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Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by Ares
((Dan from Motion Isn't Meaning))

Dan had come to a discovery while making his way away from the airfield, his arm was actually cut deeper than he originally thought, and he knew that if he didn't get some gauze or even (if he could stomach the needle) stiches his arm would be dead weight for the rest of game.

The hospital looked fairly rundown, and as Dan approached he could make out some bodies inside the reception area.

Fake like you were attacked Danny boy. Tell them Khrysta attacked you with help from Harry. You're a pretty solid actor, so just do it.

Instantly adding a bit more of a flail to his walk, Dan started to breathe heavier, and looked almost spaced out. He stumbled in the front door.

", please." He gasped.

Just for effect, Dan let himself fall sideways, only catching himself on one of the chairs of the reception room.

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by RePeate†
"Oh fuck! Evelyn! Sorry babe. I didn't recognize you. You really shouldn't sneak up on your running back like that.. hehe..." Gabe let out a nervous laugh as he lowered the pole. If there was one girl in this school Gabe knew he could trust more than Kara or Courtney, it was probably Evelyn. The two of them had made some sweet game plays over the time she'd been on the football team. As far as captains go, Gabe was hard pressed to find another he worked so well with. And that's in any of the sports he played.

Viki had regained conciousness and had moved over to Gabe's side, for which Gabe shed a sigh of relief. He knew little about medicine, but a lot about blackouts and falling. The way she fell in there, he hoped she didn't have a concussion. "Viki... are you...ok?" He could tell right away the girl was very visibly shaken, and undoubtedly this game would probably afftect her first than the other members of the group. Gabe was having a hard enough time as it is... he could only imagine things from her point of view. "Im... I'm glad to see you up. You had a nasty spill there". He shot her a smile, but a quick glance could tell it wasn't genuine. It was more so out of sympathy. Given their situation, he doubted he'd ever give a genuine smile again. There was no reason to be happy about anything. They were fucked, and he knew it.

His attention shifted back to Evelyn. "Do you know who did this? Who killed those people? I don't think we're safe here... we're probably going to move and find somewhere safe to go. You should come with us". His hasty offer seemed perfectly fine to himself... after all, it was Evelyn. A defensive linebacker she could take, her own teamates though...? The bond athletes share sometimes can be stronger than any other. Gabe was pretty sure he'd get flak from the rest of the group for being so hasty in offering to allow another member to join their ranks, but Gabe would vouch for Evelyn. They'd be the super team they were all last year on the field!

Almost on cue, another student came stumbling out of the wilderness... it was Dan; a kid Gabe definately didn't trust as much as Evelyn. Gabe would not let himself be the first to address him, but he did gesture and let Ianto know they had more company. Fuck, too many people... we can't take EVERYONE. It's not safe...

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by Buko
"Yeah...", she said muttering to herself when asked if she knew who killed Lance, "It was Melina Frost.", she said nervously, "I'm not to sure how, but while I was running around the island I definitely saw her and Paul fight it out here over the gun...well over the gun the must've killed Lance," she shook her head nervously, "And you know Paul...he's not the type, well what I mean to say is that I don't think he's the type...well, it was probably Melina.", she simply smiled politely at Gabe, "I don't know really know what to do McCallum, but we just can't stay in one place...right now I need to most importantly change shirts, if we do run into your lil' girlfriend we don't want her thinking you're seducing lil' ol' me." she said with a small wink.

Yes, she could trust her teammates or at least she could trust Gabe, but overall things seemed to be moving much too quickly for Evelyn Richinson. An alliance? With Viki, Gabe, Ianto, and Serenity? It seemed that this was just a gathering for significant people within the school, but once again Evelyn was busy thinking things through before she gave an answer. With Gabe here, well with Gabe here they'd have to run into Kara and Kara -god bless her- had a little habit of picking fights.

Hell didn't she throw a bowling ball in that bowling alley fiasco? Coach made us run so many extra laps on account of Steve and Gabe's involvement in that...if something like that happens again, well...we could all end up dying.

"Are you sure that your group wants me?", she said honestly, "Because it's obvious people're playing...I don't even know McCallum, I just want to find Butler and Digaetano and try and survive this thing," she said smiling, "After all you guys are my boys, the only people I truly trust in this game."

And that's when she noticed someone coming from the wilderness and she instantly found herself backing up and staring at him with an apprehensive glare. She stared at him and then quickly turned to Gabe who made some sort of non-verbal signal to Ianto. The best decision, at least as far as Evelyn saw it, would be to wait and see what happened.

