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Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:36 am
by Laurels
Rachael was somewhat surprised to hear Mirabella go into a big speech just then. It seemed like she was really concerned about this being the end of childhood. Rachael could understand why she'd say that, but it seemed really passionate and sad for what should be a happy party.

Mirabella then suggested they play Mouse Trap.

"Um, sure," Rachael said. "I don't think I've actually played that before. Could you explain the rules?"

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:36 am
by Sansa
Neither Megan nor Rachael seemed too concerned with Mirabella's sudden rambling, although Rachael did look a little surprised by the rather saddening subject matter. She was glad that the pair of them were both receptive to the idea of playing mouse trap, and smiled at the notion of the three of them circled around the worn-board, struggling to assemble the titular device.

"Oh, the rules...well, everybody has a coloured mouse that acts as a counter of sorts, and you have to..."

She hadn't played the game in such a while...she knew that everything would come flooding back to her as soon as she retrieved the box from the storage cupboard in the hallway, but at the moment the rules were still somewhat hazy.

"Uh...and you have to try and capture your opponent's mice in this whole complicated trap thing. There's diving boards and a little silver marble...although I think we lost ours ages ago. I'll...I'll just go get it. D'you want to play it in the living room or in my bedroom? Or...I suppose we could do it at the dining table, if we move the bowls and plates and such to the side..."

Mirabella trailed off. She was speaking a lot, but she didn't seem to be saying much. She knew that her pills would often take a while to take full effect, but it was only now that she realised the full extent of her delayed reaction to them. Mirabella supposed that being stressed already probably didn't help.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Jilly
Megan shrugged her shoulders. "I'm fine with playing it in here. But, if you're missing the marble, what are we gonna use? It's kind of a key thing in Mouse Trap, unless I'm not remembering it right."

Honestly, Megan didn't remember much about the game; just that you had to build a Rube Goldberg machine and that you work together to stab each other in the back in the end. A lesson on life from a pessimist view, except with more cheese.

"Just a warning, though...I can get a little competitive sometimes."

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Laurels
Rachael nodded as Mirabella explained the game. It sounded like it had been a while since she played it though. Still, Rachael showed a willingness to play the game. She was sure it would make sense once she started playing it.

"Right here's fine," she said when asked where to play.

She then moved from the couch to the carpet, sitting in a rock pose she learned from yoga. She made sure her dress didn't ride up when she sat down, but she was now ready to play whenever the others were set to go.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Sansa
"A little competive"? Mirabella could believe that. Megan seemed to have a little bit of competitive streak behind her blue eyes. The marble though...

"Oh, I think daddy replaced it with another one. He has a small collection of them in his bedside drawers. I don't know why I brought it up, really...I guess just in case you thought it odd. I'll uh...I'll just go get it."

Mirabella left the living room just as Rachael moved to sit in a more comfortable position. Likely something she learned in yoga class or something she thought as she crossed over the threshold into the hallway. Pushing open the perpetually stubborn door to the storage room, she surveyed the less than organised sight before her. The box of Mouse Trap sat atop a set of set of empty boxes, and she was careful not to nudge anything as she removed the curiously light box from where it had sat for...God knows how long.

She took a quick detour to the bathroom in an attempt to hurriedly fix her barrettes and beret. Removing the hairclips, she looked at the haggard mess her fringe had become, and elected to replace it with a hairband she'd left there a few days prior. It didn't look the best, but she didn't want to be away so long as to cause suspicion or confusion on the parts of her guests. Rachael and Megan were good people, a rarity nowadays.

Breathing heavily, she paused, giving the pill a little longer to take effect. Deciding she'd delayed long enough, she returned to the living room, board game in hand.

"So...who wants to go first?"

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Jilly
As soon as Bella left to get the game set, Megan joined Rachael on the carpet. At first she tried to emulate the other girl's sitting position, but as soon as the pain started to shoot up in her lower legs, Megan knew that wasn't going to happen. Instead, Megan opted to sit Indian-style, and luckily the bottom of her dress was long enough and had enough flow to not pose any problems.

