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Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:47 am
by Ruggahissy
Isabel looked across at the two other girls. Did she recognize them? They seemed familiar but she couldn't think of where she knew them from. One of the girls was chewing her lip and looking quite nervous. Isabel curiously inspected her. She had no idea why the girl was such a bundle of nerves. The situation was fairly tame so far. The other girl had called her "Kay." Now all she had to do was wait for someone else to say the second girl's name and she would never have to admit she didn't know it.

"Something wrong?" she asked Kay. "Don't worry, everyone likes red heads," she said looking at both girls.

She turned slightly and saw another body in her periphery. She took a double take when she realized another boy was sitting at the table. Isabel turned her body to face the boy. This one, she was sure she knew. She moved her hand to chin and scanned the boy with a visible question mark on her face. When she reached his eyes she noticed him looking at her dress and quickly turned her eyes towards the floor.

Man. I knew I was overdressed.

"Steve?" she tried tentatively. "Simon," she stated with a modicum more of confidence. "Yeah, you're in my English class. Sorry I didn't see you there, I feel really bad about that." Isabel offered him an apologetic smile and turned her body fully towards him now. "We're both not big talkers in that class. But you seem like a nice guy.... Oh, my mother made me dress up before I left the house. She wouldn't let me leave until I looked nice. Or something like that, I don't remember what she said."

Isabel swiveled back around at the mention of the game. She bent down and picked her cream colored tote bag off of the floor and rummaged around inside. She produced a black plastic wallet, pulled out a folded five dollar bill and threw it on the table. Isabel preferred five-card draw but Texas Hold'em was just fine with her.

"Every man for himself would be my vote. But if you want teams, teams are fine. After all, you're the host."

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:02 am
by armeggedonCounselor†
Kayla gave Charlotte a nervous little smile. "S-sorry. I don't often do the social thing. It all makes me nervous. Th-the last time I was at a party thrown by someone my age... it wasn't good," she said, swallowing nervously. She could tell her timidness was tweaking Charlotte's nerves.

'She's probably used to more outgoing people, judging from her own actions. Despite pithy saws to the contrary, opposites rarely attract as much as likenesses do,' she thought, managing to somehow lower her comfort level further. She, as surreptitiously as possible, pinched herself on the leg. 'Focus, you. We need to be stronger than normal. We can't let silly things like being us get in the way of everybody else having a good time. And ye Gods I suck at pep talks! I just made myself feel worse, and it just goes on and on and argh!'

Kayla shook her head suddenly, looking up and blinking owlishly. "Er.... Excuse me," she muttered lamely, blushing. It never failed to amaze her how one person could be so... like herself. Oh, sure, there were probably people who had it even worse when dealing with groups, but she couldn't think of any. She bit her lip again, then looked at Charlotte and smiled weakly. "I don't usually drink.... However, I'm thinking I'll make an exception tonight. C-can you... grab me a beer, please?" she said quietly, not wanting everyone to overhear that she was a teetotaler, or at least close to one.

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:39 am
by Syph†
Finally, the conversation was flowing properly. He locked eyes with Charlotte after her tease and gave her a subtle wink.

The cards beneath his hand were cleanly pushed back into a single deck. Anyone who notice the single manoeuvre would think he had redeemed himself.

'Are we playing girls vs. guys, then, or everyone for themselves?' he heard Simon inquire.

Alex smiled in his mind. If Simon thought poker was played in teams he'd have a good chance of taking at least half of the $30 pot. He hoped his other guests would arrive so the pot grew to $50 which would be fantastic.

'Poker is a solo effort, Simon. I think you are confusing it with Bridge!' Alex replied as he reached down to the container full of stacked chips 'And the last time I remember you were 17 not 70!'

The inflection on the end of the sentence marked sarcasm and he hoped the the prejudice that Americans have no sense of sarcasm was unfounded. Then he remembered Charlotte's comment about his shuffling and relaxed.

'...C-can you... grab me a beer, please?' it was Kayla.

Alex slid out of his seat to the box of drinks. He ignored her request for a beer and picked up a Strongbow cider. It was stronger than the beer but much sweeter. He brought it over to her and mouthed 'Drink it slowly' giving her his best shot at a unsympathetic smile. It probably didn't work, she still probably thought he felt sorry for her.

He hoped that Kayla would survive the night. However, he couldn't focus on just one person, he had a game of poker to run. He grabbed the stacks of chips one by one and pushed them towards each player.

Each stack had three black chips, two blue chips, two white chips, three red chips and six green chips.

'Right everyone, we'll start in a second. By the way, black chips are $1, blue chips are $0.50, white chips are $0.20, red chips are $0.10 and green chips are $0.05. Everyone got that?'

He grabbed the three buttons in the stack with the words 'Big Blind' and 'Small Blind' and 'Dealer' printed on them. He hoped he could explain these out of the way.

'A blind is a forced bet, to put money in the pot. Small will start at one green and the Big will start at one red chip. Other players must match the bet if they want to play.'

He took another sip of his drink.

