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Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:13 pm
by Laurels
Katrina remained in place, staring at Willow as the girl composed herself. She was a bit startled by Willow's demand. She didn't want to think about it, but she was right. They couldn't bury Sierra, and the best they could do was take whatever they could and leave. They could forget about finding anyone for now. They needed time to grieve and to be recover.

Katrina nodded.

"Okay. We can do that."

Katrina stood up and sniffled, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Um, we should probably say something first," Katrina said, looking down at Willow.

"You know, to pay tribute to her. I could sing again, if you'd like."

Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 1:11 am
by Melusine
"Do whatever you want," Willow stood up, putting her hair behind her ears, "but help me with her first."

She stepped over Sierra's body. The dead girl was no use anymore. Her clothes were bloodied and dirty and useless, Willow wanted nothing to do with it.

There wasn't any point in doing anything ceremonial to her: they needed to get her body somewhere else so that if she had something important on her, it wouldn't end in someone's else hand.

Willow inadvertedly made eye contact with the dead girl. She squeezed her eyes shut, holding back tears. Willow reminded herself that this wasn't the time for feelings. There was none involved to begin with, they were only acting.

There was never love, and it wouldn't start with someone's death. So she bent down and flip the body over, making the body face the ground. Willow's eyes darted to the girl's pockets and since there was no bulge or anything popping out like a hidden knife, Willow grabbed the girl's hands.

"Get her legs," Willow whispered softly.

If she had been stronger, she would have pulled it to the edge herself.

Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 1:37 am
by Laurels
((All GMing approved))

"Alright, let's do this."

Katrina sighed, and moved over to Sierra's legs. Willow was taking a moment to go over Sierra's body, closing her eyes and checking her for items. Katrina sniffled again. This was, what, the sixth person she had to give funeral rites to while here? It was starting to become routine.

Katrina sighed again, waiting for Willow's cue. Once she had it, she knelt down, placing her hands around Sierra's ankles. With an unspoken three-count, they hoisted her in the air, and began to carry her over to the edge.

They stopped right at the edge, letting Sierra dangle between them. When she was younger, Katrina remembered being picked up by her parents, one holding her arms, the other holding her legs. They'd swing her and toss her onto her bed, or onto their big couch. It was a dumb, fun game, one that her younger brother was obsessed with when he was younger.

Now it wasn't a game. They'd count to three, and then Sierra would go over and away, not onto a soft bed, but into the thick cluster of trees below.

Katrina glanced over the edge, then back to Willow.

"I guess if we want to say something, this would be the time."

Katrina glanced down to Sierra.

"Sierra, our time was short, but I'm glad I met you. I'll never forget you. Thank you for everything."

There wasn't much to say, and she was sure Willow had more to say, so Katrina fell silent, waiting for Willow's parting words.

Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:13 pm
by Melusine
As the body of Sierra went over the ledge, Willow's contract was null. Gravity took its toll on both Sierra's body and Willow's knees, dragging the two girls to the ground. Willow held back tears as she ignored the sounds of breaking branches underneath her. She was free, she could do whatever she wanted now.

There wasn't anyone to hold her back but herself, and now it finally dawned on her she wasn't able to do anything on her own.

Willow had needed Sierra more than Sierra had needed her, and now she was alone. Yes, she had Katrina but she couldn't do the same tasks as Sierra as efficiently and quickly as her now-deceased ally. She needed someone to share the burden, the pain and the pleasure with and now that Sierra had abandoned her, Willow was stuck with all these feelings she couldn't taper or filter through.

"I already said my piece to her," she said, her voice shaking, "can we just move on?"

She needed a hug.

Willow put her hand against her knee and propped herself off the ground. She needed her croc. It was... there. Next to the blood pool that used to be Sierra and that was now Willow's. She dragged herself there, looking at the forest. Jonathan was somewhere. Willow now had to kill him.

"Keep the gun," she said as she fished out her shoe, "don't want it."

Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:59 pm
by Laurels
Willow didn't say anything, and Sierra went over the cliff. Katrina watched and heard the sounds of Sierra's body hitting the trees beneath. She winced a bit. Wasn't there someone else who fell off the lookout during this game? She couldn't imagine what Sierra and that other person looked like below.

Willow wanted to just get on with things. She didn't want to dwell on anything much longer, and Katrina could understand. If Willow wanted to get moving, they could just leave. Katrina didn't need to sing for Sierra right now. She could hum a song for her as they left. Otherwise, they needed to focus on where to go next.

Willow told Katrina that she could take Sierra's gun. Katrina nodded and walked over to pick it up. She hadn't ever fired a gun before. Guns weren't really held in high esteem in her home, so she never even held anything besides a water gun at the pool. Katrina would have rather stuck with the nodachi, but there was a point to keeping it. Fewer people left meant that more people would be carrying guns. Katrina may have never used a gun before, but she may have to learn quick.

Katrina moved the gun aside and went back to collect the nodachi and her bag.

"Hey, so do you still want to go to the mansion?" Katrina asked. "I don't see why we shouldn't go anywhere else right now."

Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:39 pm
by Melusine
There was a missing response. Willow decided to respond for the absentee.

"Yeah," Willow looked back at over the edge. She wondered how fast would her body hit the ground, "it's still the best option."

Willow turned back to Sierra's bag which was now her bag. She already had infested it, snatching and stealing things on the side while Sierra wasn't looking. She probably knew already, and she probably didn't care, but Willow still took over the pouch. In there, laid all the items that Willow had wanted and craved over the past few days, but it didn't feel like a victory.

It felt more like a second place trophy rather than an actual prize, something like a paper medal saying "you did it!" without having done anything. It would normally satisfy Willow's pathological needs of possessing something over others, but this time, it didn't. She already had changed her sights on someone else.

Willow didn't tear up or didn't cry when she transfered the holdings her first bag into her second's. Her eyes lingered on the plaid jacket. It was red and it was black and it was torn in some places. Willow smiled softly. There was a prize afterall.

As she put on the coat, she turned toward Katrina, "dibs on Jonathan by the way."

Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:20 pm
by Laurels
Katrina nodded to Willow's demand.

"Okay. He's on the list," Katrina said.

It felt weird to be building a list of people they were hunting down. But weirdly, it didn't feel too odd. Jonathan had killed their friend over nothing. Killing him wouldn't bring Sierra back, but he was going to be an issue for them going forward, so they had to do something about him. Katrina could help Willow, and let Willow do whatever she needed to do.

Katrina gathered her goods and adjusted them. Sierra's rifle was now slung over one shoulder, while her other carried her bags. She still held the nodachi. Taking the gun would help in the long run, but for now, she wanted to keep the nodachi close.

"Let's go," Katrina said.

Katrina began to walk away from the lookout, starting to hum "Tears in Heaven" to herself. They had a long walk, and a lot to think about on the way. May as well get going.

((Katrina Lavell continued in ...One Taught Me Pain))

Re: Die Walküre

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:04 pm
by Melusine
Willow shook her head as she started walking with her gear.

There was a chapter that was now closed at the bottom of the ravine behind her. Willow decided to never bring it up again. There wasn't any worth in tossing cold ash into a new fire and expect it to catch flame.

"Bye bye Sierra," Willow whispered to herself, "sorry that I lied to you a bunch."

Willow shrugged. She knew nobody here would hear her but the cameras did. The audience listened, they wanted to pry their hands into Willow's life as if they'd known her. So the next line was for them:


((Willow continued in the next thread.))