And now they were alone, two girls who were practically strangers. Deciding that just sitting there in silence would make it more awkward than it already was, Megan tried to strike up a conversation. "...So, Rachael, I take it that you're a yoga person? You look like you could sit like that all day."

After some time passed, Bella came back in with the box. Judging by the amount of dust, it presumably took her several minutes to find the thing. However, Bella's hair caught the attention of Megan. Did she have a hairband a few minutes ago? Then again, Megan didn't really have an amazing attention to detail, so it could have slipped by her. Oh well.

Ah, yes. The age-old question of who goes first. Usually with these games, it was always some sort of gimmick about either the youngest or the leftmost person being the first to go. Or was it the highest roller? Oh, right, there's no dice in Mouse Trap.

Just to be on the safe side, Megan asked the first question in her head, "Do you still have the instructions? If not, maybe you should go first. Out of the three of us, you probably know most about how to play. Besides, it is your birthday...or rather, was..." She shook her head. "...You know what I mean."

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Laurels
"Well, not all day. I would have to get up eventually," Rachael said in response to Megan's comment about her sitting position.

Mirabella soon returned with the board game. She asked who should go first. Megan thought Mirabella should have, seeing as it was her birthday and she probably knew how to play the game better than everyone else.

"I agree," Rachael said.

She adjusted her position on the floor slightly. She hoped the game would be easy to play.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Sansa
"Oh, sure, I'll go first, if that's what you want."

Mirabella carefully lowered herself to the floor to sit with the other girls. A bizarre thought flashed through her mind; all trussed up in fancy dresses, sitting in a circle, it seemed almost like they were a trio of witches, preparing some demonic concoction.

She removed the lid, a film of dust descending from it as she did so.

"Oh dear. I..."

The game was in disarray; unbagged pieces of deformed equipment, the playing board calloused and scratched. Now she remembered why she hadn't played the game in such a while...

"I...uh...I'm soso sorry...I didn't...I'm sorry."

She blinked, looking at the two girls beside her.

"It's...a little bit...I..."

Think Mirabella, think!

"I'm sure we can fix the game, but just in We've got quite a few. I...need to get a glass of water."

She scurried off the kitchen, slipping slightly on the patterned linoleum. Plucking a frosted glass from the cutlery cupboard, she slowly filled it from the faucet. It was a poor excuse, she thought as the water began to overflow from the brim, but I needed to find a way to recover my composure. And finally...the pill was working. It was such a silly thing to think; whether a pill was working or not.

It was always working. I just...didn't let it. Grah, Mirabella! Stop...thinking. It's your party. It's a mess already; just try and fix the shambles.

Smiling, she returned to the living room, having just fetched a packet of ready-made popcorn from the back of the pantry.

"I'm...sorry. I must've looked awful crazy. So. Do you think it's salvageable?"

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Un-Persona†
((Venice Pennington-Johannes -Memories- continued from Knotted hair and lazy lonely people))

Wearing a light periwinkle turtleneck and bright white jeans and matching new shoes, Venice walked up to the large house, admiring the architecture and it's height. She thought about the overly formal invitation again, and how it gave her a case of Deja Vu, seeing as her own invites were eerily similar. It seemed overly 1% percent and formal, even with Mirabella being as polite as Venice knew she was.

"Bella's parents and mine are probably friends" she thought as she knocked on the door, and then rang the doorbell for extra assurance for someone to open it.

As she waited, Venice looked down at the little back box wrapped in a green bow. It was a rather eye-catching present, despite the actual gift being very unassuming, which was actually just fifty dollars made entirely of ones. She figure that if you don't know what to get somebody, just give them money so they can buy it themselves. Well, that's what Venice preferred anyway. She sighed, and hoped that Mirabella wouldn't be upset.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Jilly
Megan shook her head while digging through the Chernobyl disaster. Almost all of the dusty game pieces were warped, not to mention how the game board looked like it's seen some shit; they couldn't possibly fix the pieces by themselves. "I'm sorry, girl, but I think this horse needs to be put out to pasture," Megan said as she put the pieces back in the box and closed the lid.

