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Re: J'adoube

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:19 am
by Laurels
Rachael nodded in response to Marcus' question.

"I know I need to. I know everyone says I need to adapt to this game. I...I just don't know how."

Rachael slowly shook her head. As she did, she noticed the knife that was still tucked in her pants pocket. It didn't make her feel any safer.

"I mean, it's one thing to hide and wait it out, hoping you can manage to last long because of it. I just don't know if I can accept that it means other people, people who might have more riding on their survival, will die and I live because of that."

Re: J'adoube

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:19 am
by Un-Persona†
Marcus was enlightened.

She was saying something else, but Marcus proffered to remember her final words as someone kind and familiar, someone who felt a lot like he did. It would seem that, just like he did, her life couldn't be favored for others. So this would be the end result for her and him anyways.

His sword was taken out quickly as she continued to talk, and plunged right into her stomach and through her back, sluggishly and awkwardly. Their shoulders met, and Marcus could hear her still trying to mutter something as she began dying. His other hand rubbed Rachael's back up and down, consoling her.

"It's okay...It's okay...It's okay."

Whispered lies fell free from his lips till she had finally left this earth. Marcus finally felt her full weight through the blade of the falchion as she was finally no longer able to hold herself up anymore. He knelt down slowly till Rachael's body was on the floor, pulling out his sword calmly and respectfully so as not to make a mess.

Marcus just wished he could have expressed his gratitude better, but there would be a later time for that.

Re: J'adoube

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:19 am
by Laurels
Rachael covered her mouth and sighed.

"I mean, there's a lot of people who haven't killed besides me. People like Michael, and Tim, and Mirabella. Even you. You all deserve to survive this, and I just don't believe I'm even that unique among the people still alive."

Rachael rubbed her eyes.

"I don't really know what's going to happen next, but if-"

Rachael wanted to say more. She had a dialogue going, and even though she felt horrible, she felt like she was going to have a breakthrough. Maybe Marcus could convince her otherwise, maybe she did have some self worth remaining. But she realized it was all "maybe maybe maybe." It didn't matter, because Marcus had stabbed her through the gut.

Rachael's eyes were wide and terrified. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes as her chest and legs got warm with blood. She tried to say something, but no words were able to leave her mouth. What could she say to him now? Words of hate? Words of gratitude? A demand for a reason? She tried, but all she could do was stutter.

She felt Marcus pat her back and comfort her. That's when she had her answer. He pitied her. He saw she was in pain, and he was giving her a way out. Tears started to fall down her cheeks. It was really ending. No more living in fear, no more wondering when she'd finally die. She was finally done with the game.

She tried to whisper in his ear, but felt the desire to talk slowly leave her. She decided she had said enough. It was time for peace and quiet. She continued to hear Marcus' repeated whispers in her ear as she felt herself drift away.

Before she lost all consciousness, Rachael realized that there was one thing she should have said more while living. Something she could have said more to her parents. To her sister, Bridget. To the allies she gained on the island. To the members of the Book Club. To Michael. To Mirabella. To Naomi. To Daniel. Especially to Daniel. She mustered up the remaining energy had, and whispered it to Marcus.

"I love you."

She'd be sure to say that more if she ever got the chance.
G007 Rachael Langdon: DECEASED
43 Students Remaining

Re: J'adoube

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:19 am
by Un-Persona†
And she was gone. No breath moved her, no moaning came from her. This was it. Death. For one promise to himself at the cost of a broken promise to his friend, one that didn't even survive very long. Well, half broken. He had killed, and he would die, and not in the way they had intended for. It would become beyond repair soon enough. And he was all set and ready for that plan mere seconds ago.

But his mind was open now, that the way Joe was going could not truly help everybody, that he could not truly go on the same path as Joe. He didn't want to say because this was the right way or that Joe had led the wrong way, as he did not quite know. Marcus realized, he didn't know a lot of things. He never thought he had all the answers to life, or that he was infallible, but he thought he had been on the path way to something right.

But now, thanks to Rachael, he was thankfully pushed off that track before it was too late. Whether they had killed or had not killed, it did not matter towards a person on whether they wished to die, but only if they wished to live. The prospect of death and the prospect of life were not comparable. Maybe that's why he felt that connection to Rachael in this quick spur, and how even though he no longer shared the dream of Joe, understood him all the same.

The idea of that special 3rd person of Joe's plan became unattainable once he realized that such a person, who had been surrounded by death for so long could no longer truly, and fully, want to go home as they were now, but would cherish the memories of their past lives they had. That was what had been revealed, and Marcus could only wish he had been able to think of this eternal flaw and had been able to stop Joe from what he was going to do.

Now he was again brought to the question of what now. That was the question he had been traveling with for too long and would continue to do so until his final moments came. And maybe that's just the way he was meant to take, taking in all that happened for his meanwhile until a killer would due him in. It seemed fitting. Dying not knowing what it all meant by someone he could never fully understand.

Maybe that's the way it was suppose to be. He would never pretend that he had it all figured it out, but he would be willing to accept what could happen. Some things were just plain more then Marcus, above and beyond his comprehension. Perhaps there was a message that just couldn't come across to someone like him.

He still lied there, kneeling beside Rachael's corpse. Marcus then remembered where he actually was, and decided it would be best to leave. Marcus did not belong here, was not fit for it's designed people. Neither of them were, anymore. He began picking up Rachael's bag, noticing it's heavier weight compared to his own. Curiosity made him zip it open to take a peak. A saw. Not dangerous.

He zipped the bag closed and shook his head, slinging it over his shoulder. He began pushing one of the kiosks out of the way, just enough to where he could carry Racheal out. Marcus picked Rachael up again after returning the kiosk back into the barricade, one hand holstering her back and one under her legs. He felt the knife in her pocket. He shook his head again. Not dangerous.

((Marcus Leung: B047 - V5 - Continued In Zugzwang))