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by riserugu†
In the short time that since Ianto had stood up in some attempt in getting Serenity up and onto her feet, and off the floor as well as hopefully calming her down at least somewhat, two things happened – one being quite good, the other not so much depending on who you where. Of course the moment that Viki's voice he turned away from where he had been standing and crouched down near the girl, terribly happy she had woken up – though it was visibly clear on her face just how shaken up the girl was, then again after seeing that mess of whoever was in that room he had to admit he was pretty shaken up himself.

Most importantly though besides being shaken, Viki seemed fine for the most part – as long as she didn't break down, trying to calm Serenity down was one thing Ianto didn't think he was capable of handling two girls. After all, when it came to crying and girls all he had was his sister to go by and more than usually it had been him causing his younger sibling to cry. Watching her for a moment as Gabe came over—thankfully everything seemed to be worked out between him and Evelyn, figuring it just to be a case because it was getting rather dark in here, what with no lights and the fact they where losing daylight pretty quickly.

Which brought up a bigger issue of shelter for the night, they had a secure place – more or less, here in the hospital but Ianto didn't know how to feel about staying in a place with a heavily brutalized body in one room, and a guy missing his head right outside the front door. But wondering around the woods wasn't going to be any safer, and they could very well be the corpses next, swallowing somewhat and shaking his head to rid him of the thought he instead returned to focusing on the group plus one, not sure if Evelyn was going to join their rag-tag bunch or what. Gabe seemed interested in bringing her along, and he certainly didn't see a problem in it... the more the better as far as he was concerned.

Ianto found himself listening in on the talk between the two football players though as they began to discuss just what happened here, learning that the body outside belonged to Lance Barrett, even more surprised by just who was mentioned to have killed him. People talked about the girl, more than enough, his younger sister in grade nine having heard more than her share of rumors without ever having seen the other girl, not to mention the fact her and her friends and their pack-mentality seemed to enjoy picking on whom they thought to be easy targets, and had caused more than their fare share of trouble in and about the school.

Of course he didn't have to long think on this before yet another person was stumbling into the hospital in apparent need for help, Ianto finding himself unsure of how to react to this besides deciding that way to many people where showing up. Frowning somewhat as he eyed Dan, keeping a hand resting atop his issued rifle... really just in case, he sure looked like he needed help but he just didn't know. Personally he didn't know the other boy, knew a bit about him sure as they both shared a similar interest in guitars, but beyond that he didn't have too on the other, and so wasn't to sure just how to feel in the whole trust department.

But he did seem as though as he was in need of help, glancing to the girls before giving a small glance toward Gabe, before glancing toward Dan and standing, swinging the rifle over his shoulder by it's provided strap, taking a slow step toward the boy. "Nee, you look worse for wear Dan. You're not too badly hurt are 'ya?"

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by Ares
Dan heard Ianto's words through his faux heavy breathing.

"No." Dan grunted as he pulled himself up by his good arm and sat down. "I had a fight with Harry Tsai. He had a saw, and when I went to block one his attacks, he got my arm. Its cut pretty deep. I just need something to close it up, and I'll leave. From the looks of it, you guys have enough people, I wouldn't want to be a burden."

Dan reached for his pack, and opened it up. He took out his wrench and slid it along the floor towards Gabe.

"If you want, you can hang on to that until I patch myself up. I understand that since I don't know any of you very well, it might be hard to trust me."

Dan looked down at his arm again, it was still bleeding at a fairly good flow.

Hurry the hell up and decide if you're going to shoot me jackass. I've got a bitch to hunt.

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by Megami†
Viki still felt dizzy and disoriented, like the whole room was spinning violently in circles and she was going along for the ride. She forced herself up from her seated position on the ground and half walked, half stumbled over near where Gabe was standing with Evelyn. Gabe's voice rang out, inquiring as to whether or not she was okay. All she could do was cast the other boy a half-smile and nod slightly.

"I'm... I'll be fine," she reassured him, opting not to say anything more than that.

Viki wanted to just fall over into one of the nearby chairs. She had been up since early that morning. They all had. Besides, the events of the day and the fatigue from being up half the night were starting to set in on her. She just wanted to rest for a while. Unfortunately, she wouldn't have the moment she wanted to slide down into one of the reception room chairs and rest.

Instead, another body came stumbling through the front door, nearly falling into one of the chairs before barely managing to catch himself and refrain from hitting the ground. Had she been in the condition to do so, Viki probably would have ran to help the injured student. Instead, she found herself unable to do much of anything besides stand there and will the room to stop spinning.

She recognized the student half-lying on the chair as Dan Wolfe. He had been in her science class, and she had seen he and his band play a few times, but other than that, she couldn't say that she really knew him all that well. From what she knew of him, he seemed like a nice guy, and at the moment, he was apparently quite injured.

