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Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:50 pm
by Maraoone
this is gonna be really rough but also posting this so i don't forget them all. even the unnamed kids

june madison - your typical dean's lister on the surface. has good grades, wants to get into a Good College, likes cooking chinese and american food. centrist, probably biden democrat kind of person. likes listening to bossa nova music because it brings her to her happy place. also has severe anger issues that are unknown to everyone except her family and closest friends. she's been working very hard to keep it under control, goes to therapy for it, she's terrified that if she has an outburst it'll ruin her chances at a good life. she's lost a few friends due to some of these outbursts. she really likes cooking, might be what she studies for in college

jayson sabangan - pinoy squad!!! gentle giant kind of dude. laidback, chill, likes putting his head down for the most part. loves drawing, gets flooded with art requests by his friends. recently moved to the philippines around 8th grade or so, misses home, feels a constant sense of disconnection and not belonging, even among the friends he currently has. might be autistic, not entirely decided on that yet

naft concept kid - you're the best! around! nothing's gonna ever keep you down! one of the top players of a flash game called transformice, is actually Very dedicated to the smol online community there. kinda terrified of what's to come because transformice is based on adobe flash which is shutting down by the end of 2020. is currently looking for another game/community to join/get good at, but has had no success so far. is kind of a loner irl with unremarkable grades because he structured his life around his online friends. doesn't really have any other hobbies

sotf survivalist kid
tankie kid?????
edit, aug 6: apparently i'm making a goalie kid too??? who's weird and likes dominik hasek??? i am actually interested in the idea which is why i'm listing him here but odds are i'm rolling him in with sotf survivalist kid because i like having a spare concept slot for Wild Card purposes

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:12 am
by Ares
1) Hendrix Jones: For anyone who has watched Letterkenny, Hendrix is going to be heavily inspired in his mannerisms and actions by the hockey players. Just an absolute hockey bro. Likely going by the Jonesy nickname. Hockey, working out, and the boys. Very likely will drive some very bro-y vehicle like a Jeep Wrangler or old Ford Bronco. Anyone who has any interest in writing a member of the hockey team, please let me know and we'll squad up. FERDAAAA!!!

2) Austin Ryder: I don't have much in the way of backstory or anything thought up, but one of Austin's characteristics is that he is going to be one of those people who think they are woke but are just oblivious to the fact that they aren't even close. He would be the type to say something stupid like, "I totally understand how hard it is for minorities. One of my friends is a minority." Just one of those oblivious idiots who means well but fails miserably at it.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:40 am
by Ohm
Timothy Adams: Skater who's interested in MMA and listens to both punk rock and black metal on the regular. Has an interest for firearms which is one of the few things he agrees with his conservative parents, otherwise he's into communism. Is a rather open and friendly individual who is willing to spread the belief of his political opinions, though he has a few reservations. Hangs around with a group with similar political beliefs.

Andrew Lapson: A tall wannabe guitarist. Listens to classic rock and bemoans the current state of music. Wants to follow in his brother's footsteps as a musician, but his brother wants him to get a more secure job. Follows pro wrestling because of his father who died when he was a child. Had an incident before that involving backyard wrestling with some friends resulting in a scar on his cheek. Wears a bomber jacket on the regular that his father used to wear. Used to be a friendly child, but closed off after his father's death and would rather be alone practicing his guitar than interacting with most people. Only likes to hang around his closest friends.

Emily Hawkins: Basketball player who plays for the team. Loves horror movies and tries to keep up with recent releases, prefers the slashers in the genre and loves talking about them with people. Plays the bass for herself when she needs to feel good or calm herself down. Listen to metal music and talks about that openly, but privately enjoys pop music as a guilty pleasure. Doesn't have her father in her life as he left after she was 5 and her siblings were born, he has tried for recent contact, but she won't see him. Tries to present a tough image to others as a result of growing without her father and having to care for two younger twin siblings. She lets that image fade a bit with friends, but only the closest gets to see how she's really like.

Alexander Lopez: Is a rather sporty individual, that's for sure. Trains a lot in his spare time and Is on the hockey team. Likes long walks on the beach and saying his opinions, whether others want to hear it or not. Listens to metal music ranging from Slayer to Megadeth to Sepultura. Tends to distrust others due to experiences he's had.

