
Will they like me?

Wanna roleplay out those big events? House parties, football games, wrestling matches, and even prom can all be found right here! Feel free to post your own events, and make sure to jump into others as well!
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Post by KingKamor† »

He held her hand and said, "As I'll ever be, I guess. My dad's a pretty mellow guy. My mom's the strict one, so you don't need to worry about him." Then again, sometimes both of his parents were very loving to him and his sister, who was in college at the time. The only times they had ever been disappointed in him was when he did poorly in school, but they would always help him bounce back and get the high GPA by the end of the year. Ridley almost felt guilty about his family in comparison to Raine's family.

"Anyway, let's get going downstairs." He said as York barked his head off at the foot of the stairs as if to call them down to see that his father had arrived.

((Ridley Landon continued in Earn your self confidence))
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