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Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:44 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar†
The emotional rollercoaster slowly ground to a halt. It had been up and down, fast and slow, twisting and turning, and now it was finally over. At least, Gavin bloody well hoped that it was; his stomach had churned more than enough for one day.

"No, you don't sound lame." He managed to say after a moment. "Just a bit scared. Which is okay, I've been terrified for a while now."

In truth, Gavin felt tired. The fluctuating dynamics of this encounter had drained away his energy like a day at the gym. It was the same kind of tiredness he associated with long school tests or homework assignments, only compressed into a much shorter time period. There was certainly fear there somewhere, though.

But I can cope with it. Gavin thought firmly to himself.

Finally feeling some measure of stability, he moved to seat himself on the bench before continuing in a more earnest tone.  "You're right though. I am stupid at times. But I like to think that I'm at least stupid for sincere reasons... if that makes any kind of sense. I'm very grateful you consider me such a good friend. Now that I think about it, I'd rather have a strong friendship with you than a romantic relationship with anybody else."

Perhaps those last words were a little too direct, Gavin wasn't sure. But at this point he'd given up trying to analyse the conversation. It was like gambling, you either spent days working on an incredibly complicated system that you hoped would help you win big, or you just went by your instincts and threw money at the machine your gut told you was likely to pay out.

With his knees balanced on the frame of the bench, Gavin dug a hand into one of his trench coat pockets, pulling out a neatly folded square of white cloth that he held up to Megan like a flag of truce. "Need a handkerchief?" He asked with a small, apologetic smile.

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:44 am
by Jilly
A smile formed on Megan's face. "Nah...I'm fine." She wiped her face one last time and walked back over to the bench and joined Gavin. "...But, yeah. I guess I just like you too much to be upset, most of the time. You're a really good friend - no, you're a great friend. Good and great. Grood." Megan coughed to break off of this weird trail of a Strong Bad reference. " I'm sorry if you feel like I'm 'friendzoning' you or something, but it's just...ya know..."

She couldn't bring herself to continue, or else she feared she would start crying again. Plus, she felt like Gavin knew what she meant, so what point was there in continuing? "...Anyway, I'm sorry I kind of overreacted there. I don't know what happened."

It was then that she noticed the muffin still in her hands, mangled from the emotional roller coaster. Now satisfied enough to eat it, she bravely plunged forth and took a bite. It didn't even take a minute for the flavor explosion to start going off. So was like a gift from the heavens, sent from Jesus himself.

"Jesus, this is good! Did you bake this?" Megan scarfed down another bite, before Gavin even had a chance to reply.

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:44 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar†
Oh thank God, something is finally going right.

Gavin felt a smile breaking out on his face in response to Megan's ecstatic reaction. For a moment he was almost tempted to lie about the origin of the sticky treats, but quickly thought better of it. Megan was certainly not the kind of person to condemn him for not baking her gifts with his own two hands.

"My mother made them for us." He admitted after a moment's pause. "I explained our situation to her, and in light of how little time there is for us left before the trip she agreed to cook us a treat. But if you like them so much, then I'll learn the make them myself."

It was an offer made up on the spur of the moment, but Gavin found that it rang with an odd sincerity. He disliked having to ask for anything when it was possible just to do it himself, and suddenly the idea of being able to replicate his mother's culinary successes was much more appealing.

After all, there's no reason the saying 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' can't apply to a woman as well...

Realising that he had left his own muffin on the bench, Gavin reached down and picked it up. It looked delicious even with a bite already taken out of it. Now that he no longer felt mildly queasy, Gavin had no qualms about sinking his teeth into it a second time, taking a long moment to fully absorb the flavours before he swallowed.

"There's one more for each of us, by the way." He said after his mouth was once again empty. "As for your reaction, I can understand it. It's hardly your fault, and I hope these make it up to you."

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:44 am
by Jilly
"Dragging your mom into this? I see how you work, Gavin..." And with one last bite, the muffin was a missing person's case. No trace beyond the wrapping paper, which Megan crumbled into a ball and set it on the bench.

"But yeah, you totally should! Then I could tell people if they know the 'Muffin Man'!" Megan covered her mouth to try and hide her laughter before continuing. "But seriously, I think it's cool when people can bake stuff. All the things I try turns to carbon, so I always get discouraged. But if you want to, go for it. I would totally eat your muffins...uh..."

Silence. Coughing.

"...But yeah, these are just fine. Can I have that other one?"

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:45 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar†
Every stoic has a breaking point. No man can remain completely objective in the face of adversity, there is always a limit. Gavin reached his limit exactly two point four seconds after Megan's clumsy comment had fully registered. For a moment he just sat there, utterly pole axed, helpless to prevent the inevitable dissemination of information that was already taking place within his brain.

