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Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:49 pm
by Cactus
Adam felt the tension in the room go down visibly, and his shoulders sagged a faint sigh of relief. Still clenching his pistol, Adam moved over to the doorway and closed it shut. The hole in the door was awkward, yet served as an oddly fitting looking, should someone come their way.

He looked up his two companions and found himself musing silently as to what a motley crew this was. You had Hawley, the kid who looked like life had dealt him a bad hand or five, and who just didn't have any luck, or so it seemed. Then there was Alan, who from what Adam knew of him, wasn't too bad of a guy, but always seemed to speak scathingly of the homosexuals around the school. Adam himself wasn't gay, not in the slightest, nor did he have a problem with homosexuals. And of course, then there was Adam himself, probably one of the most optimistic, non-judgemental people in the school.

A motley crew indeed.

"So...being as things aren't looking too bright right about now...anyone got any bright ideas...?"

He then grimaced, and looked at Hawley.

"Oh, and uh...Hawley...sorry you, and stuff..."

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:49 pm
by Slayer†
"I don't have any bright or dim ideas, ask Hawley." Alan couldn't help but laugh inwardly. He had originally just wanted to get Adam to trust him enough so he could let down his guard, then he'd kill him and play the game. Now they had Hawley as sort of an ally, at this rate, he'd be heading a fellowship of half the class!

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:49 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley eyed Adam lightly, a sigh leaving him as he hopped off the counter leg having finally stopped throbbing in pain. Bending down and picking up his bags on the ground before moving back onto the counter. “I haven’t bothered with really thinking at all about plans,” He admitted quietly, but really what was there to think about? There didn’t or wasn’t a way off this island besides the one put before them; to kill and personally killing these two still haunted his mind, though he pushed it back.

“Oh, it’s no problem." He mused when Adam had went about saying sorry for shooting at him. "If Alan here hadn’t hit me in the head, then got my knee… I might have been the one doing the shooting. And you saw Helena’s body, I’m not that bad of a shot I do believe.”

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:50 pm
by Slayer†
"I don't think either of us want to test that theory. I'm lucky I got in the first blow, or I'd have a huge hole in my gut right now." Alan laughed slightly, it was hard for him to believe he wasn't eithe rdead or the murderer of two people by now.

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:50 pm
by riserugu†
"I was actually going to shoot you in the face..." Hawley mused at Alan, smiling some. "Makes for a better mess, would have got the point across for anyone else wanting to stop by here."

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:50 pm
by Cactus
"Heh." Adam chuckled a little. Inside though, his mind was racing. Something was beginning to feel very, very wrong here. Adam resisted every urge he had to jump up and run away, but stayed seated in his chair, making an attempt to join in the banter.

"So guys...a fucked up question I've gotta ask you both...but really come the circumstances, I suppose we're allowed...if you guys could get your hands on one person to ice, who would it be?"

Adam's uncomfortablity briefly showed through as he shifted his position, but he then resumed his calm demeanor.

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:50 pm
by Slayer†
"Yeah, but you didn't, that's what matters, right?" Alan said to Hawley, then answered Adam.

"Well, probably Hideyoshi Naoji, but that's just a homophobe's opinion. He doesn't pose as much a threat as Jacob Starr, Uriel Hunter, or Jon Tognetti. Strategically, I'd go after one of them first."

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:50 pm
by riserugu†
"That's right."

At the question though, a thoughtful expression passed over Hawley's face as he placed the shirt against the arm wound now. "Hm. Depends on how many of the bastards I hate are on this island. Already took care of one, August Masbeth is another I remember seeing on the plane. So I suppose if I ever find her, she'll be something worth killing."

His eyes found Alan though at the mention of Naoji, he the only person that Hawley had placed any trust in thus far. "He's not to bad of a person, quite honest... I must admit."

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:50 pm
by Slayer†
"Good choice. She's not as bad as Helena was, but that isn't a problem anymore. How do you know Naoji?" Alan replied to Hawley, seriously considering the question.

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:51 pm
by riserugu†
"August was Helena's shadow, not bad really but she never did anything to stop her friends from what they did. And it doesn't help her matters she joined in them from time to time." He muttered lightly, at the mention of Naoji once again he raised a brow. "Had a nice talk with him a couple of hours ago..."

Though if Alan had his sights on him, inviting the boy to stop by if he ever needed a place to stay might not have been the best idea now.

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:51 pm
by Slayer†
"I see. I knew about the shadow thing, August is uglier than Helena too." Alan mused, trying to keep his guard up while having a friendly (if that term could be used) discussion about the students.

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:51 pm
by Cactus
Adam listened intently to the conversation, and sighed.

"There's one bitch who I wouldn't mind putting into the ground...her name's Lesley Douglas...but I don't think she's here. Oh my god, I hate her with a passion. Only person in this world who I cannot stand, you know? I'm sure you guys have heard of her...she's the bitch who started a fight in the cafeteria last year over a deck of know that huge-ass food fight? Four people got suspended?"

Adam shivered with disgust. He hated that bitch, for reasons that only he would know. Sighing, he sat against the wall, and listened.

OOC: ((I've gotta jet guys, so feel free to continue on...just say Adam dozed off or whatever...))

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:51 pm
by Slayer†
OOC: Alright.
IC: "Yeah, she was sick today, wasn't she? She wasn't at school or on the plane, so I doubt you'd have the chance Adam." Alan replied, just noticing Adam had dozed off.

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:51 pm
by riserugu†
Hawley shrugged, personally if he had to make the comment. He found August better looking than Helena, August didn't cake on make-up like her friend did, so you saw her instead of a mask.

As Adam began talking the red head found himself watching him, smirking at the older man's words. He could lightly remember the girl he spoke of... but had personally never encountered her. And he didn't remember the food fight, remembered hearing about it but not seeing it. After all, to avoid those bastards that tormented him he had taken to eating his lunch on the roof during that time. Hearing Alan he sighed, "Too bad, she sounds like she would have been fun to kill. Though I have to admit, Helena was quite a fun one herself. Tried to run after I got her in the gut, then I got her leg... and then..." He mused, taking a hand and making the form of a gun and pointing it at his head. "Bang, right through the forehead."

Re: Hospital encounter

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:51 pm
by Slayer†
"Must've felt good to see her beg for her life and then taking it." Alan mused, almost impressed by the way Helena had been murdered.