Kermit's Wordcount Stuff/Markov Chains

Robot funtimes

Discuss anything and everything that has to do with SOTF here -- from your favorite character to comments and suggestions about the site! This forum also contains roleplaying guides for your benefit!
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Posts: 1647
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Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

One at a time now because the endgamers are longboyes
[+] Sidney Crosby

1624 the

994 to

840 he

823 and

736 that

683 of

643 a

634 his

535 was

414 in

410 as

374 it

368 sidney

360 had

309 you

304 at

278 him

259 i

219 be

218 for

195 on

184 he'd

173 out

171 this

170 with

163 all

160 but

156 been

150 if

146 cody

141 from

140 what

135 up

131 one

129 would

119 have

117 adam

113 not

111 just
111 himself

107 so

100 crosby

98 back

97 who
97 were

90 into

89 like

86 off

84 me

81 do

79 going

76 down

75 know
75 could

74 over

73 face

71 they

70 when
70 people

69 then
69 now
69 head
69 even

68 no
68 her
68 get
68 around
68 about

67 knew

66 looked

65 here

64 time
64 i'm
64 chance

63 something
63 or

60 seemed
60 really
60 couldn't

59 again

58 gun

57 any

56 how

55 ground

54 them
54 some
54 much
54 is
54 fact

52 way
52 two
52 still
52 eyes
52 didn't
52 course
52 an

51 other
51 more
51 fucking
51 don't

50 there

49 pistol

48 well
48 than
48 she
48 only
48 little
48 dodd
48 boy

47 your
47 right
47 look
47 fuck
47 dead

46 my
46 by
46 almost

45 got
45 felt

44 you're
44 we

43 before

42 trying
42 life
42 left
42 it's

41 probably

40 terrorist
40 i've
40 hand

39 warehouse
39 saw
39 never
39 hockey (H O C K E Y)
39 help
39 because
39 area

38 wasn't
38 sidney's
38 sid
38 looking
38 girl
38 few
38 blood
38 are

37 man
37 killed
37 jenson
37 began
37 away

36 where
36 make
36 can

35 likely

34 through
34 thought
34 hell

33 river
33 guys
33 game
33 ever
33 come

32 very
32 towards
32 someone
32 kill
32 did

31 tried
31 think
31 might
31 last
31 jack
31 getting
31 first

30 though

29 which
29 that's
29 such
29 seen
29 hadn't
29 group
29 foot
29 feet
29 everyone
29 after

28 their
28 see
28 go
28 actually

27 turned
27 good
27 feeling
27 body

26 too
26 said
26 island
26 being
26 able

25 upon
25 thing
25 shot
25 own
25 made
25 hands
25 friends
25 else
25 believe
25 another

24 while
24 took
24 realized
24 point
24 pain
24 found
24 enough

23 wouldn't
23 since
23 person
23 heard
23 finally
23 death
23 can't
23 always

22 why
22 want
22 stepped
22 situation
22 say
22 quite
22 killing
22 figured

21 tree
21 should
21 name
21 most
21 kind
21 hit
21 end
21 danya
21 coming
21 better

20 weapon
20 those
20 things
20 shoot
20 running
20 place
20 am

19 you've
19 try
19 three
19 take
19 sure
19 standing
19 lot
19 long
19 let
19 jill
19 doing
19 came
19 best

18 toby
18 shook
18 quickly
18 new
18 maybe
18 known
18 happen
18 every
18 done
18 die
18 both
18 bit

17 words
17 woods
17 takara
17 surprised
17 soon
17 put
17 nothing
17 next
17 large
17 i'd
17 four
17 anything
17 anyone
17 air

16 without
16 watched
16 wanted
16 taken
16 stop
16 others
16 onto
16 once
16 need
16 mind
16 least
16 held
16 he's
16 happened
16 hannah
16 grabbed
16 alive

15 taking
15 small
15 slowly
15 shaking
15 sense
15 second
15 run
15 rifle
15 move
15 managed
15 lost
15 god
15 front
15 behind
15 bad

14 will
14 who'd
14 walking
14 roof
14 martyn
14 live
14 kid
14 glanced
14 gave
14 far
14 days
14 day
14 bullet
14 breath
14 against

13 wound
13 we're
13 walked
13 start
13 stand
13 pocket
13 player
13 perhaps
13 oh
13 nhl (h o c k e y)
13 moment
13 keep
13 i'll
13 has
13 each
13 dropped
13 already

12 yourself
12 whole
12 whatever
12 voice
12 until
12 under
12 stopped
12 simply
12 seeing
12 same
12 room
12 rest
12 ran
12 outside
12 matter
12 injured
12 idea
12 hurt
12 hope
12 hard
12 guess
12 great
12 final
12 definitely
12 continued
12 big
12 attacked

11 trust
11 true
11 these
11 there's
11 stood
11 shotgun
11 shock
11 real
11 raised
11 position
11 playing
11 plan
11 neck
11 leave
11 knife
11 jersey
11 itself
11 having
11 guy
11 fucked
11 fault
11 essentially
11 especially
11 doesn't
11 corpse
11 bullets
11 beside
11 bag
11 adam's

10 yet
10 yeah
10 worse
10 undoubtedly
10 uh
10 truly
10 trigger
10 throat
10 thinking
10 step
10 started
10 six
10 sitting
10 question
10 past
10 pack
10 many
10 manage
10 madelaine
10 looks
10 isn't
10 inside
10 give
10 friend
10 five
10 find
10 fighting
10 escape
10 dirt
10 died
10 avoid
10 arm
10 announcement
10 amanda
10 admit
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

[+] Cody Jenson

2914 the

1385 to

1262 he

1258 and

1087 his

1018 a

1009 of

847 cody

842 was

714 that

691 in

525 it

488 had

471 as

466 you

410 on

378 him

355 i

349 at

299 her

291 for

289 this

276 with

275 from

234 adam

224 be

223 up

205 back

191 all

186 one

181 have

179 out

173 not

170 would

160 but

158 into

157 what

155 been

151 down

150 over

144 now

143 sidney

138 she

137 crosby

134 time

133 boy
133 again

130 then

129 could

128 off

127 like

122 by

119 if

118 me
118 just
118 face

116 began

114 so

107 who

104 were

103 jenson

101 cody's

100 is

98 hand

97 himself

96 no
96 around

94 an

92 he'd

91 once

89 eyes
89 about

88 only

87 even

86 more

84 when
84 we
84 still

83 kill
83 dodd

82 my
82 ground
82 did

80 here

79 away

78 girl
78 blood
78 before

77 your
77 where

76 which
76 seemed
76 get

75 head

74 they
74 or
74 do

73 way
73 island

72 some

71 life
71 know

70 continued

69 two
69 right
69 looked

68 are

66 gun
66 body

65 much
65 i'm
65 going

64 there

63 through
63 than
63 look

62 place
62 game

60 see

59 how
59 end

58 them
58 fucking

57 saw
57 left

56 people
56 other
56 never

55 though

54 towards
54 something
54 smile

53 slowly

52 almost

51 loretta
51 knew

50 pistol
50 finally
50 ever

49 made
49 felt
49 after

48 better

47 moment
47 long
47 go
47 another

46 really
46 hands
46 front
46 bike

45 pain
45 didn't

44 tire
44 iron
44 got

43 last

42 while
42 make
42 its

41 elsie
41 don't
41 bit

40 tree
40 dead

39 think
39 let
39 hockey
39 first
39 coming
39 came

38 took
38 thing
38 small
38 heard
38 feet
38 die
38 both

37 pack
37 mouth
37 found
37 clemence
37 chest
37 any

36 fact
36 always

35 will
35 well

35 find
34 side
34 point
34 mind
34 fuck
34 death

33 those
33 take
33 stood
33 sidney's
33 river
33 looking
33 good
33 entire
33 behind
33 across

32 want
32 sending
32 red
32 quickly
32 killed
32 grabbed
32 few
32 enough

31 you're
31 until
31 turned
31 trying
31 several
31 little
31 lips

30 woods
30 walked
30 too
30 shot
30 run
30 done
30 anyone
30 against

29 most
29 kid
29 held
29 fight
29 come
29 can

28 thought
28 someone
28 since
28 position
28 next
28 i'll
28 area

27 watched
27 neck
27 hit

26 words
26 weapon
26 upon
26 toward
26 their
26 sure
26 smiled
26 shotgun
26 second
26 ran
26 man
26 course
26 being

25 yet
25 throat
25 taking
25 pulled
25 own
25 hard
25 gave
25 features
25 because
25 battle
25 axe
25 able

24 wasn't
24 wanted
24 things
24 taken
24 supposed
24 reached
24 person
24 might
24 managed
24 large
24 couldn't
24 bullet
24 air

23 very
23 standing
23 quite
23 least
23 however
23 final
23 feel
23 else
23 dropped
23 completely
23 best

22 used
22 that's
22 sword
22 said
22 running
22 ravine
22 it's
22 help
22 doing

21 times
21 stand
21 shoulder
21 seen
21 half
21 hadn't
21 feeling
21 bitch
21 anything
21 along
21 actually

20 without
20 stopped
20 say
20 raised
20 onto
20 noticed
20 nothing
20 lyndi
20 i've
20 hell
20 boy's
20 bolland
20 am
20 also

19 why
19 trigger
19 tried
19 such
19 stomach
19 sight
19 maybe
19 kind
19 finger
19 every
19 during
19 door

18 wouldn't
18 water
18 voice
18 suddenly
18 somewhere
18 sense
18 sat
18 rest
18 probably
18 placed
18 hurt
18 handaxe
18 gonna
18 form
18 crowd
18 bloody
18 already
18 adam's
18 above

17 you'll
17 tears
17 soon
17 should
17 shit
17 pants
17 many
17 hoping
17 he's
17 getting
17 full
17 foot
17 everything
17 cold
17 clearing
17 causing
17 can't
17 big
17 alive

16 wounds
16 warehouse
16 trees
16 three
16 teeth
16 stop
16 started
16 she'd
16 sent
16 pulling
16 perhaps
16 past
16 near
16 name
16 move
16 matter
16 making
16 leg
16 knocked
16 grin
16 girls
16 fell
16 destiny
16 days
16 chance
16 bullets
16 boys
16 between

15 wound
15 within
15 try
15 step
15 spot
15 short
15 ribs
15 reason
15 real
15 put
15 play
15 motorcycle
15 moments
15 meet
15 loud
15 kick
15 instead
15 hair
15 grinned
15 give
15 four
15 figure
15 field
15 direction
15 decided
15 covered
15 corner
15 brought
15 blonde
15 bag

14 white
14 top
14 swung
14 stay
14 sinister
14 playing
14 path
14 noise
14 kept
14 itself
14 ice
14 holding
14 hear
14 grass
14 gone
14 each
14 dirt
14 deep
14 danya
14 closer
14 caused
14 breath
14 blade
14 approached

13 you've
13 word
13 wonder
13 went
13 turn
13 these
13 survive
13 stepped
13 simply
13 shook
13 shirt
13 seat
13 same
13 remember
13 pull
13 oh
13 new
13 need
13 may
13 leaving
13 killing
13 keep
13 hours
13 high
13 grip
13 girl's
13 formed
13 fired
13 expression
13 day
13 crosby's
13 coward
13 close

12 wind
12 thinking
12 ten
12 tell
12 sound
12 sitting
12 shoot
12 seeing
12 scream
12 rolled
12 removed
12 realized
12 player
12 opened
12 metal
12 mean
12 lying
12 longer
12 knife
12 knee
12 kicked
12 jenson's
12 has
12 given
12 friends
12 flying
12 fingers
12 either
12 edge
12 dream
12 darroch
12 cut
12 caught
12 arm
12 ago

11 wildly
11 swinging
11 survival
11 sick
11 quick
11 princess
11 players
11 pace
11 nearby
11 moved
11 mother
11 madelaine (:c)
11 lighthouse
11 leave
11 lay
11 inside
11 fool
11 everyone
11 distance
11 dagger
11 cliff
11 clemence's
11 bushes
11 beginning
11 attack
11 arms

10 world
10 tightly
10 threw
10 team
10 sydney
10 stupid
10 situation
10 shoulders
10 shots
10 shirohara
10 puck
10 prove
10 possible
10 played
10 picked
10 passed
10 part
10 our
10 others
10 object
10 notice
10 minutes
10 love
10 lost
10 line
10 light
10 leaned
10 laugh
10 jumped
10 isn't
10 immediatly
10 i'd
10 hoped
10 hero
10 having
10 great
10 grab
10 forward
10 fate
10 escaped
10 engine
10 died
10 dark
10 crept
10 crazy
10 codys
10 begun
10 become
10 backwards
10 anger
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

[+] Jack OConnor

1377 the

811 he

769 to

583 and

505 of

461 his

453 a

404 was

338 that

325 it

296 in

295 had

279 as

224 i

223 jack

198 for

174 you

161 but

157 at

149 with

143 him

142 on

141 this

138 all

128 be

121 would

118 adam

113 if

107 out

106 one
106 not

96 now

95 up

91 just

90 from

86 could

83 though
83 have

82 what

78 were

77 no
77 into
77 do

76 so

71 back

70 like

69 only

68 or

67 been

66 thought

62 gun

61 before

60 himself
60 by

57 there

56 again

55 way
55 off

53 we
53 time
53 they
53 them

52 when
52 right
52 know
52 down

51 who

50 her
50 about

48 an

47 over
47 more

46 through
46 said

43 then

42 game

41 even

40 towards
40 still
40 is
40 how
40 get
40 after

39 make
39 knew
39 don't
39 did

38 two

37 my
37 killed
37 go

36 well
36 me
36 kill
36 didn't

35 which
35 other
35 jill
35 here
35 going
35 away

34 than
34 it's

33 much
33 island
33 far
33 danya
33 any

32 see

31 where
31 she
31 martyn

30 too
30 seemed
30 he'd

29 looking
29 i'm

28 trying
28 mind
28 got
28 few
28 enough
28 dead

27 point
27 once
27 home
27 around

26 your
26 some
26 head
26 hand
26 being
26 against

25 let
25 ingram
25 first
25 are

24 their
24 part
24 look
24 long
24 fact
24 face
24 computer

23 something
23 slightly
23 likely
23 life
23 left
23 killer
23 jason
23 finally
23 behind

22 while
22 thing
22 taking
22 simply
22 really
22 most
22 heard
22 end
22 door
22 almost

21 wasn't
21 wanted
21 until
21 started
21 should
21 people
21 open
21 moved
21 made
21 least
21 everything
21 can't

20 us
20 take
20 sound
20 silence
20 second
20 put
20 own
20 nothing
20 near
20 ground
20 ever
20 can
20 bit
20 another
20 alive

19 voice
19 team
19 system
19 sure
19 say
19 saw
19 same
19 might
19 last
19 justice
19 jack's
19 good
19 four
19 eyes
19 death
19 day
19 blood

18 will
18 took
18 plan
18 moment
18 kaige
18 done
18 continued
18 come
18 anything
18 anyone
18 able

17 turned
17 player
17 looked
17 find
17 final
17 because
17 baseball
17 air

16 yet
16 three
16 think
16 since
16 revolver
16 never
16 felt
16 dodd
16 david

15 we're
15 turn
15 trust
15 those
15 security
15 martyn's
15 machine
15 laptop
15 help
15 form
15 else
15 damn
15 course
15 couldn't
15 boy
15 better
15 announcement
15 along

14 warehouse
14 that's
14 survive
14 spoke
14 someone
14 shot
14 quickly
14 probably
14 live
14 getting
14 corpse
14 cold
14 also
14 already

13 you're
13 wouldn't
13 won't
13 why
13 want
13 ten
13 rest
13 rather
13 possibly
13 playing
13 perhaps
13 outside
13 our
13 next
13 meant
13 i've
13 i'll
13 hope
13 hard
13 happened
13 expression
13 escape
13 danya's
13 between

12 work
12 word
12 win
12 water
12 walked
12 terrorist
12 taken
12 suddenly
12 stay
12 side
12 several
12 seen
12 putting
12 place
12 person
12 nearly
12 move
12 longer
12 gunshots
12 group
12 glasses
12 fallen
12 doubt
12 both
12 area

11 wrote
11 virus
11 there's
11 teammates
11 standing
11 soon
11 shoot
11 running
11 red
11 ran
11 quite
11 others
11 leave
11 killing
11 idea
11 hockey
11 hell
11 having
11 guess
11 grenade
11 front
11 found
11 everyone
11 every
11 either
11 doing
11 crosby
11 completely
11 cody
11 allowed

10 world
10 went
10 thinking
10 things
10 tell
10 stop
10 sotf
10 sight
10 shit
10 pretty
10 pain
10 new
10 need
10 minutes
10 matter
10 keeping
10 i'd
10 held
10 hearing
10 hands
10 grip
10 full
10 friends
10 fate
10 coming
10 battle
10 bag
10 am
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

here we go...

the longest longboye
[+] Adam Dodd

9659 the (holy fuck)

6178 to

5237 and

4908 he

4447 that

4161 of

4137 a

3656 his

3151 was

2787 it

2512 i

2498 in

2382 adam

2226 as

2169 had

2006 you

1802 at

1553 him

1515 on

1397 for

1329 but

1245 be

1089 with

1004 all

989 been

965 this

955 up

931 what

906 out

881 from

852 if

835 one

806 she

788 her

776 have

755 so

754 just

743 would

667 me

664 he'd

640 not

621 like

608 know

568 who

564 were

560 my

534 do

529 into

520 looked

506 there

505 could

504 back

492 is

487 himself

482 down

479 they

465 time
465 about

455 or

454 over

448 when

447 off

440 then

435 get

434 now

432 going

424 even

422 head

421 i'm

413 hawley

407 we

405 face

399 no

398 around

396 much

390 them

388 little
388 an

383 some

381 here

374 how

368 well

367 more

365 seemed

363 way

360 eyes

354 cody

351 right

350 people
350 didn't

349 really

348 before

347 again

340 still
340 something

335 though

333 knew

323 amanda

318 fucking (NICE)

316 did
316 any

314 by

312 your

311 through
311 man

302 madelaine

301 other

293 look

288 couldn't

279 dodd

276 only
276 never

274 than
274 it's
274 boy

267 got
267 can

266 life

264 island
264 come

263 almost

260 go

257 looking
257 don't

254 help

253 away

249 felt

248 d

243 think

242 thing

241 fuck

239 see
239 dead

234 probably

232 two

230 make

225 i've

217 hand

214 wasn't

210 ground

209 where

208 danya

205 which
205 shotgun

204 things

203 left

202 very
202 are

201 kill

200 person

196 you're
196 because

195 that's
195 good
195 fact
195 adam's

193 thought
193 last
193 ever
192 made

191 killed

189 their
189 someone
189 say

188 said
188 game

187 take
187 sure
187 friends

183 while
183 end
183 body

181 saw
181 after

180 most

178 too

176 another

175 found

174 point
174 able

172 course
172 blood

171 likely

169 hadn't

168 trying
168 mind
168 came

167 hell
167 days
167 being

165 such

163 girl

162 done

160 long

158 few

157 friend

156 hands

155 first

152 took
152 guy
152 anything
152 anyone

150 us
150 sidney
150 put
150 best

148 let

147 own

145 shot
145 might

144 yet
144 seen
144 least
144 bit

143 else

142 find

141 towards

139 why
139 want
139 nothing
139 lot
139 kind

138 side
138 same
138 began

137 since
137 area

136 tell

135 shit
135 feel

133 group
133 died

132 turned
132 pain
132 day

130 he's
130 death

129 front
129 door

128 those

127 inside
127 gun

126 pistol
126 both
126 always

125 tried
125 sighed

124 wouldn't

123 die
123 can't

122 river
122 many

121 yeah
121 place
121 feeling

120 andrew

117 room
117 finally

116 simply
116 feet
116 alive

115 standing
115 quickly
115 maybe

114 try
114 small
114 school
114 need
114 moment
114 every

113 upon
113 times

112 voice
112 everyone

111 wanted
111 enough

110 once
110 jenson

109 words
109 matter

108 second

107 sense
107 doing

106 getting

105 you've
105 three

104 shook

103 slowly
103 gone
103 figured
103 continued

102 went
102 until
102 stood
102 i'll

101 crosby

99 we're

98 keep
98 i'd
98 against

97 world
97 guess

96 actually

95 watched
95 god

94 without
94 mean
94 heard

93 guys

92 will
92 quite
92 next
92 jack
92 happened
92 better

91 taken
91 coming

90 marcus
90 killing
90 far

89 stepped
89 sitting
89 having
89 behind
89 alan

88 survive
88 situation

87 taking

85 told
85 rather
85 perhaps
85 kid
85 arm

84 walked
84 remember
84 has

82 myself
82 house

81 needed
81 david
81 corpse

80 lost
80 lipson

79 pack
79 hope
79 along

78 realized
78 new
78 home
78 close

77 seem
77 run
77 past
77 happen

76 should
76 our
76 name
76 already

75 jacob

74 there's
74 rest
74 onto
74 glanced
74 exactly

73 whole
73 ten
73 nobody

72 pretty
72 pocket
72 big

71 held
71 different
71 completely

70 running
70 real
70 neck
70 live
70 however

69 smile
69 shoulder

68 thinking
68 slightly
68 making

67 stopped
67 mouth
67 four

66 won't
66 single
66 managed
66 hard
66 half
66 basically

65 yourself
65 family

64 water
64 surprised
64 sat
64 believe

63 talk
63 smiled
63 sighing
63 move
63 gave
63 bad

62 nodded
62 large
62 jase (wat)
62 hey
62 expression
62 everything
62 chest

61 wonder
61 used
61 thoughts
61 shoot
61 red
61 open
61 mother
61 hit

60 together
60 surprise
60 ran
60 okay
60 fucked
60 ended

59 these
59 pulled
59 oh
59 idea
59 hockey (nice)
59 give
59 beside

58 terrorist
58 survival
58 stop
58 known
58 hurt
58 holding

57 wound
57 whatever
57 step
57 start
57 sick
57 reason
57 none
57 kept
57 isn't
57 especially

56 shaking
56 leave
56 entire
56 decided

55 soon
55 herself
55 damn
55 am

54 you'll
54 tears
54 part
54 old
54 hear
54 glancing
54 given
54 didn
54 beginning

53 spoke
53 knowing
53 grabbed
53 full
53 figure
53 each
53 definitely

52 uh
52 seeing
52 living
52 dude
52 doesn't

51 suddenly
51 stand
51 sort
51 number
51 instead
51 hoped
51 cold

50 outside
50 jersey
50 fire
50 dirt

49 weapon
49 throat
49 they'd
49 started
49 she'd
49 moved
49 hawley's
49 hadn
49 between
49 alone
49 ago
49 across

48 terrorists
48 others
48 high
48 escape
48 daughter
48 chance

47 shrugged
47 position
47 phone
47 may
47 leaving
47 does
47 become

46 show
46 nice
46 its
46 form
46 fittest
46 deep
46 certain
46 bullet
46 appeared

45 watching
45 talking
45 rock
45 remembered
45 problem
45 plan
45 met
45 kids
45 itself
45 fuckin'
45 boy's
45 anymore

44 word
44 warehouse
44 staring
44 six
44 shock
44 playing
44 final
44 also

43 wondered
43 truth
43 true
43 somewhere
43 silence
43 lighthouse
43 later
43 kick
43 jill
43 happy
43 five
43 either
43 dropped
43 brother
43 bitch
43 bag

42 who'd
42 under
42 tree
42 they're
42 sound
42 set
42 pull
42 parents
42 meant
42 loud
42 listened
42 gilbert
42 collar
42 answer

41 wrong
41 undoubtedly
41 thanks
41 several
41 opened
41 lucky
41 knows
41 knife
41 grinned
41 fighting
41 eye
41 cut
41 care
41 air

40 year
40 woods
40 woman
40 what's
40 use
40 supposed
40 sorry
40 question
40 possibly
40 picture
40 picked
40 love
40 great
40 faust

39 son
39 shirt
39 save
39 possible
39 pointed
39 plane
39 path
39 moving
39 martyn
39 gonna
39 finding
39 fell
39 danger
39 couple
39 couldn't

38 wounds
38 understand
38 truly
38 suppose
38 shut
38 shore
38 raised
38 play
38 ones
38 near
38 minutes
38 hold
38 blaine
38 although

37 wasn't
37 trigger
37 she's
37 saying
37 raped
37 indeed
37 essentially
37 eh (Canadian confirmed)
37 brought
37 bring

36 walk
36 turn
36 speak
36 shooting
36 lose
36 kicked
36 father
36 clear
36 admit

35 within
35 stay
35 somewhat
35 somehow
35 reached
35 normal
35 jones
35 hardly
35 grin
35 floor
35 during
35 due
35 damnit
35 change
35 breath
35 attacked

34 you'd
34 work
34 who's
34 weapons
34 top
34 telling
34 sotf
34 sight
34 odd
34 nor
34 moments
34 let's
34 late
34 gotten
34 gotta
34 damned
34 causing
34 call
34 aside

33 wish
33 weren't
33 wandered
33 trust
33 trip
33 stared
33 nanami
33 morphine (same)
33 luck
33 looks
33 listening
33 important
33 hoping
33 girls
33 fight
33 covered
33 called
33 broken

32 ya
32 win
32 stepping
32 silently
32 shocked
32 shirohara
32 self
32 putting
32 poor
32 must
32 lying
32 hole
32 blinking
32 bleeding
32 anyways
32 announcement

31 winced
31 stuck
31 stomach
31 speaking
31 shoko (who now?)
31 sending
31 seemingly
31 realize
31 order
31 heh
31 heart
31 haven't
31 free
31 forward
31 followed
31 dying
31 dad
31 caught
31 bushes
31 broke
31 bodies

30 wait
30 uzi
30 tossed
30 sun
30 stupid
30 strong
30 sounded
30 simple
30 rolled
30 passed
30 lives
30 huh
30 hospital
30 forget
30 easy
30 cell
30 case
30 asked
30 aren't
30 amanda's

29 we've
29 watch
29 waiting
29 turning
29 state
29 ready
29 pick
29 longer
29 less
29 leafs ( H O C K E Y )
29 honest
29 eight
29 became

28 years
28 walking
28 team
28 sword
28 stumbled
28 starr
28 serious
28 saved
28 rubbed
28 promise
28 mainly
28 jeans
28 hair
28 glance
28 funny
28 fingers
28 ear
28 crying
28 battle
28 baseball

27 young
27 worse
27 wearing
27 slight
27 shoulders
27 short
27 mental
27 makes
27 lay
27 it'd
27 hours
27 heavy
27 happening
27 fall
27 expected
27 except
27 control
27 collapsed
27 boat
27 attention
27 ass
27 ammunition
27 above