Oh hello Dr Freud, haven't seen you in a while.

To his credit, the sound that first emerged from Gavin's larynx did not resemble a laugh so much as it did the death-rattle of some large predatory animal, the strangled sound hanging in the air for a moment before it was eclipsed by the explosive convulsion of near-hysterical mirth that followed. He doubled over on the bench, one hand clutched futilely over his mouth and the other over his aching ribs.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry... ugh-haha." He managed to sputter after a few long seconds. He had no idea why he was laughing so hard. The world was oddly fuzzy, and Gavin realised his glasses had slipped down almost over his nose, and he hurriedly moved to adjust them before they fell off entirely. With a deep breath, he managed to look at Megan again. His chest ached.

"I... I'm sorry." He repeated in a slightly more controlled fashion. "I j-just couldn't take anymore, uh, unfortunate implications. Really, I'm sorry, I - haha - couldn't hold things in any longer. Even stoics can only t-take so much."

Plucking the glasses off his nose, Gavin wiped his eyes with the clean handkerchief that was - miraculously - still in his hand. His hand trembled slightly as he replaced them, the laughter still there. He realised now that he hadn't been laughing at Megan's slip of the tongue, at least not entirely. It had simply been an excuse to release the mirth inherent in their situation. He took it no less seriously, but damn, something or other about it made him laugh.

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:45 am
by Jilly
Damn it, Freud. You may have won the match, but the war is far from over.

Megan's face flared up from embarrassment. It was good to see Gavin let loose every once in a while, but it also felt good to take someone down a couple of notches.

Her eyes fell on the crumpled muffin wrapper. Yes...this will do just nicely. She picked it up, smirked at Gavin, and raised her arm in anticipation. Fueled by the playful anger, the ball went flying with the force of forty hurricanes.

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:45 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar†
The heavy, insulating grease paper that Juliet Hunter had wrapped the hot muffins in made a surprisingly effective projectile weapon, and it smacked into the side of his face hard enough to dislodge his glasses for the second time in less than a minute. It didn't hurt, but it was enough to get him to stop laughing.

With one hand held up to ward off any further assaults, Gavin used the other to push his glasses back into place again. He took several deep breaths, unable to keep the smile off his face despite his best efforts. But then again, he wanted to smile. The spell that had hung over the conversation for the past few minutes seemed to have been broken at last.

"Alright, maybe I took that just a little too far." He admitted in a mock-grudging tone of voice, leaning his head back and inclining it to look at Megan again. "It just felt good to laugh for some reason. Actually, that gives me an idea. Let's not make this trip symbolic of being pulled apart, but symbolic of sticking together. I'm far too serious and uptight to derive much enjoyment from a place like Disneyland, but when I'm with you I feel like I can unwind and enjoy a situation. So let's enjoy it together, as real friends should. What do you say?"

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:45 am
by Jilly
Oh shit.

As soon as the paper hit the target, Megan instinctively covered her mouth with her hands. She didn't exactly mean to knock out his source of vision. Oops.

But Gavin seemed to take it better than she expected. All he did was readjust his glasses with that rare smile on his face. Either he was so euphoric that not even getting a paper ball launched in the side of his head would make him mad or the muscles on the corners of his mouth were rusted from little use. At any rate, seeing that rare Gavin grin remain on his face caused Megan to tense down, smiling with him. "Sorry," she said with a light laugh, getting up to pick up the ball that had landed on the ground in front of them.

After throwing it away, Megan sat back down on the bench and heard Gavin's proposition. "Ok, then..." she nodded her head. "Just promise me you won't freak out on It's A Small World or something. Not because I'd be mad or anything; I'd just never let you live that down." She gently nudged him. "But yeah...that sounds good. Friends until the end, right?"

It was a good day.

((Megan Emerson continued elsewhere...))

Re: Shinin'

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:45 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar†
Friends... forever.

There was something delicious about those words, their impact warming Gavin's heart as he absorbed them. His smile turned into a broad, happy grin as Megan nudged his arm. Without another word, he reached over into the bag beside him and pulled out the second muffin that had been meant for Megan and handed it to her. For some reason, Gavin didn't want to talk any longer. It was enough simply to be there, sat beside Megan and slowly savouring the delicious fruits of his mother's labour.

As he sat and ate, Gavin felt the pseudo-panic that had been haunting him for the last few weeks slowly evaporating. Instead of dreading the trip, he now had something about it be could look forward to. Life might be very different soon, but Gavin could endure it because at least one thing was going to stay the same, no matter what happened. In the end, all he's really needed was a little reassurance from a very, very close friend.

((Gavin Hunter - continued elsewhere))