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Re: The Fear Index

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 10:47 pm
by Ruggahissy
Lori floated just above her body but was conscious of the effort she was putting in to squeeze her thighs. Suddenly she felt a blow to the head. Lori gasped and crumpled, releasing Ace.

She looked around, felt around with her hands, until she found her gun on the ground.





Lori stared at it for a moment and then felt a punch to the gut that sent her backwards, staring up at the sky.

Re: The Fear Index

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 11:16 pm
by Buko
She was off him and the hot stifling, suffocating weight of Lori was replaced with a rush of cool night air. He gasped and he coughed, his eyes watered and he flipped over onto all fours before rising up on uneasy feet. Beats breathed heavily but he didn’t take time to breathe. His hand kept on his pistol, his eyes searched for the recently crowned cheer captain. Cheerleaders and football players. It always went back to that, didn't it? In football, if you were thinking—you were losing. He was past that point already, but could this be called victory? She was going for something—a gun.

There was no thinking necessary. Even the illiterate recognize when a sign says DANGER.

He could barely see much less aim when his finger found the trigger. It didn’t matter. He pointed the gun at Lori and he squeezed. Then he did it again. And again. And again. And again.

Re: The Fear Index

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 11:38 pm
by Ruggahissy
She felt herself gripping to consciousness and finding it slippery and difficult. After a moment of struggling, she lost her grip and fell, sliding a long way down.


The blood slowly pooled around her as she looked up at the moon that light up the shoes on the shoe tree. Ace had always been a pretty good guy. If he had killed her.... what did that make her then? What had she done? Was she the bad guy? Hands grew out of the earth like flowers and hugged her.

"I only ever wanted ..." tears leaked over the side of her face. "...wanted everyone to love me... and then to leave me alone."

The light of the moon flickered off. Her thoughts were an unclear jumble, but she had the dim feeling of wanting things to be better next time.

Lori Martin: Deceased

Maybe next time she would understand.

Re: The Fear Index

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 11:08 am
by Buko
“Shit,” he gasped, “Fuck,” he took a deep breath, “This is fucked up.”

Yeah, no shit.

He stumbled towards Lori’s body and he nudged her twice with his foot. Yep. No doubt about it—deader than a door nail. God-fuckin’-damnit! This kept on happening to him. He kept on doing it! This was the third body to his name in nearly as many days! When he had killed Parker…he had been going for Blaise! When he shot Myles…it was because Myles had shot him first! Now Lori…Lori attacked him! Doped up and drugged up and going for a fuckin’ weapon!

Shooting her hadn’t been a bad choice, it had been the only choice. But how could he explain this shit? One kill, maybe. Two kills, pushing it. But three? What would Ace think if he ran into Ace?

“Fuck,” he sputtered, “Shit,” he cursed, “Everybody is gonna think I’m fuckin’-- playin this, goddamn, stupid,” he couldn’t get the words out, “Uggggh! This fuckin’ sucks!”

Three times a murderer. There could be no mistaking it now—when people saw him, they would see the bodies and the number next to him. Ace would have to fight. Ace was gonna get killed by someone thinking they were doing a good deed. By somebody seeking justice. They were gonna get it. When Ace was gunned down…he was going to deserve it.

“What the fuck do I do?! C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon!”

Beats knew what he had to do. He had done it two times before.

Ace grabbed her flashlight first and then her gun. Another pistol for his collection. It looked like WW2 shit. Beats went to her bag next and unceremoniously unzipped it and emptied it’s contents onto the Shoetree floor. He took her weapons. All her supplies. Her drugs. Beats left Hunter on the floor. George Hunter forever. No need to disrespect the Owl like that.

“You’re a fuckin’ idiot,” he muttered to himself, “I need to get the fuck outta here.”

He thought for a moment and took out the BR-18 before also grabbing the straps of Lori’s bag and ripping it off. The BR-18 strap had been used to strangle Ramsey. It was his best weapon but it had been cumbersome to hold. In the dark with a flashlight trapped under his chin he created a new strap out of the straps of Lori’s bag. He slung the weapon over his good shoulder. Beats reloaded the Kel-Tec and put it back in his waistband. Ace loaded the .45 and put it in his right pocket. Lori’s pistol went in his left. Her other gun, a spare, remained in his bag. Also that big ass ancient rifle. Ace felt like a comic book hero or some shit with all these guns on him.

They didn't make him feel safe...but they made him feel dangerous. He had more guns than clothes.

“This ain’t how it’s s’posed to go,” Ace whispered, “This ain’t who I’m s’posed to be.”

[ Ace Beats Continued In: The Gift My Father Gave Me pt. 2 ]