The discussion Gabe and Evelyn seemed to be having about whether or not they wanted Evelyn as another member of their group would have to be put on hold, it seemed. Personally, Viki had no objections about the shining star of the football team joining their ranks. Viki had never had a problem with the girl, and Gabe seemed to trust her well enough. That wasn't the issue at hand now, though.

Ianto responded to Dan first, inquiring as to how badly hurt he was. Dan quickly replied that he wasn't hurt badly and proceeded to tell them that he'd fought with Harry Tsai. Viki thought that the two boys were friends, although that was probably only a misconception on her part because she'd seen them talking at school a handful of times.

He informed the group of his intentions rather quickly. Apparently, he wasn't looking to join their group. Rather, he simply wanted to patch up the large gash he had sustained in the fight and be on his way. As some sort of peace offering, he even slid his designated weapon -- which was apparently some sort of wrench -- over toward Gabe, telling the boy he could keep it until he was ready to head out.

Content with the fact that things seemed to have finally sorted themselves out, Viki allowed herself to slide down in one of the reception chairs and took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure from the chaos that had just ensued. Thankfully, someone seemed to have shut the door to the examination room, and she was no longer subjected to that horribly mutilated body lying on the table.

"I wouldn't go in there if you're squeamish..." Viki warned Dan with a half smile, "Somebody... somebody really did a number on whoever that used to be in there. It's not very pretty."

She hugged her arms tightly around her chest again, trying to mentally purge the image of the corpse from her mind. A dull headache felt as though it was about to come on, and Viki was tired, hungry, and stressed out. Their whole group seemed a little worse for wear, even the newcomers that had managed to weasel their way into the ranks in the time that Viki had been out cold.

"Do you think it might be a good idea to hang out here for the night?" Viki spoke up finally, her attention turning toward Gabe, then Ianto, "I mean... I know... it might be hard to stay the rest of the night here, with that mess in the other room and stuff... but... at least we know this place is safe. We've been here a while, and if we boarded it up properly, we could spend the night here, at least. I think... we've all been through a lot today. We can't push ourselves too hard."

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by RePeate†
Gabe edged over next to Dan, being sure to keep Viki and Evelyn within arms reach should they need help. Despite the fact Gabe didn't really know or care for Dan much, he did feel he could trust him. Something about the way he talked, the way he held himself... it reminded Gabe of himself. "Let's take a look at that gnarly gash there. i've seen coach bandage up a fair share of wounds over the seasons.. in fact one time I was playing hockey, and this one guy cut across me really fast and checked me right into the boards. I split my forhead right open, let me tell you it was a real mess."

He was rambling, and rightfully so. The scene that the group had stumbled on not moments earlier would be enough to put anyone on edge. And when gabe got nervous, he rambled. It reminded him of how Evan would do the same thing whenever the two of them got into trouble and were sent to the pricipal's office. "Man, I tell ya, I bled for a solid half hour. Seven stitches. Ok, but I'm getting off topic here. let's see..." He scanned the room, and spotted the reception desk. He went around behind it and began going through drawers. Surely enough, in the bottom drawer of the three set in the desk was a bright red canvas first aid kit. He unzipped it, and pulled out a length of gauze and some clips to hold it on. Then he grabbed a roll of medical tape, and bunched everything up into his hand and went back over to Dan.

"Here... let's wrap that up dude. God knows how infected that shit'll get on this stupid island." He wrapped the gauze snugly around the wound, and clipped it together. Then he wrapped the whole bandage in tape. "That ought to keep it together. It'll probably last through any rainstorms too. I used to wrap my forearms and legs with this stuff when I play, so the sweat doesn't drip." He shot Dan a brief smile, and stepped back to admire his handywork. "Pretty good for my first time, huh?" It was one thing he could at least be happy about. He'd known more first aid then he'd thought. He looked around at the group. "I'm gonna keep this thing, if anyone needs it later..." he said, scanning for approval before sticking the kit into his daypack. It would do the group well to supplement their inventories with a real medical kit. Lord knew they'd likely need it more than a few times in the next couple days.

Gabe's thoughts turned back to Dan's injury. "Look man, if you don't want to get into it, that's cool... but did Harry really attack you? Was he trying to kill you? Is he playing? Like, I mean... what the fuck, right?" Gabe's face twisted into an expression of morbid curiosity. He knew he'd never get used to anything they'd encounter in this game.

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:16 am
by Ares
"Yeah not bad at all man." Dan said checking out the bandage job Gabe did for him.

Dan knew a question about his and Harry's fight would be coming, and he was ready with a answer.

"In all honesty, I think it was a misconception on his part. I had woke up maybe 5 minutes before he showed, and at the time, I was looking over my wrench there. I think he thought I might be planning on using it, because next thing I know, I've got a gash along my face from god knows what, and then he came at me with the saw. I managed to get a shot or two on him, might have broken his ribs with one because he took off fairly quickly."