'Any questions?'

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:36 pm
by Stark†
"I don't usually drink.... However, I'm thinking I'll make an exception tonight. C-can you... grab me a beer, please?"

"Not a problem," Charlotte whispered back, signaling a thumbs up as she began to rise from her seat. "Just sit tight, and-"

And Alex was fast. Dang. Charlotte plopped herself right back as she was, glancing at the young blond with a knowing smirk, taking note of the stronger drink. "You're gonna have to tell me where you learned to teleport, man." She'd make a joke about the boy cutting in on her game, but figured she'd save that for when Kayla was more comfortable. Turning back to her fellow redhead, she remarked, "Best watch out for this one, Kayla. He's probably got plans to get all three of us undressed by midnight. Ain't that right, Al?"

Once things got started and everyone had their chips, she listened as Alex explained the rules they'd be going on tonight.

'Right everyone, we'll start in a second. By the way, black chips are $1, blue chips are $0.50, white chips are $0.20, red chips are $0.10 and green chips are $0.05. Everyone got that?'

She wondered for a moment why white wouldn't be a quarter, but that was a fairly irrelevant, so she just nodded accordingly.

'A blind is a forced bet, to put money in the pot. Small will start at one green and the Big will start at one red chip. Other players must match the bet if they want to play. Any questions?'

And the pope was Catholic. Again, though, she imagined half the others wouldn't know that, so she kept that thought to herself. "Just one, bro," she piped up. "Losersayswhat?"

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:27 pm
by armeggedonCounselor†
Kayla smiled at Alex, mouthing 'Thank you' when he gave her the cider. She trusted, maybe incorrectly, his judgment and that he wouldn't give her anything too strong for her... delicate sensibilities. She blushed slightly at Charlotte's suggestion that Alex was trying to get the girls naked, although not as strongly as she would have twenty minutes ago. She was, in a very... "square peg, round hole" way, starting to settle into the group. That being said, she doubted she would be able to meet somebody's eye without some sort of aid. That's what the alcohol was for.

She popped the top off the bottle easily. It was one of the cheap kinds of bottles that give you a screw-off cap rather than one which required a tool to open. She took a tentative sip and grimaced slightly. It wasn't... bad, per say. It also wasn't very good. It was too sweet, which was, by itself, grimace worthy. The alcohol burned slightly, although it was well covered by the apple-like taste presented strongly by the drink. She defined it as apple-like because normally apples didn't try to punch you in the tongue. Her eyes watered slightly, which she wiped away as subtly as possible.

She set the bottle aside, focusing more on the incoming chips. She automatically sorted down the pile into the separate sub-sections of color, then mixed all back into one stack. It was a trick her brother had taught her, although she'd only recently developed the finger dexterity required to do it. She listened to the rules carefully. It was important to know the rules, otherwise you'd have no right to complain when the thugs dragged you in back of the casino, beat you up, and took all your winnings away. Of course, you'd have no right to complain either way, mostly because the thugs would deny you that right. Oh, and the casino management would deny any responsibility in the matter. This was, of course, a major digression, because she doubted Alex would have thugs to... uh... discuss business with them if they cheated.

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:10 pm
by Tagabasa†
Simon turned to Isabel, who was facing him now. "Don't worry, it's fine. You're right about me not being a huge talker; I barely know much about some of the people in my class." He wondered how the girl was so easily able to gauge what he was thinking. He heard quiet people were the best a reading situations (a theory he was an exception to), but, damn, she was good. "And the dress looks nice on you." Simon wondered why he had been so nervous anyway. Isabel was nice person, as was everyone else here. Relax, they're your friends. They like you.

Alex didn't another fancy card shuffle, but this one worked without a hitch."Poker is a solo effort, Simon. I think you are confusing it with Bridge!" Alex said as he reached down to the container full of stacked chips "And the last time I remember you were 17 not 70!"

Simon sniffed with faked indignation. "But you are wrong on both assumptions there, my friend. One, has it even occurred to you that I might be faking my uselessness at cards to lure everyone into a false sense of security and rob them blind? Two, have you considered the possibility that I am, in fact, a time traveler?" Both statements were false (obviously), but Simon hoped that if he got a few lucky hands he might be able to convince at least one person of his hidden poker mastery.

Alex got a drink for Kayla, earning him a verbal barb from Charlotte. Simon grinned, sitting back in his chair. It was nice to just be around people; he usually had so much going on that had didn't have time available to just hang out with friends.

Alex went on to explain the rules, pushing piles of chips toward the players. "Right everyone, we'll start in a second. By the way, black chips are $1, blue chips are $0.50, white chips are $0.20, red chips are $0.10 and green chips are $0.05. Everyone got that? A blind is a forced bet, to put money in the pot. Small will start at one green and the Big will start at one red chip. Other players must match the bet if they want to play."

Simon nodded. "Got it." The rules sounded familiar to him; he remembered playing this game before. He counted the chips in his stack (they were correct) and listened to the rest.

