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Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:40 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Hey boys, girls, and those of unspecified gender! Welcome back to another SPOOKTACULAR installment of the ART CHALLENGE SATURDAY!

Continuing on with the spooks, today's challenge is...

Monster Phobias

Here are the rules for this challenge: take a phobia, any phobia (here is a helpful list), and which ever you choose you make a monster design that represents that phobia. Given how many phobias there are, it will not be a randomly selected prompt but one you can pick yourself. Given the nature of this challenge, you will have free reign to design you monsters however you want so long as it clearly represents your phobia of choice! So go crazy! Don't forget to post your designs and tell people what phobia your monster is suppose to be!

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:20 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Another Saturday, another challenge! Let the spook challenges continue!

Today's challenge is...

For Halloween I'm Going As...

So for this challenge what you do is you take a SOTF character (any will do) and you draw them as a character from the last piece of media you consumed. Whether it be a movie, a video game, a comic, or whatever! Think of a character from that piece of media you engaged in and draw a SOTF character dressed as them! If you want it to be random, then here is a helpful list you can roll a d8 for!

1. Movie
2. Video Game
3. Comic
5. TV Show
6. Anime/Cartoon
7. Literature
8. Other (pretty much anything that wouldn't fit in the above, like an audio drama)

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:56 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Well I'm super late for this (because life is a complex nightmare I can't wake up from), but here is the new challenge for the Halloween season.

Monster Mash

The rules of the challenge are thusly: Pick a SOTF character, then draw them as a monster from the list below that you roll a d20 for. Once more, here is a link to a dice roller if you should lack a dice.

The list of monsters are:

1. Zombie
2. Vampire
3. Witch/Wizard
4. Frankenstein's Monster
5. Werewolf
6. Mummy
7. Invisible Man
8. Fish Person
9. Mutant
10. Centaur
11. Fae
12. Wendigo
13. Djinn
14. Automaton
15. Gorgon
16. Ghost
17. Alien
18. Demon
19. Angel
20. Aberration

Like always, be sure to post your art and have fun!

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:17 am
by Yonagoda
Welp, I know this is early but I forget things easily so better be early than late! Burn/Lord gave me perms to take over this one, so lets go!

Material switch!

Basically, you have to draw with different resources! Do you draw with a tablet and stylus? switch it up with a mouse/keypad, or on paper! Do you use pencils, colored or not? try your hand in watercolors or drawing with your fingers on a device! Hell, even woodcarving/3D/whatever! It doesn't even have to be a SOTF character, just go wild!