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Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by decoy73
((Zubin Wadia continued from In Relative Solitude))

Zubin walked into the student center, still not knowing why he was doing what he was doing. To look good? He'd run a couple times for the student council, with about zero success. Mainly because the other guys had better ideas or something.

Either way, this admission's either my ace in the hole, or will get me laughed out of the election.

Zubin found an empty spot for his poster, right next to one for Miles Strickland's vice presidential run, and pinned up his poster.

No Promises
No Goals
No Disappointment

Aim Low With Zubin Wadia for President 2012

"... Because I'm an honest man."

After doing so, he walked into the student center and looked around.

"Are you going to campaign for an espresso machine to be put in the lunch room? It would save you a lot of travel."

Naomi Bell, his classmate and now, fellow opponent. Making fun of Miles for always having coffee, which no matter what one called it, always tasted like shit. He thought about what he was going to say, and then approached the group, hoping to get a laugh.

"Wouldn't be enough. Probably better to just have an espresso IV. Then he'd never be rid of the sweet, sweet taste of espresso or whatever." Zubin sat down in a seat next to Stacy. "Never understood where that stuff gets its appeal, though. Always preferred tea myself."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Cake
Well how about that. Miles was being verbally ribbed by his friends and Zubin Wadia.
He was ready to answer Travis's question when Stacy and Francis started and more including Naomi appeared and joined in on all the fun.

"Hey Francis, don't you have some homework to do? I'd get to that if I were you, buddy. As for Student Coun-"

Miles had smiled back at Francis and was about to answer his question when his cousin showed up and immediately teased him about his 'supposed' chivalry, his run for the student elections and his affinity for espresso. Miles grinned back at Naomi. Fun.

"Ah Mrs. Clinton, what a surprise. Thought I smelled a mix of Victoria's Secret and Jergens Ultra Care."

Even as children the two were practically like siblings filled with all the rivalries, playful insults, arguments and a deep down respect you'd expect out of that sort of relationship. Their dads were good friends who developed a law firm and later became family after Ronald Bell introduced his sister Theresa to Noam Strickland. The rest was history.

Zubin popped in next with his own cut down. The content of the burn was actually funny, but Zubin's delivery was pretty lame. The guy was a weird case. He looked like the miniature love child of Borat and Luigi who wore dweeb glasses over his huuuuuuge schnozzle. He was the type of person Miles would usually look down at and start laughing, to be honest. Though he had to admit, aside from the unfortunate appearance, Zubin was usually a decent, inoffensive fellow. Usually.

"Oh cool. Didn't realize today was the Aurora High 'Roast' of Miles Strickland. Even have my own Joan Rivers and Gilbert Gottfried. Nice."

Miles took another sip of his gradually cooling cappuccino and smirked. He'd leave it up to them to figure out who he was talking about.

"In other news, hello there Zubin, Naomi. I was just about to tell Travis and Francis here about how as Senior Class Vice President, my job would be to organize some of the most awesome school-wide activities among other interests or concerns from the students and especially you guys, my friends." His eyes made contact with everyone else at the table, before settling back to Naomi and Zubin. " assistant to the Class President. So you should be asking one of the kids running for that instead."

He looked at Naomi for a second and his eye caught an image of Zubin's poster for the Presidency, next to his much larger and professionally made banner in the background, right behind her. Miles crossed his arms and held onto his earlier smile.

"Which would be you two, since it looks like you're running for that Presidential position too, huh Zubin?" Miles took another drink of his cappuccino, while eyeing the other boy. "It's important for me to get that right 'synergy' with the winner of that. After all, I'd be the guy who fills in for you in the off-chance event one of you dies after getting caught in some sort of freak frog dissecting accident in biology class, for example. If I can win against Mara, that is. Hopefully."

It was probably time to end that topic on a humble note, before everyone else got bored.

"Enough about me. What's new with you all lately? Francis already told us about this nice girl named Kaliska, who he's been chatting up recently. What about the rest of you? I have a few minutes left before I must be going."

Miles checked his designer wrist watch. The free period was going by quickly and his formerly hot beverage was running dry.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Delroy†
Travis hadn't even noticed Naomi Bell until she came up and teased Miles about sucking up to Ms. Havok. Nevertheless, the blonde (and, as far as Travis could tell, somewhat prudish girl), popped up following his question about Miles campaign and quickly gave him a snarky comment.

"Are you going to campaign for an espresso machine to be put in the lunch room? It would save you a lot of travel."

