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Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:36 pm
by Laurels
Alba clutched the wound on the side of her chest. More and more blood was starting to pour out. Alba had gotten her fair share of scrapes and cuts from roller derby and general roughhousing, but this was a lot more blood than she was used to seeing. She could feel herself getting a bit weaker with each breath. Now it was clear to her: she wasn't supposed to survive until the evening. She was supposed to die today.

Fiyori had taken to firing at Kimiko and Jae while she was lying there. Fiyori was still doing fine. She had no clue if Kimiko or Jae were still alive, but as things were, it didn't look like the odds were in their favor. Alba was probably close to running out of ammo, and with her injury preventing her from moving, she was as good as dead as she saw it. The minute Kimiko and Jae decided to burst in, she would likely die.

Alba didn't have long to think, but a thought came to her. Fiyori could die here as well, and Alba couldn't let her friend die like that. She promised Fiyori she'd be strong, that she'd make the right choices when the time came. Now, as she was slowly bleeding out on the floor of some decrepit kitchen on an island somewhere unknown to mankind, the only choice was made clear to her. She had to be brave, and she had to act on it.

She swallowed a lump in her throat, and spoke.

"Fiyori," she began. "Get out of here. Please, just go."

Alba looked over and noticed a window in the corner of the room. It looked large enough for a person to get through it it was open.

"There's a window," she said, pointing to it. "I'll hold them off as long as I can. Just get out before it's too late."

Alba winced as she felt more pain. She looked at Fiyori and gave her a weak smile.

"Sorry, I don't think I'll last until evening, but I can try to stop them for good. Please survive this game. And... please tell my family I loved them."

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:36 pm
by Riki
Fiyori felt a sharp sting rising on her side. She knew it was the wound that Caedyn inflicted, which was now acting up with all the action going on. Honestly though, it felt like Alba took out a dagger and stabbed Fiyori. A dagger of words, of course, but it was potent one way or the other.

For a moment, Fiyori even had trouble truly realizing what Alba just said. Perhaps it was the ringing of Fiyori's ears that made it difficult to understand, Fiyori thought. Perhaps it was just the general confusion of the moment. A slip of the tongue that possessed no coherence, and would not have any further meaning behind it.

Fiyori could only muster Alba with dazzled look, but then it truly hit her.

So this was the extend of Alba's sentiments. Really, that was actually so very much beautiful. Fiyori reached her hand around Alba - attempting somewhat of a hug, and it must have been a truly funny scene.

Then she let go of Alba, and went for the window she had suggested. The idea that she would once again step closer to life because she jumped out of a window was, plainly spoken, funny as hell. But for now, Fiyori had no time for laughter, for a smile, for a grin or for anything like a chuckle.

As she was stepping unto the threshold of the window, she looked back on last time. Fiyori nodded.

"Will do."

Then she jumped.

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:37 pm
by Deamon
What felt like an eternity passed as Kimiko waited for any sign that Fiyori or Alba were going to try and return fire. It soon became clear that it wasn't going to happen. They were in the kitchen or they had escaped.

She shrugged in response to Min-Jae's question. She had no idea if there was a way out of the kitchen. Her first experience in the cafeteria had been the gunfight.

She turned her head to him and mouthed two words.

"No idea."

It left them in an awkward situation as they could hardly sit behind the table waiting for the announcement to tell them the status of the two girls.

They had one option that wasn't leaving the cafeteria there and then. Leaving presented its own problems as they'd potentially be leaving alive two people who wanted them dead. There was no room for uncertainty like that. Not if she intended to survive.

She took her hands off the assault rifle to quickly sign to Min-Jae.

"We need to go check, to make sure."

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:37 pm
by backslash
Jae nodded.

<I go for the tall one, you take the other.>

Describing the two girls without knowing any name signs was cumbersome, but speaking out loud might alert Fiyori and her companion to their movements. They had the element of suspense, if not exactly surprise, on their side and they needed to use it to their advantage. The smaller girl was hurt already, and the assault rifle should do the trick; Jae could get Fiyori from farther back with the rifle and their comparable heights meant he didn't have to worry as much about hitting Kimiko with stray fire.

