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Re: C is for Cookie

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:14 am
by CondorTalon
Apparently Michelle had tried to make a joke. Oh, well... uh... Yukiko formed a sort of nervous half-smile.

Someone else came to the table and quickly made themselves known, though. Nick, she recalled. He was a photographer for the school paper, but that was about all she knew of him.

Oh, apparently Michelle was selling Girl Scout cookies. That was cool. Yukiko hadn't really tried any of those before, and right now she didn't really feel up to buying any (that and the fact that she had no money today). She just sat, taking out her lunch until yet another person appeared, immediately spouting out an order for cookies. Then, he turned his attention to Emily.

"Uh, hey, since you're here, and I'm here, I just thought I'd ask if you wanted to go to the prom? With me. 'Cause, you know, pretty much everyone want to go to the prom, unless you're some kind of anti-social weirdo. In which case, I don't think you need to worry about anyone asking you. Not that you're a weirdo. At all."

Wait did he just...

"So, uh, yeah. Prom?"


Wow, she thought, as she took a sip of her juice.

Re: C is for Cookie

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:14 am
by Ruggahissy
((It's bit a bit so Imma just go ahead and post and skip RXK))

Wow, Emily was willing to help her. Well, maybe help was too strong a word, but she was definitely not opposed to giving her a recommendation. A+ cookie salesgirl, would buy again.

Michelle nodded. "You can use them as a carb cram before a meet too. Hmm?" she said smiling sunnily.

Suddenly another boy walked up to the group. People were really piling in. Without even needed for her to open her mouth Cooper asked to be put down for four boxes! Michelle was certain that was the first time she'd sold that much without even saying anything. Maybe the pamphlet was right and the cookies really did sell themselves.

But as she was scribbling down the order on the order form it became apparent that Michelle's weren't the only goodies he was after. He wanted Emily to go to prom with him. How awkward!

Michelle started making scribbles on her paper just so that she didn't have to look up and give them impression of being nosey.

Re: C is for Cookie

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:14 am
by MurderWeasel
Emily didn't quite know what to do.

Cooper had just asked her to Prom. A few days ago, the prospect would have been, well, okay, honestly not the most appealing in the world, but less awkward than it was now. She didn't really know the boy. He wasn't at all her style, a bit too goofy and into all that stuff boys thought made them look cool but actually was kind of juvenile. Now, though, Emily had a date to Prom in the form of Miles. She'd told some of her friends, but she and Cooper ran in such hopelessly different circles that she couldn't imagine he could have heard.

Everyone was silent. Emily could feel all the attention bearing down on her, could feel the pressure and expectation, for an answer at the very least. This was exactly why it was a terrible idea to ask someone out in front of a group. It made things so much worse for everyone involved. It added pressure for an immediate, articulate response, and it meant that no matter how careful she was, this wasn't going to be as gentle as she wished she could make it.

Emily had just sat, frozen, for a few seconds. She let out her breath and managed to stifle a nervous little giggle that tried to make it past her teeth, because the last thing she wanted to do was sound like she was laughing at Cooper. It had probably been hard for him to work up the nerve to ask. He seemed awkward, and Emily could relate.

"It's, uh, I'm really flattered, Cooper," she said, trying to keep her smile from looking fake. This was why she'd practiced so hard. "I already have plans, though. I'm really sorry."

She was sorry, too. Not sorry to be unable to go to the dance with Cooper—she in no way relished the idea of being tied to someone she didn't know well or even know if she liked for a major event like this, and he'd probably want to kiss her at the end of the night in the best case scenario—but sorry for having to disappoint him. Getting shot down wasn't fun. Emily had been dumped a couple times, and it had hurt in a way she imagined was similar. Romantic rejection stung because it felt like a personal rejection, a rejection of one's self and identity. The last thing she wanted was to tell Cooper, "You're not good enough," even if that was basically what she felt.

She'd started looking at the table somewhere during her last sentence, and didn't really want to look back up to meet his eyes. She knew that this would probably be good for her reputation, and she felt a little guilty about that. No way this wouldn't get around, not with so many people right here, and then the whole school would know that she'd been asked by two boys and that she'd rejected the dorkier one. It sure didn't feel very good right now, though.

Hurting people never did.

Re: C is for Cookie

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:14 am
by BetaKnight
"I already have plans."


"I already have plans."

Cooper swallowed hard.  He could feel a burning flush speeding up his neck and spread across his cheeks and ears.

"I already have plans."

Those four little words sent his stomach crashing somewhere around his toes.  Of course she already had plans.  Why had he ever thought she wouldn't have plans?  It had been stupid of him to think Emily would still be free this close to Prom.  What was wrong with him?  He must have been brain damaged to have asked her.

Emily Nakoa, incredibly hot girl, cheerleader, and member of some of the highest social circles at school.  She probably had a date lined up long before Prom ticket sales were even announced.  She was probably going with one of athletes.  Why hadn't he heard about someone scoring a date with her?

Maybe the reason he hadn't heard of Emily having a date was because she was going with someone from a different school.  Or a college guy.  Someone older, who was more sophisticated, cooler than he could ever hope to be.  Cooper could imagine Emily and some UDub guy drinking coffee and discussing photography or politics or literature or...something else he didn't really get.