26 wondering
26 wide
26 tear
26 table
26 sudden
26 strength
26 spoken
26 spit
26 sleep
26 silent
26 relatively
26 promised
26 paused
26 memory
26 meet
26 madelaine's
26 line
26 lead
26 knees
26 killer
26 grimaced
26 forced
26 direction
26 corner
26 conversation
26 changed
26 canada (hmmmmmm)
26 bullets
26 break

25 valley
25 usually
25 threw
25 sounds
25 sit
25 seems
25 removed
25 rain
25 pay
25 noticed
25 mr.
25 light
25 kitchen
25 finished
25 fear
25 emotions
25 edgar
25 closed
25 carefully
25 brain
25 book
25 blue
25 beach
25 bat
25 awhile

24 wandering
24 view
24 strange
24 states
24 spot
24 shake
24 seriously
24 protect
24 pants
24 original
24 loss
24 injured
24 green
24 friendly
24 crazy
24 circumstances
24 certainly
24 blinked
24 bet
24 apparently
24 aimed

23 worst
23 unless
23 skin
23 shoes
23 shame
23 scene
23 places
23 mine
23 lived
23 list
23 hot
23 hiding
23 hearing
23 gunshot
23 giving
23 falling
23 failed
23 earlier
23 dark
23 crowd
23 collars
23 catch
23 bloody
23 begin
23 bamboo
23 attempted
23 anywhere

22 zone
22 white
22 whether
22 week
22 throughout
22 soul
22 sent
22 seconds
22 scratched
22 rage
22 placed
22 odds
22 notice
22 noise
22 knocked
22 knee
22 jumped
22 glad
22 fun
22 flesh
22 fate
22 events
22 emotion
22 edge
22 deal
22 cody's
22 blow
22 black
22 backwards
22 arms
22 anger
22 ain't

21 wiped
21 wallet
21 wall
21 united
21 third
21 thank
21 students
21 story
21 steps
21 stayed
21 sooner
21 sky
21 sigh
21 response
21 reality
21 reaching
21 quiet
21 punch
21 player
21 middle
21 letting
21 knapsack
21 justice
21 internal
21 instantly
21 hundred
21 gets
21 fully
21 fallen
21 doorway
21 comes
21 clothes
21 buddy
21 boys
21 avoid
21 amount
21 absolutely

20 whom
20 we'll
20 um
20 themselves
20 survivor
20 snapped
20 sidney's
20 sad
20 pulling
20 piece
20 nose
20 neither
20 nearly
20 laughing
20 jack's
20 impact
20 human
20 horrible
20 hated
20 guns
20 guard
20 grabbing
20 explain
20 experience
20 directly
20 difficult
20 closer
20 chuckled
20 carrying
20 bush
20 bolland
20 bandage
20 aware
20 ask
20 ahead

19 wouldn
19 worry
19 window
19 underneath
19 starting
19 softly
19 send
19 safe
19 please
19 pistols
19 paper
19 older
19 moves
19 means
19 lightly
19 keeping
19 kaige
19 helped
19 frankly
19 fired
19 finger
19 familiar
19 fairly
19 expect
19 dropping
19 drop
19 drew
19 dirty
19 decision
19 danya's
19 check
19 cared
19 'em

18 working
18 winner
18 war
18 various
18 tire
18 thirty
18 teeth
18 stuff
18 straight
18 sticking
18 shower
18 ride
18 rice
18 returned
18 pockets
18 named
18 mistake
18 missed
18 manage
18 leg
18 laughed
18 insane
18 immediately
18 helicopter
18 hate
18 grimacing
18 goddamn
18 gaze
18 filled
18 current
18 coppice
18 cool
18 clearing
18 choice
18 building
18 brothers
18 below
18 barely
18 andrew's

17 wow
17 would've
17 worked
17 won
17 weight
17 visit
17 twice
17 trailed
17 today
17 television
17 talked
17 system
17 split
17 solace
17 screaming
17 respect
17 realizing
17 prove
17 players
17 paul
17 opening
17 often
17 o'connor
17 names
17 murder
17 miss
17 mess
17 loaded
17 job
17 iron
17 intense
17 intended
17 handle
17 gazebo
17 further
17 force
17 food
17 fine
17 feelings
17 evident
17 distance
17 cry
17 corpses
17 closest
17 chair
17 caused
17 car
17 bringing
17 beyond
17 becoming
17 beat
17 bastard
17 attempt
17 attack
17 asking
17 anyway

16 wind
16 whose
16 wheelchair
16 waterfall
16 walls
16 upset
16 toward
16 they'll
16 that'd
16 sworn
16 swore
16 stone
16 sometimes
16 smiling
16 smart
16 seven
16 return
16 relaxed
16 read
16 questions
16 pass
16 obviously
16 object
16 murdered
16 meeting
16 lowered
16 loudly
16 liked
16 laugh
16 kidding
16 items
16 injuries
16 hour
16 gunshots
16 guilty
16 goes
16 forgotten
16 focus
16 flying
16 faces
16 eyebrow
16 everywhere
16 empty
16 couch
16 complete
16 classmates
16 class
16 checked
16 cause
16 bullshit
16 blame
16 alan's
16 action

15 wore
15 wished
15 weird
15 weeks
15 unable
15 stopping
15 soldiers
15 shoar
15 shape
15 sand
15 remorse
15 quick
15 pressure
15 played
15 painful
15 option
15 numb
15 nodding
15 nearby
15 nah
15 mentioned
15 luke
15 lucinda
15 losing
15 literally
15 lifted
15 leaned
15 lamika
15 jacob's
15 happens
15 forever
15 following
15 escaping
15 energy
15 eastern
15 cursing
15 count
15 clean
15 camera
15 bro
15 awful
15 assumed
15 allow
15 aim
15 agony

14 y'know
14 weakly
14 waited
14 ugly
14 tough
14 torn
14 tired
14 throwing
14 tall
14 student
14 struggled
14 sorts
14 somebody
14 smell
14 slipped
14 shadow
14 scared
14 rifle
14 recieved
14 realization
14 picking
14 nowhere
14 movement
14 mom
14 majority
14 loved
14 leading
14 joke
14 impossible
14 helena
14 grave
14 girlfriend
14 fucker
14 fresh
14 freely
14 fought
14 fair
14 eno
14 effect
14 decent
14 david's
14 dave
14 cursed
14 cost
14 confused
14 concerned
14 comfortable
14 comfort
14 bound
14 attempting
14 angry
14 actions

13 yes
13 wounded
13 widened
13 whatnot
13 weak
13 warning
13 wants
13 wanting
13 usual
13 using
13 uriel
13 unfortunately
13 uhh
13 trees
13 tossing
13 toss
13 throw
13 teenager
13 swear
13 surrounded
13 summer
13 stick
13 sprawling
13 song
13 smirked
13 sentence
13 screamed
13 safety
13 sadly
13 rubbing
13 ridiculous
13 reminded
13 remained
13 reflect
13 recalled
13 reaction
13 raising
13 pushed
13 pointing
13 planned
13 pathetic
13 pale
13 ocean
13 night
13 mumbled
13 mention
13 men
13 low
13 loneliest
13 lack
13 kinda
13 jason
13 it'll
13 hopefully
13 hidden
13 girl's
13 generally
13 forgive
13 flow
13 features
13 extended
13 excuse
13 ensure
13 cocked
13 children
13 carry
13 cabin
13 burst
13 burn
13 bright
13 born
13 bent
13 believed
13 august
13 audioslave
13 arrival
13 armed
13 apparent
13 apart
13 accident
12 zones

12 york
12 woke
12 wincing
12 wake
12 unlike
12 understood
12 twisted
12 tv
12 surrounding
12 street
12 stare
12 stained
12 stabbed
12 spent
12 spare
12 smirk
12 sleeping
12 shouldn't
12 roddy
12 riot
12 responsible
12 recognized
12 rapist
12 rape
12 personally
12 optimism
12 obvious
12 nonetheless
12 nine
12 news
12 motioned
12 mentally
12 marcus'
12 machete
12 locked
12 listen
12 lip
12 lillian
12 legs
12 justify
12 jensen
12 interrupted
12 imagine
12 horror
12 hook
12 grab
12 goddamnit
12 garraty
12 fuckers
12 fist
12 finish
12 field
12 fault
12 fast
12 fan
12 easier
12 discussion
12 destroyed
12 deserved
12 decide
12 deaths
12 crap
12 cover
12 country
12 considered
12 compared
12 coleson
12 cliff
12 clearly
12 child
12 calm
12 brow
12 bottle
12 begun
12 beautiful
12 barry
12 awkward
12 announcements
12 alright
12 allies
12 age
12 adrenaline

11 worth
11 whomever
11 whenever
11 upper
11 twenty
11 trusted
11 touch
11 toronto (canada,  eh?)
11 tightly
11 tight
11 thick
11 surviving
11 surprisingly
11 suffer
11 struggle
11 stole
11 spitting
11 speed
11 space
11 scream
11 sarcasm
11 rolling
11 remembering
11 proud
11 prior
11 pop
11 pissed
11 perfect
11 penis (ummmmmm)
11 party
11 particular
11 otherwise
11 opposed
11 offer
11 murderer
11 moreso
11 missing
11 miriam
11 memories
11 maddie
11 led
11 jump
11 jesus
11 interesting
11 injury
11 huge
11 honestly
11 hm
11 heavily
11 hall
11 gathered
11 gaped
11 gain
11 fred
11 forest
11 foot
11 focused
11 flew
11 fat
11 encounter
11 emotional
11 dulled
11 dragged
11 dies
11 device
11 coughed
11 closing
11 clenched
11 choked
11 burned
11 brown
11 breathing
11 breaking
11 biggest
11 bed
11 axe
11 asleep
11 anticipated
11 amongst
11 alcohol

10 younger
10 worried
10 wonderful
10 wet
10 we'd
10 washed
10 waist
10 visibly
10 vehicle
10 vanished
10 van
10 type
10 trouble
10 touched
10 tale
10 swung
10 survived
10 struck
10 sink
10 sid
10 shrugging
10 showed
10 shitty
10 searching
10 scowl
10 sarcastic
10 rocks
10 remains
10 relief
10 regret
10 regardless
10 quietly
10 purpose
10 pure
10 puck
10 proved
10 prone
10 previous
10 potential
10 pontoon
10 plus
10 peers
10 page
10 opportunity
10 oddly
10 movie
10 months
10 manner
10 makeshift
10 main
10 lap
10 landed
10 kidnapped
10 key
10 judging
10 judge
10 inwardly
10 intact
10 hesitate
10 hero
10 heading
10 headed
10 hasn't
10 hardened
10 guilt
10 glasses
10 games
10 future
10 friend's
10 fit
10 fierce
10 favour
10 extracted
10 exact
10 eventually
10 enjoyed
10 enjoy
10 ending
10 eleven
10 easily
10 dunno
10 dreams
10 drained
10 doubt
10 doors
10 doesn
10 depressed
10 defense
10 deeply
10 dart
10 dangerous
10 currently
10 constant
10 companions
10 comment
10 cole
10 circle
10 cameras
10 burden
10 bleed
10 betrayed
10 besides
10 belonged
10 badly
10 appreciate
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Post by Kermit »


Mkay so If you've been in chat during the past few weeks you already know what Markov chains are and if you don't SCREW YOU I'M TOO LAZY TO EXPLAIN THEM MYSELF >:C

Yeah so using the wordcount docs I can make a Markov chain thingy for each character. As you may have guess, that's what I'm doing here. Each kermit!post will contain markov posts for 4 characters! This was a terrible idea!

[+] Helena Van Garrett
Helena twilled, the orange and yellow dress spinning and starting down taking her pencil and running it across her wrist, giggling more after than, she was crying - how frightened was soon matched by another entering the hill, Helena blinked in curiosity as she walked about, a little way in her step. She song paused though a small grin had found you August, I never want to look more decent. Standing, it kicking dirt up as it hit.

Digging in deeper she let out a yelp as she curled into the figure, "W-Why?" Helena, I never want to lose as Helena also had to fight every protest given that she short track across the room.

"He's such a freak", She had never, ever get." She mused, before this trip took place - this nightmare.

"Helena blinked in the back of her throat as she crawled back forcing her pencil and running it and his head up as it hit.

Helena blood-spotted lips out somewhat as she picked up the manual she had never, ever though how was a saw supposed to be her though a small path, she continue to slip through and spewing blood through the front, her feet turning and starting to pull her hair up into a rather low v-neck.

Simply slip-on-shoes white in color. She stood, placing clips here and there to try and get it to the salty substance becoming from the form of Helena Van Garret!"
Clearing the hole now nestled in the blood continued alone, in the chance to ask you where going to take up space. Waste of air if you ask me"

Helena found her fellow classmates.

Chewing literature one day, the class was allowed to spilt into her own shoulder bag, tossing over her.

"Oi! Miss. Van Garret!"
Clearing the back and foth before falling onto her feet turning and smiling, "He's such a freak," She screamed into the air pushing back as she stared wide-eyed at where the small hill. Waving a long arm in way of the building, "Hello! Whoever's over her.

"Oi! Miss. Van Garret - Dead
n the pain all over her.

"You're my only true friend Helena Van Garret - Dead
as no answer given to her entering the orange and yellow dress spinning about her as she picked up the manual she had been standing, it kicking dirt up as it hit.

Her body sat, shaking against the ground soon caking red in both from the form of Helena blinked in curiosity as she was. He's such a freak," She mused, before deciding on the still ringing it up before her though more carefully bringing in the still wearing the back of her head. Hollow gasps admitting from her throat as she made her way - the right way.

Anger now raising, she reached her weapon, a saw was it abandoned?

Though when a flash of red hair passed by the window, she found her feet as she moved. Stopping in her agreement. "That's a beautiful dress Helena."

Helena blinked in the air. A sharp, horrible pain filling her lips. "Good, someone to use for a few hours now and yet she had to get away. The bullet having lodged into the air pushing a strand of hair band moving to pull her hair up into a rather messy bun, placing clips here and there to try and get it to look more decent. Standing, it kicking dirt up as he took aim on her bottom lip, Helena sighed and reached down taking a long arm in way of the brush. "How stupid."

Crouching down the small kitten from the hole now nestled in the first place the neck was cut into her own shoulder bag, tossing over her mouth. Spitting from the box. Hugging in the short track across her weapon, a saw supposed to be better than nothing she owned.) and dug through and spewing blood through the front, her feet as she stood, pushing back and foth before falling on her lips. "I'm going to the hacksaw in her agreement. "Thank you."

"I feel the same August..."

G06 - Helena sighed and running it across her wrist, giggling more carefully bringing it up before deciding on the small kitten from blood continue to slip through the first place. But she had been standing, it kicking dirt up as it hit.

Digging in deeper she let out a yelp as she begun to move, trying to stop the bleeding, but no matter sprayed forth from her lips. "I'm going to die..." She wondered lightly, her hand out and his head up as he came up to her, her" whimpering before a person she was supposed to be better than nothing she owned.) and dug through and starting down her cheeks, though how was a saw supposed to protect her from where they sat on the plane, the orange and yet she hadn't seen one of her thigh, the blast passing through a small path, she continued alone, in the class was allowed to spilt into a rather messy bun, placing clips here and there to try and get it to lose your friendship."

"You're my only true friend Helena, I never want to lose your friendship."

[+] Sydney Morvran
"Remember? Always friends." He held in a saddistic grin.

The goggles, in memory of the need a new one." He wiped his face.
He didn't know Anya, and expecting that Niniko. Really, I used her a friends, and enemies alike die. He was going to help him. He was a thin, diagnol cut beneath his eyes. He dashed for that reason. It was the one with excitement. Shame, I know where it is..." He looked over at Tayli.

"It's okay, Sydney held out a hand with that there and for many long night roll over and Tayli. He would never should have been, he way in time, considering how you're so close...Tayli and pulled a feeling that it Sydney would make it his newfound friends, huh? That's what to say about it.
Dwanye? His eyes were tearing up now, creating that can stop the killing me." The glare at the fact that if he got ripped around him. "Friends! But they wound. He didn't care. He just didn't worry about his confidence was wrapped up into his efforts, she was so closer to live!!" He held in a breath of air. "I can't...breathe." Syd forced onto Xian. His weak smile slowly closer to Gabrielle. He wasn't, it wasn't detonating. But, they had gotten a lion pouncing onto its prey. "I've memorized the flashbang grenade to one of his face. He walked close now...
Syd had been so close...Tayli had aswell. He had a good enough reaction.

He couldn't ever get to shoot. You understand there wouldn't have all the way he was, he was bleeding.
"I don't think that it would in a chuckled the flashbang grenade that was left of the flashbang on his past. He grabbed her, okay, it's okay." Sydney pulled the flashbang grenade onto the little guy. There and then you, and then you, and then ever-so-slightly as he moved off of here. Thanks to make...but, there and to shoot. Sure, he couldn't blame her. Some friend?"
Sydney didn't know if it were supposed them, he was missing his past. "I'm not going to let any of my friends did." He grinned, nodding his arms as if it could be a gun, and I'm not going to calm her over at Xian again, hoping to let any of my friends, friends... He grinned, taking his head up again, hoping to call him Syd. "Just follow me, Xian."
Sydney's eyes widened in, taking his messy hair. He had gotten a little deafened by the situation like he once didn't dare move his head, seeing Tayli had aswell. He turned his head and glare at Niniko. Of course, it would work, right?
"Friends!" He repeated the pyschotic look on the situation like he once did before this, but with my fault!"
"You dropped the gun and start firing at everyone to the Mac-10 sat onto the chance that I don't look of fear as all off. But, not this eyes continued, snapping his head, seeing only one kill you do it?
Heh, we'll have all the pin wasn't my fault.
"Syd...? killed the pin out of this Niniko was stop the girl, what this places where he wanted to his knees. They were few, he knew enough reaction time, shouting out blood was wrapped apart by Gabrielle. I know your weapon in his friend. ...Right? He look in his own blood, to put a laugh, anyway. His blood was flowing out of the flashbang...the pin wasn't." He still didn't blame her. He opened up the way to safe..." The weak smile slowly draining. He hoped that he had been so closed the flash had blind her disappearing, good enough, anyway. He turned, wincing onto Syd's basketball gasping for the smile slowly turned in shock. Hiding the pin out of the doorknob. "When I open up the flashbang, so it would indeed go off at Tayli. He traced it with his teeth, dribbling down on his belt, ready to pull the pin out of the school building. It wasn't, it wasn't exactly the big, macho man whom would never pass the grenade had aswell. He look in his arms now, trying to fight Niniko....
Syd stepped a little. It wasn't." He still didn't wanted in, taking a sticky pool all around him, and filled over his hair was very roughed up. And Jess...? Held in his thumb. "I've got a gun to school and went on a desk behind his goggles had gone to the direction of Tayli and down to six now. I'm not caring at Minase. Not Xian down. Now!!"

Sydney breath of air. "I can' wasn't all off. But, still...the angel floated down...sort of plan!" He held in a few more allies. There would try barricading ourselves in. That's what this gun he was, he was going to shield! I didn't care. He had her one of his bottom lip, hard. "You get close to him up. And Jess...? Held in his bottom lip, hard. "You get close to see the flashbang...and no one of my friends, we're exactly ontop of his belt. He grabbed Xian's hands. No weapons, no strings attention seemed focused, retying it out of dwelling through the shadow, giving her the biggest, or tallest guy, crawling to die, all I wanted to him that the most...but, then he had turned off his forehead now. He gulped around, keeping that there fast. "I've got think that it would make it mattered, anyway. He turned back to the effect on Xian, please..."

[+] Niniko Kishinawa
He found them, and he headed for the air. He was opened up water, drank some, and placed him self down. He went out, and if someone. And fast. He took a bamboo forest.

Suddenly, a flashlight. He threw them, with a hint of disgust. Boxing Gloves. Pathetic. He took his items. The most he could do was no way that he still needed to get his hands had a better chance of doing something. The wind pulled by him, zipping along. He quickly decided he should get a better chance of doing something. They where stranded on this island. He walked up to her.

"Well, Well, Well..."
Ninko looked at the bamboo shoots and put it back. He glanced at his watch. 5:39, almost time for someone. And fast. He took out his neck in the direction, alond the direction, alond the dirt pith, he fealt the urge to the edge to the bamboo forest.

Suddenly, a flash bang grenade went off. He covered his eyes, just in time, to the school, no doubt about that happened. No, he had known everything. They landed with a soft thump on this island. He stood up casually, looking for he did not want to get his hands had a better weapon, you could really die. Like he cared. He was in a Danger zone, he might work, but atleast missed Mr. Danya's Announcements. He covered his eyes, just in time to go, so he had known everything. They where he should get a better weapon out the process and turning it into a mere bloody mess.

'd be dead. He decided he should shoot and ran. He had a makeshift spear. Still, he ran after them with a hint off. He covered his eyes, just in time. ...Maybe he should've probably happened, yeah, but atleast he'd be able to move out of light. That might work, but if they would shoot him before that he would be able to move out of it in time. ...Maybe he should've probably happened. No, he had a gun. Running, he took out his map. He quickly decided he should've set up a camp, because if he where in a danger. The grenade went off. He could see, no doubt about the bamboo shoots, and if someone saw him, who cares? As the process and hopefully kill something. The grenade went out, and if someone. And fast. He took his items. The most he could always try choking like she was blind. He walked up to her.

Suddenly, a flash bang grenade went out, and if someone. As headed for the bamboo shoots, and saw that he would be able to die in a comfortable setting a little dehydrated. He opened up water, drank some, and put it back. He WANTED to kill...

He scooted along, for he did not want to get his items. The grenade went off. He covered his eyes, just in time. ...Maybe he should get a better weapon, you could really die. Like he could really die. Like he should've set up camp afterall? Same thing would've probably happened. No, he had known everything. With no weapon, but if they had a gun he'd be dead. He decided he should always try choking them with his bare hands. But they where he waited, waited for the light. He took out of it in the process and turning it into a mere bloody mess.

ong, for he didn't decide where to go to the school. But, if Sydney were to go to take very little dehydrated. He decided to get his watch. 5:39, almost time for the announcements. The most he would die. He had a makeshift spear. Still, he ran after the announcements. The audible beeping of his collar exploded, destroying his map. He just came past the bamboo coppice and placed his eyes, just in time. ...Maybe he should get his hands had a better chance of doing something. They where he was, and he had known everything. They where stranded on this island. He walked up to her.

"Well, Well..."
Ninko looked at the bamboo shoots, and turning it into a mere bloody mess.

meone. And fast. He could always try choking like she was blind. He was open. With no weapon, but how? All he brought along was some clothes. He opened up to her.

"Well, Well, Well..."
Ninko looking like she was blind. He stood up casually, looked at the floor. Basically, his hands had a better chance of doing something. They where stranded on this island. He walked up to her.

"Well, Well..."
Ninko looked at the bamboo coppice and luckily, his hands had a makeshift spear. Still, he ran afterall? Same thing would've set up camp afterall? Same thing would've set up camp after them, and he needed a weapon. He threw them with his flashlight. That might not have fallen asleep, or atleast missed Mr. Danya's Announcements. The wind pulled by him, who cares? As the path winded with his bare hands. But they had a make a weapon out the bamboo shoot him before that happened. No, he headed for he dirt pith, he fealt the urge to get up and run. So he waited, waited, waited for someone to kill. He WANTED to kill...

[+] Tayli Vreeland
Tayli had awoken only to late for disaster to be averted. Anya, the one lying on the floor with utter delight. She hoped it would be the golden oppertunity, she was a Danger Zone and Tayli didn't want to die.
"Who is it Xian," Tayli said sceptically her entourage's cruel crusades), Tayli held out her hand as her darkest memories flooded back to her for eternity as destiny would put it. Unlike the door behind all of Lindsay Robb and the horror to be averted. Anya, the horror of realizing what the bottom of the gun... she figured it would most surely know he's not playing, and if you all think..." she stuttered as puzzled as puzzled as she didn't want to trip... she was finally wants to protect ourselves, but slowly, "please lets go!"


((Continued in: The Threesome other boy's exchange.

"We don't hurt her!" Tayli's neck...

"Xian are you?" Tayli had been disoriented at first, but quickly remembered the solution to all of their problems at the latter breed. She needed to tell to the key for that gun, it was cleaner and orange cleaner and orange clean invaded her weapon, a gun, what kind Tayli was amongst the last game... he'd obviously had to take out at least one in that old birchwood cabinet over that would most surely continued in: The Threesome on the Move))
"Syd, Xian is right now. So that old birchwood cabinet. This way no one can betray us. Until we get this place secured. After that she had no idea how to use honey to keep the worker bees contestants for that wouldn't meant to see if Minase, and was in it, no doubt about it. No way no one can trust eachother and her arms around her arms around her, the smell of Lindsay Robb and the truly evil queen bee Amanda Darroch, the acidic mastermind behind her... she hadn't mean outside contact and macho. Anya, the one looking for those within they weren't filled there goes Tayli's end for Tayli needed to find a laptop. Knowing the metal shelving system and hoisting her in pretty bad shape and we can trust him," Xian pleaded, "no one here now guys I think we should unload our arms..."

Tayli thought. A lightbulb went off in her over that some others used to herself back and for a place to be averted. Anya wanted her hand as if to take the light grenade would continue to be among the golden, social 'equals' as THEY would have found a way our trust and we can focus on getting and frustrated with a strange boy.

"Anya... can I call you Anya? I think I may have found a way of backing out friend."

Tayli was different plan if you can just get the hell out of here now Xian! Run!"


((Continue to her fast. She waited to see one lying onto plan B she searched for a modem chip. Finding none she swore and his insight that some other land, merely jumping onto Tayli and Xian and Syd occupied tears streaming up on her brow. She had sat, were sitting the metal shelving their own lives, "I'm going this? Never had done...
Tayli either... she had done...
Tayli held out her weight even though to avert any catastrophes... who was this streaming from her now Xian yelling at Syd... she had done...
Tayli jolted awake. She had been things that had conspired before in coppice. She had to the location.

Niniko wouldn't support her belt loop and pushed open the gun in her belt loop and malicious Lindsay and the truly evil queen bee Amanda Darroch, the acidic master to bitch a little for once. She had lost connection could maybe we should these people ever before in coppice. She has always been popular, very harder there, and then we'll meet back up at the gun fixed on Minase, and I'll hold onto the key for the draw more students had been things that we'll take double shifts keep the drawer, and I'll hold onto the key for the sound the pistol, a Glock 9mm in her in places she didn't want to die.
Beep, beeping she missed miserably didn't I...," she burst into the had definately not a friendly to her pack, and Tayli said point that someone to be alone and his voice so Niniko," Xian cried.

"Guys, guys I think..." she stuttered as she.

"Who is he?"

Xian looked as puzzled as she slipped sleep altogether for help solving a horrible think this one is... err stupid?"

She fell asleep altogether...

Tayli's end was near.
Tayli cried.

"Get out at least for the cabinet. This way of backing out of here."

Was she.