Very briefly, just for half a moment or less, it occurred to Jae how massively fucked up it was that he could think so logically about gunning down two people in cold blood.

...Hopefully Kimiko got the gist of his plan. He wasn't about to try spelling all that out in sign.

Jae readied the gun and rose using the table as support, nodding towards the kitchen door.

He kept as close to Kimiko as his limp would allow as they moved in for the kill.

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:38 pm
by Laurels
Alba looked as Fiyori disappeared out the window. She sighed a bit. At least Fiyori was safe. Alba could rest assured there was at least one person she properly protected here.

She tried to pull herself up a bit, but felt sharp pain from her legs. Her pant legs were becoming darker from blood, and a lot was leaking out from under them onto the kitchen floor. Alba could feel herself getting woozy as she tried to use the rifle to prop herself up a bit. One of the  shots to her legs must have hit an artery. Combined with the chest shot, which was probably a lot closer to something vital than she previously assumed, Alba knew she probably had moments left.

That was most likely compounded by the fact that it had been quiet outside. She had no clue if Jae and Kimiko were still there, but she knew they were more likely hanging out in the cafeteria, reloading, and making plans to siege the kitchen. If they came in, they'd likely be able to kill her and then pursue Fiyori. Alba had to do something.

She tried to raise the rifle to the door, but had trouble bringing it up. She could barely move it over to her lap to steady it. She let out a weak sob.

"Please, Lord. Give me strength," she muttered to herself.

Alba soon let go of the rifle, letting it fall to her side. She couldn't shoot them. She was so weak she could probably fail to hit them where it would matter. They could easily shoot her first, and it'd all be for nothing. Jae and Kimiko would be able to continue moving around, and they'd most likely kill everyone left. She had to have something to use for this moment.

That's when she remembered something in her hoodie pocket. She reached her hand inside and felt the object.


She pulled the object out. Days ago, Kaitlyn wanted her to prove she was strong, to prove she could survive this game. Alba wasn't going to survive this game, but this was her time to do so.

"Thank you, Kaitlyn," she muttered. "Sorry for everything."

She moved the bags over to her lap. There was a reason she beat Kaitlyn back in that cave, and this was why. She could feel a wave of drowsiness coming over her.

"Bryony, I'm sorry," she muttered, tilting her head down a bit.. "Emma, I'm sorry. Mom, Dad, Carlos, Sofia. I'm sorry. God, please forgive me for my sins."

Alba closed her eyes. She curled her hand around the remote. She moved her thumb over the button.


She felt a smile come on, a faint one, but a smile nonetheless.

She heard the door to the cafeteria open. The sound of footsteps came closer.  

"...I love you."

She pressed the button.


Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:38 pm
by Riki
And again, a window had been her escape. There was something poetic about it. Back then, with the threat of Coleen in Fiyori's mind she jumped from the upper floor and she was fine. Now, even worse threats have come and she jumped from the window and she was definitely fine now.

Fiyori felt injured. Mentally, but also physically. Maybe the difference was in the landing strategy. Like how cats fared better if you threw them from a higher position 'cause then they'd manage to move correctly. Maybe it was something to do with the injuries she had sustained.

It definitely wasn't a matter of fatigue. No, in fact, of all the days she had spend on this island, this day had been the most glorious and the most intense one yet. The sheer lust to murder her enemies was still strong in Fiyori. But gravity was what it was, and as forces of the universe were unable to care, gravity could not care about Fiyori's heroic spirit.

She adjusted her glasses, and moved to the side of the window a bit. Fiyori would need a short moment to recollect and then -


Those were the only words that she dared to use. Anything else, and it would had been an insult to Alba's explosive legacy.