"Besides, Mouse Trap has some pretty questionable morals," she added, hoping to make Bella feel better, "considering we all work together until the end where we backstab each other since 'there can be only one'."

"But yeah," Megan shrugged, "I'm fine with watching a movie if Rachael is, too. What do you-"

Ding dong

Looks like someone else finally showed up.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:37 am
by Laurels
Rachael bit her lip as Mirabella examined the contents of the board game. It looked like she didn't expect the game to be in such shambles, and her speech got a little flustered and embarrassed. She also quickly got up to get some water, something that made Rachael feel worried.

Mirabella then asked if they wanted to watch a movie. Megan seemed up for it.

"Yeah, a movie would be nice," Rachael said.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Oh good, something to hopefully change the mood.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:38 am
by Sansa
"Really? Completely unsalvageable? Oh well...good thing we'll never be in a situation like those poor mice, right?"

Just then, a knocking emanated from outside, following by the shrill intone of the doorbell. As she moved to welcome another guest she turned back towards Megan and Rachael.

"Movie it is then. We've got lots of different parents claim to be connoisseurs of cinema, so we've got all of the classics, but there're a bunch of modern movies and just really bad ones as well. They bought Sharktopus the other day, I believe..."

She trailed off as she opened the door to find Venice Pennington-Johannes on her doorstep, a black box in hand. Venice was one of the nicest girls in school, and one of the more sociable in Mirabella's circle of friends, so Mirabella was glad to have her arrive. She also had an unusual name as well. However, while Venice was named for one of the most beautiful cities on the planet, Mirabella's name sounded like a venereal disease.

"Ah, hello Venice! It's good to see you; I'm glad you could make it. There's some coffee in the kitchen, but it might be lukewarm by now. There's some soda pop and fruit juice as well, just in case. We were going to play Mouse Trap, but...the less said about that, the better. So, we were thinking of a film instead. Do you have any preferences? Please make yourself at home."

She smiled, leading the petite girl inside.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:38 am
by Un-Persona†
When Bella opened the door, Venice tried to say a friendly hello before being bombarded by a flurry of words, leaving her mouth rather empty of further sentences.

"Water, movies, and a...trap? Something or other."

Venice walked in as Mirabella continued to explain that the current group was about to enjoy a cinema feature. She put her present next to where all the other ones were, and thought about watching a movie. That was always fun, but more stuff you wait to do at the end of the night. She mind-shrugged and didn't think much of it. As for preferences, Venice didn't really have any, but some key words helped her make a decision.

"I've always wanted to see Jaws, everyone keeps telling me it's so good. I've only seen bits and parts of it on TV, but I've yet to see the whole thing. But that's just an idea, I'm fine with any movie as it is."

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:38 am
by Jilly
And then there were four.

Megan didn't know anything about Venice Pennington-Johannes besides the fact that she was on several sports teams. She was just "that girl" who was on the swim and volleyball teams; no more, no less.

Jaws wasn't exactly the best kind of movie to watch at a birthday party, but whatever; Megan would even be fine with something like the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club movie since it was just something to do. She could go for some Spielberg, anyway.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I could watch Jaws; I haven't seen it in years."

Oh, wait; what were they going to do with this ruined game board? Megan picked up the old box and stood up. "Uh...what should we do with this?" she said while facing Bella.

Re: Lonely Hearts Club

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:38 am
by Laurels
Venice Pennington-Johannes walked into the home. Rachael didn't really know her that well, other than knowing that the girl was a bit competitive and very open to being friends with everyone. Still, they had Mirabella as a common acquaintance, so that had to mean something.

The girls began discussing what movie to watch. Both Megan and Venice were discussing Jaws. Rachael wasn't so sure about that film. She'd read some pretty disturbing things before, but something about shark attacks rubbed her the wrong way.

"Um, does Mira own Jaws?" Rachael asked. "Perhaps she should show us her collection first."

Rachael took a sip of coffee. She had no idea what kind of films Mirabella would have. She just hoped there was something they could all agree upon.