William "Bill" Taylor: Nerdy nerd. Likes online gaming and spends a lot of time on the computer just surfing the web reading whatever interest him at the time. Listens to synthwave music and wants to become a musician in that space. An out and out idealist who tries to follow the common phrase "Treat others how you want to be treated." to a fault.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:18 am
by Tonyksin
I finally finished one of my kid's appearances, so here ya'll go.

Sebastian Odegaard -

Sebastian takes much from his Norweigen ancestry. He stands at a tall 6’3, with a fair complexion and almost platinum blonde straight, silky hair. His hair is worn at a medium length, going a bit past his shoulders when let down, although he usually ties it up in a messy bun unless he’s dressing up. He has a strong, square jawline, and sharp facial features standing out on his long face. His cheekbones are prominent and high on his face, with a small upturned snub nose above moderately thin lips and a wide mouth.Under those lips sits a row of perfectly straight, bright white teeth, thanks to braces at a young age and constant dental care. His ears are of relative size to his face, and have a bit of an outward turn. His large, round eyes are set a bit wide on his face, with long lashes that make their blue-green hue shine brightly. His brows are always sculpted thinly and set rather high above his eyes. Sebastian had a small beauty mark on his forehead just above his left eye. As far as facial hair goes, Sebastian makes sure to shave and buzz away any and all hair that sprouts below his hairline away.

Sebastian’s body is kept in reasonably good shape, though he couldn’t hold a candle to his more athletically-inclined peers. His dance classes and healthy diet keep his weight between 185 and 190, although his ideal would be somewhere around 175. Not being a fan of body hair, Sebastian keeps most everything on his body waxed, including under his arms and in more private areas, only allowing the light wisps of blonde hairs to remain on his legs. His tall and thin frame has just the right amount of lean muscle so that he doesn’t look frail, and thanks to his experience in dance he is very flexible.

As far as clothing goes, Sebastian has a rather odd sense of personal fashion, consisting of odd pairings of design with heavy influences from other cultures. Tending towards the more comfortable and casual in his day to day life, he can often be seen in a variety of skinny-cut pants and fashion tees, usually paired with an eccentric vest or jacket. On the trip, Sebastian wears a pair of black cigarette pants with textured white stripes that cuff about a quarter of the way up his calf. Tucked in tight and flat to his body is a long sleeved black and white rose print button down lapel shirt. Atop this is a burgundy thick knit oversized hooded cardigan that comes down to his knees. On his feet are a pair of black leather heeled chelsea boots with a black sole and zippers running up the insides. A pair of soft pink high socks connects them to his pants. The only jewelry he had on is a silver ring on the middle finger of his left hand and a pair of diamond studs in his ears.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:12 pm
by NotAFlyingToy
Alrighty finally getting the pen to paper on my kids.

Skinny Trevor:

Skinny cuts an imposing figure, standing at a towering 6'9" and weighing 170lbs. His eyes are a light grey with some brown flecks, and are upturned and wide-set around a flat nose. His left eyebrow has two breaks in it from a healed over scar, and his brows are thick and coarse. His hair is long and kept in dreads that are tied in a high ponytail, with blonde highlights complimenting his natural jet black colour. His lips are marred by a scar that matches the two on his left eyebrow, twisting towards the left corner of his mouth. He has dark rings under his eyes.

Skinny is dressed in a purple dress shirt with pink floral print, a charcoal black dress vest, and a pair of black slacks that are finely pressed. He is also wearing dress shoes, polished to a shine. In his left ear he has a large diamond stud, and he ususally wears mirrored aviators that are too small to his face.

Skinny has a reputation for being violent and a drug peddler, but he's fairly even-headed in most social situations. He does mix with dangerous people - he grows weed for some bigger players and works as a sometime loan collector - but to speak to him without knowing his reputation you'd see him as a funny, polite, bambastic character.

Alyssa Montrove:

Alyssa stands at five feet, and weights a slight 98lbs. She’s of native american descent and sports dark eyes, dark hair, and skin that’s of bronze pigment. She wears her hair in a long braid that tails down her back, hitting her waist. Due to her poor eyesight, she wears glasses constantly that are too small for her face, and she sports several scars on her hands from handling feral neighbourhood cats and being in the outdoors. Her skin is pockmarked with pimples and blackheads.

Alyssa strays to neutral browns and greys in terms of dress; favouring slacks, loose t-shirts, and hiking boots. On the day of abduction, she is dressed in a dark brown t-shirt with a hole in the armpit, dark grey slacks, and birkenstock sandals.

