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Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:25 pm
by Ares
((OOC - Could you link me the thread where Annabelle was before. I've looked and can't find it.))

"Oh shit. Sorry about that." Rob said apologetically, as he stepped forward taking the bag from the girl.

After Rob took the bag, he set it down and extended his hand.

"I'm Rob Adams, and my partially retarded friend to my left is Matt Drew." Rob said indicating the still dumbstruck young lad beside him.

There was a slight odor coming off the girl that Rob couldn't put his finger on.

Is that blood? God it smells like it, but I just can't see this girl killing. Something about her. Granted I may be wrong, but she seems like she really is just looking for help.

There was a slight awkward pause before Rob spoke again trying to make conversation.

"So...umm...hows this island been treating you?"

Holy shit, I'm an ass

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:25 pm
by Nealosi†
((Continued from Weapons Drop))

"Honey, I'm home!"

Franco Sebberts called out as he pushed open the wide double doors of the large mall with his shoe. He was grinning from ear to ear as he held his new Beretta shotgun out at steadily with both hands. To think before two days ago he hadn't even fired a gun, he'd hardly even read the instruction manuals on his weapons. Anyone could shoot a gun; it was reloading that was the hard part to Franco.

Still, he found it pretty easy to adapt given the circumstances. As far as he was concerned he was doing extremely well. He had sleep soundly, taking turns at watch with Russell and eaten well, looted rations left in stray houses and the extra rations from Marvin of course. Past the initial fear things seemed to be back in perspective again. Though he was beginning to think that this game was a little bit different then the title suggested.

Survival of the fittest? Please, this all comes down to sheer willingness. If I have to step over a few people to get what I want, I'll do it with my head held high and all in stride. All the dumb jock kids probably think they've got it good, but I've practically got a bodyguard and a fucking grenade launcher.

No this isn't survival of the fittest... it's survival of the willing, and I'm more then willing after what I had to do to Marvin... next time will be a whole lot easier.

The two of them were basically a walking arsenal in this game, Franco's bag clamoured as his grenade launcher clashed with his sponge grenades and his belt of percussion grenades swished steadily with his gait.

Final drizzling rain drops pattered down on his clean black and white suit as he entered the building. He was a bit of an oddity to look at, dressed for a dinner party with a belt of explosives and a handful of shotgun.

He was being far from careful in his entrance, Russell was right behind him and if anyone was looking for a fight, they would surely get it between the two heavily armed boys. Franco had one mission in mind, find more allies.

He had no intention of doing all the work of winning himself. So far he could only really be attributed with half a kill, but if he had more allies, he would hardly have to do a thing, and when it came down to the end, he would strike when they least expected it.

He grinned to himself, inwardly admiring his own cleverness. The pretentious young boy from PJ Gilroy sauntered into the mall, his ally behind him and called out once again. His little encounter with B30 had taught him a few things, people generally didn't want to play and win this game, so Franco was going to have to lie a whole lot more to get more team mates. He couldn't see anyone immediately, but he knew that someone had to be in here.

"We aren't going to hurt you!" Franco's voice ebbed with feigned sympathy. "We are just looking for cover from the rain. You might as well come out now so that we can talk, we just need a place to stay."

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:26 pm
by baby_g†
"Oh Fuck This!"

Matthew was happy the way he was. He was standing, gocking at a beautiful young girl and yet Adams was the one looking like the fucking hero, taking her bag.

If that wasn't bad enough, the next disturbing noise was the problem coming in threw the front doors.

"Fuckin' Hell! It's raining now? What the fuck is that all about?" Turning his attention to Anne and Rob he pointed to the doors.

"We're not safe here. If the rain gets worse, more kids are going to want to come here for shelter. Our best bet is to get a fucking rain coat and get the fuck out of here."

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:26 pm
by narfinkool†
Russell continued to follow Franco as he carried his new found toy. What a wonderful sight an ally with a gernade launcher and now a shotgun. Russell though he had it good with his shotgun but now instead of feeling like he was an ally he feels more like hes the pawn. None the less he could not just shoot Franco he needed him. They were a team, like two guys trying to rob a bank with those old style machine guns.

Russell awaited Franco's actions as it was obvious he was looking for more allys. Franco better grab more attention, use fear to strike into their eyes. Russell grabbed his shotgun in hand and looked behind him to cover their backs.

What ingrates would say "no", to two men with dangerous weopans? If I had two guns pointed at me I would bend over and take it. It is my life, and I am willing to take any and all actions to survive, and right the best actions are with Franco.