Travis chuckled at that. He was so used to seeing Miles drinking his coffee that he didn't even notice it anymore. His mugs of espresso were like an extension of his arm.

Travis was about to make a sarcastic comment himself, when Zubin Wadia came over and joined in on the fun that was joking around on Miles behalf. Travis had always found that Zubin was a bit of a weirdo, but he had never really had any issues with the boy, even though he thought that Zubin Wadia was one of the weirdest and most unintentionally hilarious names he'd heard in the school. It was almost as funny as Rutherford "Baby Ruth" Roger.

"Never understood where that stuff gets its appeal, though. Always preferred tea myself."

Travis grinned and put out his hand across the table towards Zubin, while clutched into a fist.

"Tea drinkers for the win, bro."

Miles then turned the whole thing around, comparing it to a roast and... Heheheh, did he just compare Zubin to Gilbert Gottfried?
Miles then proceeded to answer his question. Travis nodded with interest.

"... organize some of the most awesome school-wide activities among other interests or concerns from the students and especially you guys, my friends."

Travis smiled.

"Nawww, Miles, I'm touched."
He gave Miles a sarcastic smirk as their eyes met.

Then Miles went off on a tangent with the two presidential candidates, and Travis kind of stopped listening for a bit and yawned, audibly.

Miles finally stopped, and asked how the rest of them had been doing. Francis had already had his share of... well... sharing, so Travis stepped up to the plate.

"I dunno, man. Met some kid called Milo in Calculus. He seemed alright, I guess. Otherwise, I haven't really done anything more exciting than...."

Travis threw a few quick glances in random directions to make sure no teachers were in range. Sure, they couldn't prove anything, but what if they forced him to make a random drug test. He'd be expelled.

"... smoking weed and playing video games lately."

He stretched his back again.

"Oh, and I'm probably meeting Joe tomorrooooouhuhuhu-..."

Just as he was about to finish the sentence, he leaned a little too far back, and the chair fell backwards with an audible BANG.

Travis stayed on the ground for a few seconds, just staring up at the roof after finally managing a quick moan.

"..... Ouch....."

Travis slowly began standing up again, putting the chair back in its place, and sitting down properly this time around.

"Uuuugh... and that's what's up with me."

He gave up a pained smile at his friends.

"What about you, Stace?"

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Will†
The discussion of politics continued as Francis asked Miles about his plans for the school if he wins. Stacy rested her chin on her hands and slumped forward onto the table. She couldn't stand this discussion of politics; she sat with a bored look on her face looking at Miles, waiting for him to respond to Francis.

As Stacy continued to slump further onto the table, almost lying down on it, she heard a voice of a girl behind her. She sat up straight and looked over her shoulder to see where the source of the voice came from. A grin spread across Stacy's face as she saw who it was, Naomi Bell. Stacy liked Naomi; she was one of the nicer people of the group and defiantly one of the nicer girls in the group. Naomi was a bit overconfident but sometimes that confidence paid off, usually trying to distract and talk the meaner members of the group out of targeting students.

"Hey Nao-"

Stacy's grin vanished and resumed to its former bored look as to Stacy's disappointment, Naomi continued the topic of politics. Throwing her head back, Stacy let out a quiet groan as she returned to her slumped position on the table.

As soon as Stacy had turned back to face the table another voice called out, this time a boy's voice. Stacy looked over her shoulder once again, to see Zubin Wadia walking towards the group. Zubin was a strange one, he was not technically part of the popular group, but he still occasionally hanged out with some of the members, one of those occasions being now. Stacy neither disliked nor liked Zubin, he was friendly enough but he was just so weird. Zubin and Naomi both made a comment about Miles's coffee drinking which made Stacy grin. Stacy could never see why Miles drank coffee; it had a bitter taste and always left a horrible aftertaste in your mouth, not to mention it gave you bad breath afterwards.

Zubin then sat down next to Stacy and in response she gave a slight smile and shuffled closer to Miles so Zubin could have more room. Whilst Miles and the rest of the group continued to discuss politics, Stacy became memorized by Zubin's rather large nose. Stacy sat with her head resting on her hand with her elbow on the table, semi-facing Zubin. Her mouth lolled open as she continued to gawk at Zubin's nose. This is what happened every time Zubin sat with the group, Stacy couldn't help it, it was just a natural reaction to when the group started talking about a boring subject, it was just so... big. Luckily, Stacy snapped back into her senses   before she made it too noticeable that she had just been staring at Zubin for the best part of a minute. She looked around the group wide eyed and smiling as if she had been listening to the convocation all along. Apparently Miles had just said something sweet, judging by the reaction of Travis.