"I... never I didn't I...," she could hear Xian and Syd not trust someone we know so little tense right be able to organize an escape! She hoped it was clear he probably didn't bother and the really to protect ourselves, but slowly, "please don't use it to shoot out friend."

Tayli thought. A lightbulb went off in her had been disoriented her weapons, the gun... something she fell...

How does Xian know he's not plan if you think we're all opt for a different inability to work together for the second time, he shielded them from a fired gun.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

[+] Gabrielle Minase
Minase hated an excuse they were to go? He knew that to do anything, so he tore of headcase teenagers. His fear had subsided now, switching all this he wasnt sure if he did, then he grinned again. His scowl remianed all over, he wasnt going.
A german thought Minase died of aids.

Then Minase suddenly jumped, and winced as a product of an awkward while, until he was going to allow them or not did not know.
Minase planned over the edge, Anya forget being. Minase looked around for something of the insane situation in one hand still fear had set off an angered by Anya forget being roundabout. It was clear the school, and if not, then thought. It was obvious to reality of what to discover and kept his face, not from fearsome.

'Okay, okay to him. But into practically, like her friends i swear, believe me?'

Then Minase lay him down on the floor beside him feel powerful back at the insane situation supply.
no sooner had Minase died of aids.

This was serious, his moral.

Then he could be unwise because then aimed thats attempt to save him...
The bloodied corpse, one hand still pressed against the woods and anticipation.

((OOC: Continued to be near the school, there were no secret about his state of shock he was.

After a few minute. All the time think situation the move would gain power somehow.
At that they would someone.

Suddenly struck with an image. Himself, these two girls where they stood, but the time he took hold and he had to be asking back to the boy, he wasnt sure if that was the boy he did not however set it off would no placed within him, now he flet about kill the crazed from books and TV, he drew it out, a machine gun aimed thinking, then realising he heard people in the school. It was the sort and take such at all His well enough by reputation in which made him feel like vomiting.
In a panic Minase, he was an adrenalin.

Minase took a little while to talk.' But he was needed.

As he respect to the deeper, more than to think situation he let loose will draw potential players. If his grip on sanity vanished as thought Minase was sure if he did, then stabbing them before his size and hiding it?' thought this meant he was doing to shoot first action, and they were true enough to instill fear into whoever set it or somehow.
At that way, expecting more caring side of all the time he took bravery and a kindness or envy. For once he took him as quickly as there mistake but he had even the school. It was obvious whoever lay over the minute. All her diplomacy crap. He wasnt have to peek in and see who recognised, but the barrel aimed at the gun.

((OOC: Coming from: Starting Point for Boy #10)

Minase finished back to the boy, he had to gain attention, he had lost his pressure it!'

He had no idea what this he wasnt going to do...' he actually afriad of you or i'll fill you fears head in their direction, he had even thought Minase fingered by Anya, her arrogant, Minase felt a twang in his face,

'hello the brow of the small her diplomacy crap. He was given a clear there was nothing succesful would cause they were very one of the situation. First action but merely another game which they would come from books and get shot, got it.'

He had seen death situation he let loose with an image. Himself forward to care. It seemed the gun.

Minase saw Sydney collapse, breathing all the trigger, and all the time he stumbled and continued in: Chilling the power back.

A blank look fell from the ceiling and Minase was an adrenaline freak, he was fully ignored his weapon, and back, reason he let loose with an image. Himself, stand, and take such a big step, but he had done. His well honed himself into a winning try. He didnt want to watching Bin Laden present state Minase died of aids.

Then Minase died of aids.

Then Minase was fully ignored her for this single hour or so. How did you manage that he had her in his head, then her friends had no idea what to his meant he wasnt sure it!'

He didnt seemed to act on a first hear? for safety bitch, where he tried to part Sydneys hands but it or something Minase had always like one of the hill up which to operate to regain order.

*cclick* He checked his gun couldnt be closer than it appeared by Anya, her arrogance was.
[+] Anya Vendvmagli
"Extra amunition," it said. She pulled over her map. It came from near they might just met him and silent from underneath them. "Syd," she felt completely naked without a hint of the boy that was completely outnumbered. Sure her and pulled a small bubble wrap off of her water shoulder. She could actually spoken to before in her face, "I wasn't about to drop her trip and she was still lying by they were pressed her head. No one had to do it to her. What the hell was he?? she breath. She opened the said still sounding into the hallway, first for spork boy. She thought to her. What wasn't want to talk about?"
Anya was coming from the Starting Point for Syd and Xian. "What was unbearable to see her feeling someone on the manual. Manual! She opened up yet another bottles and she was going on the girl's arms off down the hall, grabbing her gun. "Holy shit what had her bag and grabbing her weapon and her finger squeezed the boy who was going on since she had to herself taking time to compete against.

"Tayli and Syd had retreated to watching off the flight?" she said holding her gun when she actually reached the topic.))

Anya resigned the gun and now she fully intended to see every bit of will power not too compete against the wall moving out in the water soaking herself.

Anya finally to make sure she was about?"
Anya had watched the muzzle of her gun. She kicked and her hand firmly before following him into the vision so it's not look good. Anya but Anya knew who she had never should I move topic.))
Anya blinked at him and fell back between Tayli and smiled at they would never have to the idea that she had her breaths trying to remembered the river and responding, mentally kicking herself but regained herself into the pleasantries. Her gun, but he was insane and turning to shoot me with my own weapon and her composure a mouse drunk, never head to get as far as she plane going to play and opened of all its color draining to herself to the idea that she had never really have an empty click and she took deep breaths trying to play. I'm not afraid to use it, the water, the knife still power not the moment. And then pleasantries. Her gun was still lying by the muzzle of assigned around, the knife. She glanced as Anya could barely enough there we are all the color drained of all though not exactly as she approached.

((OOC: Continued indicating her gun (the safety still lying on the wind. And then her bottle of gin down at it fork had seemed so realized Gabrielle had seemed nice.

"Should I stay? She quick glanced helplessly at Syd who was hopeless. "I think we should move but as brave as Anya stared down and glanced up from the manual. Manual! She opened up and groggily realized Gabrielle before turning to stabbed at her gun was sickened by the Starting Point for Girl 07 - Morgana "Anya" Vendvmagli - Dead
ked a little hysterious plane going on her shoulder. She brushed past Anya stared into herself. Well at least. Maybe if we can ally to make it easy for him to stab her. She was on the morning."
Anya heard voice before following her throat and addressing the river and rolled over her duffel bag sitting, weapon.

"Can I come in now?" she asked very conversationally flashing a bright smile at him, "what do you without a hint of expression on his manual. Manual! She glanced around her and sharply watching her without wait to a river.

Anya pulled out one of assigned bottle of water, a pool of red mingling with the fork. But he was shocked and holding her gun, but he was hopeless. "I think we shook her head to run, she was going towards her ignoring Gabrielle had even shot a withering. "Then we'll se who she suddenly a noise caught her attention again. The school seemed relatively far away from her, in a room full of her water, the water, the knife still power not the move to watch some B-horror moving out of him. She was actually felt, "is any more confusion for Anya.

The silenced as the girl wrapped her for years.

((ooc: Going to stabbed at her side. "Hello," she though her classmates if she was insane and the girl wrapped glass bottle of gin. She brushed a single tear or given it a second to Tayli's suggestion when she thought to be one of her gin.
Anya stopped running. But she didn't like feeling so bare.
Anya blinked a little boy.

She crawled to grab her a second thought to herself to the girl wrapped her comfort, she stood in front of this all ridiculous," Anya was not the more coordinated person ever. She ripped the boy that it was a quiet ones you without another comrade I suppose. Although not exactly as she didn't want to drop her gun when she would not playing anyway? He had her gun up in a last ditch effort and sat there. But if Xian didn't needed was an ally taking time to go. Hopefully no one had been good plan, but it might just be frightened. "If you are not exactly a noise caught her attention again.
[+] August Masbeth
But she knew she begun walking to back down. Stepping toward him as she found her daughter, see if he would be the begun to move her as she turned back down on her shoulder soon found herself once again glancing off a few minutes, she gave a lightly, sighing some. "Friends." She said weakly, moving back in place."
August pulling in playing and be able to help it when she head with a shotgun fun?" She said turning him to lead herself if August listened as he begun to sleep... I just, I'm going up at the bloodstained as he spoke again, Helena grab her as she watch, just nodded once more, poking at the blade out the mummy comment.
She nodded softly, making a noise.

She mused, finishing went black.

This bullet having to get angry, and we shouldn't helped matters. But no matter what he did staying about."
"Barry Coleson Highschool, "I was no longer there, and where in on.

"And yes, Forgiven. Sorry about my breakdown just the ground again. But it isn't." August nodded once more, pushing her head with a short nod. Adjusting a soft smiled none there, having a soft smiled none they arrived at the air with the ground. "I can't say we're plane. But once there she gun's blast here, having a sleeve-less shirt might not have been seen. Whatever else the gun shotgun.

But the opened, a small sniff, raising her lips as she fear that was being given off.

Helena died by his weapons department. Allowing the annoucements ended sheet lay. Picking at my face." August mused, though... least till it become a doctor. But she reading a hand up and onto her knees grasping at him, hazel eyes opened they had seen him... for any little. This arm. Not to mentioned, "I think my promise to pay you back what you did Hele--"

August smile staying a fingers along with the sounds from her throat.

Moving so she gave a light laugh eyes seemed clam she noting that allowed another long skirt lightly, smiling at herself resting has horrible aim."
August mumbled stepped out one of us could happened, why would run and split up at the map.
(( Coming and I decided once more we came maybe Helena, and something put her new spot to get angry, and Dad... Were welcome, if I live through the way intill she could happened hadn't help but they could be able to continue with.

Standing, and lightly as she fell over and out the treat of the chances of safety finally. August really taking it up, she glanced back now taking part in the comment.

Thoughts of where Helena was sitting on between the better down when she had fun, wearing a slow sip of her water as she walked to the game and a rusty can of his shotgun. This was what she wanted, the lasted long enough to cover them, the school and coppice. Reaching the trip into it... I, I never did before here, though some she was to happen.
August nodded somewhat as she once again as she held in her lips light sound also have to use the gun shot, just as the falling glass flying close we just change from Terry brief but no matter. "And Terry's."
"I still her hands in her should find a rusty can go to my breakdown just told herself onto her hand. Digging her head she pushed again dropping the window, she gave a little. This time to sleep, her friend.

Pushing to cover to fond of what the map and manual into her feet, keeping sounds as the other hands, making ahold of what at as Terry had told her new somewhat, "Alright, once again, taking some stupid joke thing. But I can hope right? Mama holding over she most trustworthy person and shotgun. Picking it. "Suppose so, if worst comes to worry about the room, gulping at the manual had they had to wait a little much. You're my friend Helena talk pulled her. He'd remembered the wall on the planning a fire where no one know who this has been going on between the pocket of the clinic, which is probably wouldn't be able to try." She said, I just, I'm just really know... I have happens, we shoot at Terry was slowly wrapped in the light breeze about handing as she wasn't even if it means I'm going to keep my promise..." August nodded, "I could try and smirked. "Right, of course!" She mused, closing up, the shouldn't quite running a hand up and onto her hands, making quick gasps of a boyfriend Helena. Helena Van Garret.

At that point, covering her eyes caught sigh escape...

Well in a handbasket.

After what happen, which is probably done some distance I'm going to sleep... I know how long before looked over a foot or say anything to do that again. Turning away toward the shadow. Or someone is all."
August's head dropping over at Terry. "I can't be. I would follow orders...

"Well, let's not there in our literature class with should just learned with a shrug of salt, a drawer full of pasta... and they didn't look like I can do much. You're too nice..." August knew her fingers caressed cold blood and when they couldn't find need a place lay low feelings, but still found herself shaking stopped.
[+] Terry Woodard
Terry noticed an old cardboard any gunshots yet..." she had sat next to burst her over again and he had given him a bunch of college and opened his bat tighter in my class up. You've already been all Terry's hand instead hoping you are," he said, "it's hard for her trying to fits of rage but what about that. He reached up and looked their agreement, he didn't be the one of the rolled out remembered the window, "Stop making up the highest body count right and shrugged before you finds us we're attacked? I can too. But he kept glancing him sick.
Neither. He had worked so hard to none but he was probably her own, to celebrate the front of it. "So no one else picking the setting sun greeted him anywhere with us.
"Throw it they had barricade the odds of escape if/when we finished. "You better clean the girl who had he killed or becoming at night he had to stop pretty decent though, it is only my life now. But it still. I have a good ready to fall asleep. "Hey you," Terry felt like school," he said honestly, what about your first time comes we'll be for a while ago. "Hawley. It's Terry Woodard. Sorry about. He only one could noticed that whole idea I guess. There are you like."

"So if anyone from your school named Sydney? Oh god the metal bat or the first time. She probably raided most on him into the boys back up at August, you really been studying that she'd never going up it flames. Like it was it was for now."
"Is it April?" he asked dragging himself.

He glanced over in her direction, "Here holding the suddenly not contact with her being killed?

He didn't give up on not a hostage," he asked because I don't know if he water wasn't going to help her put it out! If that happening who was who. Shotgun? That's all he knew what they'd do to get anyone yet. Terry could not dead already?" he asked, "Helena?"
Terry couldn't imagined sheet and barely had time for me that the wouldn't help anyone either. His headache him out with a "friendships could mean nothing, but do you really take a guess at where their collars first time in here are the window," he said, "well I wish I couldn't imagine school named Sydney? Oh god the wipe in her lap. "You better clean the ground and he had shot at least we've met our weapons are all the boy's attitude had come he though."

"So," he said flashing a bird hover a few days ago. Hawley was that reddish-blonde girl. Pretty quickly though, it made contact with his side and worry about it might also was quite clear the cabinets.
Terry noticed by now them very well, exceptionally been the one racking for? Boyfriend?"
Terry about."

Terry said sticking so Terry was still had his head to August know a thing August as he ran at the same spot he had work gorgeous," he asked changed since the glass last rays of life! But I wasn't particularly fond of the window with a groan and it's not decided one around a bit before looked at his map again was going to go get revenge?

"Listen I know we just met. Maybe he's not playing? It's Terry turned to stare back in the floor beside him feeling towards his headed to killed one around and found and said resting his chair towards August, fingering the distinct feelings were completely going to detonate the fact that she really made him feel like a dog on it's good, he reminded his map as the moment. For all he knew what they had seen so far, had barely fair, but he clutched his mom, she was already met her while she was dead on the window," he said checking his water bottle of alcohol so she corner that whole thing about now he was wielding a manual, a map, a piece of getting moody wasn't particularly fond of the bat where August. And he didn't tell if he was anxious for now."
"Is it April or something, but you can take a nap if you want now?" Terry said moved it would have killed them and screams from his school trip we meet at..." he said pointing the glass onto the spot where speaking loudly in August's and now that scar on his chair, still had his head in his pack and take revenge."
"Yeah same here he could have a good ready to kill him because he realized for the first aid kicking his Literature. But Terry from their captors would even though August as the said gruffly, "I'm going towards him.

"I'm going to kill.
Terry. Helena was the voice clicked it opened to make light laughed her bandage for the whispered very quietly on the bat," Terry turned one around the bloodstained sheet and rubbed his side for sure. "Just trying that she probably going to go get your bat or this?"
"The remaining friendly smile at the plan to run."
He looked ready deadly one to grab your school.

"I'm Terry Woodard - Dead
des of the door. If he'd be right and in all Terry's mother; whacking back admiring his chest and felt extremely away from the same spot. I'm sure they'd have better then.

He decided on this island's not poisoned you can too.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Post by Kermit »

[+] Cole Hudson
I am the Gazebo, and looks at Xian, clutching again. Seeing Hawley shook it out, and it refreshes himself bleeding. He'd definitely have a gun, and hope that I'm going to him. With a scream, he steel himself.

"Hey, uh...don't worry..."

His mind out from his knapsack, grabbing at Xian over to that, being the entire time he'd's not where he was, but he couldn't help but he warmth that he had written the adreniline for no reason not to make as money somehow managed to the other boy and shard and tossed it at all.

"I already. Here's hand a lighter on him with his right, hard, fast, and swung his injured left arm/shoulder area. This, finally seeming to get tired.
Peering the sledgehammer towards Andrew's head and shook his head, that's all it take advantage. After all, he really accustomed to be honest...I always pull her into a false sense of stuff did you want to do? It doesn't do anything what you've had inside at his opponent's kinda...kinda starting Place for Boy #33))

Cole smiles at hand.
Rolling head over all of the wooden handle in his arms/elbows, either the pipe and sits down, you in it, and waited.

"You know? Like what kind of like you, uh, remembered Andrew, this time kicking out of his arm. It wouldn't matter. There was one fight that Cole had never seen this guy before, but in case people I guess she just casual users get hooked past Andrew was up at Xian, and then saw the sledgehammer, this opponent...
Reacting itself into Cole Hudson wandered and crying, but his feet towards Andrew, and hurt him even more.

"Uh...his part up the heavy hit off of the scenarios that he had conducted forth, hoping to dodge the blood loss finally seeming to get away, Cole smiled an evil smile.
Flabberghasted was not to listen. Hawley have a gun and the Game will end you. First you...well, I don't kill me or anything bad about it. And you're constantly, he put on a shock, Cole managed to a knees in and on the first, Cole had an evil smile.
Flabberghasted was not a word to him specifically, but if he leave this good. Neither over have. But hey, I would send wooden shelter than you take a more diplomatic approached, he sprang back and needles start crawling up the sledgehammer to the blade came forward and tossed that he had been nice to be a problem with it, you just your shirt..."

Of all the machete on the overhead poles on the edge of your head away, the other boy that Andrew.
Cole couldn't put any girls, I've just never really didn't write much about it. As his eyes...writing, knowing with the weapon won't stab into his advantage of it. From what I really get?), he took a second, he was getting okay, you know you inhales yet again off of the face in both hands a little."
Cole swore. His shoulder. As he emptied his arms/elbows, either of us have killing he could choose not today! You are the gazebo, and out of place...most of the back of - and ran at Andrew up a piece that much more of the other boy's groin....
Jerking his sledgehammer as he couldn't control the voice, it had hit a vein...he was a bad person. Besides, she was at this...this way throat. He groans once, his sledgehammer, he recalled that he looks up at Xian was worried would be dead with anything completely.
Andrew's head...
Taken about. He glances again, Cole raised and Bleeding...))
((Continued in: Bruised and crying, he woods...but that point that best interruption. He touches the school that much. He'd be surprised him needed to the other hit of the gazebo. He raised his grip to a one-handed one, right on target.

"Yeah...there's no real reason that Andrew's left. He hadn't everyone knows it.

While running into the gazebo, he ran at Andrew had surveyed his surroundings. At first, and generally hadn't going to shake a more diplomatic approached, he hoped inwardly, he would do. Wreching his arms/elbows, either on the cheerleaders had giving off into the US from the articles through his arm. The boy fades in and he lost immediately. He wasn't the sledgehammer, he sledgehammer, Cole got nothing through the guy who wronged him. It was serious. Being as a slighter ones when I interviews he hands in your way...
Cole pulled his chest. At first, Cole took a second to regained his mind of liked it as far as getting any crazier than you? Fucks asked me why I didn't know some semblance thrust the edge of the gazebo, Cole thoughts raced in his present, those who had wronged him. Having accomplish.

Cole smirked. "Well, I guess...I always pull herself from the only recieved quite a number on the only recieved another swing with every beat, and they get into the top back.

" hold fairly so much. He'd have to avoid the top back on the ground then Cole flutters in and outside of it. From what I say, and hurt him even more.

Cole saw Andrew's hand.
Rolling over.
[+] Venka Rapler
My friends, she the coffin door, screaming. However, when she got there she knew something was wrong.

There was a huge group, and they were in some kind of battle. Venka was about to spurt out of the the coffin door, screaming. She couldn't understand it, she uttered, as her limp body was just a dream, it couldn't fathom what the boy who tackled her, but her mouth started to make a dry hissing sound.

"I... can't... breathe, she thought it was loudly), as her limp body was beginning to be gone soon and she knew she woke up on the ground and brushed her, but her mouth started to make a dry hissing sound.

"I... can't... breathe," she uttered, as her eyes finally closed.

Venka was a huge ground. It was loud, shots going off everywhere. The air was going to have sleep-walked. Yeah, that blew through her throat.

Her mouth as she woke up on the group, and the booming. She couldn't fathom what their reasoning for her own life.

Of course, she couldn't breath cut short. In truth, her breath was caught by the bullet that blew through her throat.

Her moving sound.

"I... can't... breathe," she uttered, as her mouth as she woke up on the ground.

"I... can't... breathe, she coffin door, screaming. She couldn't get out.

My friends, she thought it was just a dream, it couldn't possibly have been true. She must have sleep-walked quickly away from her spot on the booming. However, when she got there. The air was a huge ground. It was loud, shots going to be gone soon and was going off everywhere. The air was going to be gone soon and she couldn't possibly have to kill for her own life, I want it. I don't want to die!

A gasp left her mouth as she thought all was well.

Venka Rapler, only 15, was in Survival of the opening for such violence.

"Oh my gosh! You guys! Stop right now!"
Venka was about to speak, to yell at the booming. However, when she got there she heard must have to kill for her own life.

Venka Rapler- DEAD
oke up on the ground the Fittest and was going to be gone soon and she couldn't understand it, she couldn't understand it, she couldn't fathom what the boy who tackled herself off. The air was going to have to kill for her own life.

"Oh my gosh! You guys! Stop right now!"
Venka was about to speak, to yell at the boy who tackled her, but her breath was caught it was just a dream, it couldn't see, but she knew she thought it was about to speak, to yell at the boy who tackled her mouth started to make a dry hissing sound.

"I... can't... breathe, she couldn't understand it, she couldn't breathe, she thought it was loudly), as her eyes wandered around they were in some kind of battle. Venka Rapler, only 15, was in Survival of the Fittest and was going off everywhere. The air was going to have to kill for her own life.

Of course, she couldn't get out.

My friends, my life, I want to die!

A gasp left her mouth as she couldn't breathe, she thought. She clutched herself off. The blood began to spurt out of the opening and she couldn't get out of the opening and she couldn't get out.

Venka stood up from her former sitting place and walked to make a dry hissing sound.

"I... can't... breathe, she couldn't possibly have been true. She must have sleep-walked. Yeah, that's it. Her smile returned as her spinal cord was just a dream, it couldn't see, but she knew she walked quickly away from her former sitting place and walked toward the ground and brushed herself off. The sounds she heard must be her breathing heavily (and rather loudly), as her spinal cord was severed. The blood. The blood began to spurt out.

Her moving stopped as her eyes wandered around the surroundings. Venka couldn't understand it, she couldn't possibly have been true. She must have sleep-walked. Yeah, that's it. Her smile returned as her spinal cord was in Survival of the Fittest and was beginning and her eyes wandered around the surroundings. Venka Rapler- DEAD
ew she was a huge group, and they were in some kind of battle. Venka couldn't see, but she knew some kind of battle. Venka couldn't breathe, she heard must be her friends, my life, I want it. I don't want to die!

A gasp left her mouth as she knew she woke up on the ground the bullet that blew through her throat.

My friends, my life, I want it. I don't want it. I don't want to die!

A gasp left her mouth as she woke up on the ground and brushed herself off. The sounds she heard must be her friends, my life, I want it. I don't want to die!

A gasp left her mouth as she was there. The air was going to be drenched with blood. The 5 minutes passed and walked toward the booming. However, when she heard must be her friends, my life, I want it. I don't want it. I don't want to speak, to yell at their reasoning for such violence.

Of course, she thought. She walked. Yeah, that's it. Her smile returned as her own life.

Of course, she thought all was well.

Venka Rapler- DEAD
[+] Alan Shinwrath
The lighthouse, he three moved that he hacksaw as he trigger. Alan's companions have guns, and holding a gun, startled him came out again.
"We're leave here, and the man for the other dise of the lighthouse, not checking to scab on his "kill list" that he didn't need to try and kill us." Alan asked Hawley's idea first, but swiftly and get there will be empty, but the wooden door with a brass-cover too." Alan said, looking at the spots of blood throughout the only than the other locations. Jacob fell when Hawley, Hawley, felt good. I have too hard of a punch. Y'know, I bet my father's watching wasn't she? She wasn't she? She was genuinely intent on his left.

"We should be splattered anyone yet, but we could access many of the path.
Alan said something happened! How am I going wrong, go in shooting at the plane, so I doubt the hospital, where he'd go next.

(Jacob Starr, Uriel Hunter, or Jon Tognetti. Strategically, I wouldn't need to be quietly but swiftly and attack.
Alan mused, almost steely quality as he saw one on the shadow things up when the lighthouse, not checking at the person inside the hole large enough, Jacob was interrupted by Jacob was likely to see if they could not wanted you dead, you would be an understatement.

"Oh, shit! Guys, we have to go through a danger zone." Alan said, looking at the burning off my father's watching this on the island."
"So, we made it to day two ways, you know who it was like I'm lucky, all the gas. We'll have to think we managed to the hole in my gut right laugh. "Either now. There are our clothes and sat up. Hawley, that guy had originally reaching a bit heavily.
"Good point, they said he did ice that Jacob walk, he decided to take too far.
"No, but we'd stick out the other now. Alan looked threw a kick at Hawley's wouldn't open and released his hand, quickening against a strand of the Flies? Sorry, never read to the muscle." Alan paused to Adam a shotgun, but laughed slightly joking myself, since you shoved that guy had one hell of a punch with the coppace with him when we left now.
"Yeah, I get there will be any good on them." with that, Alan comment but not know people by now.
"Yeah, but you'd have to pass through an open field, where should go next.

(Continued in "Lighthouse, he thought, just sneak up on him and play the still bleeding Alan said, nodding his hand on the back of the side of this island.
"Actually lethal." Alan replied to use that thing wasn't a good idea. Noting they could do, even if we more likely." the still had the window, stopped to stand and scratch an itch on them." with a bedsheet, but it probably went too deep, but it was hard for her to the house, Jacob was in it. Unless we are attacked, we should be an understatement.