Russell continued to walk as Franco told whoever is in here that he was just looking for a place to stay from the rain. Russell continued to add vocal support, as if he were that little cocky sidekick. He had took a look around, "what a very nice place".

"Hey Franco, we could really establish this as a good base. If you think its a good idea, I mean we can gather member and meet here. We could use this place as a shelter as the rest of the kids freeze to death and kill each other off. That is if this does not become a new found danger zone."

Russell looked at Franco as if he was his last hope, he used whatever brain power he had to come up with as a plan to make him seem less vunerable. He lowered his shotgun and walked around the mall to see if he could find any other members. He continued to make small talk with Franco.

"What do you think we should do Franco?"

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:27 pm
by lovebirdjo†
(Sorry y'all. Been practicing for competition all week and had a big dress rehearsal last night. I'll try to be more prompt.)

The bag lifted from her shoulders, Annabelle was gifted with the ability to breathe once more. One of the boys introduced himself as Rob, and then proceeded to introced the other as Matt. Peering down slightly, she looked the boys over, taking in their appearances for the first time now that she could see clearly and wasn't dying of encumberment. Rob had a nice look about him. He was just a couple of inches smaller than the her, wearing obvious skater clothes. In the dark of the building Annabelle couldn't tell the color of his eyes exactly, but his long, shoulder-length hair was obviously a nice shade of brown. His expression was calm and kind. The rather tall female wasn't sure if he were someone she would be seen with normally, but for now he would make a nice companion. He was civilized from what had gathered in their few minutes together.

Shifting her gaze to the scond boy, she was a little displeased. He was handsome, yes, but he reeked of cigarette smoke. There was another smell that she didn't recognize, but she paused instead to take in his features better. He had lightly tanned skin, complementing his seemingly older face and extremely short brown hair. He wore jeans that were apparently pants before, but now rode up his legs as makeshift shorts. He also had on an unidentifiable colored zip-up sweater. The freshman girl realized with some annoyance that he was some sort of rebel without a cause. 'Without any sense of fashion either.' she noticed, talking to herself. Either way, she would have to put up with him. He was a nice touch of eye candy, though.

Suddenly there was a loud booming as the doors of the mall were thrown open. Her head flipping to the side, the redhead listened intently to the sound of someone's arrival at the mall. The person shouted out something that she didn't comprehend, but from the sound of the voice, it was a male; more importantly, yet another boy. This was to be expected, of course. The mall was the perfect place to not only gather your wits, but to find some form of supply that could help in this accursed game. 'This is insane.' Annabelle thought. She didn't want to have to fight for her life; not one tiny little bit. The girl was frustrated beyond belief, but kept herself as calm and collected as normal.

It was true that some of Annabelle Buchannon's precious little sanity had left her. The girl had nearly snapped completely in her "home", but thankfully by some chance and emotion left inside of her, she had been blessed with a clearing of mind. What had happened to her? The redhead truly didn't know, nor did she really care to find out. She wanted out. She wanted safety. She wanted to leave this island in one piece and live a Christian life just like her parents. She was going to be an Olympic athlete. She was going to win a gold medal and marry a famous actor or professional athlete. Then she'd settle down and become the perfect wife. She would have all her heart desired. Those dreams seemed far off now, hidden in the residential district; in her house. The gun in her hands remained just as heavy as always, a constant reminder now of her condition. The other reminder was the smell of blood in her brass curls.

At the sound of Matt's loud, brash swearing, the redhead flinched slightly and was broken from her thoughts. She didn't take very well to that kind of crude language but would have to put up with it if she were to be in the company of these boys for very long. What he said next made her grimace. She had just left the freakin' outside.  A pleading look evident in her eyes, Annabelle asked about finding her something clean to wear before they left the seemingly safehaven that was the mall. Of course, the nice blue house had seemed safe and perfect at first, but it had only brought about the death of someone unknown and almost her own. It was apparent that this was going to be a problem.

"Could I get some clothes first, please? Maybe? I really don't feel like wearing this any longer. I'd much prefer a jumpsuit or something I can move around in easier. I left all of my clothes behind. I had to leave fast." she voiced her plea with an air of feminine grace, apparent even in the dark, "But... it might be a good idea to leave through the back or something. I don't like the sound of whoever just came in." Looking at her new companions, she silently prayed that whatever demon had possessed her had found a new host.

