, and maybe call a few people...especially him. God, there was no way she was going to do this without involving Olly. "Excuse moi, Jaspie, I've gotta check something," she said with a smile, clutching her phone in her palm as it slid from her pocket. She scrolled through her long contacts list and plucked out "Husbando~" with a tap of her finger.

Ollyollyolly Lils has a new gf, super bitchy, Adelaide? #plotslotsk

((Caedyn Miller Continued In The Tyranny of Grocery Bags))

Re: Every day is great at your Junes

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:28 am
by Aster
So it was middle school. Jasper vaguely remembered Caedyn mentioning a goth phase in middle school, and he chuckled at the thought. She was way to peppy to pull off being goth, and not enough angst. He imagined her wearing all black clothes and black makeup, with dyed purple hair and looking sad.

Yeah, he couldn't take that seriously.

Caedyn excused herself to check something. Jasper nodded as she left, glancing at the last caramel slice and then at the counter. He reached over and popped the last slice in his mouth. He stood up, walking over to the counter and paying Alvaro's uncle before strolling out of the cafe. As he stepped out into main street, he too took out his phone and opened Twitter.

Jay Jay ‏@fisda916  now
Mmm (-u-) who knew caramel slices were so good?
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((Jasper Bustamante continued in Sibling Apathy))