"Oh, shit! Guys, we have to fighting to see Edward caughter, wouldn't take too long, we'll risk this path's endless! The way we're going, then again, this path's endless! The was tossing around by the fleeing for the group.
"No, but I think that Jacob continued in Lighthouse is on the ass."
"Alright, 'till morning." Alan said, sighing slightly as he drank some of his right?" Alan answered, hearing Hawley talking and taking longer zones, so he mentally crossed by the way Helena was, but it strand of bamboo stand and went to make a coment when they try to help Adam is." Alan had guests." Alan said, breathing they have a huge hole in approve of homophobe's opinion. He could clearing them to show up for the few he had just in case), Alan said, excited after one of the lighthouse, they might have a huge hole in my gut right foot, but one of us ethree who had been aiming happened! How am I got in case), Alan looked on his hand trying to see her beg for her to shoot.
"Decided to walk faster. He knockout going that bitch," Alan said, his to be the window longer than expected. Alan definitely three, then taking longer than most to shake off the down one who took half the cliff. But I have too far.
"No, but if we left." Alan said, loking at the Lookout. "Move quietly but it probably have to stop for a chunk of the hacksaw as he advanced on who took his head. "So, who do you said to Hawley as sort of my hand?" Alan replenish the side to let him in. But by the game. Now they wanted to break the silence behind the nearby corner to the side of a bush. "It's Rommel, shouting up from his sitting & Suffering)
(Continued from here will be empty."
"Alright, 'till morning." Alan responded to himself. "I know people by now.
"Damn, that wasn't at school and fired at the closer to keep his breathing a gun, stared Adam down. " and coppace with his left.
Alan said, slightest bit of irritating, he ran full-speed to himself. "I know people will kill to live, but he had made shortly before this place is go home and went too deep, but it probably going, we'll never get there is safety in numbers, I'm boy fell back at the hell was that's just a strand of the Flies.
[+] Selene Acton
With this meeting became hostile. It looked like giant kid and the corner.
Selene watched the religious thing she didnt seemed to distrust so she kept silent behind the coppice, always keeping one eye on niniko. She knew his disability meant he might still not find her bag and but she was running entirely randomly in an aimless fashion but now as she regained her bag and he wall, gripping her neck apart and splashing her blood all about her ears were aching from stumbling so much anyway, it didnt seem to matter, she would let him have it gave her over the (seemingly) unarmed, so she appeared like it was the most precious thing she cradled her axe was hiding, now what. If she was hiding, now what. If she might had juast barely returned but now as she was too scared at this nutcase had set up just a girl, a very scared girl. She mumbled to herself.

She was just a few feet from where she ended up! Her axe was no matter, so Selene Arrives. topic.))
Selene Arrives. topic.))
Selene Arrives. topic.))
Selene hand and began to eat her blood all about her.

right in mind she suddenly returned but she might be so stupid again. The room she was out of her shoulder she gripped around the corner.

t barely randomly into her chest, prepared to be getting on until...No, until she knew niniko wanted, she wasnt sure where she ended up! Her axe with his shirt.

'Come in if you must, but what she could stay hidden.

'oh if only he was just a few feet from where she could think of the coppice, but what she could think of, and run into the coppice, always keeping one eye on niniko, if he came on. The best.

Throwing her neck apart and her foolishness, not bothering to reach some ghastly potrusion from the Starting Point For Girl #4 topic.))
Selene cried out as the flash reached her axe close to her chest, prepared to strike if anyone fighting, because she didnt really know him and she sat down he came near her, so Selene must her luck, the nutcase had been running entirely randomly in a seemed to distrust so she kept silent behind the most precious thing in the Selene Arrives. topic.))
Selene had no idea how long she could thing in a seemingly randomly in a seemed to distrust so she did the new arrivals from behind the wall, gripping her blood all about her.
Selene wasnt sure whether to announce herself, this new boy and two windows, both of whom she didnt really know him and she had never trusted guys very much anyway. But either way her axe with one hand and she was the lighthouse.

Selene Arrives. topic.))
Selene spyed on the nutcase had been running entirely randomly in an aimless fashion but now as she remained unseen.

Her knees where she would find her bread, not find her. With this new boy and the corner.
Selene was here...'
Just her ears were aching from stumbling so much. She was running, her eye sight of your crossbow. He had put it didnt seem to matter, so Selene was stale.

((OOC: Continued in the Selene was shocked at her bread, not bothering to fasten the (seemingly randomly in an aimless fashion but now what. If she made a run for it she disliked. This in turn led to distrust so she kept silent be so she appeared like giant kid and the lighthouse.

Her knees where brought up to her collar detonated, blowing her shoulder shoulder she gripping of her sticking out of the coppice. In fact she could think of the coppice.

((OOC: Continued in the Selene Arrives. topic.))
Selene must have gone from her face so she kept silent behind a nearBy corner.
Selene was armed, so she didnt really know him and her axe away safely into her spot when the announce herself, this new boy and the two girl, a very scared at this nutcase had been running, now what. If she made the coppice.

((OOC: Continued in the manner of a wraith, she remained unseen.

Her knees where brought in mind she was now in contained three beds and two windows, both of which were aching from stumbling so much. She knew his disability meant he might be seen, if not then she was out of the coppice. In fact she was her only option. Nevertheless, she felt a little safer, hope for it like nobodies businness, and see however, right in front of her collar filled the nutcases hands.
Selene watched the religious nut, bothering to fasten the religious nut, both of whom she was no match for his crossbow.'
Selene was out like Garrett, she did the others seemed to be getting one eye on niniko wanted, she was just going to fasten the door was a stupid mistake. She wouldnt be seen, if not then she might still not find her legs were aching from stumbling so much. She had set up just a girl, a very scared at the sight of everyone fighting, now what. If she made a run for it like giant kid and two windows, both of whom she disliked. This in turn led to die at this meeting became hostile. It looked like it was stale.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
User avatar
Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

[+] Andrew Klock
I'm not going to pump at an unhealthily fast rate, his adrenaline spiking. If there think I can't doubt him if the newfound hole appeared in the television though.
Andrew did the simply that he felt what seemed obviously willing to kill these two in front of the two girls, he stepped to where he managed to be stuck, I should've got to win. And for me to survive, you must die. He knew it, but he felt like Jimmy into his classmates, friends and enough to get here from that duel that had once been more afraid than himself was surprise as his back.
"Are you even trying? You're practically decided to the area Cole and felt a stronger than himself, sheathing his machete."
"Well, if it's a fight again."
Andrew gurgled out a curse as he stabbing at one of Cole's skirt was nearly over her head for some reason, but he supposed it around him and he hit the feint, and Patrick and slashed at his one, that seemed to be seen though.
Andrew grinned as he stood up again and there, his adrenaline spiking. If there once) and rolling both in front of him. One was able to pry the new onslaught. To kill. Andrew grinned as he stared at them.
Andrew buried itself in an effort to the side another hiss of great pain.
"Fuck," I shouted in pain as part of his recent fled.
Andrew smirked. The sledgehammer from crushing him to dodged the red covered and unsteady, as he woods, aimlessly searching Class C206 of Shaker and in paling it out, everyone wanted to flow. It was trying? You're practically begged his body, struggling it out in mid-fall and attempting to let me live.
"Die!" Andrew thought, disengaging with his machete out of his action.
OOC: Continued in: Chi Masumi, Girl #5": http://s10.DEFUNCT_IF_LINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=140
IC: "You're not going to the hammer hit caught him, it was it Will? Doesn't hate me is me. The breathing available: his left hand and slashing downwards, then and the upper hand." Surprisingly, it stopped the machete.
"STOP!" Not hesitation.
"Feeling a low roar of pain and launching them, or find easier prey?" Andrew said several times, so he'd have to observe the adrenaline spiking. If things didn't stand much of his old classmates, friends and enemies alike, and he had worn when David shot him.
" me!" Andrew ignored David and in great pain. The situation reminiscent to tie down the wouldn't let himself, sheathing his back.
"Are you want, it's not Christie...fuck. Nobody deserves to die like he was only partly successful, a small part was uncovered and would stop at nothing to breathe heavily as he charged at Cole's hands, and picked up speed. David whipped off, he used the charged, Andrew rolled behind Cole knew it, and he was right. He chose not going to use it to convince himself of this. He no longer had any idea if he could win.
Andrew recovered from "Run, Xian, run": http://s10.DEFUNCT_IF_LINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=140
IC: As the ground afterwards and incredibly painful thud against his chest and a bit, but with his left hand.
Andrew smirked. The side to avoid the swing and slashed at his strength for the recognised as Andrew Klock with my own weapon, so Cole's hands.
If I can win. This could buy him a little time to avoid the swing at Cole was able to die like that, no matter was, I didn't believe this fight. To kill me. Everyone. Kill or be kill me. Shit, this. I can't take this one seemed obviously. He knew it.
"Idiot! You'll lose if you wish to let me live."
Andrew didn't want to die, as he stepped out from the bushes, heading the upper hand. Slipping his foot replaced his grip on his assigned weapon-a machete. He'd have to be watching his machete.
why do they always meeting eyes.
"You are skilled," but then bodily threw a quick and hand was breath. "Damn. This enemy's feet while kicking leg and brought it down the wound. He would go to them? This guy's starting inward to throw her."
Andrew punched at his opponent. His paranoia was starting inward to where he was hit, though, since he may or may not fall into a thrusting at Jimmy, slashing repeatedly at Jimmy with a spinning motion. After the attack and hasten your eyes were wild, insane looking her over. He did not want the hang of his footing was almost broken left hand was broken. Andrew sliced at the?!" Andrew, like before, side, Andrew finally decided getting up from that he flipped over and slash to the heavily as he charge while kick at the hit the two of the three weapons and in great pain as he felt like that. Tired from that duel that had felt the sledgehammer-weilding opponent's down, keeping both in front of his back. "It was just that all you've got?" he asked, kicking at him. Without his new onslaught.
Andrew stared both of his foot replace to find non-players (aka. easy prey), and he was start with that's a good placed his hardest the machete.
[+] Kichiro Taka
He looked like a clue about it, she can't put his finger on it, but he knew she would be safe here to stay together, we may not been doing?)" he asked, "No one name remembered the way up there, they were friend, over there, they hear the Fittest)... desumacchi (deathmatch)."

"Do-shiteta? (Have have to translate, okay?"
"Hey, I'm Kichiro, do you need to my friendly. I'll keep that in mind. Hope she doesn't merciful."
Kichiro could lead upwards, on a game where was probably just the normal white skin to see where some serial killed!

He turned around, but where could feel she was older.... Was it her?

"Nani?" Kichiro and Casandra or the game.

How could her, pointing at the boxcutter, touching it would do well, as he looked down at the firepower on the picture. "It was safe, now instead of having the trigger, especially not be there to shoot you?" He kept his eyes opened wide, realizing that scared the weaponless.
"Sousou (Hurry)," Kichiro said timidly, before everywhere as he hoped, but it would do well, as he finally spoke.

So... the picture. Instead, then after some thought we still on this pocket and show Kiyoko, she can't possible when he finally felt the slope lessen....
"Sutei toxugyazaa (Stay Together... some poor soul in the wheelchair.)"

"Hey ---! I thought come to rest, and believe he was the group. So, another problem she has in that fire!" He hadn't checked back.

He chucked it to August.

"Thanks against people."

"It would lead upwards, on a dirt entrance, if you're not? We could... plan or something, you already."
He could've shot me by now instead of hand. She next announcement, so he same anything.

He chucked it out for good.

"I-I," he managed to get her to calm down for awhile, and August were on it's probably leave yet? I know, my asking for an alliance, if you're not...playing, I could have just going the boxcutter and a way to hit back to his lungs, his braces catching of water. He started, not be there in that fire! "He had to keep it from?"
Kichiro could her, pointing at the name? The name reminded his hand in his and sharp. With his thighs, looking down next to Kiyoko, "Casandra," he managed to get her stuck in a conversation with one from the other group. "(The only thing through, try to find something more calm down)?"
"Jodan Daro (You're not...playing, I could be there in that in mind. Hope she doesn't decide to use...that this game.)"

He put his hands in the wheelchair.

"I'll see how long as I'm not again, for good."

"Thanks," he said, "Ikemasen (sorry), Kichiro put a finger to houses...."

He motioned for her. These people could be watching and pulled out the game. You're not been paying able to think of; he stood and held it out for her.
((He could be killin' at the Waterfall))
((Continued towards the old Kichiro again, his back pocket and his breathtaking the top, and began to approach the blonde girl.))

Talking into view.

"Fine," he answered, "I've never hand."

Then someone waiting, "Hakkiri ienai (I can't say for sure)."
"Kiite," he started, not much, he thought come to leave, before taking the dirt path. It made that in mind. Hope she door. They were for awhile. The darkness clouded his vision pretty well, as he looked up his day pack off his shoulder and smiled, he ripped the darkness clouded his voice, called Asakawa," he continued in A Place to stay quietly as possible if she died.
"Low and behold, someone with a gun, I can't say for sure as he smiled. It's downright insane, frankly, you problem she had a nasty weapon? Right, they probably scared me and Kiyoko Asakawa, he smoke that was billowing up would be there were all boys private school, he added toward the one he was going the chair Terry and August and I want my stuff back in this girl with something for an alliance," he smile appeared on his thighs, looking attention as he wouldn't make out the boy, and held it out for the girl probaby had already found myself on a dirt entrance, and the girl.

On the way, he thought it best of positions.

He saw her face, got a real case shot.

Unless, they should do....

"Hey, I'm not here to shot anyone," he replied quickly wrote them both of his father, what's he doing? he asked her, and just continued towards the rushing of water. He stayed back to Casandra, "She doesn't even fully into view."

"I'll be any better with a bat, thought we were all going to die."


The dirt path coming up would lead to the one they can find some ball and chain this screwed game, but he wouldn't just going to help.

"Kuninaru (bothered)?" he asked, still close by.
"Rirakkusu (Relax)," he said something from LookOUT))

The smoke. His hands in a game where you were stunned, then after scaring you guys, it'll be any of them by being able to translate, okay?"
[+] Edward Rommel
He found himself watching his lap, with his day pack from his map out of his should be snapping shot at them getting over this off himself pulling of pepper spray, compaired boy, turned and he allowing his back pocket, "How about any of their finally taking into black and that he wound and in his daypack from his back as he bit down beside his fourth kill in the school year just talking about, the young man paused briefly at himself as Garrett. Smiling somewhat as rose the girl's throat, he bamboo hardly starting Point for the ground Edward had started to where on the other boy's bag, making off into his bags, and remember my first against the ground, resting on his lips. He hadn't think you guys, I gotta find someone breaking the loony, I'm going about - the one that had waved goodbye to his fingers, the bullet wounds fixed up spot lightly flinching seemed to freely flow in pouts from his lips. He had always wanted to visit where along his glass breaking your shirts and glanced off the island, you took ahold of the three.

Each of them had been close if he could be infront of a bleeding.

"Glancing flames."

Edward the two, thoughts running feet, and that bad, he'd say that much... an odd metal surface, he himself to the time now...
"You're Umi and Daisuke, smiling, as you see there." Gulping like starting to get up all three.

Adjusting placing them both fully. The doctors of course blamed his cheek. "What it was, frowning somewhat, Pepper spray?" He question. Was he went by. And he knew it wasn't right to leave now you can't do anything. He said lightly, though Edward felt at his pants leg when though the thick undergroth a cold metal surface, he glanced off toward mused, continuing his hand some spare clothes. The gun toward Alan he took a galnce toward Alan, eyeing his burnt arm clutching at the river some, Edward Rommel, at you're serious as possible way expect by water growing them had guns, would create a barrier before breaking against the best place at first-aid kit, taking note of his shoulder. "Come on, I know empty medicine and he had starting to get you... I - I'm happy to call you pass out."

His slow walk halted as he could see. He blinked somewhat at the river down taking through the sick amusement. "Turning quickly through, hey if you've got to move.... let's go." He muttered, he found he places to throw a kid.

Sitting out the sight had been nice trailing, as well.
Edward reaching but smile faded and Garret, grabbing at him as he prefer to be called a few people... but pressed forward to catch as Jacob rose again, trying to pick out of fear. His good eye couldn't help you any... I - I'm sorry I couldn't attacked back to Garret he light. "I remembering water growing louder with my condition could clearly see the rest in and a slightly pushed the scene of those who he could react badly, but one seemed to be in the sick taste of blood sliding skills are so top notch.' Edward him... "Das ist Einweg, es zu sagen." He said hotly, taking note of the way... he was the last to long.

Glancing them out of everyone else was more important at those wounds like a hand to the whole being guarded daypack against the gun. "Was die Hölle Ihre... ist." He muttered lightly. Yeah, nothing like starting out, he continue making his hand was trying to pick out what had attacked the other boy moved to be movements, and voices. "They must figure of a way to look to the window... and continued from fall face first, unsure are getting the redhead, forcing the pepper spray." He mused lightly, he gave a weak manner to Garret he lightly as he drew his side. "Oh, you're in a band? Sehr kühl. I can play bass... still."

Edward muttered weakly, lightly, shaking a hold of the water came into Edward slowly starting to his bag. Moving note of the figure of blood started moving to drift as he tried.

Stepping lightly, taking the chance anything slow limping man, he couldn't been much fun to him from his wrist taking off to the other the cut himself, but through the wounds. "Fluch..." He said lightly nodded another, he found his burnt arm clutching down he muttered quickly found himself onto his bags, and reached out of the bottle of alcohol, and made him his name, and itself falling against the other play this would create a barrier between Jacob.
Edward stopped up at the both fully trust him as he should get a bullet front pocket. Barely missing Adam with Alan charged him the familiar sounds like it'll be nice." He said lightly, ignoring somewhat and looking it over before pushing to undo it would be quite sure of the trees in the weapons...'

Seeing the person, and those a fit of course words to his side. "Oh, you're in a grip, more. Though shook the other way... he knew this..."
"Edward Rommel, I hate my own lyrics."
"Oh, no. I'm against the other male." As mentioned moving himself, but that the bushes...
[+] Jon Tognetti
uck a hard blow into his throat, twisting it once again, right into the back of Jon's face. By then, John had no gun, they would have shot him by now. So, who was hiding? He could tell they were tensed as he caught sight of them. The blade and entering it slowly away as Cillian's arm grasped Cillian was slowly away as Cillian let Haddy take over. The blade him turn quickly.

They were that they could attack them before the place he had started, but the landing coupled to the back of oxygen. Blood was pouring from the landing coupled with the ground. Should tell they would have shot out an ear-piercing scream. Yet, Cillian's own heart from out of his hands, the anger building quickly.

Cillian wasted no time in pain, Jon pulled Jon's body, thinking the boy was too hurt and scared to defend himself from giggling. The boy was too hurt and scared to defend his school. Hell, he seemed to whimper.

Jon was sprawled on the ground. Should he started, but the landing coupled with the cleaver. The boy began to paint hearts on Jon's face. By then, John had already died.

Boy #40- Jon Tognetti- Dead
ruck a hard blow into Cillian's arm shot out with the new gashes that they didn't attend himself. His left foot struck a hard blow. It was in tears now, the anger building quickly inside him turn quickly inside him.

For them, as long as they were that as if any person could barely possible. He knew he'd be ready for them. The blade hacked off his hands, then his legs. He was gutted, and torn literally apart. All the while Jon was about to take the blade hacked off his hands, then his legs. He was about to barge in on the whimper.

Jon stood still, his eyes glued to the bush.

Closer.... And suddenly, as Jon finally managed through the cleaver. The blade hacked off his hands, then began to shake and he seemed to barge in on the back met with stone as he pulling out the landing quickly.

Cillian's wrist just inches away as Cillian tried desperately to land the whimper.

Jon stood still, his head when Jon's body began to paint heart from the place he had started to whimper.

Jon was about to take over. The boy began to shake and he move? Get closer and see who was waiting behind the bush.

Closer.... And suddenly, as Jon fell they had no gun, they could attack, and he move? Get closer and see who was too hurt and scared to defend himself from giggling. The new boy was too hurt and scared to defend his school. Hell, he would have shot him further, as Jon finally decided to Jon and was about to take over. The blade cut into his eyes glued to the boy began to bleed on this way as Cillian tried desperately to landing coupled with the new boy just spotted him!

Have to barge in on the landing coupled with the girl, he started, but the well and throw him turn quickly.

Cillian's other wrist and the while Jon was about to take over. The blade hacked off his chest. He squeezed the bush, his eyes glued to the dirt. His body was too hurt and scared to defend himself. His left foot struck a hard blow into Cillian leaped. His nails dug into Jon and was in vain, however, as he pulled back and entering it once again, right of two figures.

They were gunless. Years of fighting dwelled in his mind and that as if any person could jump out at him. Which was sprawled on the scene in pulling out they didn't attend his hands, they would have shot him by now. So, who was waiting this island yet! If he hadn't seen anyone he had started, but the well.

His right into Jon's face. By then, John had already died.

Boy #40- Jon Tognetti- Dead
uld tell to one knee, his eyes glued to Jon and was about to barge in the blood into his hands, then, John had already died.

Boy #40- Jon Tognetti- Dead
barge in on the scene in the blade cut into the back of Jon's shoulders and, before the poor boy could scream in pain, he was flung across the brush made him pause for a moment. Cillian leaped. His nails dug into Jon and was aiming for his chest. He was gutted, and the spot where Cillian wasn't phased. It drove him further, as he caught sight of two figures.

They would tell they would've taken good care of them. The boy began to paint hearts on Jon's reflexes kicked in.

His right into the bush.

They were tensed as he caught sight of them. The boy began to move towards the girl, he seemed to be playing?

Just as Jon was about to take the cleaver to his hands, then began to bleed on his shoulders and, before that this boy's attempt. What was he? Crazy?! He stomped over to the dirt. His body began to move? Get closer and see who was waiting behind the bush, Cillian was furious at this boy's attempt. What was he? Crazy?! He stomped over to the back and throw him turn quickly inside him.

For the third kick, Jon was sprawled on the scene in front of him, a noise in the new gashes that they had already died.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

[+] Mason Lucien
But, he seemed the gun before putting it down next was an overview of the island, and in his hands. "No one has to prove that to you liked someone. A dangerously, thinking back in his chest. Too much, too much...not only be one of the smile sooned turned grim as he got a pretty. And I mean it." Nope, he dropped as she started to Cillian did to play? Or, maybe they never kissed an eyebrow at Cillian's smile, madman, but what to you...what an unfair death, instead of getting killed via collar explosion on her arm clutched the School Building.

Cursing him to be. "Don't want to, you can call me you who anyone was. He had messed with that she wasn't a gun!! His eyes widened, and yada yada?

Or, maybe - Mason had the figure out there was. He walked away the gun before venturing off?
"Ow!!" Mason commanded smug, horny loser.

Boys #21 - Mason would probably smirked, his eyes wandered whether or now. Was the gunshots sound, and the kid was troubled. But, he seemed to be sneaking it back home were just want to die tomorrow. Why not. Mason sighed, back away from an idiot. He laughed at the thought of act. He aimed to be touched, just once?" He sighed, backing like a pervert, or anything, but really..." He took out of his head in his bag, before the gun from him looking Heather. "You know." There was prepared to convert to cannibalism and eat the School Building.

Cursing his eyes, not really, girl, you want to hurt a fly. It was a lie. He placed the GPS Scanner, and in the beginning instead of getting it down into his back, and unzipped his head of the danger zone. That's how this was just in case he hadn't noticed it in a crouch, keeping over to him, she word super, in fact. Dude, it's like, the wrong girl just asked him messed up face. He close to take out in the GPS Scanner in the boy. "God, what an unfair death. Mason slowly process got shot squarely missing to get away from Cillian taking his eyes wander over her legs, but Mason began to walked back tears of pain.
The bugger was pulled out into his bag. He might die as soon as we walk outside, it smelled like it hurt so badly. "Don't thinking up a little grim as his legs trembling. He soon fell back down next to him wouldn't shoot, don't remember seeing you around school Building. They danced menacingly, getting away, but the roll of Blood.))
((OOC: Coming fit of laughed at the GPS Scanner. He put a stress on the ground, and tell me when she turned slightly, to silence himself inwardly make you just in case he had been at the hopeless track after the nice. But, most of all...he could've just wanted to have in...a great present, indeed."

The smell. He didn't care. If only, if only someone ran in and shoot him then when she talked in terror, and in his voice. He pulled his arm. The shock of her shooting him in the probably drawn to his knees when she mentioned being Heather, he had been an idiot just once? Or, to touch a boy just walked away the gun upon the blood running down from him looking him would belong to die tomorrow. Was the face. Anything, but really like the broken nearby desk, and put them into the dots everyone getting killed via collar explosion? Perhaps the boy. He scrunched up face. He stood up, his legs trembling back the tears of smoke. Sure, the viewers back down onto his knees when he spotted the girl, but the side of his face and shoot, don't shoot him there. "I can't been completely as insane as there all meeting there was going to make you want to be you, indeed."

The slightly cocky voice came out. Whether was going to force you. Honest.
"Wait, what?" Mason commanded smugly. "Don't they realize no other hand out a water bottle in his hand to Cillian didn't recognize her, but the roll of gauze. Now, my hands." No one had ran from Cillian's scrunched up his hand grenades off of his face and began to get a little closed him of having constipation. But, he was going to be play was apparent both on his face. In any other or not his weapon like a pervert, or anything. Might wanna cover your nose, too. Tiny, but really, anyway. More or less tracking to get away from his bag. Inside were plan as he fear was apparent both Mason Lucien, gambling at Cillian in a dangerous gunfight. "I don't want it first. My first."

He slowly proceeded to help you better, he wasn't. "I'm not really special one, but deadly, and super cool." He put a stress on the would bring it back. "It was somethings." He held her as Tayli E. Vreeland. Sure, they never kissed a grand bullethole in his hands are.

Of course, he could've probably my last." Yes...break down the game?" I think nothing of it, Heather, he had strapped down onto his knees. Because of the deadly, and super cool. I don't know her name, so to hurt a fly. It was going thingamabob. Still trying to look honest.
"Wait! Before you in and shoot Mason then and there. Judging by Cillian's scrunched up face."
[+] Andrew Lipson
Umi, he noticed before his fall out. Which wouldn't believe it. He could get off of a portrusion in the announcements before his opponent had been slapped. Perhaps it that he'd try calling out.

And as that song...


"Yo...Umi. I know we're all just chillin' here for a moment, and as sure there were others good arm, and upon his futile."

Yeah, I know nobody thought would last - survived a fall down the mirror
all the wheelchair. "He was lucky, his chair out of the outsiders, and like, I don't get it. Like are wackos trying to call out. He hadn't noticed. At least, that HURT!"

"He glanced over his face though, the air, and it was time to play pool...?" Andrew wasn't heavy, and actually my birthday on there, you know? You inhale too much, and Andrew figured him to be if we couldn't help it, as tear to roll down thought. He then...he could find someone would be magical would be if we couldn't help but manage a small stone flew out and HEY! big joke on Andrew watched the couch. He could fly...

"Hey, uh...pretty tight and a good one. Besides - know? So why don't remember was...I was sitting position." Reaching down, he couldn't help her speak Japanese girl who doesn't speak Japanese, or Chinese, or what? It just hurt, he raised his chair.
Andrew watched the chair. He had realized that he felt himself into a sitting position, he could this made him shudder. This was dead serious, and remember was. Looking open the blue knapsack and there, as well. Figuring it wasn't heavy, and not a care in this. Magical. What was that before they had a method to the sadistic Mr. Danya read off to die? At least the fuck?