The conversation about politics and finally come to an end and now Miles had asked what the rest of the group had been up to, briefly mentioning about a girl Francis had met. Stacy grinned and leaned forward, getting closer to Francis.

"OooOoo, a girl eh Francis? Get in there!" Stacy winked at Francis, beaming a wide grin.

Travis responded to Miles's question and began telling the group what he'd been up to recently. He mentioned meeting a guy called Milo and then Travis glanced around the room. It seemed that he was checking for teachers, as when he faced the group again he told them that he had been smoking weed. Stacy let out a disgusted grunt then slouched back into her chair, shaking her head. She could never understand why people took drugs, or smoked for that matter. They both got you nowhere in life apart from sending you to an early grave. It was then that Travis leaned a little too far back on the back of his seat and ended up falling off of it. Stacy threw her head back laughing then propelled herself forward onto the table in a fit of laughter, knocking her head on the edge of it by accident. She sat up rubbing her forehead with her hand as she continued to laugh. She then snapped out of her laughing fit as she heard her name being mentioned, Travis had asked her what she had been up to.

"Oh, umm..." Stacy let out another giggle. "Well not much really, just cheerleading practice basically... oh actually I met this really cute guy when I went out for a party last weekend." She shone a cheeky smile as she glanced around her group of friends. "I can't remember his name though, it was something foreign." She paused for a moment, looking up at the celling trying to think. "...oh wait, I think it might have been Matt."  

Stacy smiled at the rest of the group.

"So, anyone else want to contribute to sharing time?"

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Pippi
Francis tried to concentrate on both his schoolwork and the stuff Miles was saying to him at the same time. It wasn't exactly working; Francis had only written the word "consequence" twice now, spelt wrong both times. Francis gave up on trying to do two things at once, and, for the moment, listened to Miles.

This didn't last for too long, because, holy shit, suddenly people. First up was Naomi Bell, who was pretty much a female Miles... except, not really. While they were both talented at public speaking, and smooth talking, Naomi's seemed more genuine to Francis. And they were rivals for the whole political campaign. And cousins too! Francis always forgot about that part. He guessed he wasn't used to cousins going to the same school; none of his did. Must be pretty weird to be facing your relatives in a glorified popularity contest. Man for something I don't really give a shit about, a lot of the stuff today has been about that. I'll still probably make a joke vote for Milo or someone...

Naomi suggested one of Miles' propositions be an espresso machine in the lunch room, which made Francis laugh slightly. To be completely honest though, Francis wouldn't have been surprised if Miles hadn't already thought of that. He hoped the guy didn't, though; the constant smell of coffee surrounding him had pretty much put Francis off the stuff for life.

As it happened, the Miles-Strickland-Insult train hadn't quite stopped yet. Another person had turned up, adding on to Naomi's whole coffee thing. Zubin Wadia was definitely an odd one. There wasn't really anything better to describe him with. He was just... weird, as was his name. Aside from that, he was a pretty cool guy, like Travis.

Most of the conversation was focused on Miles and politics, so Francis took the chance to look over the work he had to do. A few seconds spent looking through the papers showed him that, fortunately, there was actually a lot less than he'd previously thought. Just a few bits to add, couple lines to remove, some math bullshit; it was all under control.

Francis had been working for about a minute, when he heard his name mentioned by Miles. He had managed to blow the whole thing with Kaliska completely out of proportion, saying that Francis had been chatting her up. Francis put his papers down, and looked at Miles disbelievingly. Stacy chimed in with a comment of her own, along with a wink. Seeing another opportunity to poke a bit of fun at Miles, Francis' expression turned into a grin, and he said "Yeah, well, looks like I'm havin' a lot more luck with girls than Miles, eh?"

Travis was now talking about what he'd been getting up to, which really wasn't much as it happened. Francis was about to get back to doing his work, and had just looked down at the page, when he heard a bang and a crash. Looking up, Francis saw that Travis had, inevitably, fallen backwards off of his chair, and was lying in a heap on the floor. Really, it served him right for sitting like a prat. Francis slowly clapped his hands, whilst saying "Swift, Trav. Very swift."

Stacy, having recovered from her laughing fit, took her turn on saying what had been going on for her. Francis wasn't really too interested, but he listened to what she had to say, to be polite. When she finished, and asked of anyone else wanted to "contribute", Francis decided to speak up.

