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Re: Rays on Pinion

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:01 am
by Deamon
She got it in one. Cameron gave Alice a small bow. "I am in a band. It's called Peyote Coyote." She held up a finger as an idea went through her head. "In fact...give me a second." Cameron riffled through her pocket with her free hand, grabbing her phone she pulled it out. She slid her thumb across the screen to unlock it and opened up her gallery. She was looking for a specific photo her mom had sent her after one of their gigs; they'd just been the opening act and had all of three songs. But that wasn't the point. The photo was by one of the professional photographers that had been present and made her look like one of the most awesome guitarists that had ever existed. In her opinion.

It was a shot of her mid-solo, her hair was hanging down her back and shoulders but her face was clearly visible. That night she'd decided to paint herself up in a darker theme than normal. The base was a dark brown red colour and over the top she had painted cracks with eyes visible, to make it more interesting the type of eye changed, there was human eyes, cat eyes, lizard eyes etc. It had taken her a long time to do it but the end result was one of her proudest moments.

"Here." She held the phone up to Alice so she could see the picture. "This is probably why it's hard for you to recognize me. I'm normally painted up as different things. It throws people off. I've also been a bee and a melting rainbow among other things." Once she was sure Alice had been able to get a decent look she withdrew the phone and placed it back into her pocket. She was always proud of anything she did with Peyote Coyote. Including the name, she had suggested it half-jokingly but the others had liked it enough to stick with it. People seemed to like it too, so that always made her feel good about herself.

Cameron was pretty happy with how the trip to the record store was going but she'd have to move on at some stage, maybe stop by Vanessa's or give BB a call. She didn't see the harm in staying to see what Alice's response to Al's question was though. It wasn't as if she was missing anything at home.

Re: Rays on Pinion

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:02 am
by Espi
Oh, she was right! And Cameron didn't seem to inquire about Alice's compliment, which was nice. Sheesh, it was nice to be nice but she didn't have to stress over stuff! People did things like that all the time.

The boy, who Alice sort of recognized from school as well, asked her a question. "Oh, uh, orchestral stuff, Lindsey Stirling, country..." Alice was a little embarrassed she liked country; it got a bad rap, but some of it could actually be good. But that was besides the point, because now Cameron was showing her a photo.

The picture was really impressive to Alice, for two reasons. One, she had known they were a band, but she didn't know they'd done big performances and stuff. That was really cool. The thing that stood out to her, though, was the artistic craftsmanship of the body paint. Alice didn't know a lot about the medium, but the detail and imagery stood out as really high quality. "Wow, that's really cool." Alice said, eyes wide at the picture. "You look awesome." She smiled, genuinely impressed.

"Oh, uh..." Alice felt herself about to sneeze. She turned away for a moment, but the sensation only lingered and she didn't actually sneeze. She hated when that happened. "Sorry. Anyway." A thought struck Alice. "Do you know anything about The Prodigy? I was going to get an album for a friend and they that group."

Again, not entirely true, but she wasn't about to explain her sister bossing her around. It was bad enough that it happened, people didn't need to know about it.

Re: Rays on Pinion

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:02 am
by RC†
Cameron showed Alice some pics, Al could only assume what they were, but he did not want to interferre.

Alice liked orchestral stuff, Alessio at first thought she meant classical musical like Beethoven and Mozart, but Royal Philharmonic Orchestra covers of rock songs also count as orchestral stuff, so Alessio liked it as well! He also has heard of the YouTube star Lindsey Stirling and country also was cool. Guitars are awesome instruments, Al wished he had continued learning it. He wondered whether he would've been able to join Peyote Coyote or at least spent more time with the members, if he did.

Maybe he'd relearn it one day, maybe. Cameron or Vanessa might be good at teaching how to play some awesome songs!

Alice then asked about The Prodigy and Alessio could identify them as electro band or so, so she'd find it in a different section. Not knowing what to say, he waited for Cameron to response.

Re: Rays on Pinion

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:02 am
by Deamon
Cameron smiled when Alice complimented her picture. It was always fun to see people react to what she did with genuine amazement. It made her feel good about what she was doing. It wasn't that she performed for the benefit of others because that wasn't true. She performed for herself above everything else. That was never going to change. But it was always cool to her when other people liked what she was doing. It meant she was doing it the right way.

"Prodigy? Yeah they're an electronic group from England; I have some of their stuff in my basement. I think some people call them big beat." Along with almost every other genre and artist of music that had ever been popular ever. If there was one thing her parents agreed on it was that music was one of the best things humanity had ever produced. The basement of their house was full to the brim with boxes full of CDs, tapes, vinyl's and more. Cameron had basically turned the basement into her own private den. She was essentially the curator of her families' large music collection, not that she minded.

Cameron still had the Torche album in her hand. The more she held it, the more she wanted to go home and listen to it. To that end she decided it would be best to make her purchase and move on.

"Anyway, it's been cool talking to you guys, but I should probably buy this and get a move on." She held up the CD for emphasis. "You should come to one of our gigs sometime Shorty, just ask me and I'll hook you up." Making a call me sign with her free hand Cameron turned and walked over to the counter. After paying she left the store and started heading off in the direction of the art gallery. She felt like grabbing a coffee. Stuffing her headphones back in her ears Cameron let her music overtake her again.

Save your breath
This may be the last
There is no novelty here on the earth

((Cameron Herrig continued elsewhere...))

Re: Rays on Pinion

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:02 am
by Espi
"Okay, thanks. Later!" Alice called as Cameron left. She still wasn't sure if she was interested in Cameron's band or music, but the other girl was pretty friendly and she might drop in sometime just to see how it was. Maybe she'd have a good time. "Oh, and uh, bye!" Alice said, more awkwardly to the boy, who didn't leave with Cameron.

It struck Alice that Prodigy was an electronic band from England, though. That didn't sound like Molly at all. Strange. Especially when she arrived at the stand and saw the album covers. How odd that Molly, who Alice associated with pop music more than anything, would request this.

Purchasing the disc with Molly's money, who had at least had the decency to loan her the cash, Alice left the store somewhat befuddled, still rather ill-feeling, but in a better mood than she'd been in earlier.

((Alice Baker continued in Not Quite the Zeitgeist))

Re: Rays on Pinion

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:02 am
by RC†
Alessio also replied with a "Bye!" to Cameron and Alice. Hmm, Cameron also knew more about Prodigy and Alice is invited to join the next concert, which would be definitely fun.

And now they were gone.

Going to the counter, he payed the album, however briefly considering to buy a Torche album as well. However, he wouldn't want to waste money for something he wasn't sure if he even liked it. Maybe next time. Alessio would definitely try to listen to some songs on YouTube.

((Alessio Rigano continued in Dearest Creature in Creation))