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Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:23 am
by Chase†
((Re-read, there's been an edit on Dodd's part))

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:23 am
by Cactus
OOC: Nothing slight about it.

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:23 am
by Slayer†
OOC: The edit or the godmod I hope I fixed (though I think I should have him fire just once) in the edit? Really, I hope there was no godmod, but I'm not sure.

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:23 am
by Chase†
((Here's the thing with godmodding. In a game like this, we try to keep it as realistic in wounds or deaths as possible. Usually, unless the character really wants to hurt someone, or the odds of this character escaping injury or death is slim to nil, a character can dodge or whatever they need to do. Basically, to figure out if anyone is godmodding, one just needs to keep to a realistic point of view. For example:

If a charrie has met with another, and one has a gun, chances are the other needs to either run, or sneak up on the other if they want to take a chance on their character's life. If two people have guns, it can severly depend on the amount of space between the two, but most of the time it's the first shooter that gets the kill if there's very minimal space.

Now, there is that rule that character's can't die without permission, and this is true. However, to keep the RP realistic many have to make sacrifices... I hope this helps any and everyone who hasn't gotten informed.))

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:24 am
by Slayer†
OOC: So, basically you're saying it's only godmoding if it's unrealistic to an extreme? I felt that I did what I could with the shooting situation, though I have to admit it's an annoying reflex to have my character shoot three times at the start of a gunfight (I swear, I'm trying to stop doing that).

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:24 am
by Cactus
OOC: Somewhat. Fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter who you are, if someone shoots at you, it's pretty damn unlikely that you're going to dodge a bullet. You aren't Keanu Reeves, you know?

Like Steve Buscemi in Fargo. He gets shot in the face yet he's still moving, still drives back to the log cabin in a rage and shit, you know?

It's just unrealistic to dodge bullets all the time.

I mean, fuck. Marc Cohn got shot in the temple and lived.


Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:24 am
by Chase†
((There are plenty more things to it, but then I would have to write an essay... which I might very well do if I get bored enough. Maybe Kaishi can use it for new RPers, give everyone a chance to know how to get it right the first time... but enough of my rambling.

Yeah, the three shots is a little over-dramatic.))

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:24 am
by Slayer†
OOC: The very reason I had him get hit in the ear (yeah, a common injury, but it's better than getting hit in the arm all the time). I wanted him to get hit, but due to where he was aiming, getting hit= getting dead. And having you miss at short range struck me as a godmod. Which brings up the point of how big is the gazebo anyway? Okay, that's not really important, but...

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:24 am
by Cactus
Already moving and counting on his rugby training to help him out, Eddie dove almost vertically over the fence of the gazebo. It was too small of an area, and with guns, it was almost stupid to try and fight someone like Jacob Starr in such a small area. He winced as the bullet from Jacob's gun slammed into the sole of his shoe, embedding itself shallowly in his foot. Wincing, and in a bit of pain, Eddie turned, squeezed off another shot from the pistol, and bolted for the trees on the other side of the gazebo. This was one showdown that would most definitely have to wait.

((Continued in: Hellhouse Rock))

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:25 am
by NyteDarkness*
Sven was confused as to why everyone seemed to be so angry at Jacob. Perhaps they had a grudge against him for something he did? Sven knew all about grudges. There was this one kid back at the rehabilitation center who used to fall asleep in the bathroom, causing Sven to have to walk farther to reach the toilet. Boy, was he ever mad at that kid. Jacob must've fell asleep in a whole lot of bathrooms to deserve this. Sven couldn't see what he'd done to deserve being shot at but-oh! It must be a part of that neat little game everyone was talking about! He looked and saw people running away, he didn't really like games that involved a lot of running but these people seemed pretty into it. It must be good.

"Just what is this game and how can I play?" he said. Sven had forgotten about the serverity of gunshots for the moment.

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:25 am
by Slayer†
Jacob watched as the other man retreated, cursing as he felt the second bullet from Eddie's gun go into his left shoulder.

Dammit, how many times have I been hit in the shoulder? he thought as he hissed in pain, putting his gun in it's holster and trying to stop the bleeding with his hand. Sitting down with his right hand stifling the steady crimson stream from his shoulder, he wondered if it was even worth it trying to escape. Everyone knew he had murdered five people, so he couldn't convince anyone, and most would attack on sight. It was likely he'd be better off playing the game, that way he wouldn't have to worry about convincing other of his intentions to escape.

"No," he muttered, "there's a way off. There always is. I just have to find it." when he heard Sven speak, he simply raised his head in acknowledgement.

"The 'game', using the word in it's loosest interpretation, is that we have to kill each other until only one of us is left. A sick bloodsport invented by a sick man. I've been playing this game until recently, and I may be better off playing again instead of trying to escape."

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:25 am
by NyteDarkness*
Sven frowned, that game didn't sound very fun at all! This escaping thing wasn't turning out to be all it was cracked up to be. First, he ends up near some damn bathroom and then he ends up in the middle of a game where everyone is trying to kill each other. It wasn't on his priority list to be killed so soon after escaping, that was for sure.

"Why the HELL would anyone want to play a game like that?" Sven said, "And how can I avoid it so I can get to something interesting?"

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:25 am
by Slayer†
"The will to live can make humans do amzing things. It can also make them do terrible things, like killing fellow students on this island." Jacob answered to the first question, getting up and stretching.

"As to your second question: far as I know, you can't. Though you could escape if you somehow got the collar off while avoiding the cameras watching our every move."

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:26 am
by NyteDarkness*
He remembered the collar. Yes, that thing. Did this collar mean that he had to play too? How the Hell did anyone find the time to put that on him after he escaped? He did fall asleep for a little while, but it appeared he had picked a very bad place to fall asleep in. Now, he had to get his collar off.

"I'm sure I can do it. I did just escape from a pretty darn high security place, though I'm not sure how I ended up here. The collars shouldn't be too much of a problem." he said.

"Oh, and I found this," he said, reaching into his bag and pulling out the bayonet, "If that would be any help."

Re: Walking into the house of blood...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:26 am
by Slayer†
Jacob laughed when Sven pulled out the bayonet.

"Well, you aren't the luckiest, but you sure as hell don't have the worst luck. That's the weapon Danya and his terrorists want you to kill with. They're randomly given out. It's also an option to take weapons from the dead." he explained, sitting at the bench he had spoken to Eddie from again.