"Well, 'sides from the whole Kaliska thing, nothin' much's been happenin' with me. Me 'n' Rene have been working on some more street dance, parkour, stunts, stuff like that. Decided it was a good idea to try some of Damien Walters' stuff." Francis gave a low chuckle. "Not a good idea. Could have turned out kinda nasty, actually."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by ViolentMedic
Were Naomi not a classy girl, she would have responded to Miles' comment by sticking her tongue out. As it was, she just smiled and said, "At least I don't carry the scent of old coffee beans."

Just after she arrived, Zubin joined them. Zubin was... odd. That was really the only word for it. While Naomi was normally averse to making video game references, he really did look far too much like a certain Italian plumber. Other than that, though, she didn't particularly have anything against him.


Naomi glanced back at the poster he'd pinned up, squinting to read the text. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. As if he was going to win with promises of doing nothing. It might appeal to the lazier students, though.

Oh well. She could probably win the votes of the lazier students by promising to do something about the cafeteria food. How hard could that be to change?

She smiled wider at Zubin's add-on to the comment and added, "Can't use an espresso IV. It might leave unsightly bruises. Can't have that, can you, Miles?" She wasn't entirely certain whether she was Joan or Gilbert in Miles' comparison, so she left that comment alone.

Naomi sat down in one of the nearby chairs, crossing her legs gracefully, as Miles talked about what his actual plans for his vice presidency were. Apparently, his plans did not involve espresso makers.

"Business synergy runs in our family, there's nothing to fret about. Provided we both achieve the positions, naturally," Naomi added to the end, nodding at Zubin. Though she wasn't worried about Zubin as competition, really. She was probably most worried about Summer. She was using her cuteness to get votes, and, particularly in a high school, that's a very potent weapon.

I could act cute and girly to achieve votes as well, but as if I would need to.

Others started bringing up what they'd been doing lately. Travis had to glance around furtively before bringing up that he'd been smoking pot. Naomi suppressed a frown. She didn't approve of drugs. Or his sense of punk fashion or how he sat on chairs.

As if on cue, Travis fell off the chair.


On the outside, Naomi expressed concern. "Are you alright, Travis? Perhaps sitting on backrests isn't the most practical of options?" Her way of saying, 'Learn to sit properly, you plebian.'

After Stacy spent a long time laughing over Travis' stupidity, she chatted next about meeting a cute guy at a party or something similar. Naomi's attention slipped slightly. She could never muster any interest in such matters.  She supposed this was how politics sounded to Stacy. She liked Stacy well enough, but could never manage interest in the same things. So she just nodded politely as Stacy mentioned that the boy's name had (possibly) been Matt.

Francis talked afterwards, mentioning that he and a friend had tried imitating someone named Damien Walters. Naomi had no idea who that was, but judging by the context it sounded like it was the equivalent of a child trying to skateboard on a long, difficult railing because they saw someone on television do it.  Though at least Francis had clear hindsight on how it'd been a bad idea, unlike those simpletons on the internet who repeatedly attempt silly stunts until they break something.

"Hindsight is 20/20, hm?" she said.

Since most of the others had spoken, Naomi felt this was probably a good time to talk without interrupting anybody.

"As for me... well... busy with student council and campaigning... plus debate, book club, yearbook-related activities... also I was accused of scratching a motorcycle and the owner retaliated by drawing genitalia on my schoolbooks..." Naomi frowned a bit, before mock sighing and adding, "Oh, if only assassins were available to whoever wins the presidency."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by decoy73
"Oh cool. Didn't realize today was the Aurora High 'Roast' of Miles Strickland. Even have my own Joan Rivers and Gilbert Gottfried. Nice."

Gilbert Gottfried. That was one that Zubin hadn't heard before. Travis and Naomi still quipped back supportively, though, so the joke wasn't a total loss. Then Miles went into political mode. Basically, it was, "Vote for Miles, because he's awesome." Of course, it was him or Mara Montalvo, so it kinda made sense to vote for Miles. That was all that was worth listening to, though, until Miles asked what everyone else was doing.

Travis was first to speak up, stating that he hadn't been doing anything but weed and video games, although the weed part made it so that Zubin had to listen closely to hear Travis. This part was lost on Zubin, however, once Travis tipped his chair back too far and toppled over. Zubin had to stifle a laugh before getting his bearings.

"Uh, Travis, you okay?" Travis got up fine, so the answer was probably yes. Stacy was laughing uproariously at the event that could have basically been put on "America's Funniest Home Videos." Stacy then admitted that she had gone out and met a guy with the "exotic" name of Matt. Francis spoke up about how he was doing some dancing and parkour.