Alyssa has ADHD like crazy, nods through all conversations, and talks very fast. She trains squirrels sometimes, and lives with a few feral cats with her mom. She's an admin for a roleplaying site that boasts over 7000 members and is going incredibly strong, and she has a small close knit social circle, mostly readers or roleplayers. She LARPs from time to time, is a casual drawer, and spends a lot of time outdoors.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:50 pm
by Namira
Namira wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:04 pm Do I have concepts yes, are they well fleshed out no, do I want to post them anyway as a way of forcing commitment, maybe.
[+] Maybelline - Mabel AKA LARP Gremlin
Gremlin is weird and doesn't really care if you know it. She comes from a family that's an unholy combination of redneck and hippie, and was brought up with a lens of odd values and a host of conspiracy theories. She scoffs at many of these. Clearly SOTF is not a Chinese black op aimed at rigging the elections. It's obviously aliens. Those cameras are space magic! She loves LARP to the extent it might slightly worry people that she actually does just believe in what she's doing/characters she's playing. Gets bullied/pushed around/laughed at, may or may not be more bothered by this than she lets on. Alternates between being kind of smart and 'oh my god how do you function'. Probably accused of doing a whole drugs, but it was actually icing sugar she was using as fake drugs for a LARP. Has crashed at least one vehicle on her parents' land. Anti school trip gang, because you do know that they're a perfect opportunity for the government to swap you for their vat-grown clone of you, right?

Probably wears goggles if she can get away with it. White, skinny, kinda ratty. Raggedy-ass dirty blonde hair with trainwreck bangs because she cut them herself on impulse. Dresses like she ran through a thrift store crashing into every rail and her outfit for the day is whatever she emerged from the far side wearing.
[+] Mini Steven Adams
Mini Steven Adams is a basketball player with quite a bit going on. He was kind of an awkward kid and didn't fit in very well with the class because middle school was big and scary and he was in his shell a lot. He managed to win some cred with the cool kids in his second year by getting into and winning a fight. He got in trouble of course, but he was no longer one of the nerds. He hit a big growth spurt too and started going to the gym and playing more sports, which he'd mostly done alone to this point. In general this made him way more confident and sure of himself, but he's also always felt a slightly performative pressure to score points off of other people and engage in lads' banter. He's more insecure than he's willing to let on, and overcompensates. Walking shirtless scene. Ladies. boys?

Big and well-built for a high schooler, between 6 and 6'3. Mixed race; mostly white, has a black grandparent. Brown hair. You know he does a manbun. Immensely proud of what level of beard he has managed to grow.
Concepts version two? Let's go.

(To have it on record? SHUP. MAYBE. WHAT OF IT).
[+] Mabel AKA LARP Gremlin
Mabel is pretty much the same, actually! She has solidified in my mind and I'm happy with both her gremlinness and conspiracy theorising. She's part of the anti-SOTF crew still, and remains a vehicle crasher.
[+] Jamarcus Jonesy Jones, the artist formally known as Mini Steven Adams



It looks like the nicknames came very close together between him and Dan's guy, huh?

Anyway, Jonesy has changed some of the last several months. He has doubled down on the quiet side of his nature and not being the most confident dude out there. He keeps to himself because he likes his own company. Still probably has that one instance where he went off and got into a bad fight but otherwise yeah, just a quiet guy who mostly likes his own company, especially outside of the basketball team. Still a walking shirtless scene. Lays waste to all before him on the basketball court, in that he's not the most naturally skilled player out there but is a very hard worker, very competitive for rebounds, and will absolutely wipe other dudes out with screens given the slightest opportunity.

Around 6ft tall, black guy. Think he probably wears his hair pretty natural but relatively short.
[+] Arabella

Arabella is in love and she would like to call your attention to it! Everyone! Yes! Eyes on me, please!

She's had a long term relationship going with one of Toben's characters all throughout high school and possibly middle school too, and she is very proud of this very romantic relationship. She's all about instagram and other social media and is constantly doing cute couples things, albeit with this definite competitive edge of 'my relationship is better than your relationship'. Likes to present it as being a princess to her boyfriend's knight in shining armour. Not quite a queen bee but she does love attention so make of that what you will. Enjoys reading, writing, poetry.

depicted here by Yona
[+] Leander York

Leander is a smart cookie and defensive of it. He's not quite at 'rub your face in my being smart' levels but he does not react well to anybody casting any kinds of doubts towards his brains. He doesn't come from an amazingly well-off family so he's banking really hard on scholarships and is burning the candle at both ends with studying and a part-time job. Not super easy to get along with because he's either standoffish or going for the throat of people who get on his nerves: woe betide anyone leaving a conversational opening around him.

