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Re: Born as Ghosts

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:00 am
by Ares
Rob had made one mistake. He had stopped to admire his work after crushing the girl's nose. It resulted in her hitting him behind the knee, causing his leg to buckle, and Rob to drop to his knees. Even the force of the drop caused pain in his ribs.

"Sonofabitch.." Rob gasped as he placed his hands in front of him so he was on all fours trying to catch his breath.

Re: Born as Ghosts

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:00 am
by Mitsuko2†
Mariavel quickly stood and jumped onto the fallen boy's back. She used one hand to twist an arm behind his back and the other to get a tight choke hold around his neck. She smirked and began to choke the life out of him, twisting his arm to near breaking point.

"Are you ready to die?" She whispered into his ear.

Re: Born as Ghosts

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:00 am
by Ares
Rob could feel the life being forced out of him. He tried to breath, but each breath hurt more than the last. He could still feel the blood, now gushing out of the wound, and he knew that this wasn't a normal gunshot wound. That bullet had hit something and he was bleeding out.

I'm going to die.

Surprisingly the thought didn't scare him. It was the thought that he would be murdered that did it. He squirmed trying to pry the girl's cold arm from under his chin, but it didn't work. As he squirmed, he felt something cold against his back.

The Deagle

His issued weapon at the start of the game, unfortunately he was down to one bullet. He had lost the spare clip for it in the chaos of running to the woods, and when he had gone to reload it at the jungle gym, the first shot Mari fired startled him and he dropped the rest of the ammo.

He could feel the unconsciousness coming on.

"No.." he gasped.

He freed his right arm from her grasp, and used it to reach the pistol. He pulled it around and pointed it at his heart.

Here's hoping for a through and through.

It seemed to happen in slow motion, as he pulled the trigger, Rob saw flashes of the people and places he loved. He saw his dad standing at the fence of the skate park watching Rob in the bowl. He saw his mom smiling as he came home from school announcing the 'A' on his history project. He saw himself walking his husky Bart. Lastly he saw Matt. No bullet holes, no nothing. He heard Matt say, 'Guess you were right. Them women did come back to bite us in the ass.'

The bullet screamed into Rob's body, piercing his heart. It was not the through and through he'd hoped for. Rob's body went limp, and the gun fell to the ground.

B55 - Robert Adams - DEAD

Re: Born as Ghosts

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:00 am
by Mitsuko2†
Mariavel saw him reach  for something. He pulled out a gun. She tensed. She loosened her grip slightly. He pointed the gun at himself and pulled the trigger. She felt the bullet rip through him, and felt his body go limp. She released him and he fell to the ground. She stood and wiped the blood from her face. He nose had stopped bleeding. She frowned down at the boy. He was dead, and she was alive. She had sent one more person to their death. She frowned at this.

Mariavel turned her back on the body and fished around in the foliage for the shotgun. She found it, and also found his day pack. She smiled. She found the girl who lay dead from a gunshot wound's day pack as well. She picked the three things up and walked towards her own weaponry. She loaded the shotgun. All that was left were the ten shells inside. She only had ten shots with the thing. She had to be careful. She loaded her pistol as well, and shoved it into her jeans once more. She pulled Seth's jacket back on and grabbed the other pack. Inside she found the girl's weapon. A crossbow. She smiled at this and held it out. It was completely unused. Perfect.

She stood and lugged her day pack onto her shoulders. She secured the shotgun inside with her melee weapons and zipped it up. She swung the strap of the rifle over her shoulders and swung the gun around so it was at her back. She kept the crossbow in her hands. She began to leave the park.

A sudden scream stopped her however. She turned to find a girl charging through the forest surrounding the park straight at her. The look in the girl's eyes sent a shiver running up Mariavel's spine. The girl, Elizabeth Ebert, saw what Mariavel had done and was determined to kill her. However, he recently deteriorated mind forgot that she was weaponless. Mariavel raised the crossbow to eye level with the incoming girl. The girl kept coming. Once the girl was within 15 feet of Mariavel, she fired. The bolt was sent straight at the girl. He eyes widened for only a moment, emphasizing that she realized her incoming demise. The arrow struck her in the forehead, sending her falling back, dead.

Mariavel looked at the dead girl, and began to walk out of the park yet again. This time she was not followed.

"Now it's down to seven... how exiting." She smiled and left without looking back to the sight of three dead bodies.

Female Student #36 – Elizabeth Ebert – Deceased

Mariavel continued- Elsewhere

((Elizabeth had to die and Leo was taking to long. She's dead now. Sorry.))