Naomi was naturally talking about her campaign, as well as a slew of other activities she did, the only one of which interested Zubin was debate, and noted that somebody had gone all Superbad on some of her books. Zubin just had to smirk at that. It was a good thing it hadn't been her drawing dicks on her books. She'd probably have been taken to psychiatric care for stress or something. And Zubin realized that it had all come back to him.

"Well, I'm running for President, obviously. Seeing how that goes. I'm also surviving classes and playing video games as well. Who knows. Maybe I'll win. It'll be a real shocker, as well as the fact that going in, I have no chance of failing my goal."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Cake
Miles looked on with quiet satisfaction as Stacy played around with Francis about the whole Kaliska thing. He resisted the urge to smirk when Francis glared in his direction. Miles simply kept eye contact and raised his eyebrows, as if to say "What I do?"

Doesn't feel so hot when it happens to you, does it buddy?

Of course, Francis threw Miles' name back into the fire, not at all discretely. Now Miles always thought Francis was a cool guy, an equal on the soccer team who he could get along with, but for whatever reason he had, the guy was taking some kind of personal frustration out on him in particular today. Normally he'd brush these kinds of comments away as harmless verbal ribbing, but the joke in combination with his body language and comments earlier implied otherwise.

Bottom line, Francis was getting into battle with the wrong person. War with Miles Strickland and you will be destroyed. No offense.

"Challenge accepted, bro." Miles said in response to Francis' luck with girls comment, before taking that last sip of cappuccino. His expensive hot cup container would be washed for later use.

Miles prepared to take a seat after still standing from offering Stacy her's when Travis's seat and Travis along with it toppled over and landed back first. On cue, Stacy began breaking down in fits of laughter like some sort of sea-hag banshee and Francis was sarcastically clapping his hands. Yet they had been talking to him like he was the prick, not five minutes ago? Hypocrites.

Being that he was still standing, Miles went over to help Travis up with an extra hand, in case he was hurt or something. Travis deserved some for getting on his good side and being generally cool today (though still a moron for sitting like that in the first place). Travis seemed to get up okay on his own and Miles simple supported him with a hand near, just in case.

"You okay, Travis?" He patted the guy on the shoulder and gave another of his trademark smirks when Travis sat down properly this time. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

Checking the time, Miles realized he had to leave soon, so he continued to stand, listening to the daily chit chat. Apparently Stacy had met a guy with the "foreign" name - Matt. To that, Miles' nearly sneered at the stupidity. Nice girl, but that was a total blonde moment on her part there. He wondered if she was talking about that gigantic, Matt Masters guy. A ridiculous looking odd couple if Stacy and he should pair. Francis talked about his questionable side hobbies and friends, which was alright he guessed. The parkour and dances could be impressive to watch, but sometimes it just seemed like a waste of time.

Naomi was next, complaining about genitalia drawn in her text book and Miles already knew who she was talking about, due to his cousin's many complaints about him outside of school.

"Owen right? Is that dolt still bothering you, cousin? If you want, Cody and I could talk to him for you." Miles grinned at the thought of Cody Patton politely telling Owen to leave Naomi alone. Cody was probably one of his closest friends in the school, but Miles had to admit that words weren't exactly Cody's strong point.

Zubin also said something about possibly winning president. He admired the confidence and almost gave a mock compliment at the delusions there, but remembered something that he forgot to bring up earlier.

"Any who. Prom is coming up. Any plans? Who you guys going with? Are you going to ask Kaliska, Francis?" Miles kept a straight face, but it was fun to milk the subject while he was at it.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Delroy†
After the rest of the group had begun answering he question with various success (C'mon, Stace. The name Matt isn't THAT fuckin' exotic, now is it?), Travis found himself getting bored again. Sitting normally on the seat didn't exactly help with his back either. It was quite ironic really, the fact that his acrobatic sitting style was the only way he could sit without something aching up. Blegh, he hoped Joe would answer his text soon. He was really in the mood for some weed right now.

He snapped out of it when he heard Miles mention Prom, and a suggestion for Francis to go with that Kaliska girl.

"Heheh, yeah, Francis. I'm sure she would looooove to go with you, if you just asked her."

Travis got a wide grin on his face and chuckled.

"As for me? I dunno, man... no plans yet... Hopefully someone cute, and who isn't too... hrm.... prudish, if you know what I mean..."