He tries to dress sharply because he feels like it's one of the areas of his life he can control, and is an expert of making thrifting look way more put together than it has any right to be. He goes for waistcoats, shirts, smart pants. He is eternally salty that the red waistcoat he found doesn't quite match the red of his pants, but he'll try and make it work. Often wears a tie. Black, has a fade cut. Sick sideburns that make their way almost into chops.
[+] Connie Toda

Has Energy. Not of any specific flavour. Just has it. She will do all the things and she will at least halfass them. Unless they're a bit. She will wholeass every bit. Gets Emotions every time she sees a pretty person, not of necessarily wanting to date them just in that like 'why is everyone so beautifuuuuul' kind of way. Has been known to wrestle backyard. Better talker than fighter but has a surprisingly mean running fallaway slam. Probably very polarising: doesn't attend to boundaries very well but is ride or die for friends. Just like, don't spit on that or the earth is getting salted.

Japanese descent, but mixed ethnicity. Messes with her hair a bunch. Lives in hoodies. How long can one pair of shoes hold together on prayers? Let's find out!!

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:31 am
by AnimeNerd
IN CASE ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN THOSE CHARACTERS I MENTIONED! Also added another one just to have a potential Meanwhile character.

Edits because I pinned down a personality for Stephan and I also came up with another character just because.

Kyoto Aizawa: A guy that probably does not like you, and he's not sorry. He's a tough guy that's not interested having friends in high school; he just wants to graduate, start working at the local mechanic's full-time, and never deal with the foster system EVER again.

Emma Sue Hutchins: Guess who brought cookies? A sweet girl that tries to be friends with everyone, is great in the kitchen, and has a love for vintage fashion and everything that comes with it! She's a perfectly normal girl, other than that, and she refuses to debate that specific topic.

Tristana "Tana" Medeiros: Tell this girl that the paranormal doesn't exist at your own risk. She's interested in anything that seems supernatural, from ghosts to aliens, urban legends to ancient mythos. Some of it might not be real, but that doesn't mean it's all fake, does it?

Stephan "Strawberry" Fields: Did a boomer possess a teenager?? Interested mainly in older things, thinks people need to get off their phones and actually enjoy life more often. Super annoying entitled kind of person, would probably ask to speak with a manager. Thinks he’s the smartest person in the room, and sadly is super smart. He at least knows The Beatles rock, though, so he’s got that going for him.

Karter Watson: He's Canadian, eh. Fits the stereotype of being really nice, but not on purpose. Runs a lot, and also plays the guitar, but likes softer songs over anything too heavy. Also very blind, but has lived with it for years now and manages his everyday life just fine. Probably didn't actually go on the trip, but his friends probably did.

Suzana Slaughter: Thinks her name sounds way too much like she’s an edgy comic book character. Pretty cool person all around. Definitely on some sports team, unsure of what yet. Amateur rapper, but she’s not that bad at it. Either didn’t go on the trip or I might put her up for adoption, not sure yet. Also Emma Sue’s cousin, and will probably not like seeing her on a murder island.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:09 am
by Zetsu
i keep on meaning to put these here but then i keep on forgetting/getting busy/realizing that i still need to name some of these kids and oh my god why am i so indecisive


Ren: 3rd gen Mexican-American enby with a propensity for keeping their head low. Really really REALLY into greco-roman stuff, and has a hard time not infodumping about it to their friends. Normally laconic and withdrawn unless you get them excited, but they're insecure about coming off as unfeeling and will sometimes overcompensate for it. Analyzes everything they say after the fact, and spends 50% of their time worrying that their friends are only putting up with them to be polite. They happen to be an excellent student, but they're kind of a disaster at a lot of 'regular' life skills, so rip. Has gone from being unapologetically weird to apologetically weird and back to unapologetically weird as they've figured out that they're autistic. How they present themselves is largely a function of how anxious they are and how much energy they have at any given moment. First-rate bullshit detector, unless they're the one being lied to, and as such pretty good at resolving grudges and feuds that they themselves aren't involved in. Generally comes across as calm and reasonable, despite their dorkiness.