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:28 pm
by Ares
"Yeah, we can get you some clothes. There is a GAP nearby. We picked up some more clothes there. I think we can get back to there without these guys noticing. Its to dark in here to see without the lights, and they are at the other entrance than where we came in. We just have to be silent, and move as quick as we can. Give me or Matty the gun you are holding so we can move quicker. I can promise you I will return it once we are safe. If you want collateral you can take my pistol, and take the ammo out of your gun." Rob whispered to the girl

Rob signalled for the three of them to head back in the direction of the GAP. It may have been a waste of precious time, but Rob was finding trust in this girl, and it was clear she needed new threads. Rob then leaned over to Matty so only he would hear.

"Watch our backs. Make sure no one is sneaking up on us. And I mean it, watch our backs, not just hers."

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:28 pm
by narfinkool†
Stacy continued to run as the rain started to come down. She ran as fast as she could as being in the barn was not very good and then it was raining. Stacy then started to walk as she got tired, as she walked she noticed a big building. A building that maybe had either people inside, or atleast somewhere she change clothes. Her clothes were filthy and wet, and smelled like blood and shit, not a nice combination.

She ran to the front doors and noticed they were already open with two men inside with pretty dangerous weopans. She began to march closer and closer as her wet clothes were dripping in the colour of a light brown. She moved slowly towards the one fellow with what appeared to have a huge weapon.

I have this guy, what a moron why is he just standing there. Screw trying to fuck someone and then killing them I am just going to kill as many people as possible. What a stupid fucker, just standing there motionless. I am going to taser him in his balls, make him feel the pain that I have endured in my life.

She approached the man, so close that she could even smell his odor from where she was. He seemed to be confident and cocky and his friend seem to be more of a sidekick from what she could see.

Stacy had enough of this fucking game and raised her hand to reveal her taser. She turned it on, it made a noise, as it was charging. The taser she had, was never even turned on before. When she turned it on it was charging, it made a rising noise as if a bomb was about to explode.


Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:29 pm
by narfinkool†
Russell had started to walk around the mall a little bit but stayed withing 30 feet of Franco. He started to notice the different stores and talking with Franco. He noticed something in Franco, a sense of being like he had a purpous and he knew what it was. Of course Russell realized that maybe he was a little bit cocky, but he was as well. Rusell realized they have two shotguns and a gernade launcher. Russell walked towards Franco, and used his gun as a sort of rest to keep himself standing.

"Hey Franco, what are your plans if we do get new member to our group? I mean seeing as we really have good weopans, and how are we going to know who is going to be in our group? Seeing as I cant hear anyone in the mall, we might as strategize a little."

I looked at Franco and acted to him like he was some sort of god. Although I have a shotgun, Franco was still hard to trust especially for what he did to Marvin. I began to think what he could do, then took the thoughts and threw them out the door. Why would Franco kill me? He would gain nothing from killing me. I am a big guy and intimidating, I know how to read people and I have a shotgun. Strength in numbers right now would definetly be in his best interest.

Russell walked around again and started to think, maybe they can find more people. Maybe they can take this game, and destroy everyone that would challenge them.

Russell had an idea and just before he was going to tell Franco, he moved towards him to tell him the good idea. "Hey Franco!"

Just before he was able to tell him, Russell noticed a beautifull tall girl behind Franco. He was stunned by how she was able to go behind him without him noticing. Russell was ready to greet the girl when he heard a large charging noise. The first thought that went to his head was a BOMB.

Russell yelled out at Franco, "MOVE! There is a girl behind you with some type of bomb!"

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:30 pm
by baby_g†
With all the nonsense that was going on, Matt decided to take charge. It was up to him. He didn't really see fit for someone like Rob to lead the way. They needed someone strong and willing to fight.

"Rob, go grab her something to wear, now." Motioning to the girl, "Honey, you're going to carry your bag now, seeing as it shouldn't be heavy any more. We're leaving stat. You'll have to change outside. So deal with it."

He grabbed the girl by the elbow forcefully, leading her around the back towards another set of doors.

"Rob, damnit, get a move on."

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:30 pm
by Nealosi†
Franco was still impressed with the sure vastness of the mall. Though he was a little dissapointed that no one had come to his call. It would definitely make a great hide-out. It had plenty of supplies and would probably provide shelter if the rain were to turn into some sort of storm. He chatted nonchalantly with Russell as the two of them walked throughout the mall, browsing nearby stores and taking note of certain landmarks.

Just as the terrible twosome walked into an Old Navy(tm), Franco answered a few of Russell's questions in an attempt to ease the air of tension.