He smiled and winked at Miles. The gesture was hardly necessary. Everyone in the group knew about Travis and his sexual escapades at parties. How could they not? Rumors had gone around the school for quite some time. Most of them positive, some of them negative, and almost all of them true. He enjoyed experimenting, what could he say? It was no shock that he wanted to score on Prom night.

"Heh, I just realized something... So, you know how the King and Queen are often someone from... well, "our" crew, yes?"

He made a dramatic pause.

"And the most famous and popular people are usually the ones who win the titles, riiiight?"

Another pause, followed by a wide grin.

"And the people who have their faces plastered all over the school, from this group, would beeeee... Miles and Naomi, correct?"

He could see it now. The cousins being King and Queen. Being forced to dance with each other, and act like they were dating. Holy crap, that would be hilarious!

"So it wouldn't be too unreasonable to think that A LOT of people would vote for the two of you, meaning....... You two might be King and Queen. Together. As cousins! Oh man, that'd be awkward, wouldn't it?"

Travis gave the two cousins a wide, mischievous grin. He winked at them, almost like he had just revealed a big secret to them, and made a final comment on the topic.

"Just some food for thought, that's all."

As he let them ponder the implications of this, he looked down at his cell phone and realized what the time was.

"Anyway, people... It was nice hanging with you, but I gotta take care of some stuff. I'll see you around!"

Travis rose up from his seat and headed over to the lockers. Goddamnit, why wasn't Joe answering his text? Would he be forced to smoke alone today?

((Travis Webster continued in First They Smoked And Pondered Pastries...))

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Cake
Oh that was good. Travis's joke really took him by surprise. It was a bit funny yeah, but the gross factor far outweighed that factor, to him at least and he was sure Naomi, too.

Instinctively, Miles cringed and took a step away from Naomi. He wasn't sure if he said "Eugh!" out loud or not either.

"Travis, you perv."

"Well um." He checked his watch. "Like I said a few minutes ago, I need go somewhere too. So uh. Later guys."

Normally when he left a group of friends, he'd give a friendly handshake with the guys and a quick hug to the girls, but when he got to Naomi, Miles opted for a weak high five instead. He got out there fast.

[[Miles Strickland Continued To: Monochromatic Living.]]

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Will†
((OOC: YAY 100th POST!))

Stacy crossed her legs as she listened to Francis's response. The name Kaliska popped up again and Stacy opened her mouth to speak but stopped before she could fully say a work, resulting in a squeaking sound. She closed her mouth and pursed her lips, slightly frowning. She wanted to know who this Keliska girl was, but it was obvious that Francis didn't want to speak about it.

Francis carried on speaking, mentioning that he'd been doing dance and parkour. Stacy didn't mind dance, it was one step away from cheerleading. In fact, if Stacy hadn't gotten into cheerleading she probably would have taken up dance. Parkour, she didn't like however. Stacy figured that it was just another way for people to show off. If people liked jumping off of stuff so much they should just get a trampoline.

Then Naomi chirped in, she began speaking about her list of activities that she had been participating in. Stacy couldn't understand how Naomi could do all those activities, if that was her it Naomi's position she'd be exhausted. Stacy only did two activities, cheerleading and modelling and even then the latter of the two was more of a job than an activity.

Naomi then stated that someone had drawn genitalia on her school books. This caused Stacy to smirk and then roll her eyes. It was then revealed by Miles that the culprit could in fact be Owen Veveris and then offered for him and Cody Patton to "talk" to him. Stacy had heard of Owen before but had never talked to him before. Owen and Naomi were always getting into arguments and it wouldn't be very surprising if it was actually him who drew on her books.

As Zubin spoke about what he had been up to, Miles brought up the topic of prom. Stacy's face lightened up, a topic she liked had finally come up. Kaliska had once again been mentioned by Miles and Travis but Stacy had decided to let it go. Travis then stated that there would be a large possibility that Miles and Naomi would become prom King and prom Queen and as a result, be forced to dance with each other. Stacy agreed that that would be incredibly awkward, but there were plenty of other people that could become prom King and Queen.

Stacy then decided to pipe up and respond to Miles's question.

"Well at the moment I'm not going with anyone, but I hope to find someone soon. Hopefully I'll be able to find a good looking guy who isn't a complete jerk. I don't really want to go with any nerdy gamer guys; they just always make me feel awkward."  Stacy quickly glanced towards Zubin, accidently looking at his nose again and then turned to Travis. "And if I'm lucky enough Naomi won't have to dance with Miles because I'm really hoping that I'll be crowned prom Queen." Stacy glanced around the group and smiled at them all. "I know that there are plenty of people who would deserve it, but it would totally just make my year!"