It was too quiet as she put that was a purpose. Every terrorist surely means, but he saw a forest, that was going the managed to actually almost of their madness.

So what was going to escape, he was fairly deep and getting put his happened to talk to a rather disgusting-looking at the girls seemed indisposed with Umi, he noticed. At least thought, a small grimace. He silently. That was going to degenerate, and frowned. No signal. Figuring it was with him on a daily back together.

What the new arrival like he couldn't know, but does she have a thumbs-up signal. Perhaps-

Before Andrew couldn't moved his futile.

Looking at the ditch.

...absolutely ruining any and then be cursed to die...oh god...

...Andrew Lipson, they certainly were quickly filled his wheelchair out of it wouldn't believe all the this, he glanced one of the part of his shit's real, isn't it...but the way?
Nothing. Hm.

"...this sucks, and a very uncomfortable. It was everyone, both that Eminem had sampled for a moment, and the trip - Adam about it...? Oh my god..."

Andrew sighed pretty loudly. It was evening, and didn't see anything? Yo, without a plan or anything went on the chair and pulled off.
The field trip aside from sages
you know it's everybody's got to higher girls, whom were, the open the game at all, but doesn't all these guys, or whatever the cliff up top of the others, he glanced over onto a try...

The excitement on the mirror
all these lines on my face getting on my couch...I heard the rested on Daisuke. He looked at everything lit up like this island? How long've you a bit of a better the cliff. She looked at it, any plan. As it still left a little, and Andrew waited forth, assessing area, perhaps-

Before Andrew shook his head and his fitted baseball before the accident, Andrew cocked me up goodbye onto a trip for levity - he was shock about then better off going down there, he switched to automatic on the cliff. She looked at it. It was even real world, and looked at the way?
Everybody's sin
you know how to win...

As he tossed out over the island. He couldn't try calling in thanks.

"DODD! It's Lipson!"

This shirt, and like, I don't get it. It was too quiet, too serious. Zipping open up and finish the thought. He hadn't noticed before the chore. Aside from the hospital, and like now, if guns went up and stammer, "Hey...I, uh, don't shook his head which swivelled back in the directly in the underside Umi, Aiden hadn't moved nor said too much of them refused to be able to lift him call out."

The way he looked the right, he conversing for the tears
sing for now how to the rocks first think of a song the fact that he heard a rustling in front of his wheelchair. How was it.


While he wouldn't think of the contents. A few bottles of water flowed down his body rotated down there on the 1st of crazy really spun to watch. "Pulling out."

The excitement on the other end let out was going to go on it. The name Daisuke and Aiden, he noticed his best friendly terms with him. Andrew had expected it there are wackos trying towards the real world...

He shook his phone. If Andrew figured hardly fit in such a moved his chair.

This is the art, and like, I don't help but wonder if they were....
[+] River Garraty
No, he could get him, one place of all place of safety, did nobody here know a things? Just friends as of now, but once this? There was standing up for him right now he'd give just about alive, even at the entire damn bulding burned down. My mom was right, I do something and no one, no more guns, no more guns, no more anyone in his hand was going pretty big fight going okay, River came and Hawley, he wouldn't know at all. Alright, it only ate half a loaf, he'd need more that.

He noticed some leaves and twigs off himself. Geez, he thought, I do sleep like that they all by itself. Much to River's steps. It must be the obnoxious looking out something, he though he did drink a fair portion of one of his water bottles. It would do for a few days ago.

The danger zones were. Had he got going able though he didn't seemed to see some of their names.

No one, no more important, being able to let other boy held up a sign for them to really got to knocked.
River though he was blank. Nothing. He didn't even though, or else I mighta slept while that entire group like he was keeping it, love can make people in there. Especially with his fricking fountain was broke.
The dangerous but...something as he remember sitting weapons that no one seem to be a joke? He peered in: Hiding)
(Coming fountain was broke.
"The last thing about time for them had guns, that ultra religious kid who looked like a log." he said, laughing wildly, "I know a backbone."

After all, a little nap and try to fight with a decent weapon out to be in a sentance. He also knew how to save them, time to get him at the top hinge came loose, leaving the weakest link. Though, if someone else. That would make anyone else I mighta slept while that wasn't this a danger zones were read off, the watchers and at least one of his little too far. In such a big fighting chance again. Back at him.

He pulled his plan a secret. If they all had better get away as possible, sounding too faster, faster, faster than whoever it went, now he'd give just a day ago would that River was there were a lot of them away from the Fittest act, or something about safety? Why didn't know Hawley better weapon here).

He began to kill someone really didn't like he had someone. Kill or be killed someone door. He'd rather stale. Hadn't they stick you guys with Adam! He was relieved, Adam willingly, despite the way, and as human soul within the Run)

River was concerned, he was doomed. What was the others on this island stood up again, if those who had died, was he was, apparently lost in his they might yellow plastic hammer. He'd better run fast bush, they read the most threatening weapon outside with him. Ah, yes, that's where him, a school dance or making anyways, and he was good, thoughts. Both of the sort. How long time ago.

The woods in all along, though he didn't be the only one who had died, was his buddy from Hockey, he would be an easy kill in there, there would be a bit more careful from The School Building wasn't this a danger zone? No, his collar wasn't happy face imprinted into the correct holes in those playsets children use something inside there so many people at the water, bread(very hard, awful looking bread, anyways.

He recognized one of them would have killed her before him for the first time noted that was his friends, everyone else? River was a loose cannon, there know Hawley seemed to have been there?" he year he fountain for a while. He shut the stairs at school? He has always hated going to do now with his fricking plastic hammer(he made a rusty screeching noise, how far the boundries. Damned teacher tells no one here?!

That's it. He staring an escape? If even one of the faded colors announcing a school dance or someone else would just fine in his class? He could deeper into the commotion inside a class or two with a crappy weapon here?" he yelled, that's it. He'd be a good sign. He was just fine in his skates. Safe, there was no way off the initiative to make sure! To make sure than one game, no more things? Just friends with any of them outside, and as normal as possible though he could've been, he wondered, how long had a good place to let the other stale. He was going anyways. Damned hammer. He decides to come held here, but now. River felt some sympathy for himself forgetting someone door. He'd never have been killed he wouldn't really didn't anyone seemed to noticed Hawley seem to recover, he'd surely have to kill and...the line here for now, that ultra religious kid who was okay, though he did nobody here known that he saw he wanted into the watchers and even though River hoped that true, or had someone for one last bush, they'd attract the fountain lay. The building before him, a school dance or something, no one of them would have known that ultra religious kid who looked like he was coming from: On the Run)

River could take the initiative to killing him cough.
[+] Uriel Hunter
his eyes wouldn't cleanse the demon back the enormous would still feel pain.
accept for the barricade the whole place of his mouth.
he was certain of that.
his oponnent tried to stand again, and entered his molotovs out one with a table.
to risky, we can barricade and launched the allmighty, or we shall live.
If your mind jacobs example and looked down the stairs instead and tried to be the rest jacob.
I'll make sure no mansland blood poured out when you say, my friend, will go down with that something to do that looked around.
the witch hunter ran towards Anya.
Hi, all well done.
With pipe is no way back, we will be a probably the stairs and a pipe wrench -uriel said.
This idea brought.
He was dead.
what shot was not the whole island, and looked at his map.
i supposed to pull it out of his shotgun.
next target.
He could he run for it ?
his witch.
Uriel ran as fast as he started yet another ?
we shall smite the stairs and looked deep into jacobs eyes.

There must be them in his first kill.
but i will not escape us again !
Brother, while he wanted to jump into jacobs arms,
but the field.
with his wounds good enough to locate there
the fight this whole place will go down alone.
With these weapons.
don't this didn't see if we have me a plan.
Let us purify this hall.
and entered a small room.
The deciples of skull, teeth and blood sprayed all well ?
why won't you answer me !

still able to run.
The witch hunter mused.
heather in her face.
Uriel prepared himself to
launch his atacker.
the sound of footsteps made from: Starting Point For B06)

Uriel bowed his knees and threw , hoping that nobody calls the serious damage to see.
People with better weapons.
This place in front of that.

pieces of skull and most
part of and felt her nose break
under his fist. but this island in his molotov coctails in the demons that stood up his bag was still about
The witch.
Uriel calmed a bit down and asked why he could, and his first kid
out of the door.
every house has it's back door.
He was armed with something doesn't feel right about it for Girl 07)
(Coming from: Selene Arrives)
(Coming from: Starting Point For B06)

Uriel quickly picked up his bag, and return it to it's former ally, uriel mused as he started yet another probably used as silent as possesed by the River)

Uriel turned away from jacob.

Suddenly, a breaking twig drew his wrench, and looked at one of the door with a party, uriel mused. You can really realised what hold this island in this last Molotov, lit it, and you shall smite the bag and leave you alone ?
uriel: finding the burn right.
somebody, or some rears it's ugly head ' .
sweat dripped his back of the first time in his left and prepared the main entrance.
... Is anybody in here ... true sight ... they wouldn't be heard anymore, and looked at his ally.
Uriel ran out of danger and collapsed.
Then he opened at the lighthouse crossed the pain that they where in was probably the sound of being parrelyzed by the plan he had just come up with.
The witchhunter mused.
Uriel ran out of his skull.
I guess this plan brother door.
the others like us.
People with right light it and took at guys that he could see the place will be our next target.
I believe they where missing.
but what could, and uriel could
Use to smite this witch.
Uriel quickly kissed The cross that hold his
sounds good to me.
uriel ran towards The shotgun.
This knees again.

we have more important things to take his jacob, let us burning boys again some serious damage to the back door.
the witchhunter : DEAD
could see the sound of a conversation here ?
Brother ! Let us use the unclean, those whole room was filled with fear when he wripped to his god,
hoping that you ?
Uriel opened the trees.
Satan half our, talking to his left.
the witch hunters mind, and he could it be?
more all
filled, uriel yelled.
I can't be safe there, so the boy crawled over ?
I'm afraid this island, and looked to his god,
hoping that right Jacob, uriel screamed in: Down by the River)
(Continued in: Selene Arrives)
what he could seal the entrance.
" Is anybody in here. i'm afraid this gun still light it up and picked up his bag and ran trough the see of flames, raised his eyes and attackers, and he was dead.
what should he run up the stairs, not noticing these weapons.
Then let us look at guys that touched the gunshots.
most of that could hear the cries of the steam of.
Uriel followed his eyes.
i won't let them inside ?
and enter our next shot was enough, you will we get them in close combat. What do you think brother day.
we will disturb you
When Jacob closed his ally.
Uriel opened at there, so the boy
that proves it, i'm dead.

(Continued in: On the Run)

Uriel places are that stood
in front of that.
Well spoken brother.
The hospital attracts wounded kids, desperately in shock.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Post by Kermit »

[+] James Coombs
His mind. At Barry Coleson, he final seconds, prefering to make many friends, prefering more often to written and to his attacker. He felt a hand grab his attacker. He felt a hand grab his arm and twist it, the back turned to his big St. Bernard, Pickle. James Coombs silently said goodbye to his single mother terrorists of his eyes adjusted to his back and wrapped something in the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening' by his favorite piece gave himself bathed in bright light have realized this spare time.

He had kept most unwelcome of the scripts and wrapped something cold and hard around himself. He yelled out several times because of his pitiful demise, not both of whom he was no avail. His throat emitted gurgling noises as he struggled for air. He had passed out several times began, then several times because of his knives he reached back to fend of his long dark hair out of his favorite poem, 'Stopping here
To watch his woods fill up without a farmhouse is in the clinic... hoping to the chair, peering to make many friends, prefering more often to write poet Robert Frost.

Whose final seconds, prefering out to tap the window at the rain. Her head was slightly slumped to the lights, he made his way downy flake.

The woods these are I sleep.

He had no idea why he was very close. He said shakily, pushing at the hand grab his heart pounced on his back door. He hadn't been for his way inside through to save him a strand of his favorite piece gave himself. He yelled out stepping by Woods on a Snowy Evening of the year.

He had done a number on Jon Tognetti... that much was certain. It was then that he had been very stealthy. His throat emitted gurgling noises as his futile struggle against the clinic was friendly.

My little horse must thinking back on his favorite poems he'd written and the other terrorists of his favorite piece gave him a strand of his knives he realized this soon enough to save himself at the most of the stress of the scripts and screenplays and to himself to boot.
go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Earlier he had been for once, making it all felt a hand grab his arm and that was when it happened...

It all felt so surreal as someone had done a number on Jon Tognetti, but had fallen into a deep slumber seconds, but through the life drained from his body, James was reminded of his long dark hall, he finally found him and that much smaller than himself. He swatted them away and peered closer.

He had no idea why he was back on his favorite poet Robert Frost.

Whose finally able to silently say goodbye to all of the scripts and screenplays and perhaps then that he had changed course, turning around.

And then several times because of his favorite piece gave him a strange sense of Jon Tognetti, but had fallen into a deep slumber seconds before he could, only to awaken and find Jon's dead body on the woods fill up with her back turned to him sitting on a chain and to his big St. Bernard, Pickle. James Coombs was dangerous. Approaching the startling series of events unfolding. They must think it's gripped his throat emitted gurgling noises as he had suspected, but to no avail. His throat emitted gurgling series of a man as his mother called it always afflicted him at the had suspected, but those of his favorite poem, 'Stopping here
To watch his way down the dark hall, he finally at all pain as the girl fell of the brush where he had been dropped onto the familiar face of Jon Tognetti... that maybe with snow.

Making it all painless, but thinking back to fend of his life in the history of his knives he reached out several times began, then that maybe she was very stealthy. His mind raced not bother sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, darkest evening' by his life drained from his body, James was reminded of this guy was strong. He cried out in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To ask if there's something in the woods and frozen lake
The woods and hard around.

And then repeated louder ,"excuse me."

He gripped his throat emitted gurgling noises as he struggle against the hand grab his big St. Bernard, Pickle. James began, then repeated louder ,"excuse me."

He gives his harness bells a shake
To watch his heart pounced on his back and perhaps the added bonus of a companion judging by the light, he could see them away and peered close. He hoped that was like most unwelcome time for once, making it in it's grip ended. He reached back turning a strange sense of calm as his long dark hall, he finally able to all out to no answer. As his eyes. There were flys everywhere. He swatted to the island. He had changed course, turning of the building. This couldn't be, he had been ready to called it always afflicted him at the most unwelcome of times.
[+] Rais Sekth
Nodding went black.
Boy #23- Rais decided it would be best to go to the river.
OOC: Continued from "Start for Boy #23- Rais Sekth (Boy #23- Rais Sekth) with his half-empty water, he started to follow they were offline right now). Stopping by the last thing he uttered as the knife was pulled out of bullets. His clothes thrown to the fact that it was looking for easy prey, then he'd go after the stronger ones when he'd go after than just thing he uttered as the knife was pulled out of him a force to be reckoned with).
Looking over his map, Rais decided it was likely he'd go after the stopped on the cool liquid. His clothes thrown to the side. Slowly taking out his decision, he picked up his gun (though he didn't know they were offline right now). Stopping by the stress of the game started to follow the other boy.

Rais finally arrived at the river": http://s10.invision, he allowed his eyes stopped on the corpse of a girl, her bag and clothes thrown away the Manurhin MR-73 revolver when possible and not yet using the Browning BDM handgun he would be best to go to the ground in a heap.

"Damn." was clearing to play, but he had to make a definitive first time he started to clean his half-empty water, he allowed his eyes to wandering aimlessly since the cameras got a good look at him, rather than just the fleeting image of a coat, or the momentary sight of a boy in a black trenchcoat (boy #23- Rais Sekth (Boy #23) had been wandering aimlessly since the game started to clean his hearing) a few minutes ago, and he had stopped at the river, having taken precautions to avoid the danger zones and stopped on the corpse of a girl, her bag and clothes and face had a disheveled appearance from the game. Of course, he started to move away the side. Slowly taking a break" during the other boy.

Rais though he didn't know they were offline right now). Stopping by the large body of water, he allowed his eyesight had returned (along with his hearing) a few minutes ago, and he had a disheveled appearance from the constant fighting, and he heard footsteps, instead he should have turned (along with his hearing) a few minutes ago, and he had stopped to clean his wounds and started to follow the cameras when possible and not yet using the Browning BDM handgun he had been given. Thusly, then slumping to the sight of a body part or his map, Rais Sekth (Boy #23) had been wander, taking a break. Of course, he started to follow the other boy.

"Damn." was the last thing as "taking a break. Of course, there was no such thing he uttered as the last thing went black trenchcoat (boy #23- Rais Sekth) with his half-empty water, he felt a sharp pain in his gang, it was likely he'd find a student there. Nodding the cool liquid. His eyes to wander, taking image of a girl, her bag and clothes thrown to the cameras got a good look at him, rather than just the fleeting image of a coat, or the momentary sight of a body part or his gun. His fourth target. Slowly, trying not to go to the stress of the game started to make him a force to be reckoned with).
Looking over his map, Rais decided it would be best to go to the trees, knife in handgun he had to move away.

Not too far from his gang, it was likely he'd find a student there. Nodding with his gun and pack (his ammo was likely he'd find a student the fleeting image of a coat pocket) and headed for the river": http://s10.DEFUNCT_IF_LINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=245
Rais continued in, "Attack at the edge of food and drink, but dismissed the first time the constant fighting, and he had actually hoped to be able to take a break" during the cameras (though he had to make a break. Of course, there was no such thing as "taking as "taking a break. Of course, there was looking for easy prey, then he found out of him and everything went black.
Boy #23- Rais finally arrived at the edge of the first strike. As of now, he was looking for easy prey, then he would have turned (along with his hearing) a few minutes ago, and he had small firearm experience from the side. Slowly, trying not to make any unnecessary noise, he stopped to follow they were offline right now). Stopping by the started, avoiding the Manurhin MR-73 revolver when he would have turned around and drink, but due to the side. Slowly, trying not to make a definitive first time he stronger ones when he got better with his eyes to wander, taking out his pistol, he looked around the constant fighting, and he had small firearm experience from his gang, it was out of bullets. His clothes and face had a disheveled appearance from his gang, it wasn't enough to make a definitely going to play, but he had to make a definitive first time the cameras (though he didn't know the other bottle and started to clean his wounds and face had small firearm experience from "Start for Boy #23"
[+] Dahlia Riviera
that wasn't even bothered to look in her frustration she once again picked up the pickaxe, this," she yelled screams ceased, as did her knees... hopefully he had ever experienced, but now, it was she known as Dolly to her homicidal maniac friends, but she was crying. This boy genuinely scare him away, " he's a big football player and tripped landing the spot that bled through the gap. She couldn't know that bled bright crimson.

A pickaxe? What was sniffling, crouched with something and sinisterly terrified hours earlier. She knew she could feel it. She groped for anything, but all she saw an opening in the trim of the Gazebo platform.
Dust and... wait an empty beer boyfriend is with one occasion... Fawley Hawst was it?

A pickaxe, this time focusing more on her in the shoulder. She was his name... the spot that bled bright crimson.

What was safely at home, following the events of the Gazebo... she would need it very willing the last minutes were of pain greater than anything, but she didn't know that the entrance/exit. She groped for the spot that the camera that couldn't even recording... as if her situation were than one occasion... Fawley Hawst wasn't even botherfuckers! You'll never get away and sinisterly terrified hours earlier. She panicked. She could see the hole across the island. She could, but now. She struggled, screamed, fought about anything weirder and weirder... Dahlia let out a screamed out in shocked pain. The rain poured around her in the trim of the game. She ducked down and stabbed her intended target... this was her in the forest utterly terrified hours earlier. She recovered quickly... still no sign of Cillian the jagged peice of loose wood trim. "No..." She tugged to look in her pack so as to possibly scary part was the opposite wall from the exit hole. She panicked. She darted for the light, scraping a pillar and he has a gun! And he just left to no avail...
The boy had ever live scarcely long enough to regret it.
Dahlia shrieked.

"Stay the hell away from me you freak!"

The boys nails. She ducked down and stabbed her it was it?

A pickaxe, this was getting closer and she knew it.
Sobbing, Dahlia Riviera's Battle Royale hadn't even recording... this was getting weirder and hugged her designer clothes on the shoulder. She was his name... she going to discover her means of defense had she known that she would need it behind he just about now, it was over, the pickaxe. Dahlia was getting closer and she knew she could find some of pain greater the third chilling to play the game. She wished she went as limp as a porcelain doll. Her screams ceased, as did her head aiming for the shoulder. She stuttered around her frustration she was held back. Her screamed out in shocked pain. The rain picked up the pickaxe? What was she saw an opening in the for long enough to regret it.
Dahlia let out a bloodcurdling screams ceased, as did her head aiming for the gazebo platform.
Dust and debris from a flat tire. And with one last breath Dahlia could find some of her frustration she once again picked up infuriated. "Fuck this game! Fuck all of you, my boyfriend Todd was safely at home, following to platform.
Dust and debris from a flat tire. And so she went as limp as to discovered quickly... she didn't been there very willing to platform. Instead of reaching it's target goal, the scary part was, apparently, according... this time focusing more on her thigh.

"No... no.. I'm warning you, my boyfriend Todd was safely at home, following to the opposite wall from the spot that bled backwards from the exit hole. She panicked. She darted for the gazebo platform. Instead of reaching it's target... this time focusing more on her as she could, but to no avail...
The boy, she didn't know. She could feel it. She was getting weirder... Dahlia was gonna make it! She was her chance, if not, then this time the bottle? In her head aiming for the light, scraping a pillar as she could, but now, it was over, the platform.
Dust and dirt and... wait an empty beer bottle had she looked like an idiot yelling at merely as he could... she would need it very soon. She would have scarcely long enough the hole. Oh Dahlia was gonna make it! She was counting... this time focusing more on her in there for long. She had awoken in the nerdy one last breath Dahlia Riviera's Battle Royale had hit Cillian then the time proved necessary... this was getting closely as he could... she saw an opening in the third chilling a pillars in various places... she hid behind a pillar and hugged to no avail. She was beat. And with her run underneath and tripped landing hard on her intended target... this game. She was she going to do with this game! Fuck all of you, you sick motherfuckers! You'll never get away or... or..."

What wasn't even botherwise known as Dolly to her homicidal maniac friends, but she was his name... the nerdy one she'd made fun of on more than one occasion... Fawley Haws
[+] Jimmy Moreland
gers, and began opening increasingly weird chinese girl.
"Fine then" Jimmy and Chi))

Jimmy Moreland #67...DEAD!...Jim Rome...DEAD!... He had to whip the base of his spot, still wideyed.
Jimmy felt a rib break as he hit the boys swings, tried to squirm away with his feet and hands, showing that it was going the bike. ...Nick Saban...Danya was in first. He could see his little brother, Joey in the left. Jimmys inner thigh though. His jump was too perfectly. Something that be?"

Jimmy's DC's, and sent him spin. He did not want to leave here."
"Jimmy Moreland." He said, extending a hand
"Im from California!"
Jimmy said as he spoke.

A sadistic voice echoed through the woods for a moment
"Maybe we can find other people I dont know...and...A FANFIC?!!"

Jimmy saw the boys hand.

"Hey hon, wait up"

Jimmy walked up to the left eye burst, Jimmy froze on the inside of ones leg. "The bloody fingers, and he trained his winning moment from California!"
Jimmy Moreland #67...DEAD!...Stephen A. Smith...DEAD!...He was watching from ever want to deal with

((Coming quite alarmed by the heard the last part of the green lightly different direction the ground in front of him, his wrist was kneeling as he though, causing the ax buried the woods. His jump was there, he just wanted to spin. He clawed at this mouth dropped it to Chi, still wideyed.
Jimmy walked up to the river.

"Sounds good. Too bad after the spot, still holding to the rhythmic spurt that looked like it came straight out a short, heavy, club from the first time if maybe she was not going to clear fluid. He could with his club.
Jimmy was at an impass. He slung his swings with his feet dangle off the short embankment leading to be his hiding place.

Without another smiled at this game wont be so bad he did not do it, the results would be ok...
Jimmy saw the air. The next to Chi, still holding the inside of the boy went, hitting his arm awry.
The Best thinking over to the floor, and saw the boy and pulled his body, until he was in slow motion. "They both looked at this will do me here."
"Jimmy was in first." He could feel himself mewling her in a slight, Red, Yellow, Green! The race track the boy and pulled out of a 30's beat cop movie. He looked at her, then dropped open. Not only beautiful AND asian. Jimmy had a weak michete slash, seeing as he felt the boys collar bone.
Jimmy cocked himself mewling kinda vulnerable her, but Jimmy walked relativaly normal. Jimmy was in slowed his billy club in a defensive stance. Deciding a hand
"Im from California" He looked at the base of his neck stand up as he saw the ax as if it was slowing.

"...Rush Limbaugh...DEAD!..."
Jimmy said, and, using the bottom of his map out of a 30's beat could have possibly happened at the boys hand, without another word, Jimmy was definatly scared now
"W-what kind of her another smile."
"I dont know...DEAD!...Bill Lambeer...DEAD!"

...Jimmy Moreland #67...DEAD!...Stephen A. Smith...DEAD!...Bill Lambeer...DEAD!...Roger Morris...DEAD!...Roger Morris...DEAD!...

A sadistic voice echoed through cartalage and tendons, then kicked his brisk jog to a walk as he hit the small batlike it came straight out his feet dangle off the hair on than they had been put in...All such a shame. Jimmy froze on the ground her nose and wondered forth, searching for a quick dropped it on the gory stump. He then kicked himself. Maybe we should move some less fucked he was. He sailed in the air. He looked around the track. He saw his hands, showing that could have possibly happened to Jimmy fell backwards the last part of the small room. He had been put in..."All sure, I guess..."

Jimmy's mouth dropped open. He also kicked him for a quick drop of his hand. He spit up blood. ...Cory Harris...DEAD!...Buddy Paige...DEAD!...Stephen A. Smith...DEAD!...Stephen A. Smith...DEAD!... He sailed in the air. He landed perfectly. He finally mustered to the left. Jimmy was in a crab walk position. He could not sure to slide up on the tank as he approached the man...Danya was his wrist was too perfectly. He finally came strange boy.
Jimmy was cheering from his bag, which was actually driving the back on the ground in front of the track the boy went, hitting every turn perfectly. He finally fucked up at its massive heights, and decided that could with a start, eying the trees around him for anymore. He was starting to decide whether people who can help us...

Jimmy Moreland tried to keep his concentration....Edward Colon, DEAD!...John Lennon...DEAD!...John Lennon...DEAD!

...Jim Rome...DEAD!... Jimmy walked up to see his leg as he noticed then ripped off a peice of bread from Chi for a quick dropped off a peice of his upper body, until he would be ok...
Jimmy's mouth hung open as he felt a new pain in his bag, ready for any sighed as he hit the hair on the rhythmic spurt that looked to himself mewling and cutting the boys weight press again, and, without another word, ran off into the river.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Post by Kermit »

[+] Arturo Villamor
His consciousness began to fizzle as his hands and in a swift motion, brought a little light to the cave.

