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Re: Not So Quiet Time in the Lunch Room

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:25 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Yeah," Sean piped in to supplement Matt's answer, "It's this really weird game where you can play as a tree and throw little trees to blow the crap out of people. Among other things, I guess."

He knew the answer was insufficient, but he was too entertained by what he was seeing to care. "Ha, I think I'll have to check this game out." Sean actually wasn't much for video games, preferring the outdoors, but his house did have a computer with pretty good internet. If he remembered correctly, his dad used to play World of Warcraft on it. He stopped a while ago, which was good. Sean sometimes feared it'd cut into his work, and that his father might lose his job.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's more fun to play than it is to watch. What's with the green dots everywhere, though?" Sean asked, pointing to a small map in the lower corner of the screen.

Re: Not So Quiet Time in the Lunch Room

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:25 am
by Sansa
Sara had left, somewhat abruptly, which left Mirabella with only Matt and Sean for company. They gave an explanation of sorts as to watch they were watching, but it made her more confused if anything. Trees blowing up...what?

No wonder she wasn't part of the gamer crowd.

Looking down at her lunchbox, she noted how little of her "meal" she had consumed, but thought that now would be a better time than ever to flee this place where her presence wasn't necessary and - she thought - somewhat awkward.

"Well. I...hope you enjoy it, boys. I'm sure it makes a lot much more sense to you then it does to me."

She gave the duo a small wave, and proceeded to pick up her lunchbox and satchel before leaving the cafeteria for a new destination.

((Mirabella Stong continued in She Taught Me How to Blind With Science))

Re: Not So Quiet Time in the Lunch Room

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:25 am
by BROseidon†
Sean was asking a lot of questions, and Matt was starting to get a little annoyed. He had just wanted to watch some League. The first few questions hadn't been that bad, and Matt had been okay answering them, but this was getting excessive. Maybe sitting here had been a mistake.

"Yeah, it's generally more fun to play than watch. I mostly watch when I can't really play. Still better than nothing, and I can watch better players and learn from them." Matt's voice was flat. Monotone. Disengaged. Maybe Sean would get the message, that Matt had had enough of answer questions and would vastly prefer to be left alone.

"The green dots are you allied minions. AI units that you can't control, but are on your side."

Mirabella had taken off. Hopefully Sean would get bored and leave soon, too, but Matt was pretty sure that wasn't happening.

Re: Not So Quiet Time in the Lunch Room

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:25 am
by MK Kilmarnock
If he was annoying Matt, Sean hadn't seemed to get the message. He was still pretty fascinated in what was going on on the computer screen, and made something of a vow to try the game out for himself. Even if he liked it, though, he wouldn't be able to put a lot of time into it thanks to all the outdoor activities he preferred to do instead. Sean never understood people who spent all their time sitting indoors and playing video games. That had to get boring pretty quickly.

"No no no, I mean the ones in the woods. The ones that aren't moving. There's just... green dots, and then sometimes a red circle shows up over them."

He at least figured out what the minions were. He was going to say something to Matt, but decided against it. If he wanted to learn, he'd limit it to questions only.

Re: Not So Quiet Time in the Lunch Room

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:25 am
by BROseidon†
((Holy fuck sorry for the delay here. Yeah, um, my b))

"Oh, those. Those are wards. They give your team vision in an area for an amount of time so you can see where your enemies."

Sean seemed interested to learn. Enthusiastic. Matt knew he shouldn't really be annoyed by this; he should have felt happy to spread the happiness that League of Legends had given him. Matt also knew he wasn't a particularly patient person. Matt was never the first person in the classroom that his peers went to for help, despite the fact that he usually understood the materially as well as anybody else. Frustrated. That's how Matt felt when people didn't understand what was rudimentary to him.

It was what he knew he'd be feeling if this conversation went on much longer.

There was still a decent amount of time left during lunch – a good twenty minutes or so. Maybe he could last that long. He could probably even cut out five to ten minutes early, some excuse about running to his locker to grab his books or something. That would probably work. Fifteen minutes didn't seem like a problem, he could last that long without turning into a tornado of sarcasm and vitriol.

"Wards are really good because of how they can save your life. If you see an enemy coming because of a ward, and you retreat as a result, you've just more than paid for the cost of the ward. Really good players buy tons of them and try to light up the map."