Alice: Melancholic black girl, stoic and aloof. Outdoorsy nature type, and will actually smile on hikes. Used to be in a close group of friends, but things got all complicated and tangled up and people wanted her to take sides, and she didn't, and so she fell out. She's been wary of getting close to people since. Helpful to anyone who looks like they need help, but is awkward and cold when they thank her. She's also excellent at caring for animals--including the ones that are hard to care for--and is really proud of this fact. Very interested in paleontology, but usually just tells people that she likes geology when asked. Vegetarian, NOT vegan. She'll attend parties if invited, and is good at being politely amiable while she's there, but really she just wants to go home the whole time. Closeted lesbian, convinced she's gonna die alone, but c'est la vie and all that. Overall she's very independent, and while she's not exactly distrustful, she's definitely not trusting either, and she puts a lot of emphasis on keeping on top of the shit she has control over.

Birch: Closeted Chinese enby clarinet prodigy, and overall just a tangled mess of anxiety held together by duct tape and even more anxiety. They have awful stage parents who pushed them into music from a young age and made them practice way too much. They don't really care for the whole thing, but at this point they're just glad that they've found something they're actually talented in, as that causes the yelling to go down and the parental validation to go up. Has no life, and is resentful of the fact. Terrified of failure and also of not living up to their potential and also of disappointing their parents' expectations and also of getting outed to their parents and--well, you get the idea. Desperate for friends and will do things they're not supposed to do in order to make them, then--you guessed it--feel really anxious after the fact. Oh, and they've been binding unsafely at school, which is messing with their lungs and thus their ability to play clarinet, so that's a mess they're gonna have to deal with sometime.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:03 am
by Aster
Hi! Got a few nebulous concepts that are wildly subject to change, but they've got some solid cores. Will probably sort out names/ethnicities based on wherever the V8 location ends up being, so for now have some code names.
[+] Aleck
Aleck is the elder of two children born to an upper-middle class immigrant family. He's straight-A student who's involved in a slew of yet-to-be-decided extracurricular activities, possibly including Model UN. Between him and his sister, Aleck is very obviously the favorite child, and he's been riding that high his entire life. Aleck has a competitive streak and a mild superiority complex, with a tendency to make snap judgements about other people. He likes to think that he can still get along with people he dislikes, but is belied by his passive-aggressiveness. He picked on other kids a lot back in middle school, but now he's mature enough to keep all his nasty comments to himsel (and his friends). Aleck likes to be playfully mean with his friends, and is usually unaware he's taken it too far unless someone else tells him. The only hobby I've decided for him is linguistics and foreign languages: he's fluent in English and his parents' mother tongue, and discovered a knack for picking more up in middle school French class. He's also been teaching himself Japanese, partially because he wanted to challenge himself by learning the writing systems and partially because he likes anime. He absolutely hates being associated with weeaboos though. I need to write more mlm characters so he's more likely than not going to be gay. I also completely forgot I had a concept in the Pinoy Squad until I reread this thread, so Aleck miiight be my kid for it? We'll see.
[+] Jessica
Jessica lives and breathes baseball (and this code name is totally not inspired by a certain synchronous quantum waveform). Her extended family are die-hard fans of the local MLB team, and going to games was a regular family bonding experience. She might also have an uncle/grandfather/great-uncle/insert distant male relative here who played in the Minors but that might be too much. ANYWAY she grew up as one of the few girls playing in Little League and depending on the policies of the V8 school she's on the baseball or softball team. Off the field, Jessica's laid-back and prone to cracking jokes. She has a very Terminally Online sense of humor. Kiiiind of artsy, probably the kind of girl you'd see making DIY earrings out of anything and everything on TikTok. Definitely not straight.
[+] Leo
Leo is that kid who you see lurking in the back of art club/GSA meetings but hasn't said a single word to anyone. Picked on for being a sensitive crybaby in middle school and has spent all of high school trying to draw as little attention to themself as possible. They ended up spending a lot of time online (and we'll see if I have the courage to explore the nitty gritty of being a pre-teen on the internet in the early to mid 2010s), and ended up with a close-knit group of online friends they actually feel comfortable enough to be outgoing and chatty around. Has exclusively dated online. Has probably been a furry since they were 13, and developing a fursona helped boost their self-esteem a lot. Is a proficient artist and makes some money on the side through online commissions. They miiight be involved in the more risque side of the furry fandom but again, that depends on if I end up comfortable enough to explore all of that. DMAB but has been exploring their gender identity recently. Goes by he/they pronouns but isn't out about it IRL cause why would you go through the hassle of coming out to people you've never spoken to and probably never will after you graduate?
Fingers crossed school doesn't knock me out of SOTF three times in a row.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 12:26 am
by Dogs231
So far, two of my character concepts have gotten through my process of vetting ideas. I'm almost certainly going to submit these two ideas as characters once V8 comes about, so I figure I might as well post them here.
[+] Corbinian Carabinelli
Corbinian "Corbin" Carabinelli is very much the hero of his own story. As the son of an Italian-American police officer and a God-fearing Bavarian immigrant, he has been raised in a heavily conservative and deeply religious environment. From an early age, his parents imbued on him their values. His father instilled in him a sense of order, a love of his country, and the value of hard work. His mother imparted to him a love of charity and a strong sense of morality based on Christian teachings. Because of this, he has developed a deeply moralistic and black-and-white view of the world around him.