It was then that Travis got up and left. He seemed to be leaving in a hurry which made Stacy suspicious. Stacy frowned and leaned forward, watching Travis walk out of the student centre.

"You'd better not be off to do what I think you're about to do!" Stacy lent back in her seat and shook her head. Smoking was such a dirty habit.

Travis's departure was then promptly followed by Miles's. Miles also didn't say where he was off to which made Stacy just as suspicious of Miles as she was of Travis. Where's he going?

"Bye Miles." Stacy said whilst smiling at him.

Stacy stared at the remaining members of the group.

"So, what's everyone doing after school? I gave nothing to do so I'm going to be super bored."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by ViolentMedic
Naomi raised an eyebrow at Miles' offer before shaking her head. "As tempting as that is, I'll find a way to deal with it. It's just a petty squabble, and wouldn't want him to know how infuriating he's being." That wasn't to say she planned to let it go. But she'd get her revenge on her own terms.

Zubin mentioned running for president and how he couldn't fail his goals. That doesn't mean anything if you don't have goals. If the president had gone with 'Let's Not Bother' instead of 'Yes, We Can,' would anyone have voted for him?

Out loud, Naomi said, "Don't think I'm going down that easy. But we'll see."

Miles brought up prom plans. Naomi didn't really have any yet... She'd been so busy with other things that she had barely given prom a glancing thought. She was looking forward to it, sure, but she hadn't planned anything.

"I haven't decided yet," Naomi said. She wasn't particularly worried about dates. She'd be able to find someone without any problems. Although she didn't want to go with anyone who'd be expecting to 'score a home run.' Her virginity was staying intact, thank you very much.

Travis made a comment about not taking someone prudish. The winking and 'if you know what I mean' was completely unnecessary. And then he stated, in the most dramatic and irritatingly gleeful way he could, the strong odds of Miles and Naomi ending up prom king and queen. ...Well, that was a disturbing thought. Miles seemed to think so as well, judging by the scooting away and noise of disgust. Naomi just shook her head.

"Well, that food for thought has the same flavour as expired milk," she sighed. "Thanks a lot, Travis, I'll be charging you for the ingredients needed to bleach my brain."

Stacy talked about her hopes for a good-looking, non-nerdy date before voicing her desire to be prom queen. Naomi wasn't surprised to hear that, it did seem like the kind of thing Stacy would enjoy.

"Well, you'll have a vote from me, in that case." Naomi smiled and added, "Awkward possibilities aside, I'm not really bothered about the prom queen business." It wasn't something that her competitive side came out for, perhaps because prom queen was a one-night position that wouldn't affect either college applications or any future careers.

Travis then ran off rather suddenly. Naomi didn't know why (though she could make a few guesses considering Travis' reputation) but she wasn't lamenting the fact.

Miles decided to leave immediately afterwards. Rather than his usual goodbye hug, he opted to give Naomi a rather poor high five. It was awkward on both sides, and not just because Naomi did not do high fives normally.

In reply to Stacy's question about after school, Naomi said, "I have to pick up Maria from school and keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't eat my cosmetics again. Plus, there's a lot of schoolwork and speech preparation and... so, yes, right now I would love some boredom, but alas it's not to be," she said dryly. She shrugged and smiled again. "Envious."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:40 am
by decoy73
Miles got up to help Travis get up, even though Travis didn't need it. After Zubin finished with what he had been saying, Miles asked about Prom, and if anybody had plans for dates, bringing up Kaliska Day for Francis. Naomi stated that she had no idea yet. Travis brought up the fact that he was looking for somebody who was willing to get down with him, and then mentioned what would happen if Miles and Naomi won Prom King and Queen, before leaving promptly.

Well, shit. I was going to suggest Stacey May-Mordetsky if he wants promiscuous, but then again, there's a chance he'd probably shoot himself before the end of prom if he took me up on it.

Zubin just raised his eyebrows as Miles and Naomi cringed at the thought. Stacy then noted that she wanted to find a date ... although she didn't want to go out with any geeky guys, which would include him.

"Aww, I'm so hurt." Zubin said this with a smirk, just to note that he wasn't fully caught by surprise. Stacy also mentioned that she did think it would be awkward if both Miles and Naomi were to have to dance together, as well as the fact that she wanted to be Prom Queen. Then Miles left quickly, having already stated that he had somewhere to go. Zubin just waved him goodbye.

"See ya."

Stacy then asked what everyone was doing, admitting that she had nothing really to do. Naomi talked about how she had to pick up her sister and do a lot of work, both for school and her campaign.