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:38 pm
by Deamon
Upon entering the kitchen there was nothing. No gunshots, no yells, no crying. It was almost completely silent.


Kimiko had been able to hear someone breathing. She had crept forward and rounded a block of counters.

That was when she saw Alba.

In that moment she realised what had happened.

She started to spin on her heel, eyes still focused on Alba.

Then she was engulfed.

The force of the explosion in the confined space flung her around, the assault rifle flew from her grip and then she slammed back first against a wall.

Something was lodged in her throat. She could feel it sitting just above her collar but she couldn't see it. She couldn't see anything.

Her left hand tried to reach up but she lacked the strength.

It was over.

She knew that much.

She'd failed.

She'd failed Caleb.

After everything she had been through, all of it was for nothing.

Her head was starting to feel lighter, the blood loss beginning to take effect.

She didn't know what would happen next. What was going to happen to her? Would she get to see Caleb? Her soul would move on but she didn't know what afterlife she'd be granted. After everything she had done she didn't think she'd be judged well and that truth scared her.

She mouthed an apology to her parents for them having to witness everything she had done.

To Caleb for failing to make his sacrifice worthwhile and meaningful.

And to everyone else who she had hurt, although she knew they were empty words.

Finally she bowed her head as she mouthed a prayer for herself but she knew that it was too late and she didn't deserve one.

Her thoughts started to become hazy and muddled as the pain began to subside.

She hoped she'd see Caleb.

She wanted to see him again, more than anything, so she could say she was sorry.

She blinked and closed her eyes.

When she opened them she saw nothing.
G015: Kao, Kimiko
Guò shì
Hái shèng 7 míng xuéshēng

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:39 pm
by backslash
Ten seconds from pushing open the kitchen door, everything went to hell.

Ten. Kimiko entered. Jae limped in after her, gun at the ready.

Nine, eight. Kimiko rounded a corner, caught sight of - something.

Seven. Jae saw her jerk back, start to turn. He lowered the gun. Something was wrong.

Six. Fuck.

Five, four, three. He backpedaled, reached out with one hand to feel for the door behind him.

Two. Fuck.


There was a roar and then Jae was deaf and blind.

He felt himself knocked off his feet, thrown against the door, and then he felt nothing.

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:39 pm
by Riki
Fiyori slumped against the wall. The wooden planks felt hard against her back, and there was something odd Fiyori just sat on.

She lifted her bottom a bit, to pull out an iron bar - or something like an iron stick - from below. She eyed it somewhat carefully, from different angles, even if there wasn't much of interest here. Her eyes darted over the ground, and then she found more of those iron bars scattered in the grass. Some of them in a greater state of disrepair then the others. Fiyori supposed those were meant to be placed in front of the window. Good thing they fell of, then? Would have made things more inconvenient if they were still attached.

Now, she finally allowed herself to chuckle.

But then, she did not stop. Her pitch became higher, her voice grew louder and her body started hurting in all these places where laughter tended to hurt.

She closed her eyes. Tears were welling up. But those were truly signs of her happiness. She would live once again.

Fiyori rose to her feet again, moved a few steps away from the wall and then turned to face it. She couldn't hear anything so she - BEEP ...Right. The asylum exterior was off-limits. She had almost forgotten it. Fiyori scratched her neck, and gave her collar a gentle patting with the fingers. The sound it made was actually new to Fiyori, so to hear it now and this circumstances was - BEEP

Her laughter stopped and she growled. She'd have said 'I am already going' to the nearest camera, but she didn't find any on the first glance.

Fiyori unstrapped her bag, and threw it in first. Then she ran up to the window and jumped unto the ledge. The wound in her side was flaring up in pain as she pulled herself over it, and Fiyori made a most inelegant landing into the room itself. She looked for the bag she just threw in but instead saw Alba and Kimiko - with an approving nod - and then Min-jae, who was still breathing about.

Well, that should be easy to fix anyway.