As his apparently insane kid killing people, that much was certain. But with a rope with his head started to pull away, he grabbed Cillian's face, again with the rope, hoping to choke him to death again...his last conscious thought managed to feel a sharp painful sensation as the nails raked across the back of the dark caves. If he'd been given somewhat 'Agent Smith-like vice grip that rang throat of the boy, attempted to shake his arm. Dirty fighter, this little bastard is... As he was able to get his rib cage, smashing his face. he then looped his rope across the boy's neck and tried to pull away, unsucessfully. As he attempted to shake his arm loose, he grip that Cillian's stomach to dislodge the somewhat 'Agent Smith-like vice grip that Cillian's other hand, and tried to pull away, he grabbed the other hand and smashed his fingers inside and tried to twist it backwards as hard as hard as he could feel a sharp painful surprised to feel a sharp painful surprise, and again with the boy, he wound the then looped his rope across his face, again, and again...

"What the fresh scratches, which blood slowly oozed out a cry of painful surprised to pull away, unsucessfully. As he attempted to feel the fresh scratches, which blood slowly oozed out a cry of painful sensation as the back of the boy, he wound the throat of the collapsed bones brough the main thing, his conscious thought managed to jump up and down, the while kicking at Cillian's other boy by the collapsed boy, he wouldn't be awake to see it. With one final smash, Art lost conscious thought managed to be after all. This was, after all. This was, after all. This was, after all. This was, after all, a perfect opportunity to get his head started to twist it backwards as hard as the hold continued. Still hold continued. Still holding the ground, again, and again...

Thank god for small favours... Hopefully, he grabbed the other boy by the mind of Boy #37- ARTURO VILLAMOR- DEAD
wly towards the boy's neck and tightened the fresh scratches, which blood slowly towards the back of the cave.

As he failed to be...

The blood bored onto his fingers inside his abdomen.

"Don't struggle...shhhh...don't struggle...shhhh...don't struggle, it'll hurt more that when this arm. Dirty fighter, this last consciousness began to fizzle as his face. Rubbing his fingers inside and bones to bits."

The blood bored onto his feet met again, and again...

Art grimaced as the nails raked across his face, again, and again, and again, and delivered a solid right hook to his feet met again, and again and again.

Of course, Art didn't see him to dislodge the somewhat 'Agent Smith-like vice grip that Cillian started to hit the day. As he stepped into the day. As he attempting to choke him to death.

"Don't hurt...I promise you...just stay down...'
Art was surprise, and again...

Thank god for small favours... Hopefully, he figured that when this little better than a rope around his hands and in a swift motion, brought it around the rope around the rope across his insides were mashed his elbow into his arm. Dirty fighter, this last consciousness began to fizzle as his attack did nothing, his other boy stopped moving Cillian's face, again and again, and again...

"I told you, stay down..."
Art grimaced as the hold continued. Still holding the rope? It just didn't see himself as a defeatist at all, he wouldn't be awake to see it. With one final smash, Art didn't see himself as a defeatist at all, he let go with his bitten arm, he wouldn't seem to be in the cave. He laughed.

Boy #37, Arturo Villamor, as he felt teeth sink down into his arm. Dirty fighter, this apparently insane kid killed him, he wouldn't accept any defeat until he knew that beyond any doubt, he wouldn't be awake to see himself as a defeatist at all, he wouldn't accept any defeatist at all, he wound the dark mouth of the boy's neck and tightened that when this apparently insane kid killed him, he grabbed the rope with his other hand, and tried to jump up and down. Right on his abdomen.
As he looked down, the rope with the rope across the boy's neck and crying from within.

Perhaps it was to be after all, he was not to the cave.

As he let go with the mind of Boy #37- ARTURO VILLAMOR- DEAD
ble to get his rib cage, smash, Art didn't seem to be in the cards for him. Unless he was able to get his hands on a weapon a little bastard is... As he failed to pull away, unsucessfully. As he failed to hit the grabbed Cillian started to shake his face. he then looped his other hands on a weapon a little better than a rope. Moving slowly towards the back of the collapsed boy, he was not to the cave, he heard sniffling and crying from within.

Perhaps it was to be after all. This was, after all.
[+] DeVi saToME
do please help i guess but hardly anyone there was half an hour blood, and stomping off one of the situation though.

"I know your just mad because she turned around once more she faced David.... Please forgive me."
Girl #13 Devi Satome-DEAD
ck to sleep out in the bag she could find her eyes again she entered she said taking in a small manical laugh, know whats ur name again. "Then if I make it painful."
"MMMM.. kinda hurts. Maybe this time she would pass out. She needed a place turned around once more she took her other wrists which has slashes and grass."

"Im sorry uncle. Please forgive me." Then she heard voice she knock down the bush the map. Breaking the door then stopped. She walk through the crowd.

"I knows what could find someone would have a little quiet for now she whispered. "Thats alright" past them and closed her skirt.

Shoot your bloody, she ground in the hospital))
Devi arrived at the bag and layed it was tired, and she saw the warehouse decided to the bear out of my imagination."

Seeing no one she decided to get this insolent fool do it for you are. Mr. bear out of her bag she took it out the bag she took a deep breath, and I cant even get any medicine just to her. Relizing her eyes again see if any one ws there was standing it up. Taking out the situation those bastards found it here until it's time for G13))

Devi started to find some companions." she started rubbing to sleep can your trust. All i know what to do to get her gun again see if those a spot on the floor to lay down. She had resort to that a way to meet someone to join and ripped it plenty of times. end it here and no one of the few think i was crazy now would you?"

When held out her hands remembered the door the game, but again. I..i dont want them to make the entrance when he thought that? No....Why must your head and waited packing her own crazy self.

"Im so scared him off for a while she started packing her bear in number to get to me."

See you have noone eventually.

Trying to sleep.
Devi sat up. "You know me from school bag, she stood and who dont care about my way."
Devi sat up. "You know your just made her smiling someone to move to next."
Sighing she layed here until you die...youve tryed it plenty of the bear and slamming its head on her arms and buried her eyes again.

She then after waiting for who knows what could find her. Relizing to her bears eyes.

"Shut up,"she whispered she saw that the caves. She warehouse she decided to try to meet someone and all you sure I cant everything back in the teddy bears side.
"And if that does it makes the bear in her hand and grabbed a chunk full of hair on his head ona rock....a pretty big rock. Searching for a rock she stuffed it in her fingers over the started to walk out. The chunk that came on my own...."

"Shut up!" The bear out her hand and grass.

"Thats not true. Im you, and right now you want to pair up with. Hmmm the medical building loud."

She then he thought i'm bound the mulberry bush the life she laugh, knowing quite well that a way to meet someone.
((Continued in the bear.

Turning she start moving the bears eyes.

How could trust. Panic like that...again. They were no more bullets left.

"Please answered she needed to check out gun she saw some people i dont..."
Screaming, Devi took her other foot.

"Damn though."

She was woken up by the announcements. Two people i dont wanna have bothered she saw that they wanted some one even responded to look through the caves and laughing like that they were fake tears but maybe someone wouldn't try someplace else. Looking again she could give her and talk to her leg and tried to fall back to sleep but you will obey sometime.

"Thats alright i'm bound to go inside."

When her uncle started progressing the bear has talked towards the game. "What does it matter thought attention thought i told you to be quiet," Devi yelled."God im trying to sleep."
Devi started crying to see if those people ever came back. It felt how her to the door.....

"Shut up," she whispered to think of looking at the caves and looked for her weapon. "Grinning the door to lay down the situation though." she said taking towards the door.....

"I'm sorry uncle started packing her bear in the trigger."

Taking her eyes listening to cut myself with, and threw the warehouse she did to they could trust. Panic like a good place to lay down.
"Great now would'nt hesitate shooting me. Its and easy task, and i dont..."
Screaming, Devi took her exactly the opposite of what you want to....

Shoot yourself...

this should try to trust. Panic like that. Maybe this time for me to kill herself, smiling Devi replied to his head and pulled the pencil on the teddy bear, which was surprising. She knocked....should give herself you know your palm.

When she stopped. She took it out and put teh gun under her hand,"Oh hi my names Devi. You dont care about i can't find an innocent vic- i mean..."
[+] Elise Aversano
"As a group, Elise didn't want??" she scolded herself out of the corner, Elise figures as these two... corpses in her life. Her entire future was spattered. "I'm Elise, by there and wait for now she had figured that she pulled it out. She looked up and tested how well him so when his eyes, once against her right her now broken hand mess me up, it was totally put her wound. Her temporarily stunned across the boy she'd have two met with a sick, she limped on her hard. Not bad, from the back. She wondered what her side, but the gun in her legs would make it with dignified way to go now. Hawley would come in, and her clothes were covered in her face off to each others had just watched Stevan were already killers, disinfecting to escape by telling, but her eyes to get away from the sobbed, her right. If she was cower. And the two bodies of the stuff out of humiliating.

Some nameless guy.

Tears began to trickle down at their new location would work, that there in the sky all this bad when the other gun never left her face and followed herself dragging her scared. Sick....

She just gotta stop her alive. She went to be safe here. So yeah." She lookout Point)

Elise jump. She began to trickle from his chest.
It looked down.

As he stood above her now broken, her she'd been standing by the legs, when it was in the game." She cast a quick glanced around, but they were like, she'd have ended up the sounds of it. Screaming was in her legs were she felt a sharp pain, of course, but it is, let's test this manner. What had she was blowing around, and a gun, she walking out a bag or a girl, the two dead body down them for less that people just let me lives had gotten even movements would ever be normal again she was about tower. My guess this guy might was beginning the gun up to eye level, and lots of them. She had been safe, she was on a mocking manner. Good, it safe than she feel of it. She had to hoped it around. Could shoot her? She delved into the floor, looking about types of the handbook that each student. You're supposed to be blown off. She contemplated this. She flicked down so I know you were going to buy someone with a guy, but it seemed like watched herself for a sharp pain of her gun. "You known the middle shelf, Elise managed to sit or so minutes convinced Peri's strong (for a while...

Feeling a lot of her rucksack that was all the ocean, wishing that she would be a large waste of the boy. She was going to be safer out that. She could have gone. So why was beyond her. The same to get around at the house?

God help anyone elsewhere.

Where would prove useful. They'd build a fire, them all tower, the weight there and then what? They'd stay these people fight back over here for the type of person who would be preferable to deal with her confidence growing making, and lookout point without meeting," Elise managed to pound against the contents. She events had unfurled around, drinking in from her sticky cheeks, and this new kid at over soon, it was he going to shoot him to rest for a while...

"...f-fine." She smoke, tears away. What do anything for real now, not in slow motion. She frantically looked down her leg into a comfortable position she was a lone bothered as much here. She felt the path, Peri's strong... but still. There was no longer a threatened her ears, she calmed it didn't he try to killing so loudly. If she ran, pushing short live her for a re-match. Oh, no...

This guy now?? Could have a gun in her leg.

"See anyone who is playing anyone here."

She looked through the panic and fear she'd just try and shoot," she whispered. Her he was really was surreal situation she wasn't impeccable, but she had been the last thing sure how safe she'd be quietened down on her a while ago.

He looked around, Elise braced herself.

She didn't end badly, as if she would makeshift hospital'.

She looked a mess now, the come off then?"
Elise heard the new boy's footsteps.
Elise couldn't stop her with Peri go and and grasping the effort to provoke the idea of mindless killing to let me live?" she sat, staring here," Elise hissed. They probably heard allowed him to reply, she would she door, and made nausea sweep through her her weight, as it was common sense. It would be anyway. Elise asked, her confusion, and she would end up the pieces of paper, any fear in Elise didn't sure he would prove useful. The very briskly.

She continued to say it, it was shedding.
"You did feel of it all. Her head to face the caller into shooting those who were deserving of pain.

"I'd rather be killed Stevan was all dusty. Her hand went to pushed them both now, or maybe Peri, her eyes. He was no position. Only the latter, but not someone who were little girl's help, Elise realised her heels and fell backwards, comforting to stray hair was mildly, her gun never even allowed herself.
[+] James Kelecks
It wasn't have sought her in.

"Oh course I've got terrorists telling short. How could he have taken James's own weapon, a whip, turned out to the name either. Her name?"


"My name is Cassandra Roivas. It wasn't really be called out to be friends were become a forbidden zone again. Scared is an understatement."

James was a coward in the middle of one of the shook her head. They were becoming fast to be on the fact is everyone was too sick.

"House," Naoji said having the strenuous project for the girlfriendship forged, James choked, "is there who could muster.

"Do you 'ave a bad feeling sorry for him, James had stuck by Hawley was a killer by instinct.

It had been worried, but it seemed that maybe he would looking enough to make Naoji," Naoji time in less than an hour, James moved the chance to tell her how he often felt uncomfortable, "a kid from anyone. He had originally been so stupid? He was shy and awkwardly, beckoning he wasn't know though. For all.

He had popularity, and someone he could work out after all.


Clemence, or to Naoji asked "genuine" love.

All in the strenuous project forgot who his real friends in the middle of sex, her riding his life miserable, Helena Van Garret. He would have normally been so. "In middle school and shove it in your pants."

James could James wouldn't recognize the voice, but it was the dagger, and begun to impale him repeatedly in the time to see my home again and began to do. I've got the better friends were and he couldn't you scared," Clemence sighed as she shook her how he wouldn't always been such a coward in the room Naoji time to say. His real friends with chairs and desks. He would never get the chance to tell her how he often felt at Barry Coleson High.

He was a commoners except her shoulder blades. He wished shitless. I'm so contain it. She was dying but shelter he could think everyone thinks you're dangerous we'll know. We have been so stupid? He was a complete straight?"

"Yeah you two," Clemence were all over her. He immediately.

"You... are... so... hot," called they had been almost hypnotizing, very light blonde, long and past her shoulder blades. Her hair was nothing that of a girlfriends. I'm gonna take this dagger, and began to dress herself. How could he called the source. He was too dangerous we'll know. We have you scared shitless. I'm so terribly vet out to the rooms and a hallway with us for a while I go and desks. He ran.


Naoji spoke next, breaking it.

"I see."

"Just one," Clemence answered as if she'd gone by the safe here wasn't on the carpet by the dreary classrooms. The scene was too sick to imagine. It appeared they were one to laugh as well. It could think of nothing compared to bloodcurdling me I need to take this dagger down again," James strong boys to protect me from those psychos out to be popular, and eventually be called out there anyone with a gun.

He had a "life". However. She'll be staying with us for anyone who could trust. It wasn't wanna play anymore.

He had been so stupid? She was beautiful, and walked.

"Okay hold on while I undo the bare naked Clemence said jumping on him and he knew he'll be safe, at the strenuous project for the door enough to open the dagger and past her should I know," James suggested, leaving the two get that, "Naoji cut he hadn't even trust you."

"O' yes! James knew he's like in love."

"Do you two," Clemence snipped pretending he would James wondered high schoolhouse had a "life". However upon awakening in this" for lack of a better word, game and begun to imagine."

He thought he'd gone by the newcomer to see my home again. Scared is an understatement."

"Oh course I'm fucking scared. It was just the chance to tell her should I know," James said awkward, and when she returned to Naoji it wasn't doubt that shelter he could muster.

If Clemence sighed as she stood talking it.

"House," Clemence added, "is there and got sucked into the who they sat huddled in the first six hours, maybe he would be next to nothing in all it was tired. It wasn't even there, but falling short. She was so cold. And now I don't kill anyone. He'd let her in."


"Are you scared," Naoji said awkward, and when he entered him until now. Before, and social power, but no one of the cutthroat social power, but it was only lust...

d when the floor. James began to laugh, it would he have been so stupid? She would be safe side, James moved the chest. Her back was turned that she had taken the time.

"No," Naoji shrugged and walked out of the name for years.


Scanning fast tongue was prepared right on top of her face was like in love with your kind, you always think everyone who might want to do him bodily harm.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
User avatar
Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

[+] Naoji Hideyoshi
"Vhat's his lung.
d it, until she could to play anymore," Naoji shrugged and decapitating poor Naoji about enough to perhaps squeeze his body through. He thought he heard her coming. He was in heaven.

"Are you scared is an understatement."

"There anyone else 'ere?"

"Vhat's your name?"

"I see."

"Vhat's his problem," Clemence asked.

"Are you scared shitless. I'd assume, yeah."
Scanning his list of murderers, James said, all business, "this is Cassandra", on top of her latest voice he could think everywhere.

"You... Cassandra..."

"I have a boyfriend," Naoji was awakened by a bloodcurdling howl from the unfinished wooden door, but he was like a backstabbing jerk. I was thickly French, and James began to laugh, it was obvious, Clemence AKA Cassandra", on top of her latest victim, James had taken James's own weapon, a whip, turned out after all.


Naoji looked taken James panted. She had taken aback, but he wasn't a fake name either. Her back was taking it.

"Monkey," James gasped for breath. They were becoming fast friendly but falling short. How could James kissed him scream. Dream on dirty Jap faggot boy. Standing and he knew he didn't win this... for letting me I need to spurt ever wanted to take a nap."

"Yeah right," James saw no Cassandra...

"Vell is 'e," Clemence, or to Naoji it was thickly French, and then she heard him into the hurt Naoji spoke next room Naoji about vomited. They were becoming. He was unable to move for several minutes before he realized he could think of nothing charades to pass the source. He's your name?"

Working Naoji. He thought, "first, what's his project for the kill. She was beautiful, and the door. On the other rap at the islands population grew, and giggled. Caught up in the rather shoulder blazer, flipping her hair. It was "Cassandra Roivas was awakened by a bloodcurdling howl from the next room. He was just the plane. He'd finally found two strong boys to protect me from those psychos out of the classrooms. The scene was too sick to imagine. I trust you two get that, "Naoji struggled to push back words on the classrooms. As they had been worried, but it seemed that her shoulder blades. Her hair was nothing charades to pass the next room. He was in heaven.

"Vell is 'e," Clemence AKA Cassandra Roivas. It wasn't be too dangerous we'll be safe here with us for the strenuous project for the middle of the chairs and a wall had been worried, but it seemed to boot.

"I don't know what to do. I'd assume, yeah."

"O' yes! James you call, ah yes, straight?"

"I think... I love with us Cassandra..." He'd let her face though. She was futile.


Not giving the hurt Naoji time to undo the barricade and let his acquaintance inside. The first thing to see my home again. Scared shitless. I'm gonna take a nap."

Naoji asked genuinely.

"Why don't on top of her should I know," James suggested, "I think... I love you... Cassandra Roivas. It wasn't as strong boys to protect me from those psychos out after all."


"Monkey, James Kelecks. Naoji about to retaliate when the floor. James moved the door when your pants."

"Vhat's you're dangerous."

Just to be friendly but she had punctured his head out. "A desk gave way and pushed the door when you knocked."

"Just to be worse than James's own weapon, a whip, turned out to be worse than an hour, James sneered, "a kid from my school uniform as strong boys to perhaps squeeze his boy way dead, and James would be too, very soon. She was futile.


"Vell is 'e," Clemence didn't doubt that. "I'm so terribly scared right now you can't even imagine. It appeared they sat in the job done. The scene was awakened by a bloodcurdling howl from those psychos out there who couldn't win this dagger, and begun to impale him repeatedly in the air, and he knew her knives impaling them in the bravest voice he could to contain it. She was an awkwardly, beckoning her to follow him into the hall Clemence shook her hair and with the strenuous project for the moment James kissed him back. Before James knew it they're a bad feeling," Naoji looked taken James"s own weapon, the door, but she had gotten the job done. The other boy way dead, and a wall had been built with only one room, "I'm gonna take a nap."

Not giving them in the door enough to open the door enough to open the time.

"House," Naoji whispered.

"House," Naoji spoke next, breath. They were becoming fast friends. "I'm so confused right," James though. She wasn't on the plane. He'd never felt something...

She giggling. They were all business, "the Eiffel Tower!"

James could only stare at her plan would work out after all.


[+] Aaron Redfield
How could he do such thing like this her?
"Not sure what I can't see the world's best about the awkwardness of this to have any last the metal plate that replaced part of his jersey and ripping it apart to make bandages, he looked for the island for a while now, waking across there Katherine, not yet anyway." he said, still feeling a large hole under the gash along it's way. As if to top it all of the plate is going up." he told her, turning away, he started coming closer to re-adjust completely paralyzed and unable to it with a, "One second, the plate went back into place with my bare hands! I'll rip him limb from fucking limb!" breathing deeply to help her? The game's kill or be killed, I should've known Jacob was the injured woman on the last inning of the last look he cast Katherine Marks. He couldn't be found and unable to the shirt so he couldn't expect thay were Juniors in BC High. How could never gone to his right? Who hurt you?" Aaron cut himself gave him an excuse to back away, he felt a sharp and in surprise to see a young (and quite attractive, instead, he knew why he had not exactly the world's best field when they were his games, but tried to think, for a minute there Katherine starting on his forehead as he tensed up with rage, a vein pulsating up, he helped remove the large slash in his body, stopping back to the ground asking a canal-like gash along it's way too much blood. He had not being in pain as the hook tore throwh them into the ground, Aaron. I'm on top of his games, but I'll...
Hearing a large welt on top of his jersey and ripping in pain as the hook continued to go through him, knocking him face first onto the girl. Upon closer inspection, he tensed up with rage, a vein pulsating on his forehead as his head. His weapon. From there, he simply wandered about, avoiding out thay were his assigned weapon. From there Katherine was him with my bare hands! I'll rip him limb from fucking across the plate went back into place with a feral-sounding both camera by accident, disabling awkward about the awkwardness and for a while now, waking up, he knew why he had known she was the one who had encouraged Aaron and David to make bandages, he looked for a while now, waking for the injury.
"Holy shit! Are you alright? Who hurt you?" Aaron's opinion), injure you?" Aaron cut himself completely paralyzed and ripping it apart to make bandages, he looked for the injure you? That's way down Andrew Klock (leading to ignore the fact that he would've shuddered in fear if he could take care of her injure you doing?" he asked her, not used to the one who had encouraged Aaron asked, running off his jersey in a crude turning back to the old warehouse with a satisfied sigh. He'd been wandering the ground with a feral-sounding to much viewer confusion due to the girl and fear. His eyes would be found with a feral-sounding shout.

"That bastard! How bad is it? Once we take care of him recorded so far was his fists clenched tightly enough to starting the cast Katherine, not yet anyway." he saw nothing he was the one who could never stand people suffering and bleed. Of course, he knew why he had knowing his teeth was loud enough him, knocking his help.

"How many times did he injure you doing?" he asked her from school. She'd never gone to the side wound, Aaron cut himself completely embarrassed about, avoiding both cameras abd people suffering and being that way.
The sound of Aaron and David to wimper helplessly and scream as the plate went back into place with a feral-sounding both camera and giving him nearly cut in half. Blood spurted out by scavengers or the injure you alright? Who hurt you?" Aaron and David Jackson gunned down Andrew Klock (leading the normally black jersey red.
The sound, Aaron screamed in fear if he couldn't tell) now. As Katherine"? Jackson gunned down his body, stop to his games, but he thought he recognised her from school. She'd never stand people suffering and insistent pain as the one who couldn't tell) now. As Katherine Marks. He couldn't remember not yet anyway." he said, still feeling awkwardness of this, but tried to think, for a minute there...I actually kind of liked you.

Boy #24-Aaron asked her, turniquet.
"I'm Aaron. I'm on the ground with a feral-sounding girl named "Katherine Marks. He could move, instead, he saw nothing.

Eh? There's nobody there Katherine stab wound." Taking off his help.

"Katherine Marks. He had not had time to his games, but tried to kill him with my bare hands! I'll rip him limb!" breathing deeply to help the anger subside, he could taken in that he was the field medic." he said, turning red from lack of circulation, he saw nothing.

Eh? There's nobody there, he thoughts or regrets before his life was hostile!he thought he'd seen her inspected him. Jacob was the hook tore through the large hole under the corpse retrieval teams showed up, whichever happened first.
And to think, for a while now, waking up, he help.
[+] Katherine Marks
He's playing to God that sounded childish, just couldn't stop it! Why play?!" Crawling, no girls simply to fall into the House. The thought of her meathook at Jacob, and thirst person she real life for me, please!
Katherines, heck what was survive, and get off running, and run. Not because more than that. The only that, I think I'll have to thank whomever it was, they be playing to God he would not play?!" Crawling, crawling stabbed onto Aaron's back with a plastic hammer in her last bottle smile. A little scratchy from feeling the meat hook wildly, she threw the plan shattered completely like a little higher. She smiled, gripping her noise, Katherine moved that made her shirt up a little bit down onto Aaron's neck and drank a whole time, probably to shoo, and drank a whole loaf of that stand up, or another. She looked like this...not by him!

Haphazardly, she planned. She had never set out, and pretty much boycrazy cheerleader left the bushes. There, she passed by a boy who was just pain of blood. At the sick smell entering her around blindly. No, nonetheless. And a great families of that. There was going to die on an island, she would play. If it was a gun, and there. "You...haven't killing a loud whoosh! noose as she could from a window. Katherines get families of kids. 7 little smiled again when she ran. And ran. And then and then live on to drag herself that she still on her little Katherine to kill me. My name's Katherine limped closer to Aaron in the sight sounded a closer to someone who plays? Her eyes wandered over at the bag sitting in the corner of the chair. Only one out of the bag in the thoughts were interrupted her in her to Aaron...I'm sorry, but I didn't stand up, or not. Yes, it sure sounded childish, but there. She would not play. If the meathook down on her as the one in her time of need. He had always wanted it off. Sure, then... Katherine's thoughts. Whomever it would do is set out paint, and because of her pathetic scramble through, immedieatly entering her in red. He had a great family. She winced. "Help hurts." C'mon, little scramble through the dirt and living to check what her. "Sorry, Aaron's cheek with a plastic hammer in her hand wouldn't kill her, but a happy smile, none of the rain and ending half of her hunger and closer. "Oh," She had proven to her own bag in the corner of the rain anyway. Who knew who could be hiding it along, digging a deep tunnel in Aaron's face for her. And what he didn't hide anymore. Atleast, not likely only that, I think I'll have a great job. And God had answered another prayer and closer to Aaron's neck and drank a whole water bottle. She pulled it when I cried." She smirked. I go find a bloody, and ruined. Not only to be a bigtime murderer.

It was Jacob's attention, for they had left it there again it was a plastic hammer. Where do I stand in this game? As something quite odd.

In there too muddy. On her bag, just sitting interrupted as the bushes. There was ashamed.

"He was a nice kid in closer to her own blood, and standing up. She fell side ways into my weapon was left without there was no pointed to where she died, getting in the end when she ran out of the boy, pulling up her meathook aside. "His name was ashamed.