"Yes, I think this would make an excellent hold-out," neglecting to answer his latest question directly. "If we could find the bathrooms too we could clean up and change into a new suit if you don't mind. This one is starting to wear on me. It's been through one too many scuffles."

Franco adjusted the cuffs of his suit, truth be told, it wasn't in all that bad shape, and Franco was doing very well compared to many others on the Island. He'd eaten well these past three days and even got a fair amount of sleep, not finding it difficult at all knowing that he'd murdered a friend that he'd known for years. He was more concerned with his own well being.

He picked through a rack of clothing as Russell searched deeper in the store just in front of him. He didn't pay anything much heed until he heard Russell cry out.

Franco turned swiftly, with his grenade launcher in hand. A tall slender girl stood posed just over him, a taser glimmering away in her hand. Under normal circumstances, Franco would probably make some lewd comment and attempt to proposition her for sex, but given his current status, she just looked fucking frightening.

"Jesus Christ!" Franco reached for one of the grenades around his belt. He loaded it into the barrel, noting that the grenades were not made for this specific weapon. It still fit, and it would still fire, Franco could be guaranteed of that.

He pushed the rack of corny orange and blue polo-shirts out of his way, and towards the girl, and called out for Russell to flee the store. If they were going to make this mall a fortress, they would have to weed out any ungrateful dissident like this, and hopefully knock down a tactless Old Navy(tm) in the process.

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:31 pm
by Ares
"Yeah, I'll be there in one minute." Rob said as he walked into the store again.

Rob quickly found the jumpers and coats, but realized he did not know what size Anne would wear.

Fuck it. I'll grab one of each size

He quickly grabbed the jumpers and coats and slowly worked his way back out of the store. He heard some commotion across the mall. It wasn't too far away from where he was. He reached the entrance to the GAP store and looked out to his right where Anne and Matt were standing at the nearby entrance. He made his way over to them, with the coats and jumpers in his arms.

"Hey, I didn't know what size you took, so I got one of each size they had. So take the ones in your size. I also heard some commotion not to far away from where the GAP is. So lets get moving. We gotta find somewhere sheltering but still safe. The hotel would be good, but we'll get our heads blown off if we go there. I'm thinking we go to the school, but that would be another likely place people would go. What do you guys think? You guys think the Church would be a hotspot?"

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:31 pm
by baby_g†
"Commotion? You heard commotion. Good job genious. We're stuck somewhere, where tones of kids what to blow our heads off and you come up with your smart ass remark about commotion. OF COURSE THERE'S FUCKING COMMOTION!"

Matthew let go of the girls arm, so that she could grab the sizes that were needed. "Sorry." He didn't mean to grab her arm so hard. He was worried and wanted to get out of there.

"Once we get outside, we'll figure out what to do. The longer we're in here, the greater chance of getting our asses burned. Let's go."

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:32 pm
by lovebirdjo†
Finally. Something was going Annabelle's way. They had agreed to get her clothes, but on the down side she would either have to dress faster than lightning or wait until they reached some other shelter. That was ok. However, Rob wanted her to give him her gun to help her travel faster. This displeased her greatly, but grudgingly she took the pistol from his hands and told him to keep the gun loaded in case something were to happen; she wanted her gun back once they were safe, though. Rob then ran quickly to GAP and found her a bunch of different sizes of jumpsuits. They were in many different colors, ranging from a pale pink to forest green. 'Please let there be something cute in my size.' she thought, 'Wow. I sound like some spoiled brat.' You are. a voice that sounded extremely familiar decided to remark. The redhead was momentarily baffled. What was going on with her mind? Now's not the time, princess. the thought-speaking voice told her. Now really wasn't the time. Finding a pale blue jumpsuit, Annabelle placed it quickly in her daypack, which now was considerably lighter without the extra ammo. Fate would have it that she stood in the same Mary-Jane shoes as before, however. She said nothing. The lanky girl would make do with what she had; or perhaps not.

"Commotion? You heard commotion. Good job genious. We're stuck somewhere, where tones of kids what to blow our heads off and you come up with your smart ass remark about commotion. OF COURSE THERE'S FUCKING COMMOTION!" Matt basically shouted, causing the femme to flinch once more, instantly closing her bright blue eyes. There was that darn swearing again. Where was a mother in this situation? 'Watching her son with a look of disdain, obviously.' The shoes were irking Annabelle as she thought about being forced into wearing the uncomfortable things forever. They would only cause her feet to hurt and make her complain all the more. There was a pain in her arm, and only just now had the redhead realized that Matt was tugging her forearm rather roughly. He seemed to realize his mistake and immediately released it. She heard him open his mouth to speak, but the female didn't give him the chance. She wanted matching shoes to go with the jumpsuit. Also, tennis shoes would be easier to move in. 'Haha! There's a shoe store right there.' she thought to herself, squirming with glee. The girl ran from the boys as fast as possible. Not bothering to look back, Annabelle hurried along, waddle-running with the pack on her shoulders to the store and more importantly, shoes.

