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Re: Pure Thrill Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:34 am
by backslash
The thing was, Andy had never really got why he and Forrest broke up.

There was some invisible line that had been crossed somewhere, and he figured he'd been the one to cross it since she had dumped him and not the other way around, but she never really said why, and he just... hadn't asked. He hadn't really wanted to know. They were still cool and friends and everything could just be normal again like before they'd dated, right?


So here they were. In the back of Coach Oppenheimer's car, somewhat high, Forrest with a busted fucking arm, on prom night, and she was kissing him.

He'd kind of thought, maybe on some level, that she hadn't liked it when he kissed her before, and that was why they broke up. But here they were.


The right thing to do, probably, would have been for Andy to pull away and act like it never happened. Blame it on all the bullshit previously mentioned and forget about it. He had a girlfriend, he liked Mikki and had never intended to be unfaithful to her. The right thing to do would have been to just stop. Did he get credit for not going any further, at least?

Well, he didn't go any further, but he didn't pull away either.

Re: Pure Thrill Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:03 am
by Deamon
It felt good. Andy didn't immediately pull away and that felt good too.

It was a warm feeling but she didn't feel any urge to go further.

She thought that she should, but she had no desire. She never did.

Nobody had ever really asked her and she avoided asking herself.

She had always told herself that it wasn't that important.

But sitting in the car with Andy had made her see otherwise.

Forrest didn't feel guilty. Not in that moment.

She felt happy.

She felt free.

As she gently took her lips away from his, her good hand found one of his and took hold of it. She returned her head back to its position on his shoulder and nuzzled him slightly.

Re: Pure Thrill Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:08 am
by backslash
He just let Forrest take her time. That was what they needed, right? Time.


Andy squeezed Forrest's hand when it found his, saying nothing as she leaned against him again. He looked out the window, heart beating so fast that he thought he might be sick, and tried to count the streetlights rolling by.

God, he was a fuck-up.

Re: Pure Thrill Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:21 am
by backslash
The lights rolled by, and none of the three people in the car said anything. Andy did not throw up. More miracles.

He kept staring out the window until the hospital parking lot slid into view, and the orange lights of the Emergency Room sign brought to mind the glowing end of the joint Andy had abandoned in the parking lot.


"Oh fuck!" That wasn't the only thing he'd abandoned.

"We left without telling Mikki!"

And the thrilling adventure concluded with Andy frantically patting his pockets for his phone while Forrest laughed at him, things almost snapping back to normal again.

((Thread Concluded))