"A blind is a forced bet, to put money in the pot. Small will start at one green and the Big will start at one red chip. Other players must match the bet if they want to play. Any questions?"

That was also something he understood. "Nope, sounds good to me." Simon turned back to Isabel. "Well, let's beat these overconfident ones, shall we?"

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:57 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
(Sorry I've been lax on the posting, I'll pick it up)

I think poor Kayla is going to be the subject of many attentions tonight. Trevor thought as both Alex and Charlotte made their respective plays at her. Alex seemed to be going for 'charming host' mixed with a little of 'sorry I should have known you weren't a big drinker' whilst Charlotte was trying a different tactic completely, going for what seemed to be 'I'm gonna be your real friend here' and trying to get her to open up a little.

It seemed to be working in any case as Kayla seemed to be opening up. Though not in the way Alex wants I'm sure. Trevor had heard the 'get the girls naked remark' and thought that it was an accurate assumption. If anyone here tonight could be trusted to push things forward with the ladies then it was Alex. That was probably for the best since Trevor didn't see himself joining in and competing for Kayla. Or any girl for that matter.

Trevor sat and contemplated how he had gotten the way he was with girls. He never good seem to make things work, and if it was all going well then undoubtedly he would do something to ruin it. The sad thing is that I know exactly what my problem is but I can't stop it. As soon as it gets in any way serious that's it, broken off.

As the table occupants began to open up Alex managed to shuffle the cards correctly and dish out the poker chips. After hearing that it was Texas Hold'em he shut out the rest of the description. I've got this. Trevor idly played with his chips and waited for the game to begin.

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:10 pm
by BetaKnight
((Hey guys, just a quick head's up. Threads have a post order, which you guys need to keep. I understand being excited and wanting to advance the thread, but you should not skip people unless they have gone inactive for over 14 days or you have PM'd them and received permission. Everyone who's in the thread needs an equal chance to play.))

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:24 pm
by armeggedonCounselor†
((All right.

A posting order suggestion: First, Syph, then me, then Stark, then Vinny, then Tagabasa, and we finish with Ruggahissy. That order is the same order that we joined in, so it makes the most sense.))

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:05 pm
by Ruggahissy
((Sure, sure. A posting order sounds good. I'm fine with the order proposed. Since the last batch were almost in that sort of order I guess as soon as everyone else says they're fine with it I'll post as the last poster and we can start the ordered posts))

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:17 pm
by VinnyMcQ†
(I'm fine with it)

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:01 pm
by Tagabasa†
((Sounds fine))

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:04 pm
by Stark†
(My bad. I meant to suggest it myself. Shall we, then?)

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:55 am
by Ruggahissy
((I s'pose we shall))

When she heard Simon compliment her dress she sat straight up. "It's not mine," replied. Thinking this was not the best response to a compliment she quickly tacked on, "I mean, thanks."

Isabel watched Alex get Kayla a drink. "Can I get a soda pop? Cherry cola?" she asked facetiously.

Isabel slid a few of the chips around with her index finger while she listened to Alex's explanation. "Got it," she muttered with out looking up.

'And the last time I remember you were 17 not 70!'

"You don't know, Alex. He might be a 70-year-old who moisturizes a lot," she said still playing with the chips.

She looked up to see them both attending to Kayla. She rolled her eyes and looked at Simon to see what his reaction was. At Charlotte's remark her eyes drifted back over. This Kayla girl didn't look like she was much of a drinker and further more, didn't look like she was going to make it through the night with the two on her sides feeding her stronger alcohol than she had requested. Isabel thought about perhaps intervening on her behalf as a party who didn't want anything from the girl but after a few moments she decided it was none of her business. The girl was an adult who could make her own decisions.

"He's gonna loose a limb if he wants me out of my clothes. I don't think it's worth it to him," she said stiffly. Isabel knew it was a joke but still it made her uncomfortable. She moved the chips around more rapidly with her fingers now hoping her statement was also taken in a similar joking way.

She noticed the cards were in a proper pile now. Alex must have finally achieved a good shuffle.

Re: Poker Night!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:33 pm
by Syph†
((Starting new order, I'll PM you your cards soon))

'You don't know, Alex. He might be a 70-year-old who moisturizes a lot,' Isabel replied. Alex smiled, impressed with her wit. He was also pleasantly surprised.

To save his pride, Alex continued with a normal shuffle to get the cards thoroughly mixed. There was little chance he would get fantastic cards in the first round, but none the less he could bluff and steal the blinds.

He placed the cards on the table and grabbed the blind buttons passing it to Kayla and Charlotte. Charlotte was unlucky starting on the big blind but then again so was everyone when their turn finally came around.

Luck and deception were the name of the game and he expected both the blind holders were going to be skilled at both. Despite the way Kayla looked he could predict that she would use her nerves to disguise her tell... if she had one. Charlotte would be as unpredictable as ever, so he had to watch he bets carefully.

He began dealing and handed one card to each player at first before continuing round to give each of them a second.

'Ready? Time to place your bets people.' he said peeking at his cards.