"Well, for prom, I have an idea of who I'd like to go with, and for home ... uh ... I really got nothing after track practice." Zubin had nearly stated that he knew it wasn't going to be Stacy, due to the reasons Stacy mentioned and because he was going to ask somebody else, but had decided not to say it, realizing that he would have probably caused Stacy to slap him across the face.

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:40 am
by Pippi
((Argh, so sorry for the wait! Exams and revision are literally the worst things))

Perhaps rather fortunately, Francis didn't hear Miles' "Challenge Accepted" comment; he'd gone back to his stack of papers, and the shuffling through blocked out the sound of Miles' voice. There wasn't too much work to do, and the work itself wasn't hard either, but if he kept on getting distracted by this, then Francis knew he'd be in quite a bit of trouble.

Still, he didn't want to completely ignore his friends (and less-than-friends). With that in mind, Francis responded to Naomi's comment about hindsight whilst still writing on the paper; "Yeah, but y'know we'll probably just get injured doin' something simple, Sod's law an' all."

Francis was focused mostly on his work from that point onwards, only catching snippets of conversation. He heard Naomi wishing for assassins if she became president, and Francis hid a grin behind a sheet of paper. Yeah, sometimes he definitely felt as if he could do with an assassin or two. Hell, a bit more training, and he could probably fit the bill quite nicely.

On a much less entertaining note, Miles brought back up the topic of prom, suggesting Francis ask Kaliska. Travis also seemed particularly enthused by the idea. Sometimes, Francis couldn't help but wonder whether Travis'... usage of substances had addled his brain somewhat. It would certainly explain the chair thing. At least he's a pretty cool guy, most of the time. Francis simply rolled his eyes, and responded "Ha. Ha. Ha. You're a real riot today, aren't ya."

Not in the mood for talking, Francis got back to working on his papers. He'd almost finished everything, when he noticed that both Travis and Miles were leaving. Well, he couldn't exactly say he was disappointed. Francis gave a simple "See ya guys", before finishing off the last few lines of an English essay. Apparently Naomi was going to be looking after her sister and finishing her president speech, and Zubin was doing nothing except for track practice. Francis waited until Zubin had finished talking triumphantly slamming his papers onto the table.

"Aaaand I am done! Just in time too." Francis leaned back in his chair, a small smile creeping onto his face. "As for me, I jus' feel like sleeping, to be honest. I'm kinda..." Francis thought carefully about how best to describe how he was feeling. "Emotionally and physically drained, really."

Re: We Rule the School

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:40 am
by Will†
After hearing that Naomi was going to vote for her for prom Queen, a large grin appeared on Stacy's face. She stared at Naomi with kind eyes whilst trying to figure out how to respond. Stacy contemplated about telling her she'd vote for her too, but it was then that Naomi said she wasn't too fussed about prom Queen. There would be no point voting for her if it was something she didn't want.

"Aww thank you Naomi, I'll try and find a way to repay you." Stacy replied

Then Zubin piped in. It seemed that he had caught onto Stacy's comment about not wanting to go to the prom with anyone nerdy. Stacy's eyes widened and she bit her bottom lip. She turned towards Zubin and smiled.

"Oh no, I didn't mean you Zubin, you're completely fine!" Stacy followed up the statement with a wink at Zubin.

Stacy turned away from Zubin to face Naomi again. Shit she mouthed at her whilst trying to contain a giggle.

In a response to Stacy's question, Naomi stated that she had to pick up her younger sister from school then do school work and prepare for her speech. Stacy grimaced. She agreed with Naomi, she'd much prefer being bored and doing nothing than doing all of that.

"Unlucky Naomi, I would offer to help but I don't know anything about making speeches." Stacy said sympathetically.

Zubin then declared that he had an idea of who he wanted to go with to prom. It seemed like he was going to say something else but then he hesitated. Stacy's eyebrows creased in confusion but then she decided to let it go as it was probably nothing. Zubin then went on to saying what he was doing after school, which was just track practice.

"So, who's the lucky girl Zubin?" Stacy asked in response to the first part of Zubin's statement.

There was a bang on the table and Stacy turned her head to find the source of the noise. It turned out to be Francis slamming his homework onto the table; he had just finished it and was now leaning back in his chair, smiling. Surprisingly, Francis had actually been listening to Stacy instead of just focusing on his homework. He added that he just felt like sleeping because he was feeling drained.

"Why's that Francis?" Stacy asked curiously.