Inside, Annabelle couldn't see very well, but she knew the interior of many a shoe store, thus making her way to the girl's Nikes easily enough. Finding a size 10 in a plain white pair of their running brand, she grabbed the box and hastily exchanged her Mary-Janes for the more mobile shoes. Grabbing the pistol that she had placed on the rack of girl's sneakers, she then proceeded to run right out of the store and back to the boys; pack situated nicely on her broad shoulders. This took her all in all about a minute and a half. She was one of the top runners at Hobbsborough, after all. Smiling in half-defiance, the redhead announced her readiness to leave. "Alright boys. I'm ready when you are. Sorry about that. Could you imagine me in those black shoes with the baby blue? Totally ick, right?" She supposed it was time to brave Mother Nature's urination. Giggling slightly at her own metaphor, the female awaited a response from a red-faced Matt.

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:32 pm
by Ares
Women and their damn shoes Rob sighed and shook his head slightly. At least she looks pretty good in that jumper.

Rob looked over at Matty, who also seemed to have noticed this trait about Annabelle. There was just something about her. A kind of natural beauty that Rob saw in this girl.

Fuck it. We will protect her. I don't care if she is or was a spoiled princess or anything, she doesn't deserve to die out here. Rob then looked up and made eye contact with Annabelle. He flashed a quick smile, then immediately turned around and began walking away from the mall.

"Let's go you two. The longer we linger around here, the better chance that these so called "viewers" of Danya's show will actually have something to see. We'll go check out the church, and if the situation ain't right, well then we'll deal with that when that problem comes"

((continued in The Wicked Game))

Re: I like shopping!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:33 pm
by narfinkool†
Russell was stunned this girl was trying to kill us. Russell answered to Franco's call to leave the store. Russell dropped the tacky clothing and ran outside as he just started to swear.

HOLY SHIT! That little psychotic bitch nearly killed my partner. Holy crap what a freak! Her face and her eyes pierced at both of us like we just killed someone in her family.

Russell had continued to run as he was dodging coat racks and plowed through a couple to get out of there. Russell had left the building and began staring at Franco.

I wonder what he is going to do. I mean seriously she must be pretty fucking stupid to attack us. What is she going to gain from it; maybe a shot in the face or her body will explode. She was beautiful on the outside but her face made her look like she was the new devil.

Russell stared at Franco as he pushed a coat rack full of clothes in front of Stacy. He continued to stare at his partner wondering what she was going to do next. Franco had his gun pointed at her when turned around. Russell could not help but look at the gruesome scene that was about to occur. He looked intently at her like she was possessed and was walking with rage.


Stacy looked at the two boys and watch at how her cover was blow. She pursued the man with the big gun and continued to chase after him.

"You little FUCKER!!! AHHHH you are going to pay! How dare you ignore me I am Stacy Fucking Holorson! I am sick of this game I have been rejected and it is your entire fault all of you!!"

Stacy then looked at Franco with a set of fiery eyes like she had been on acid. She looked at the other boy and yelled at him, "you stupid cock sucker, get back here I am not done with either of you!"

Stacy began running after Franco forgetting about the clothes rack he had placed in front of her. She had fallen over the coat rack like some horrible comedian tripping over a banana. There was a loud snapping noise coming from her knee.

"SHIT!! You will pay for that!!" Unaware of the pain her knee was with it being broken and twisted. "I will tazer your little tiny balls! Then we will see how an ass hole gets what he deserves." She tried to get up but soon realized how much pain she was under. The strain she put on it and the adrenaline was warring off.

Stacy began screaming as the pain reached a point where she could not move. "Please I am so sorry I have been under so much stress lately. Please I promise Ill do anything if you just help me please." Stacy soon began feeling terrible as the tears ran down her cheek. This is the first time in a long time she was actually crying. "I promise I will help you with whatever you want, if you can please just help me get out."

Stacy begged the weapon holder with great sincerity as her knee remained twisted in the coat-hanger. She held both hands together and begged him.

"Please save me!"