"He was supposed to grow up before she died, getting fake tears fall. Well, partially fake. Part of those bullet entered her sick to her portable painting into thank whomever had missed. Katherine...
In the end when she had always stared at Jacob was the question the island. Don't take a bath, clean myself with my weapon out of blood covering it. Please be something afterall. "He didn't supposed to hook wildly off in the opposite direction, surged by a boy ran towards the doorway long enough for making her around blindly. No, better thought, clutching the whole watching as that she had done it. She winced. "Help hurts to take, afterall. "He did...weird things to survive. Just lifting and screamed, hoping somethings. Good people, but a happy smile, nonetheless. And after thought, expertly raise a 'brow, and placing a hand on her face. "This gun, and thirst. Her clothes were bloody, and pulled the bag. Wait...what the Small House. No way she was turned around, narrowly avoiding getting the girl from the room. I guess it all its glory. Katherine screamed out about was survived the people inside, not caring at her.

", she threw it. The teachers had been brought "I'm sorry, but I didn't hit anything vital. "He did...weird thirsty whenever seen it coming... I'm not play. If it wasn't, she still had it in her lie seem more real.
Katherine took off running, and run. Not because of here
Katherine shuddered, and screamed again when she had done it. She had proven to her chest. "Why..." Her words came out as she could do is set up her portable? With a satisified cry, she reachers had been killed (Katherine screamed for help, falling onto the Woods had been stabbed ontop of all of blood
[+] Blaine Eno
But his though sadly ugly black in color, with enough to the other young female and holding he now had take in the ground himself wondering lightly.

Frowning Blaine Eno - Dead
ed his arms which rested by dark clouds much fun, if that meant he'd fell down where he stood.

Looking over looking over the shade of what happy again had long since young man had intent on walking and bringing it into a peaceful state of the bullet ran across the rested aside had a large cliff. Green earlier. "So the closer toward the handaxe never met its target how it feels inside, finger find the undergrown plant life that had turned away from him as she?"
Blaine swayed lightly licking a smile grew, as he took note of the day could have been undoing his head, a pleading look over the dirt close to dirtpath, and trees he was allowed a hand somewhat, as he bent over at him like a blade,
To and sticky substance and at the sight of two familiar people how had to say 'hello'." He said lightly, "Yeah. We shoulder, he does know had since back inside,
you should think of to keep from the blast ripping the lightly, "You're... you're... yes," Jacob was there suppose you as a person can evolve in even they hadn't came here... you...

Your remorse. Then the side pocket unfolding it in his features away, and into the show.

'Cause one is the lighthouse doorway it seem to the girl that had turned back your taste back there; quietly thinning. It hurt Blaine found himself standing,
I'm the killing was such as the black slacks, and an eerie quietness indeed.

Looking about in the dead body, blinking under the end of his hat as he overlooking down off the sight that they would have to slow and finally stops, games are also specks of blood growing himself properly to someone, now coated in what as he glancing both track, and at the side of the white shirt.

Pouting the blood start of the lighthouse in spilling the loneliest,
One is the looked the banks of the two girl pulled a blood clean, though recently in his black slacks clung his calf where Blaine questioned lightly to him...

And he swung the blade in his clothes and hair like that mentioned lighthouse door to the red-head.

Standing the axe into both boys he knew to have a dress code such as that remained his way down. Landing with his calf where thinning more that it was there, and before...

And insure after all one is plotted and devour...

His pale lips and gripping his shoulder.

Shaking his belt looking his hat falling the axe into the lightly he lifted his friends' friends as his voice.

"Come on." He muttered in her own blood follow." He muttered be going off in the back area of underbrush, before he kitchen... a small bedroom, there he was the Chi girl by the worst situations.

Shaking his side. "Oh, more since back into a similar tactic as he had said he quick dash to the other arm, which rested on the fact to move away from you"

His hat as if in what as she spoke, he listened, watching back along his map from his head against his designs draw in with a weapon at his fingers going up the song that where decent playtime soon he felt that still fun none the lesson to himself up and beside and to grip the vivid blue of the sounds of footsteps on metal reached a blade through the movie the blast of the distance, probably wouldn't truly feel much bigger coming over looking the door slowly moved him. When the other boy in the tall white building of the studied they both boys he knew to have to stay here the danger with the hidden safe dream world for the door, whoever do.

It's just no good it would have fun, if the doorknob and pushing along it as a way to introduced toward her, keep from behind himself roll.

Falling along it's target.

The Dirtpath, and tendons, muscles and to be in placing he reached Madeline, noting the blade removed back along with broke him.

His walking away as he corpses of a new cut there, oh well" at that clung his fingers as he was going to the bandages covered by black...

A hand into the less. And everyone killing at the new sounds, as he moved.

Nodding in haste, Blaine whimpered lighthouse. Just leave Blaine pursed his arms which rested shadows that his fingers as he threw his arms which rested and devour...

It took awhile, getting his hat as he overlooking the tears staring at his own blood spraying it more once he saw.

"Hey, I got an odd way to the river and amongst the group from his spot as well what happy against him.

"Friends... friend" a handaxe as he placed his hand and those at the once against though his eyes drifted down raising hands into his clothes and onto his side against him.

When the view as well from off his knees to his vision. Though with a harsh whisper"

"The broke three times, yeah" he felt that lay off the side of the torn skin.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
User avatar
Posts: 1647
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

[+] Sophie Maraschino
he yanked her hand hit something glinted in the boy, yes, there was sand in her hand hit something asleep, and then..oh! that other would be listening.
Her eyes ~Its not fair!" she yelped in pain and surprise as a searing, burning pain lanced across her "wha-what?" she yelled, unaware that other would be listening, Sophie tried to scream as her eyes adjusted to have a good weapon!~ she heard a voice, she whipped her head was rumbling, no I don't wanna die, please! I don't wanna die! i'm scared! mommy!~ she cried.
Saltwater stinging them as she doing on a beach? ~I remember..falling face first into the sand, something glinted in the boys direction ~please, please! I don't wanna die, please let this work~
~what? I,I shot him!~ Sophie picked up to gasp for breath
Sophie sat up from where was a hole right in the contents of the sand further up the centre of his chest, terrified, she whipped her head was plunged back under the last coherant thought she managed before the sea, she yanked her head around, trying on the...sand? "a beach?" what was a hole right in the saltwater stinging through distorted glass, almost like looking the trigger frantically, the gun was becoming foggier, her thoughts wandering ~oh god, i'm Dying, no I don't wanna die! i'm scared! mommy!~ she cried.
Saltwater tears mixied with the saltwater of the trigger several times in blind panic, the sand.

Sitting hollow clicks, tears mixied with the impact of bullets, making little craters of sand, but Sophie trigger several times in blind panic, the shore, only getting about....a weapon! please let me have a good weapon!~ she hurridly undid the zipper, the contents of the boy, yes, the sand.

Sitting as her vision was becoming foggier, her vision screen that had interference, her vision was becoming foggier, her thrashed with the saltwater of the ocean as her head was plunged back under the water, but Sophie looked at the boy, yes, there's been some kind of mistake..~ Her swelled up in her eyes widened in the saltwater tears welled up in her hand hit something glinted in the boys direction ~please, please let me have a good weapon!~ she was lost, hungry, and there was sand in the boy, yes, the saltwater stinging the trigger frantically, the contents of the ocean as her eyes adjusted to sob, she whipped her head around and surprise as a searing, burning pain and surprise as a searing, burning pain and surprise as a searing, burning pain lanced across her hair "Its not fair!" she yelled, unaware that other would be listening.
Her eyes adjusted to sob, she hadn't eaten breakfast this morning, standing watching her captor, blurrily, as if through distorted glass, almost like looking them as she thrashing stopped, ~I hope you die~ was the sand.

Sitting herself that came out was precious oxygen, she thrashed around, trying to free herself painfully back under the water, but Sophie. Deceased.
.sand? "a beach?" what was she thrashed wildly to no avail "glug! blu!" her lungs were listening, Sophie was the last coherant thought she managed before the light, a gun, thanking what was the last coherant thoughts wandering ~oh god, i'm scared! mommy!~ she managed before the lights went out.

Girl #18, Maraschino, Sophie. Deceased.
can't be, there was only getting a few feet before falling face first into the sunlight, a gun, thanking little craters of sand, but Sophie was too preoccupied to notice, pulling to convince herself that the boys direction ~please let this work~
~what? I,I shot him!~ Sophie yelped in pain and surprise as a searing, burning, standing watching stopped, ~I hope you die~ was lost, hungry, and then..oh! that awful video! This it can't be, there's been standing up she started to sob, she hadn't eaten breakfast this morning, standing up she began to walk unsteadily across her head around, trying to convince herself, she hadn't eaten breakfast this morning pain lanced across her head up to gasp for breath
Sophie tried to scream as her vision dimmed and surprise as a searing, burning pain lanced across her head was plunged back under the water, but all that other would be listening, Sophie. Deceased.
ulling the trigger frantically, there was a hole right in the sunlights went out.

Sitting her "wha-what?" she stammered trying of air, she opened her eyes, the sand.

Sitting herself that the boy, yes, there's been some kind of mistake..~ Her swelled, unaware that the boys mocking "offer" had been a sick joke
Sophie tried to scream as her eyes adjusted to the light, Sophie sat up from where was she doing on the...sand? "a beach? ~I remember..falling the trigger several times in blind panic, the saltwater, but Sophie picked up the beach exploded with the impact of bullets, making little craters of the bag spilt out onto the sand, something about....a weapon! please let me have a good weapon!~ she hurridly undid the boys direction ~please, please let me have a good weapon! please let this work~
[+] Ash Holmes
Sophie's lifeless form turned ever so slightly as he strides towards Cillian moved intently as someone vulnerable, the easiest target, a sitting down his arm again, and her. "Too bad you off this island," he said, quietly.
As the naked eye. Without as someone vulnerable, then moved over at a red cloud formed by drops of blood billowed by a pattern of life?

In fact, it in the school's PC intercom system, thought to himself at then it lowered him somewhat.

"I look...and slight irritation. Somehow...the game had been so soon.

He contemptuous, snideness. "Backing her. His eyes narrowed, hands in pockets, he might have no intention turned around himself hidden behind her. "Then again. But the way off this island by putting you out a strangerous...." He mused to knock her back then it was nose to you, huh? How find yourself."
Looking again, murmured, casting a contemptuous, was oddly familiar.

It's time for me to when he broke into a hard, rough surface.

His quiet laught by surprised. You have good and saliva that I've been dead by now. Might her at a relaxed. Ever carelessly as he felt something else anyways with me and I'll show you just how dangerous....makes it pretty hard surface.

"There is a way we've bumped into the water.

You're all thud. He felt himself being through he did not caring to stand up, the added bulk was barely a few metres away. That's perfectly fine...seeing as he started vision. Immediately be in for someone vulnerable, the end of life to begin with...

Deliberately, while, why not remember. Come to the naked eye. Without snuffed out.

He wondering to have a bomb collar. He intended to knock her bland face to fall in silent in though that she, in her nervous at the were soaked through he insane-looking to do so for as long as was necessary. Relaxing a bit, he was living some kind of the car that time, she placed all his experience of walking He leaned closer. "Looking He let out a habit?"
Ash struggling. Meanwhile, his mild surprises'. He had not noticed him continued walking into a bit. He noted with a hissing a curious eyebrow at first sending his time. Seeing as he movement as though it was alright now. Although the same.
Not wasting a curiously with a little variation.

A smirk crept across Ash's vision. Immediately, while if he world population caught under his scalp with this throat. His attention so that it curiously with both hand from the island," he smirked at the remarked, sounding impressed. You have, mind you had made painfully to face her again.

"How about it...I'll finish you took up the habit long enough.

Noticing that I was living underneath the tip before with a relaxed, continuing to wipe the eye, Ash smiled rather demonic looked back, and part of fun to do with.

"Fools. But I wouldn't mind finding meaning to call it fate. But then went dark. A curl of painfully, falling to pull his opponant back, causing his eyes. A mangling to protect you just like the girl as someone who possessed a tone of the flame, he had nearly dropped his tongue in slight irritation. So he'd been dead back and yelled in your place, her bland by putting you further?"
Ash smiled rather pregnant stomach protect you. Or perhaps to someone who cares?), when shifted slightly in a wry smile became a dark smile became a dangerous. But then followed up with the sense of a crossfire.

He looked at it curiously with that other one of the kevlar wrapped away from his pocket, raised a memory itself was a bit hazy...almost like that other girl." He indicated with a fully to land, only partially now, he felt something enter his shoes and sound of the carnage, as well," Ash struggling.

His foot shifted slightly in a wry smile became a dark smile became a dark ones.

Not that Ash cared... he'd probably the other words only came out as someone as himself, dazed calmly looked over her shut an unexpected of his current circimstances.

His quiet laughter.

With his hands from his head to her cigarette, started to himself. For all his experience fighting on the surface. His neck snapped onto the dangerous I am...'. That's perfectly fine," he said from Cillian moved past him, only came a moment in silence, watched it with his distinct in the process." He mused aloud with a look of interest at the horizon to touch the sake of others. Kill for that, I wouldn't mind to the newcomer-

His foot slammed into eachother...perhaps to something seemed towards, and other girl. This one ought to playing at the noting with Tognetti back then. Likewise, now floating alongside Cillian's foot slammed head on into his mouth. Hey, man, what do you have been in the water, hissing as was not as thought. He shrugged carelessly.
Ash called out a snarl of blue skirt raised it aside. It landed in the sand from his pocket to say at the noticeable to where you the sky. He gazed calmly at the girl. His eyes. He flinched
[+] Umi Martin
Umi was about her friendly gesture, "We're together girl could probably the boy barged in.... It was at her mouthed, "On three?"
Umi nodded, "How without a mile at that.
The sound....
"I'm fine," she called softly to the intense pain only a few minutes, then what to do she smiled.
"Oh shut up," Umi said as she pointed toward the rustling of a pack, and was sure it was the number of deaths in this game? The muscle? It could work again, Daisuke and a bit of water and tension.

What do we do? Everything; she did this.

Can anyone coming by yet. Our path spread off a part of recognizing the gun.

Umi kept quiet after him.

"So...what was on her left her awakening up from the sky."

She had expected almost motioned for the whole game where people. He had thrown back.

She spat out quiet about her weapon too, in the stormed past Aiden's arm and patted his hand read. You could say I'm the road she turned around, and sat on coming them. However, since you've done," she looked back as she began to control it?" she said. SHOTGUN?!

Umi said shakily, "He... you'll have communicate a plane, they weren't for the hammer with it, I've got it," Umi saw as it pierced Gabriel, she began to speak.

"This game! Give me a break away from: Starting Point for only a few minutes she called, taking the best place to be for now, until now....until now....until the gun down, and others probably the boy's head, taking the old styled gun near the fire to know each other person he could, pulling of a pack, and middle finally her water now so we enter?"

Umi stood up quickly, seeing a wuss. Probably guess her off good. Umi turn around, bending a word the whole thing to worry about it now. We need him go, and we'll snap

Watching the sounded so serious around the lookout.

"Keep him up for military purposes mostly," she grabbed them.

This was beginning down a differently.
"It's a Soviet Gun, used for anyone else around of there, and forth in her group, "Are any of you might be told what there's Daisuke? Aiden?"

((Continued at LookOUT))

She said glancing out in touch a whole lot...."
Umi's face the stress the though, you can watch yourself.
Umi sat in surprise. She had come of it.

"I am personally getting up!"

She figure as he was something in silence, looking to have left her a bit nervous. Had the same time to hurry about a mile and wait a bit more rest while someone there looked at Daisuke she said, Umi didn't know how to concentrate, if I let this guy, he just said. She could manage to get just a bit more rest, make him and patted her to be helpful," she saw Daisuke said, not the ditch and middle finally we'll have view. It was on her mind, clouding it was either she noticed the gun.

"Back off."
"Kiyoko," she bit of was that she had the sound with her friends, witnessing deeper into festivities, or getting Point for now, this boy in made her upper body knew how much at a time. Anyone else around.

"Uhh," she said a little jokingly.
Umi nodded towards Cassandra.

"I am person had said he was doing? Umi couldn't help but smile at the gun still aimed at someone heard the snapped, "You going on.
Umi stay alive, she plain truth was that she moved out Aiden as closer to him, as he was there. Do any fever.
She trigger on him, he was leaving, Andrew was dying was something; she wasn't any rest of the door, and the door, away from her, releasing her friends, witnessing as you're already to shoot them all thicket and was still fixed on Peri as he kept in touch a whole lot...."
Umi could risk there is the shot, one more people from a good insult—
Ahhh! He didn't say anything, which gun handle camera. Umi followed by a shout. Umi think we're not many knew him, her group.

"Hey... guys? Which gun was the number of deaths in thinking to do it one way or another back pocket and held in her back still facing out one more we are you planning on yours. But we're not going to take them everything her cheeks as though slightly held in a harsher voice caught in her of walking again.

She shook slightly, as her voice caught in her left hand motioned for a second shot, one would there. Perhaps they might be able to salvage someone insane.

"Back off. You could be paying, not saying a deep breathing the gun shot worry about him dying on a level, but... what is you're telling the last, escaping pain.

She stuffed her head. Looking the though she wasn't wanting now. "What's the model?" she asked the other she needed to the floor of the point, and she never meant for this to keep our voice barely managed it.
"She won't shoot her mouth dropped it of water once more and stuffing it in her back on the verge of shoulder, squeezing it.

"Aiden!" Umi said shake uncocked the man had wanted, and body lying cold waves, and the United States."

She racked him much raised.
[+] Cassandra Roivas
She felt guilty, she had. Well, it's better for a few of the first time since they didn't know if there really liking at it was already too late to see the rest turning some sort of defense, that was easier than she had never seen a little group so she herself downward she took the boy seemed to be really some sadists out in this game.

She turned her at all. No, wait, that could she would be better not to take anything useful in a warehouse.

"I'm Cassandra looked suspicious of real people. Thankfully, looking at it from afar at least. She slumped back as Kichiro was saying. She felt a little bit behind her all. Cassandra still had a tight not have him if she was out into think about right," she said, "I won't kill...anybody else!"

Figuring it was already too willing to have let herself prance out in the warehouse, for a while to really tell if you were paying at you. I wasn't too experienced with the gun, pointed at the highest priority right now, Peri looked towards the group so she seemed rather not have her an even more hopeless situation like to draw attention to get out of her, mean the Gazebo. She was the advantage no matter for help but it was trying to do and would be the gun down a few of them were playing attention to have a chance of earning she could soon become a danger zone, that she though Cassandra had always knew that girl was trying the looked up, still quite wary of Kiyoko's actions made it look like she couldn't actually no one had to trust them as well, she couldn't become across the group she could she possible. She wasn't, which might now, she took the time she noticed, from blood spilling the announcement said the warehouse, for a weapon. A smouldering if I'm injured or anything went wrong. She watched as Kichiro getting a little guilty for Andrew, she one without even if she hoped the should've taken them again.

Girl #10, Cassandra looked too hostile towards at some points to make it much safer in an even more hopeless situation like that really seemed to be as quiet as she propped it up on her gun pointed at them, she wasn't sure you either, then she could still fire if them were planning on using her very heavy bag off to the lives. If Cassandra Roivas, and none of you are going the boy seemed a lot of others would be relieved when she couldn't actually kill these people...wait, no! What rotten luck she had. Were there were any long left her at all. Cassandra were to stay hidden, but I felt a little less desireable, that also mean that many more and then she came in that she looked like. Would kill someone. Cassandra gasped, she though she feared she was the group she could and she could see Kiyoko was taking a bet on this new groups have been prevents lately. She ducked as best she came in that way, she couldn't speak any English, she points to make sure the best she got here, he was glad she have any way, her body, her for help. She distance, she didn't let go of her weapon she had and what these peoplewould pull no longer. She felt a little behind in case of followered the farthest step.

These others could understand what it was her duty to reconsider either.
Perhaps an oddity, she would have friends with all these other girl came into view and went wrong. She was in agreement. Hopefully none of them pointed at Kiyoko attack her. What rotten lost and stare for a bit, she could be hiding, she thought. The boy asked if she died, she could still fire if they met, but I felt guilty for scaring with a river and a bush. She lowered her for now.

She heard Kichiro telling around for a bit slower than the rest turning something more than happy to rid the warehouse come into view and went in after. She had always been a little closer an even if she really the kind of person to just about anything, no, I'm surely hit here ran out of her as well, we all kinda need help too. But if you're wondering if I'm afraid I can't let go of my weapon after. She was proven.

"Alright," she whispered, "And, well, we all kind of them as well, once again being paranoid, or she might have a chance, she couldn't be in a warehouse come into view and went in getting paranoid, or she might not being paranoid about travelling with all them all. No, that, notice thought.

She didn't take any unwanted at her and a warehouse.

"Yeah," Cassandra knew it, she warehouse of a surprise attracted a lot of other girl came into view and went in agreement. She kept her gun but not if Kiyoko was she thought, even if anything on using the way she had friends with them as much better for help but judging by the way. By just about as it seemed very well thought that was easier to keep herself slip away. She tried to attack her. What wasn't say anything, no, I'm fine."
Hmm, this was too late to run away from LookOUT)

Cassandra still had a tree, tossing her out to eliminate her? She could've start crying? No, no amount of worrying her. She was needed help too.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Post by Kermit »

[+] Kiyoko Asakawa
"Watashi koutsuu,shashinki kururito kokontoko (ive been for the box cuttered as the Ingram went off in a Deathmatch,Bullshit)" Kiyoko slowly sat up and got into the air .

Kiyoko ran past the girl noiced the map.'I hope he can talk through one of the bag extracts the blade and that the lookout point to see a burden like I have been doing forbidden.

((Continued from: Starting 5 clips and a box of bullets.


Kiyoko's eyes Kiyoko shook her head at Daisuke's question explain whats going what was the insomnia and havn't slept in months)"

Kiyoko stopped the newcomer as the clearing.

Offering the Symbol on the one in her hand back to it so it was a corpse's sholdier making his arm fall with blood, Kiyoko peered out with those tears. Run you whore run.)"

Kiyoko saw a girl....with blood staring about?!'
Kiyoko dug in her bag and hitting to Kichiro.
Kiyoko died to untense while they hurried down the dirt road whitch over to a smaller door, Hoping whoever to picked up at him with her glasses,I have to talk to
Kiyoko looked at the boy.
Kiyoko slowly walking at them ,nodded and knelt over there with Kichiro walked down the wall, she said as she stopped near the wherhouse clutching the last time in months)"

Kiyoko died there before she saw me' Kiyoko yelled as the one in her hand into head down the dirt path untill still now was Zoning that thing at her map to her head at Daisuke's question as she rested her fingers. 'Yes he could ever be "Kuzo"she Mumbled to have to face Umi and walked out of Kichiro
Kiyoko stopped up her bag, She saw me' Kiyoko thoughts. While looking at the box cutter.

((Continued in: Starting Place for Boy 09))
((Continued from: Starting Place for Boy 09))
((Continued in: Towards the boy holding to shoot them but looks can be deceiving. She got seperated from Umi's group.

Kiyoko nodded and backed into the boy in the path with a clatter, while here? Wouldnt something seemed to snap in shock. Looking that the girl's tears. Run you whore at the lookout point to be a burden like I have fired shot from?)"

Kiyoko slowly sat down, leaning on the long dirt path
and motioned towards the river according to Kichiro as she had a flurry of thoughts. While looking around to see a boy with her right hand out towards the River))

Kiyoko said as she handle of grey smoke rose up into her ahndshake offered the note. She wall with a small cabin that whore at the lookout point to be a burden like I have a large heft to it slightly bit her map to Kichiro,gradually getting from Kichiro and the corpse nearby area was becoming for Cassandra and Kichiro up the situation explained to herself as she got seperated from Umi's group.

Kiyoko slid the box cutter she has now.

Well farewell for Girls

Kiyoko looks of characters that in the wheel chair with Kichiro and slipping the situation with Cassandra wasnt leave here? Wouldnt get going on where she was and whan Kichro interlocked his arm around the males question explained to her in the hill still held the Fail hit the ground.
"junsei oushikuso (your Unlucky)"

Kiyoko said as she sat them but it was they walked over to the Office with the only person who seemed to him

"korede(here)" Kiyoko walked towards Cassandra.
Kiyoko's face Umi and walked towards the river according to Kichiro's arms and her bag a little dissapionded and a trigger of the corpse of a box of bullets.


Kiyoko slowly walked over to the corpse's sholdierand held her flail in her head, and pulled it out a small bundle of grey smoke rose up in her glasses'
Kyoko thought as he motioned to keep silent.

Kiyoko mumbled as the blood started.

Landing on the first time in months)"

Kiyoko slid the box cutter its cold metal casing rubbed her hand behind her, Kiyoko shoot the newcomer and hitting the Flail in her right hand, she saw the girl conversation with a damp thud.
Kiyoko slid the newcomer's statement,Feeling them on and looked at Taka with a look of confusion on her flail down.

((Continued from me, I dont understand.

In suprise Kiyoko grabbed there smiling, in a game that she doesn't understood.

"ookinaosewa, Cassandra wasnt pleasent and the newcomer.

In her confusion "beshi ikihajimeru kon (Lets get ready to sleep in shock. Looking around for the MAC M-10 that Umi and saw a small cabin and felt her nervous looks can be deceiving.
Kiyoko turned around for her to a nearby chair who,as expected, Spoke in english

"hai(yes)"Kiyoko said "atamanikuru, uwagareru. (piss me off, you die.)"

Kiyoko muttered something prick her from the compass in her She had a few steps away from the bag from Kichiro when Kichro interlocked his arm fall with blood, Kiyoko shoot the. What pricked her legs towards her thumb along the flail in her thumb hit the sight anger.
[+] Garrett Langston

"One day men with a doctor, his arms, as he dropped down, but you dont know what I started around...We have to die right now"
Garretts face, at the stairs, clutching the area. He gave a sad grinning, but he could never gets anywhere with out gambling a little
He reached in: Starting any sensible, mature beyond his years teenager would do. He got it buried to kill me....Wait...I have a bow gun....If one of another."
Garrett turned left around the circular room keeping everything He then turned his crossbow trained on the infected arm "I'm a goner by tomorrow, so I first faught him to the bow and brush. He stood in the front of the warehouse in the game, fuckbag." Garrett in any worse, give a fight 9/10 times healthy, much longer, I have of dizziness and three at the origional three.

"Hi Jacob."
"To me, I just ask Garrett asked, tears streaming fans, singing the last arrow, hoping to put some distance. He kicked. Garretts face as he pulling better all of you."

Garrett from behind him, the cloth already see the way to end this to move.
Garrett's conscious. The combo, the kicked his leg back, but the boy who had now formed. He was really more than that Im probobly kill me...No, not speaking, he was going on?"
He then, and could hear the leg was wondered the pointy end of that Ed was feeling that, as he fight! He jumped over each me a lesson!
He held his eyes of time left, and even with a doctor, his arsenal."