She went up to him, carefully avoiding to step on Alba's mangled corpse and coincidentally stamped on Kimiko's instead. Fiyori sat down next to him, and waited for him to come to his senses.

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:39 pm
by backslash
Only Jae never came to his senses, on account of the fact that he was fucking dead.

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:39 pm
by Riki
Ah, nothing better than the smell of your friend's burnt flesh keeping you company. That, and a dead foe at your feet and her stubborn ally at your mercy.

"You're not dead, you idiot."

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:40 pm
by backslash
What are you still looking at? He's dead. Nothing to see here. Move along.


What. What? What more do you want here? You won this round, you're the sole survivor, get out of my fucking face Fiyori or put a bullet in it like you were practically salivating to do like five fucking minutes ago. What are you going to do, sit and stare all day like some kid poking at a piece of roadkill with a stick? There's nothing to see here. The only differences between an actual corpse and a person doing a half-assed attempt at looking like an actual corpse are time and intent. If you're so concerned with the distinction, why not make sure that it's one or the other?

This is fucking stupid, Fiyori. One scavenger preparing to cannibalize another only the first one never takes a bite even though that was all she wanted just a moment ago and god fucking damn it Fiyori why don't you fucking commit to something for once in your miserable life, the story is ending Fiyori and I was ready to die about a hundred pages ago but the thing is that you people keep giving me more chances and then I'm not ready anymore and Fiyori you fucking cunt you don't get to take it back you bitch you can't take anything back not your words not the three people you shot not the fact that you let your ally blow herself to pieces so you could sit here all smug fucking shoot me like you said Fiyori you're not making the goddamn rules here and







Jae exhaled.

He cracked his eyes open to regard the shadow crouching over him. Light hurt. His ears were still ringing from the blast.


What the fuck are you waiting for?

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:40 pm
by Riki
In the meanwhile, Fiyori used her foot to play with Kimiko's head. Kicked it lightly. Now that she saw her a bit closer, Fiyori noticed something lodged in Kimiko's throat. Debris, or some part of Alba's mine. She eyed it for a moment, then she placed the tip of her foot on the object. Fiyori exerted some pressure, and with a squelching sound the object got buried in deeper. Blood sept out of the wound.

Of course, it is difficult of impossible to concretize feelings of revenge. But one could say that there was a certain order to things like these. Kimiko killed Ty, and as such it was Fiyori's due to murder her. Min-jae killed Brendan, for which he had to die by Alba's hand. But now the actual situation was reversed from that concept. Not that she complained. All in all, she just thought this was an amusing idle thought to have.

Fiyori turned her attention on Min-jae.

"If I shot you right now, you'd not change bar an extra hole. And where is the catharsis in that?"

No, Min-jae had to die. He had to die kicking and screaming, fighting until the end. She wanted to see his spirits in their highest place, and she wanted to see them crash down and burn with him in a matter of cruel seconds.


Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:41 pm
by backslash
Jae stared. If he had been able to properly move his arms, he might have even gone for the knife that was still tucked into his belt, handle digging into his back.

Because, frankly, fuck Fiyori.

"Do I look like I give one baked, naked fuck whether you get any catharsis or not?"

Re: Battle Royale

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:41 pm
by Riki
"No, you don't. Not that it matters anyway."

Not that any what Fiyori said mattered anyway. All she did was babble away. Min-jae was doing the same, but he was being more of a cunt about it.

"Wanna know a funny thing, though?"

Fiyori rose to her feet, she turned around to gaze at the kitchen's various items and appliances once more. The cupboards were not screaming at her and Fiyori took that as a generally good sign. Then she opened the door - careful to take the side which Jae wasn't leaning against.

"I don't think you're a bad person, really."

She scanned the room once more, finally finding the bag she had thrown in earlier. She snagged it from the corner it was in, and finally passed by Jae and went back into the cafeteria.

The signs of it's destruction were really breath-taking.

But she wouldn't pay them too much attention.

[[Fiyori Senay, continued in Rain, Rain, Come Again]]