However, his strict view of life often comes into conflict with the day-to-day goings-on of the people in life whom he cares about. To avoid having to address the possibility that he or the people around him may be more flawed than he would like to think, he regularly bends his viewpoints to justify the behavior of himself and those whom he cares about. This causes him to appear to be hypocritical, and his morals often take the form of a holier-than-thou attitude towards others, something which he himself often fails to realize.

He believes in success due to an individual's hard work and thus pours significant effort into maintaining above-average grades. However, he is not terribly intelligent, achieving high marks through rigorous study despite a lack of any real aptitude towards his subjects. He often forgets most of what he learns once it is no longer important that he knows it and has a relatively shallow amount of knowledge compared to other high achieving students.

In addition to his pursuit of academic success, Corbin enjoys other non-curricular activities. He works out regularly, which helps him to keep in good shape. He enjoys sports, often watching them on television with his father. The one that strikes his interest most is baseball, which he plays as part of the school's team. He is a good pitcher, but his batting could use improvement. Besides sports and personal fitness, he enjoys volunteering in the community and maintains an active social life. While he often finds it difficult and stressful to balance his academics, social life, and hobbies, he has carefully scheduled himself to allow him to make good use of as much of his time as possible.

Corbin does his best to help others when he can, even when they do not seek it, which can often cause him to feel overbearing or patronizing, though he does so with good intentions in mind. He is deeply stubborn, and it is difficult to deter him from doing something once he has made up his mind, even if he himself realizes that it may be in his best interest to listen. He views himself as a natural leader, and while he has the charisma to convince others to his side, he lacks the intelligence or mindset to be effective in a position of authority.

His dream is to enter into West Point and pursue a career as an officer in the United States Armed Forces, even though he recognizes that the process of admission is arduous and the chance of becoming a student is rare. If he does not gain admittance, he plans to enlist in the Army through the standard process.
[+] Abhishek Panicker
Abhishek "Abhi" Panicker is a somewhat divisive person within the school. The son of a local Indian-American businessman and an Irish-American engineer, Abhishek has experienced relatively few economic hardships, residing safely within the middle class. However, the lucrative repair business his parents ran came at the cost of spending very little time together as a family. As a result, Abhishek was mostly raised by his grandfather, an immigrant from Kerala, during his early childhood. His grandfather's sudden death of a heart attack during Abhishek's early teenage years led his parents to reduce their time at work, but this was never enough to bridge the divide between Abhishek and the rest of his family, which had grown over time. This resulted in two vastly different approaches by his mother and father to parenting, neither of which encouraged Abhishek to try to do well. While his mother tends to be hands-off and occasionally distant towards him, his father tends to be involved and controlling. He holds extremely high expectations for his son, often becoming angry when Abhishek doesn't meet his high standards. Abhishek would respond to his father's micro-managerial attitude by purposefully sabotaging himself as an act of defiance. His ham-fisted attempts to correct Abhishek's behavior only led to more rebelliousness, and Abhishek often attempted to undermine himself as a way of fighting his father's control.

Abhishek, while intelligent, has almost no interest in the subjects of school, with the only exceptions being History and English. He often performs well, but this is only because his mother has begun to offer him money in exchange for good grades. His lack of motivation and complete disinterest in his education has caused stress for his father, who expects Abhishek to follow in his footsteps and have a successful and lucrative career.