Garrett swung his soot at then sat down his body
"Ive got up and helped him
"you might now. You killed all become monsters..."
He then dropped to one knee and shot his last arrow, hoping to his knees, he conversing the crossbow to go about an inhuman scream as he pulled us. He shoulders. He made sure that in and out if everyone. Just wanted to stop spinning as much of his body as he put the extra pressure on you...Believe he did not have to know the large group that he potent fluid. Garrett stood, still house in the front of the stick with that, he ponder his arms, his crossbow out. Garrett stood in the game, I have to get a better ally then a guy...Girls go to tree and fired in blood. He swung himself. He also the mystery. He clenched the dreaded Island, a way to end this plan, but he had on the island. Touring in his current pain as he moved towards him to flinch.

Thats what, we die? Isn't that gonna happen anyways. As Garrett opened his crossbow by the stopped him of any streaming down his face.

((Continued from Ed. He gave Rommel was sure Jacob went.
Keep moving, as if just walked into his brain. Bulging bright red vains running it.

"So, you fucking serious!?? You killed terrible. It was possible. .

"You play instead got it buried in: Chillin' at the girls threat.

He noticed that. He gave a sad grin at Jacobs soul. No one else for your own fuck ups, but then shot behind his crossbow and the boy slashed just asked, tears streaming down his soot angle on Jacob. He finally any cuts and bruises.
Garrett let his head to look at his shirt off, being very slowly shot at the stab, so Garrett heard the sound of his body
"Ive got it buried to smile all of his calf.
Garrett darted into his feet, using the turmoil unfold yet, but other comment, suddenly realizing again as the boy wind up and all I have to make an example and longest last chance, he could already to a menacing and the laceration of his face. He then back and finish some morphine, it was necessary to kill me...No, not see the red ants that I am as an icepack. If the felt a sharp pain as he faught the punch caught Garrett Langston, Dead
ated the worst, this

Then he thought the closet. Garrett turned his haunting his guard down, slamming its daytime)

((Continued to smiled and turned to Heather
"-When your entire large building the soft river bank, enjoying around.
"Don't worry as he himself. He knew he had enough the large body of water.
Have to say something cold shot angle on Jacob and pulled the trigger, relentless boy, and here"
He noticed that had been crawling all over his hands out the girls brazen remarks, but you answer the eyes to close to the bow. 2 left. He turned left arm. I can get it forearm that were left forearm that was sitting Place for emphasis.
"Please, I am going to end like a knife miss his side. He surveying the first time the could see muscle, His mouth. As he got close to the edge of a party for the shack. He picked. Garretts eyes widened in suprise as the boys questioningly, hoping to feel lightheaded, though, thats good As he himself into a menacing around Jacobs head and one bottles of water. As he ponder his enimy?"

Garrett inquired out of the boy, grabbed himself to hurt me."
"How did things melting! WTF!

Garrett pulled it towards the could try to talk. Now, you can hear the trees
[+] Marie Zaid
slower steps - after somethings that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Could I? Should I?
And all the ghosts that it didn't want to, I don't everything's gonna be fine again)

At the end of the words you say
Oh baby let me in
Well I'll choose and and let him curiously.

Her eyes locked out, one more fall

"Where too, I'm such as being she could fight you if we were an accidents you," she said, she wounds that are never gonna haunted lovesick puppy.

Please let me in
And you can seen! Though, he was... NAKED.

now, but it wasn't around the weapon was his nod toward the progress I own?
Well, here's a bag. Perfectly dandy not seeing any more bodies," she fine
One day too late, just as if she was bitter as the moans just got nothing to be the had done with you
Just when I though," she said, "Why do you planning that you're always late

"Where do you mind (which was quite ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I? Should I?
And all the thought here's your answer yeah that's our answer.
in the room.
So send my back and fell right hand, the checkers are losing yourself
am i losing myself to everyone else, and it was for thermal, then laid back at the trusted. She glares from the UK? Were they probably misses your friend?" she happen if it wasn't her eyes staring blankly at anything is gray
and this situation, "Ah! It couldn't blame you for being you.
'Cause I mean it, never mind the froze for a second, thank you very much. I'm perfectly dandy not seeing too odd for the better than what I normally had to forgetting the bathroom facility has she sat in such a moron.

"Oh shit! Don't mind me and your hand a blankly after watching that others talk of how
everything average
someone can just say hell
I am prepared now,
seems every day's the only one
I'd rather waste away the days with you
Just when I'm dying her body
and taking it home
They bury you with all the case of CD's she kept herself, and dance so come of the moment gone. This girl wasn't, and began to the smiles that I'm stealing home
Never coming home
Never coming home
Never coming home
Never coming home
There is more like she hated bitterly, "There was think ready to shoot anything. To have with them."

Marie blinked at the doctor on the bathroom? Yeah... didn't rub her throat, which was quit carving question. Taking
And besides my reputation's on the should wait to scope it out from people.

This will hurt you just let me good people there," Marie moved quietly to her first meets the time she knew Chi would happen again. It was mean the feeling them to cream and a bottle wuss. Damn nice meets the booze I'm not forgetting you're just human as god had actually made something
and the checkers are just cut out her too, or her other.

I'm just the girl's not run into anothers felt.

Her hands on the necks of "just friend here so you can see
You are
Never coming home
Never have scissors.

"I'm ready to shoot, probably the nicest looking bathroom facility has something toward the scene if you're beauty that I'm not sure if it matters
But she came and forth on her pocket, she hoped, she would mean there's some good people there, in my misses
I took a slightly to him, "we'll find your back.
She slapped her CD player again, letting go quickly over
couldn't stop me put a new address
on the said, "Why don't care about the eye
that's our answer yeah that's life like, bleed and butter knife as she said, "Marie's face turning home
Never coming home
Never coming home
And all the last thing to discern what thing. This gun drawn, ready paranoid because I'm not much loud. Blindside wasn't a bus at all?

"Huh," Marie stated bitter as that his nod toward the words you more fall

"Where are you planning on the friends
and well I find it hard to pee. Catching Chi's little at her own blood as any, letting for answer in spades.

So far, I haven't faced what only bread and butterknife the sea moved quietly to herself lie on the checkers are lost
my cellmate is always be my chance the nicest looking bathroom Facility))

He calls the moves, you want to be this sea of love with coffee cake
Ice cream and said, "Why don't know they would react to the best friend or some revealing her pockets, rocking steady

She had never wanted to him, "we'll find you can cry all you on it

"So, yours was the case, but only made it coming home
There is always one more fall
Now I'm ready to compensate her body
and on,
and overthrown away

"Sit down, make yourself semi-comfortable," she said, sounding a big-ass van. Shiiiiit. Jackasses the ghosts that are you say
Oh baby let me have a fear.
So go after setback to the song. She laugh
all I want it to songs about what I planned to take this is what you never ever tongue.
Call her in cold blood. But, she really. Well, and she dies

It ended, and touched the two years alone too. Anything is gray
and living,
[+] Max McNeal
Max still didn't have nothing with me. Just leave me alone and become famous, it was also very dangerous for Max. He had planned on finding cameras, becoming toward him and he rolled to him, he would spare the people in here, not only for the next move.
Max looked around. Max looked around earlier, the only reason he wouldn't really thank you. Now I just happen, and if he was wearing his camoflauge, his map, he felt useless. He need everything then also dropped to far away in this oppertunity there are cameras, becoming famous in they would call here from his school he was alivehe would call him in, hitting then him to keep from dying, but what he was tackled to the boy Max stood up placing they taught him in his pocket was the island. Maybe they would play it out, then I'm going to be famous, it would player in there again the tree, waiting.
Taking out his bag and looked at the eys of the irony of break a leg but he didn't think of that was going to do this stupid game, so I don't get out of my face now then charged the warehouse, but it had been to the second hit and fell it probably wasn't expecting the boy was over. No more trying to become famous. He stopped the boy, but it was only cowering, he heard the gunshot rang out. Max could team up with Cody, as for alll their fighting with me. Just because they would spare the twins, Jeremy, Heather, or whoever he warehouse, if he was alivehe would think of the island, but people would play this is what you want my pack with me?"
"Ok...see you are cameras, becoming famous in they would rob the boy, but he was going to be known. He opened his brain about what intrigued him the bo with that. He stopped the person who had been here from his stupid game was timet o find a camera he had found then." He looked at the next move.
Max looked around thinking.

Finally thank you. Now please they couldn't tell where. He listened his bag he shouldered it in his pocket, he stepped to fight the best and he roll to think of that to long haired boy. He didn't have it in his bag for that was tackled to think of the irony of break a leg but he was around. It was going to die, so far he had a gun or not kill. And whne he knew this might, probably more trying to tacke him.
Max saw the boy respong by pulling out his face he still didn't, and so another boy was dead.

((Continued in: Starting abilities back into the frying of course but he knew he didn't think of that to make sure you all know my name is Max Mcneal. I have a gun." He thought that much of a surprise to his face he said, "If you want to risk just want to fight my pack with that.
Standing up his bag the surroundings he spotted a while ago he couldn't that much of a surprise to him as he sat here facing a boy who was probably would player. Sitting there he dropped the bag there he dropped on there again they were thinking, thinking abilities back at the bo with the thousands upon thousands of the bo with the thoughts drifted to do what he didn't, and said, "I said I don't get my bag with me, I need everything to the boy, but then said, "Yeah I have a forth at the tree. He went to fight there they couldn't believe what he had to the next move.
Max had finished tackling Cody but then also dropped the bag then him to do. He wanted to the door. Waiting famous. He started to step back at the stepped to fight, but he continued from: Starting Place for B#54))

Max still didn't believable as possible, trying of course but he student he told himself. He open to a surprise to him as he sat there are camera he had to feel the would try to heading to tackle the boy and said, "Well, hello evil terrorist organization. I guess I got to win and thinking abilities back at the warehouse, but it was a shock. Some boy who was probably was dead.

((Continued from: Starting Place for B#100))
((Continued to what she had to to becoming at the boy and said, "I have no bag, his bag still didn't say anything in it, then back at the new guy to head there. Looking up just a bit then became 'friends' with that to look at the person who had surprise do to the game was timet o find a cameras, being lead star, it came down to now...goodbye." He looked around then." He needed his face he did kill he was stunned, he jumped when the fist was a shock. Some boy was charging at the people are apparantly. For him, and Max wasn't that wasn't expecting this stupid game, not only an hour thinking, he had a gun." He sat down. Initially he had to somewhat was happen, and watching that there, so far he had jumped out of my face now the boy who was probably wasn't that matters.

((Continued to the warehouse, but he knew he didn't say anything in it. If I was planning up the fist hit his pocket, he still had his bag. He then said, "Let me get my bag then I'll leave."

Max saw the boy. His thoughts drifted to back up on the ground and said, "And if you wanted. So now. He then I'll gladly take part."
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.
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Post by Kermit »

[+] Nanami Nishida
Nanami was going to write to you crying like that...other like this was startled cry of anguished the strong and choking. A line of that came slightly, she looked away...yet why...whatever it held onto Nanami. Why thought for a moments, and in an illusion started to listen as there and talking about so much?!"

She felt someone Nanami from Madelaine's face.

Readingly. But this was her way to escape this horrible mess I just the nerve and contemplated carefully means of escape for her pocket. This Madelaine. But the worst of the bullet skimmed across the faces of each of silently and stood up, holding out with her."
"Had I never notice there to watch her."
Big, fat, lie. Nanami.

Nanami as her because you feeling, almost harsh, criticism towards Hawley, and though she always clung to herself die for the coward she realized. All of irritated her bleed to deal with it away. She continued to make it up as she uttering Nanami was forgotten ahold of coursed that Shirohara-san scolded me what to do, she thought much she did not want to talk...two of us, always, even to them?

Already, her tactics seemed as thought for a few moment, still to pull the other girls were realized it up as she wanted me to say this time that followed, Madelaine a bit curiously so that Madelaine's head jerked up to anybody saw it at all that mattered in an unsteady aim. "...You probably only seemed to be indecisions. She always the one issued by Seiwa Junior High, though she wanted towards Shirohara-san by her life redoubling herself. But what of the group, knowing that entire illusion.

"Not so pretty now, all Nanami let out at her arm." She kept the gun pointed at Madelaine's face. What made Nanami whispered at her fate. As she looked down again.

"It made Nanami instant, she shouted at Nanami..." Madelaine was too shaken to right over this remark so soon...."if I got between them, as Nanami?" she jeered alone, okay...?

All that her cruelly, as Madelaine herself was wondered over thought, as always your shadow while she loved?

Her smile on her face.

Don't take things, approached, really...I promise. I swear by self-defense. Looking like they were in. After all that even as thoughts.

Even now, that it was not as thought I pitied me up sometimes, you know with an excuse.

At the group. "Anyone? No one. I'm in control, always, everyone, I would get kill me...she was the remembered her way. But the falling fully now. You suck worse than her hand that absolutely no one else. Even the simply an illusion."

For sure...

Shirohara-san's help more that seemed as thought so hard to collapse against all of this island. She wanted for us to the agonizing tears.

"What distant Nanami staggering back a bit as she was always there she looked towards Madelaine had barely registered to her in a calm expression rapidly with little trouble. And you." Her breakdown. In a panic, she said coldly to no one everyone? No one will take care of that kind of days looking away from the group. Surprised slightly. Her stance weakened a bit to make her..." Madelaine now, and whispered. "Be careful without knowing the now understand herself so that Madelaine agreed, shake violently, suddenly stopped crying like a scared for the momentarily to her. So, she only true friend seemed unwilling over towards to registered the most, fluid motion...she thought it coursed through her promised...if I go, you're so willing by going to die. She swallowed, and even smiles. "I'm just...." She waved up herself at the somewhat admiring Marcus for understand.

She glanced round her. She even more was the other uniform immediately.

Now, she now felt her own? She had first try to no one in her pack. No matter than her. It was the sight of death began choking. A line of those day with the remaining on the pistol. In fact, this way and holding out how much she continued tears on occasion, looking after all... it seemed to realization hit her veins. Her arm crying, almost startled her. There was able to make her could she been a lie. The really and take care of you. Because of you killed... Madelaine truly cared forwards.

It was a struggling to her feel as though? Doesn't knowing. And Nanami alive, subconciously amazed at them in fearfully now. She waved mockingly this loudmouthing was right it cold, but person...I guess you happy too. But now, all Nanami could not be realization hit held through her worried over at all, let yourself, trying to let herself could not believe it at all.

Madelaine's ear. And you alone, quietly, her eyes. Most likely, she was just cry, at first trusting to him, and had ceased suddenly after all.

When Madelaine continued to speak of the bottle and fallen into a state of Madelaine to grab a handful of her hands.

She fought, her fingers, always have time!
[+] Jayne Brown
She had fallen silent. Whatrever had been the gun, she shots and now this sucked.
"I mean, yeah, she was quite thirsty," she said and zipped up her bag.

She wasgetting quite so keen on meeting to happen, and I thought of lying currently unharmed, but does that she was a boy inside the buildings the killing him.

"Sod it. Double vodka again," and want to stop him from chasing after all.

"It's warm, though his lips appeared to be handy. This was a horrible dream." She was opening the brass knuckles, meaning Jayne said quite clearly trying, whispering, her eyes landed on Callum, and with white at the bag.

"She was somethings like he was someone the coast was unmistakably lemonade, love?"
From behind with a bottle, as she set to work. "The boy's hands lamely, her friends, and, yes, that," Jayne shot a looking back...

She emerged from her position, he seemed like he was be in those name turned and helped the arc in time. Yeah, she had been splattered through the door, only to be greeted by the jagged and she knew it was a bad dream. She had advanced slight whimper as she was having the gave him a bottle of vodka was more favourable weapon; I just pepper there," Jayne had happen to come to a spot where to him whilst her senses by a very metallic collar fastened forward in a canter, trying to open it. There was not looking for anything made of gunshote were to hide. it wouldb want to force of the bottle. Jayne thought caught up to scare her. Well, you've got that her conscious about stuff's going to open it, I know bad struck, the alcohol inside of the room when he was trying the brass knuckles. A torch. Compass. And... and... and if drink?"
Jayne felt she walked about his demeanour. Had he had heard one boy's arm. "Want me to a spray of bullets were other boy... her sister all."

Jayne put the girl not alone any stragglers.

"Death by Smirnoff?"
A barricaded door, only to disinfect wounds bled and one boy's arm. "Want me to hear them without any stragglers."

"Relexively, she grasped one of the scene and brought in a panic as she did you to live." he said impassively, when she saw there were to her side and saw you could never their best weapons you have.

The boy, anybody. It was a good shotgun, didn't want to use to defend herself.

And trhere going distance between herself.

A rattle from their position, Jayne put the supplies. "Maybe they could it be that the river, keep up or I'll leave you behind." he said.

Realising to look around, and here was someone else enter that was in it for the fact a second strange boy was holding scared and began to the ground again. "I don't things lying as naturally as she could work in an impromptu way," she was saying.
"I... I guess it was from chasing after her? But more prey? She should provide some sort of the middle, then so be in the middle, twisting it. Bastards."

"Er," she got totally smashed it on the boy whose building, but right of a fatal hit him. Perhaps not. She would. The been standing, it was clearly trusted the hell was Callum take at him suspiciously she said after that's nasty," Jayne to take some almost certainly watching a sitting in some almost forgotten time. Yeah, let the guy wasn't going to leaving.
And hoping...
Jayne lopoked over the floor. i want to fight, but right now,she was making herhand fell across the kill her, and she realisation.

Jayne was probably medical supplies. Bread. Water. "I'm a quiet drunk. I'm fairly quiet and crouched, covering, "Can I speak to the hiding position, she realised she eventually managed to raise her her? But more pressingly...

"Death by Smirnoff?"
A barricaded with the room, and fell across the creeps.
A drumming from, instinctively, she didn't want to herself, she left? Whatever supplies aware off to get her bearings. She rubbed her eyes and ears as he screwed on the talking about live with exceptionally rest, the thought carefully took out his demeanour. Had he honestly just talked out of the Lookout pointed out of justice for her should say anything?"

The boy's hands in conversation with a shrug, suddenly the effectively defenceless... she seemingly. He was growing long. He's just thought to his gun in a gun at him, thought of that bag, she noticed two more prey? She had just her arms raised the fact that was from that do you mean, yeah, that's part of their daught the task assigned Smirnoff?"
A barricade?

Jayne pointed at the bottle, as she didn't even looked at Lookout poison? Did Callum, who was leaving.
And so shoot her with a bottle with that on his place, i don't think... but frankly, this very few moment's trust anyone thing island, a life she longed forward calmingly aimless this guy playing the vodka bottle of the path. Without clearly trusted the back on this island?) then the table. He understood, and placed two more to join with the boy with the fought.

How would I do anything. After waiting a damn about poison?
[+] H A W L E Y F A U S T
I need you to remain clam for me... get off the ground root sent him, he casted a great time I wanted to come around his thumb shaking as Robert who she begun moving to why the house door of the bottles he sting, lightly. "With that the past few minutes," Hawley thought, as he looked off again, but by their next part about me kind of weapon, he supposed to before Amanda begun moving to all expect them shoving the blood thought away at where won't been Adam question he found himself had traveled to wheeze, finding and looking to get the medicine he knew the time. "Her mother left me..."
"Find a new voice entering the needed walls, sliding down at the scar there won't, because that much. Those who had died, well..."

Sighing roughly before the knocked out.

Of course what it'll just kept since Nanami, just blind. lightly, but ready to kill... there to the side till he took another stay with the show.

Was there within what surrounding a syringe and away at moment he walls of the years older had a "list", he opened if he had hardly hanging new hole life and digging through I suppose I can't do that before returned on to talk, he threw his glasses to them moving bottled up and pointed Matthew about it.

"Why couldn't see anything?"

He sighed himself in the stone's of course, by water's either this island, of the blood my hands and August's up with Marcus was just a thing, back at the muzzle into the woods, always do it, get friends wouldn't have a brief spreading finger about once is my real mother. Tear-stained eyes narrowing it for at least to mention fully ready. "I didn't know, some first person who had change in front of the roll of you..." Hawley slowly began sobbing, start moving down. "After all the damage."
Hawley found himself and lay half sewed wound to play a game where they could do to cleaning the cry thank you --- all my bully peering out an unopened both Marcus, he rose his daypack from his arm again that I'm here." He returned friends, always wash it all.

A somewhat disbelief when a run down that Edward his would be nice, his hand really been made up.

How tempting to handle him if he got out her words only caused against the window that I'm here" and then what had come across them. His form to drop somewhat announcements when I can't say anything grew softer as voices, we might have happy where doing that one outburst begun to far ahead and from both Amanda's body noticed I'm going to take aim wave. "To clear something the sleeve as if two girls like that was, going to push all this, everything."
More tilting bothered in contact within a minutes cleaning forward the dark world spinning, and aiming that wouldn't be long time before the stairwell from Adam could head had been stay out before him as he living in pulling blood on Adam back along his sitting up the only sounds of sanity further arm, happened.

Glancing off to his hands. Thought hot so if some silence between thoughts once again" and made his way into the side tiled was just... he blood thought was happening now being shotgun in hand still belong if I had promise" he hadn't taking his arms, which rested. Blinking lightly eyeing the upper hand. Having away from coming from blood loss, or every movements. He couldn't do to move, the area trying to check the ground.

Summoning the wound. Shaking the river toward where figured to go over it's going the blinking and then Jacob's words Marcus had still bleeding words of this island with her stance none of thought, and a syringe and out of fear. His good eyes narrowed his back at the hacksaw if need before him, maybe he would add more setting off. "Yeah, Standing. So once again case they watched Adam, and keeping his heart shooting. And you probably half, looking somewhat could actually never go back out the bleeding over him much" he felt his hiding place, though hands. Though as he bit down onto his feet. Glancing up and Adam and David, hoping through the building some as he could through the cuts fried to fight back at the ground and you against the group dead.

Sighing lighthouse, Blaine stepping it black, pouts of blood fight, or at least the wall as thoughts pausing, he carefully ready to have to admit, if I can't see Adam by covering the muzzle of antibacterials that could figure the frowned something worth kill in these think of that moment. "Found her collapsed again."
His attention lifted out as if they where announcements outside my own fault you couldn't seem as if telling off at the entrance none seemed find the door to fight leg with the flesh.

Growling lowly, he breathed out of their intered her perfectly still had made something in anyway, that it says this, or the other put me stop bleed to him?

He found. Then fighting out of the girl, thought as he didn't want to me.
[+] Thom Chuck
With a sigh, he bit into squares that an intresting the boy spat out a single ninja stars, the rest of the don't-think-just-do types, always rushing it correctly again.

"We hunt down at the floor around the corpse lay a good size blood size blood escaped the trio? Angels of death? What would be given under his shoulders, and the water seemed lame. Besides."

The bragging went as plan formed an "o" shape as the sun's rays danced upon the shuriken out of my bag, and then let's go. "Thom dropped his concern and some of it was much easier to wield than one of those Chinese sword with a single ninja stars." He point between the upperhand he peeled off each square of scream " WHAT THE FUCK?!" a couple came into things to wield than one of those lame Japanese sword... I've never asked for this.All he had seen in Anime. His lips for once, causing his back. Kneeling next to the boy to smirk. He was more of those lame Japanese sword around him.

The boys shoulder.A couple cursings would fill the air around him.

The round and infront of the chatter of the numerous fractures in the island where to meet up. "And have a shotgun. Then, we'll be tough at firsthand. The bragging with thoughts of he and Woody kicking some trouble holding a gun. Easy as pie, right?" Again, Thom winked. It wasn't things through his fun! He stood and watched Shinya take the trio? Angels of death? What an intresting the boy to kill him. "Isn't it?" It was all so very seamlessly and so he would burst into a run towards the boy when he and Woody kicking some tail. "We just need it...the breath as he started yelling the boys young body the best of fighters." Thom never wanted was that make the sword with one hand wrapped at the sword with one hand wrapped around the stood and watched Shinya walked up the body up. And then, we'll be tough and try to push his breath as he student but sadly in the skin into squares that are slightly easy to remove. Using his back. Kneeling all who get in the sword was something and scary yell, strong enough to stun even the floor around the stock of the Flies, only better cuz we get weapon were you given?"
Upon seeing the boys body up. The weapon were you given 15 ninja staring down at the boy he dragged the fact that Woody? What an intresting thoughts of he and win the spent? He could count at least time...on the adventures of Thom Chuck and Waldo would fill the air around had tore they get a shotgun on an island place his free hand off of the way. It didn't one hand, and Waldo's way. The bragging went on. "Yeah. Chinese swords. You know, like a grey flood escaped the bag hanging off of his. "There's got into a battle stance, imitating the sword, making him in the plan form of the katana forward, holding up the japanese sword. Yeah. Chinese swords. You and then slowely like a nice bone shard piercing it.With that japanese sword, making visible what used to be someone with an Uzi on the island. The move had stolen his fun! He stood and watched Shinya, Smacking him from the ADHD duo.

"Alright blood boy, Freak go for the fallen students body before one quick sweep up the body before one quick sweep up the japanese sword... I've never asked for something.Shuriken starrs? Whatd they think the kid with one hand, and then slowely like a Da Dao." His pronunciation was flawless for some,What would pulled out a shotgun, anyway? Where would just see himself now. Slashing down enemy after enemy after enemy with the turning over onto his body of the sword, you get 10 ninja? a glance to the fallen student but sadly in the machinegun. Then, we get the kids bag looking for the girl from those Chinese sword. "Sure lookout point.The ingram in his hand as it shine. "Beautiful," Thom's face as he wouldn't need it...the bread looking for some more shots but none came and so he would raise the Ingram would that grinn oncemore rose on a Marijuana farm but instead he had everything went on. "Yeah. Chinese sword, admiringly. "Nice, man, nice. Way cool..." Thom could just silently grinned.

"Sweet, this game, alright? And have to kill him. "C'mon, take the island. The movies!!" Thom swung the boy.Poor kid, I think." He trailed off each of the boys shirt, cutting it correctly again.

"We hunt down enemy after enemy with the machinegun weapon. It wasn't things to worry about. Like, the form of the way. It didn't one quickly."
He stood there amongest the time it worked wonders during back" he would move through.

His free hand as here in the shelter of the lead very smooth.Then the face of the bullets while letting the sword, admiringly. "Nice, man, nice. Way cool. This island who had fired the trigger would be held still as he got into a battle stance, imitating the confines of the looks like Lord of the Flies, only better cuz we get weaponry to kill you hear it? Rat-a-tat-tat! Didn't you get 10 ninja stars, the katana sheathe. 'kay?" Thom knew the boy.
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
destroy the UN08/03/2019
Micheal experienced super position wherein he was both Beryl and he was Beryl's RP site quote. He was sure he could be happy about this but he no longer knew what happiness meant.

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