It would only make sense for someone else to take Emily to Prom.  Someone who was really deserving of having her full attention for a few hours.  Someone who would make it a really memorable and special experience for her.  Someone who, judging by the way she was now staring at the top of the table, would never be him.  He felt like slapping himself in the face.  It was dumb of him to have come up to her like this, to put both of them in this supremely awkward and uncomfortable position.

"Oh. Uh...I mean, uh...of course you have a date. That's cool." He forced out the words out, trying to sound upbeat and like his heart wasn't currently broken into about a thousand little pieces.  His stomach was rolling alarmingly and he worried that perhaps his recently devoured Doritos might make a spectacularly disgusting reappearance.  

Wouldn't that just be the candy sprinkles all over the amazing fail cake this whole thing had turned out to be?  He could just hear the gossip making the rounds now.  'Cooper Komorowski asked Emily to Prom, and when she turned him down, he blew Dorito chunks all over her.'

It was time to do some damage control and make an exit before things got any worse. Cooper turned away from Emily and focused on Michelle.  He was sure that his ears were now beet red and he tried to rally.

"Oh, uh, hey Michelle?  Do me a solid and change that cookie order?  Could I get three boxes of Samoas instead of just the one?  I should really send some to my sister.  She'd probably really love it. I owe you like, $30 bucks, right?"  

He made a show of patting his pockets.  "Oh, man.  I forgot my wallet in my locker," he announced, lying through his teeth.  

"Let me go grab it and I'll flip you the money at the end of lunch, okay?"  Without waiting for a response, he turned and headed straight out of the lunch room.  Cooper figured he would just leave all his stuff and come back for it just before lunch ended.  Michelle would probably still be in there, selling cookies so he could play this whole thing off like no big deal.

((Cooper Komorowski continued in So You Wanna be a F*cking Fighter?))

Re: C is for Cookie

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:15 am
by Ruggahissy
Michelle bit her lip and fiddled with one of her fish earrings. It was deadly silent following Emily's answer. She was frozen to the spot. She couldn't look away. She knew it was polite and normal to look away or change the subject or do something, anything but she just could not help it. Poor guy, but it was brutal.

Michelle was snapped back when Cooper asked for more boxes of cookies and they total. 3 boxes, $4 each. 4 times 3 is twelve, her brain automatically calculated once it was  given a straight forward task. "Actually it's not that expensive it's just-"

But he was gone. Michelle was able to come back and suddenly she was a little hurt that someone thought that her cookies were that much of a gouge. He was trying to leave as quickly as he could though so she couldn't begrudge him much.

Michelle looked left, right, then at Emily. "Wow, that was really awkward," she said quietly. "I feel so bad. I mean, not that you did anything wrong, if you've got a date you've got a date. Seems like a nice dude, but like, bejeebus he was about as smooth as chunky gravel."

Michelle checked her Winnie the Pooh wrist watch. Tigger's curly tail had moved quite a bit since she'd first come to the lunch area.

"Kay, well that's a weird note to leave off on, but I've got to keep cookie pushing," she said, apologetically. "But thanks so much for buying some and um....I'm pretty sure next time we talk when I've got your cookies it won't be as weird."

Michelle felt like she was digging herself deeper. She put on a bright smile and waved.

Man if she didn't think you were weird with your outfit she certainly does now. Vamoose before she has time to process.

((Michelle Wexler continued in So We Settled for the Center of Town))

Re: C is for Cookie

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:15 am
by MurderWeasel
Emily just gave out a few nods and vague sounds of agreement in response to everything that happened.

This had just gotten about as awkward as it possibly could. In the wake of Cooper's and Michelle's retreats, Emily simply looked around, a bit stunned. She didn't know Nick or Yukiko well, and she didn't want to be stuck here at this table after what had just happened. She felt bad about it. It didn't matter that she knew it wasn't her fault. It didn't matter that this was a better outcome than many. She felt awkward and embarrassed and a little bit frustrated by everything.

It was not a good state to be in. It wasn't a good fit for her or her image, and she certainly didn't want to blow up. As such, she quickly finished her meal in a couple bites, then stood up.

"I've got to go," she said. Further explanation seemed unnecessary. Her cheeks felt warm. Her voice sounded just fine, though. "See you around."

With that, Emily gave them a smile and a wave and got going, as quickly as she could while staying casual. As soon as she was out of the lunchroom, she made her way to a quiet spot in the elective hall and just sat until the end of lunch.

Why did this have to happen? Everything had been going so well.

((Emily Nakoa continued elsewhere))

Re: C is for Cookie

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:15 am
by CondorTalon
Things were just getting more and more awkward, here. Well, it's not like it mattered to her too much, after all, Yukiko really had no part in this.

But then, everyone started to leave, one by one. And well, there wasn't much to be done here anymore. She looked over at Nick.

"Uh... sorry about that," she said, standing up. She didn't really know what she was a apologizing for, but it felt weird to just get up and leave without saying a word.

She threw her trash in the garbage can, packed her lunchbag, and quickly walked out of the lunchroom.

Man, that one moment had enough awkwardness for a whole week...

((Yukiko Sakurai continued elsewhere...))