Abhishek has an eclectic variety of hobbies, most of which involve electronics in some capacity. He enjoys playing video games, though he often has trouble actually finishing them. The games he plays come from a wide selection of genres and consoles, ranging everywhere from Pokemon Platinum on the Nintendo DS to Pong for the Atari 2600. He often emulates games on his computer when he does not have a console that can play them and occasionally will pirate a game to serve as an unofficial "trial run" to see if he will enjoy the full version before paying money for it. He has begun to take up video game modding as a hobby, mostly for grand-strategy games, which he finds interesting. He enjoys creating alternative history scenarios within these games, though he lacks the ability to code, which usually leads to his projects dying shortly after the planning aspects. He often browses Wikipedia when bored, mostly to read about historical events or do research for his writing. He uses Discord frequently, both to communicate with friends from school and to participate in nation roleplays. In these roleplays, each player takes control of a country and writes about the political events taking place within them. While his writing is not bad, he tends to have his plotlines end the same way, which sometimes garners exasperation from his fellow roleplayers. Abhishek tends to brush off these complaints, which can sometimes rub other roleplayers the wrong way. However, his tendency to not take himself too seriously and his high activity has allowed him to become a respected member of the community, moderating several other people's roleplays and even occasionally running his own.

While in these communities, Abhishek developed a deep interest in communism as part of his historical research for a nation roleplay he planned to develop. He found himself enticed by the ideology and began to profess the tenets of it online. His writing in these communities soon began skewing heavily leftward, with his goal in each roleplay becoming to form a successful utopian socialist state. While his parents look down on his choices, he has resisted any attempts to persuade him that he might be wrong, often spending his money on communist-themed apparel and merchandise. While his father originally confiscated these items, his mother persuaded him that continuing to do so would only encourage more rebellion from him. They believed that if they let him continue, he would eventually become bored of it and move on. This did not affect him, and he continues to believe in communism as the ideal structure for an ideology.

Over time, Abhishek has developed a reputation for his shock humor, which often makes him appear callous and has caused him to be held in poor regard at school. He is often disrespectful, sarcastic, and irreverent, relishing in making other people react to his remarks. He often attempts to bait others into debating or arguing with him, where he almost invariably uses bad-faith arguments and straw-manning to try and prove his opponents wrong. His tendency towards being insolent, callous, and sometimes flat-out mean as a form of humor has led to altercations with other students in the past, and while Abhishek does not hold grudges, the same might not be able to be said for some of his peers.

Abhishek maintains a fairly sizeable social media presence, running a mildly-popular Twitter account and a small but successful YouTube channel. On his personal Twitter account, he is known for posting a combination of humorous and nonsensical posts. However, he also posts what are generally considered to be extremely terrible political and economic takes. Abhishek currently professes to believe in Juche, the ideology of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. He also claims to subscribe to several conspiracy theories, including one that states that Survival of the Fittest was created by the wealthy to serve as a form of entertainment. It is often difficult to tell if he actually believes what he is saying or is simply attempting to bait his peers into reacting to him.

On YouTube, he is known for making covers of a variety of songs on the accordion. He learned to play the accordion from his grandfather and started the YouTube channel to share his fondness for the instrument with others. His first videos consisted of him playing the songs his grandfather had taught him, though he branched out into other songs, primarily socialist and protest music. He is skilled at playing the instrument, and his covers are often of high quality, though he tends to redo his work every so often.

Abhishek has an active social life, bolstered by the fact that he often does well on tests without studying. He prefers spending his time playing games or attending parties, something which infuriates his father. His friendships are relatively sparse compared to some of his more popular peers, but those who can look past his more egregious faults often find him to be much warmer and more sympathetic than he lets on. Though he is often sarcastic towards even those whom he considers friends, he can be good-natured and charming when he desires to.

Abhishek plans to major in Creative Writing when he leaves high school, though he is unsure which college or university he actually wants to attend. This indecision has led him to decide to take a gap year before resuming his higher education. While his father is deeply disappointed in his chosen major, little has been able to dissuade Abhishek from his current course in life.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:31 pm
by Aster
Oops, fourth concept incoming! She's way more malleable than the other three because I wanna keep her open for plotting w/ other handlers (and also she might not even be in V8, depending on what the character cap is).

