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Re: I'll Follow You Into The Dark

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:04 am
by Theseus†
((I'll be god-modding with Elizabeth a bit per baby_g's instructions.))

Lenny looked at the boy. Maybe it would be good to have him around. Besides, wasn't that the plan all along? For him and Elizabeth to find a group, then turn on them. Though it couldn't just be anything, it had to be spectacular. Lenny knew very well that he would die on this island, he would make sure his sister won and got home, though he would also make sure that everyone knew his name. That he was feared throughout the island.

He looked at Clive then said, "No, it's cool you can stay. We were just going to go off anyways towards the north shore. You can come along if you want. We're trying to find other people."

Elizabeth stepped up by Lenny and nodded, looking Clive over. She said, "Don't worry, we don't bite." She gave him a smile.

Lenny said, "We don't have any guns either so you can be sure we aren't going to shoot you in your back. My sister has some kind of saw, and I have this hatchet." Lenny raised his hatchet slightly.

Lenny thought about what he just did. He just gave the element of surprise away. The element of fear was gone. The boy now knew they didn't have a gun. Though Lenny could have easily been lying to the boy he wasn't.

What if he had a gun? Lenny didn't see one.

"What are you carrying?"

Re: I'll Follow You Into The Dark

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:05 am
by Xaldien†
These two have something planned.

Clive thought about the fact that these two were going out of their way to show that they are harmless. They also mentioned that they had a desire to look for a group.

I guess I'm not the only second robber to the right of Christ.

Put two and two together, you have two kids who are most likely planning on doing EXACTLY what Clive was thinking of doing. The only difference is that they don't know Clive is a threat, whereas he knows that they are... most likely, anyway. He has no way of proving this to be true, but since he was planning on killing them when he has the chance anyway, there's really no point in getting scared of them.

No matter what these two had, which they proved that they really don't have much, it would take a lot of effort for the two of them to take him down.

Clive put his hands down and reached into his bag and pulled out...

"I got a stapler."

He also should have been given 30 pieces of silver.

I'll continue to let them believe I'm harmless. If these two are playing the game as well, then it will make their dying screams less fun to hear, but at least it'll be fun to brush up on my acting skills.

Re: I'll Follow You Into The Dark

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:05 am
by Theseus†
a stapler

Lenny smiled and said, "Well, looks like we're both screwed then when it comes to weapons."

Lenny looked at his sister and said, "Come on, let's go." Lenny looked at Clive and said, "Well Clive, we're heading off towards the coast like I said. You can tag along if you want."

Lenny started to walk forward, Elizabeth following silently behind him, only glancing back to give a faint smile to Clive.

As Lenny approached the entrance of the cave, he stopped, taking in the jungle before him. He remembered which direction he had to go, and he hoped something would be there to reward the journey he was going to undertake. Clive would be a problem. Could he be trusted?

Maybe, though did it matter? Only when it came down to his own survival. Though Lenny wasn't 'playing' the game in the sense some kids probably were. He wasn't killing others to live, or to see his family again. He would kill others so his sister lived, so he would become famous. What did that mean for Clive?

Nothing right now. Clive was a big kid, and was well known as a good kid around school. From that reputation alone Lenny didn't necessarily not trust him, though he sure didn't trust him.

Though did it really matter in the end? No matter what, it seemed there would eventually be a confrontation between Lenny, Elizabeth, and Clive. Though the extent of the confrontation relied on different variables. First off it would be two against one, tilting the odds in Lenny's favor, though by sheer strength and size, Clive had the upper hand.

Though by weapon, Lenny once again had the advantage. That is if Clive was telling the truth.

Though, if Clive was playing, it all depended on how he was playing. Was he playing to win? To survive? For pleasure?

No one ever said alliances couldn't be formed between the most psychotic of the students.

Though none of that mattered at the moment, for Lenny and Elizabeth were about to go to the coast to see what was there.

Lenny just cast a look at Clive and said, "Keep up if you're coming. I don't recommend seeing how far down that rabbit hole goes." Lenny winked at him and moved forward.

((Continued at Lady So Divine))

Re: I'll Follow You Into The Dark

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:05 am
by Xaldien†
As the two began walking away, Clive called out.

"I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm going to go look for someone, and then we'll meet up with you."

As they left, Clive began smiling and planning. Would it be fair to let them gather up people and then steal their kills? Would it be orgasmic to hear all their screams as their skin becomes pierced?

No on the fair part, OH GOD YES on the orgasmic part.

But, based on the fact that Lenny seemed to be planning something, he'd have to have fun with him... or at least the girl with him. After all, Clive wanted to make sure at least one person suffered all five genres of torture:
Sharp, blunt, cold, hot, and loud.

And he was sure enough that each one could be done.

Throughout this entire thing, the only thing Clive said, with a devilish grin, was "Thank you" to the man who he knew arranged this free-for-fall.

"Danya, when I win this, I owe you a big fat kiss for arranging something this amazing," he said to himself as he left the caves.

((Continued in Slouching Towards Bethlehem))