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Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:39 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Talking. The talking wasn't making the piercing pain and throbbing in her head go away any time soon, and Logan's laughter instilled a feeling in her that she imagined was similar to how a hornet feels when you poke it a few times.

"Logan, I swear to god, I am going to fucking KILL you," Jessica snapped, struggling to right herself. In her efforts to so so, she turned to see Joseph standing there with his hand outstretched. Quickly smacking it away from her, she continued getting her feet under her to stand. The floor felt a little... slick. Where her hands planted to give her the leverage she needed to get back up, there was a clearly wet feeling that was unlike water. As she had her feet firmly set on the floor and her knees unbending, she brought her hand to her nose to smell the fingertips.

Kinda oily, with a little bit of a pungent smell. She didn't recognize it straight away. She also immediately stopped caring.

"Logan, you prick, I'm literally going to murder you when I get over there," Jessica snarled once more, not particularly caring about her exact choice of words at the moment. So much of her was sore that she would feel like curling up in the bathroom and just sobbing it out if it weren't for how infuriated it all made her. He still wore that shit-eating grin on his face as she carefully stepped off the slick spot on the floor, then stomped the rest of the way over to him.

She brought her hand back, only to point a finger right in Logan's nose. The words were a few moments coming.

"... Actually, fuck it. Still need to use the bathroom. Swear to god though, kid... I'm gonna..." the words turned into an exasperated mess and Jessica could only turn and stomp off, taking extra care to handle the slick spot right in front of the damn bathroom door.

"SERIOUSLY? Here of all places? Fucking come oooon!" And with that, Jessica slammed the bathroom door shut.

A moment of silence.


Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:39 am
by Arscapi†
Logan bit his lip in attempt to keep himself from laughing at Jessica while she was threatening bodily harm. Despite the situation, he seriously doubted that she was going to kill him for making her slip. He had offered to help her up.

He took a step backwards, raising his arms in defense as she stormed over to him. However, when she stood in front of him, he almost lost it again. Jessica was almost six inches shorter than he was, it didn't make for quite the intimidating scene he was sure she was hoping for. He was waiting to see what imaginative threats she'd come up with next when she spun on her heel and disappeared into the bathroom.

"How'd you know it was me," Logan cried at the closing door, trying hard to keep the amusement from his voice.

Composing himself, he looked around for something that could help her out. Finding nothing, he retrieved a roll of paper towels, and knelt down in front of the door to clean up the oil. As he worked he looked up at Joseph and said, "You know that worked pretty well, maybe we should keep some next to the doors to slip someone up as they come in."

Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:39 am
by ChainmailleAddict†
Joseph had had his hand slapped away by Jessica. He was honestly just happy that his hand survived intact, because Jessica looked so angry that Joseph half expected the oil to catch fire. He'd moved back a few feet, nearly bumping into a part of the shelving that hadn't been placed against the windows. What'd scared him, however, was that Jessica's death threat, while insincere, was something that she could more than certainly do.

After Jessica nearly slammed the door to the bathroom shut, he turned to Logan with a serious expression on his face. There was a notable pause, almost as if he was still comprehending the situation. Don't mess this up, Joseph. Don't make him angry, but get the point across. He began speaking, slowly. "It...worked well, yes. But.... could you try to keep the peace, here? What you did was.... well, rather unnecessary." Nice work. Short, sweet, got the point across. Hopefully, he'll take it the right way.

He wanted to keep this alliance of sorts going on as long as he could, and Logan wasn't going to ruin it because of something like that. While at this point, he didn't appear to be the most competent, Joseph was fairly sure that he could go to sleep in his presence without having to fear waking up devoid of his skin. Regardless, Logan was imposing a strong tax on his patience.

He'd have to ask the big questions later, because for now he couldn't think properly.

Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:39 am
by MK Kilmarnock
There was now a door between her and the boys to stop her from murdering the holy hell out of them, but now it was dark as hell. She wish she had the foresight to have brought her flashlight into the bathroom with her, but everything she needed to do in here she could do with her eyes closed anyway.

The door still allowed sound to pass through, because Jessica could hear Logan's barely contained laughter and pleading inquiry. How did she know that it was Logan who put... whatever it was on the floor? "It was obvious, asshole!" She barked, somewhat muffled by the bathroom door. "You had this stupid grin on your face. Plus, it had to be one of you, and I sure don't see Joseph doing it. Do you?"

It'd be a few minutes longer than usual thanks to the darkness, though Jessica's eyes did eventually adjust. When she had finished her business and thanked whatever god there was that the water still ran, she carefully went to open the door. As tempting as it was to smack Logan in the damn head with the door if he were still in front of it, she was slowly coming to realize she wasn't all that angry anymore. All in all, the prank was kind of funny. Maybe she'd wring his neck THEN tell him that.

Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:39 am
by Arscapi†
Logan looked up from where he was cleaning up the oil; took one look at Joseph's serious expression and had to agree with Jessica's assessment. Joseph could never pull off a prank like that. Logan wondered if he could do something about that. Somehow, he didn't think Joseph would be up for a few pointers and pulling off a successful prank. He held his hands up in surrender, still grinning from ear to ear.

"Lighten up, Joseph. She's not really going to kill me. I'm way too lovable for that. Besides once she calms down she realize what an awesome prank that just was. ," he said. "I wish I had my phone, so I could have gotten some pictures."

He stood and dusted his jeans off. He moved around the store, planning his next prank.

Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:40 am
by ChainmailleAddict†
At once, Joseph sighed. Logan had completely disregarded what he said, and it was starting to get to him. He simply didn't understand how he could be so upbeat as to play pranks when his classmates were dying around him, left and right. Perhaps he simply didn't want to believe; perhaps he was too stupid to put the puzzle together. Joseph took a few deep breaths and tried to remain calm. That was the plan, wasn't it? In his three days on the island, Joseph had never really come up with a plan to win or escape. How could he?

Joseph sat down. He needed a bit more time to think and stay calm. Nothing else to do but wait, he supposed. As he sat down, he couldn't help but close his eyes. He was tired, and being tired wouldn't help with much.

Joseph laid down, curled himself in a corner and tried not to realize the seemingly inevitable.

Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:40 am
by MK Kilmarnock
The exit to the bathroom wasn't greased this time. That was good.

Logan was still grinning like an idiot, and Joseph was off somewhere in the fetal position. Jessica wished she could just curl up and make it go away, too. If only. The best she could do was keep going on the way she had been the past few days. That's all she could do, and it was the best she hoped on everybody else.

That, and to block out the damn voices each morning.

Such a task seemed impossible as it was the group's alarm clock, their anchor tying them to a new day lost and alone and in their little oasis in the middle of a presumed and mysterious hell. While Jessica tried to shut out the announcements, this time they held the key to their survival past all the tales of their friends and classmates... well... the tales of... things. Happening to them.

"We have to leave..." Jessica said in disbelief, her voice barely a murmur. She stuffed her daypack with the few belongings that were once inside it but had been used to take care of herself; her toothbrush (even when kids were out and about, your teeth could never be too clean), a few other effects and such... mostly things to pass the time and pretend life was normal. The rest of the room in the pack was stuffed with various snack foods pilfered from the shop. They'd have to leave most of the larger stuff as it was; she suggested taking the tent, but that was up to somebody else to carry.

"Let's... let's move, I guess."

She didn't much care where to. She just wished she could have stayed.

((Jessica Sanders continued in It's a Sign with Neon and Everything))

Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:40 am
by Arscapi†
((Post to fill what was lost))

Logan shook his head at Joseph's reaction. It seemed that he was having even a harder time keeping it together than Logan had originally thought. It was a prank,not even played on him, what kind of reaction was curling up in a ball?

Logan frowned trying to decide how to handle the situation, when the announcement started. His heart sank when he realized they'd have to leave. He grabbed his bag, shoved a few cans from the supplies that Joseph had collected and headed for the door.

((Logan Cadagon continued in It's a Sign with Neon and Everything))

Re: What A Rush

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:40 am
by ChainmailleAddict†
Joseph had woken up early, a few hours ago to what he could rightly assume was his fourth day on this horrid island. Early to bed and early to rise will prevent someone from gouging your eyes. He was sitting around, quietly, when he'd heard the announcements crack to life. No kills in 24 hours.... a single beep from his collar confirmed. Oh god, this was it. With as much dignity as he could muster, Joseph closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable that never came.

It had taken him a few seconds before Joseph opened his eyes, to realize that the terrorists were only pulling an absolutely despicable and morose prank that made Logan's behavior look like Gandhi's.

He took several deep breaths before tuning his ears to what those monsters had to say.

More names, more killers. He wasn't sure what he hated more; That his classmates were becoming murderers or that this was something that never needed to happen.

It didn't matter.

Not nearly as much as the fact that the Nuclear Living Site was declared a Danger Zone. "That's where we are... isn't it." he said to himself. His collar beeped once for yes.

He had a sudden urge to run as fast as he could before he got blown up, but quickly came to his senses. A few cans of food won't slow me down all that much. He hastily grabbed several items from behind the counter, making sure his bag was closed before heading to the back of the store. The irony of it all. Security had been important to Joseph, and this store certainly had it. One could argue that the convenience store now had the best security on the island, the only catch being that nobody could enter it without exploding. Unfortunately, that group included him. He wasn't sure of how long he had left to dawdle around, and he wasn't going to stick around and find out.

As he was running out with Jessica and Logan to who knows where, he made sure to keep track of them both. He hated the uncertainty of it all, but one thing was for sure.

Life wasn't going to get any easier.

((Charlie-I-mean-Joseph Chaplin continued elsewhere))