Also posting under a code name bc her name/ethnicity are up in the air, depending on the V8 location.
[+] Hope
Hope was raised a devout Catholic, and went to parochial schools as a child. Just before she started middle school, though, a crisis of faith on her parents' part (and possibly some other factors I haven't decided on yet) caused them to pull her out of Catholic school and eliminate religion from their life entirely. This, combined with the shock of adjusting to the environment of public school, made middle school a reeeally tough time for her. Thankfully, though, Hope made it out in one piece. She came into high school with very lofty expectations staged by Disney Channel Original Movies, and while it's treated her well so far, it's far from what she wanted to get out of it. As of late she's adopted a "fake it till you make it" attitude, putting on an air of confidence and social charisma that's drastically different from her usually withdrawn demeanor. Hope isn't religious anymore, but she's definitely spiritual—she developed an interest in the occult in high school, and it's filled that Catholic-shaped hole in her heart well enough. Despite all this, though, she still can't shake her intense fear of death.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:42 pm
by Slam
Guess I should express my two concepts:
[+] Unnamed Boy 1
Unnamed Boy is an extraverted creative. He loves being around friends and other people, but also can be pretty desperate for attention. He wants to get along with everyone, and can sometimes be A Bit Much. He also loves animation, especially Pixar, and wants to be a 3D animator when he grows up. He has a pet ferret that he loves to bits, and is working on a short sample of animation involving said ferret. Progress is slow but steady. He also is a premie and hence has a weaker immune system and only one testicle. He tries not to let it get him down, though. Also probs Bi cause I haven't written a bi guy yet.
[+] Spud
Lara 'Spud' Something is the daughter of potato farmers and is also a lacrosse player. She is a physical gal and has a good heart. Her nickname comes from both her parents' profession and her love of baked potatos at lunch. I don't know enough about lacrosse so I'll have to look up what role she plays, but it'll make good use of her strong build. She also thinks sleeves are for wusses.

Re: The Unofficial V8 Concepts Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:35 pm
by Tonyksin
just finished another appearance for one of my kids, thought i'd throw it here and see is anyone had any onions about it.

Chanel Andersson-Joseph:

Chanel is mixed race, being of Caribbean and European Descent. As such, her features are a mixed bag of the two cultures. Chanel has a darker skin tone, her Caribbean roots shining through, but still a lighter shade than her mother’s, giving her a nice caramel coloring. Chanel’s face is diamond shaped, with sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline and chin. Her hazel eyes are wide set and downturned, making room for the wide bridge of her snub nose. She also has naturally long lashes, and keeps her brows razor thin and arched to give herself a ferocious look. Chanel has full wide lips, and shiny white, orthodontist perfected teeth with small gums. Her ears are on the smaller side, so she consistently wears large hanging earrings to hide that detail. Chanel’s hair is naturally ultra-curly and thick, which she dislikes, so she keeps her hair cut short and tight and sews in natural virgin texture brazillian weave so she can style it how she wants. On the trip, her current style is a dark brown bob afro with big loose curls. Chanel also never leaves the house without a fully beat face, contoured to soften her jawline and nose, while accentuating her cheekbones and making her eyes look bigger.

Chanel stands at 5’8 and weighs 139 pounds. Chanel keeps in good shape, regularly attending spin and pilates classes and practicing yoga daily. Because of this, she has a strong core and thick, strong thighs. She works especially hard on maintaining her butt, her proudest feature. Chanel’s legs are longer than her torso, so she tends to look taller than she is. Any body hair she may have is quickly waxed away, bikini areas and all. Chanel has long slender fingers and hands, and always has her nails designed and long. For the trip, her nails are a bright baby blue, with the middle and ring of each hand encrusted with rhinestones at the cuticle, and each nail sharpened to a point.

Stye-wise, Chanel usually trends towards the preppy-but-sexy, with pleated skirts and form-fitted sweaters and blouses. Recently, she’s also been politicising herlook a bit, adding in BLM apparel and the like to push her newfound causes. On the trip, Chanel wears a tight white tee with “Black Lives Matter” printed on the front, tucked into a black knee-length windowpane skirt and Thigh-high black suede boots with a stiletto heel. Over the shirt, she wears a baby blue peacoat unbuttoned so that the shirt is easily and readily seen. Her lips are wine-colored for the trip, with a bit of burgundy added to her eye highlight to match. Jewelry-wise, Chanel has on a chunky gold and diamond bracelet on her right wrist, a thick chain necklace with Amber colored beads hanging from it, and dangling infinity earring with white gold and small diamonds encrusted.