Probably better not to mention Khrysta right now. They're buying the story about Harry. Probably because hes the weird foreign kid.

Dan stood up and went for his pack to grab a drink. He found one of his bottles, and took a sip.

"I don't know man, this whole thing is fucked up. I mean, come on, who expects to wake up, kidnapped by terrorists, then get attacked by a Japanese kid and end up bleeding all over your favourite shirt? All in the same day no less." Dan said with a smile.

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:17 am
by riserugu†
Ianto had to admit he was a bit taken back by just who had attacked name, having known Harry himself if anything he figured the two of them would be friends, or something, sifting somewhat on his feet and watching as he reached into his pack, feeling oddly... on guard all of the sudden, even more so when he removed the wrench though thankfully he relaxed as Dan continued and pushed the metal wrench toward Gabe for safe keeping while he was being bandaged up.

Figuring that Gabe more or less had this under control he supposed he should figure out just what they where going to be doing for the time, moving was completely and utterly out of the question now that night was falling, and with such a large group moving they'd just be something fun to shoot at from one of these... players, larger groups though useful in protecting themselves would just be walking ducks out in the dark.

Glancing back to Viki as she seemed to reach the same conclusion that he had, sighing somewhat and nodding with a small smile. "That might just be the case," He began, glancing over the five people filling the room with him. "We're a pretty large group now, though it's kind of... hard to think about staying in the same place when one of our classmates was beaten to death on the other side of that door, but – there's a less likely chance we'll be able to find another empty shelter. Not to mention the fact that even if we did, there could be even more bodies at the next place, worse off than the two here."

Gripping at the strap connected to his rifle he moved across the floor toward the other far door sitting on the back wall, stepping toward it and gripping the handle as he pushed against it slightly and allowed it to slide open. Ianto glancing around quickly for any signs of more people, dead or alive but all he could see in the fading daylight where rows of cots lined up in the room, sighing a little with a small smile that this place would seem to be better than nothing for them to rest up for the night and gather themselves. Glancing back over the area of the reception room, pursing his lips at the large entrance and deciding that, that needed to be taken care of... bounded up, something for the night.

Approaching back over where Viki and Serenity where, he allowed himself to smile somewhat before speaking, "Well that other room is free of... of well anything too horrid less you don't like dust, but they've got some cots that you could lay down on. I'm sure you're still not feeling well after that spill, I managed to grab you so I hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly." He said lightly, reaching down to gather the girl's bag from where it had fallen on the ground when she had, swinging it over his other shoulder and holding hands out toward Viki in turn to offer some support in helping her off the ground.

"Now then, why don't we get you in there and lying down? I don't know about you, but something to eat and drink sounds smashing right about now."

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:17 am
by RePeate†
Gabe actively engaged himself in the conversation he was having with Dan. At the very least it would keep his mind off the fact that he'd likely be dead in the next few days, or at the very least, all his friends would be... including Kara. "Yeah man, this is fucked up stuff. I can't believe we're here.... I mean...fuck!" He seemed visibly confused and pissed off, an emotion not common from a fellow so laid back and beloved as he. The nervous tick he often got in his eye manifested itself as he grew more and more upset. "I mean, what kind of sick fuck is this Danya guy? We're just kids." His mind wandered to thoughts of his beloved Kara, and he wondered if he'd ever see her again. God I wish she were here right now. I miss her so much...

And with that, as if some divine spark had inspired him, he perked up, rose to his full height, and announced to the group: "Hey! Guys! I need to go off and find some people. I wish I could stay here and help out a bit more, but there are people I need to see again, and I can't be comfortable without them. Who's coming with me? I can't promise safety, but I'll try my best. And I'm sure as a group we won't have too many problems. But I really need to go... I'm sorry". He looked over at Evelyn, Ianto, Serenity and Viki, and then finally back at Dan. "I'm sorry man, but I need to find my girl. I can't die on this island without her".

I hope you guys stay safe. Please don't hate me for this...

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:17 am
by Megami†
Viki let out an exhausted yawn. Things had finally settled down at the hospital, and none too soon, either. Everyone seemed to be set for the night. Gabe had taken the time to patch Dan up, something Viki found herself quite impressed with. He'd done a pretty good job, which was actually pretty comforting. At least someone knew how to treat wounds in some manner of speaking.

Ianto, meanwhile, had vanished into the room opposite of th examination room to examine it. He came back a few moments later, informing the group that there were some cots in the room that they could rest on for the remainder of the night. He moved over to pick up Viki's pack and offered his hands out in assistance for her to stand up once again. Viki grabbed Ianto's hands and pulled herself up, turning to face the rest of the group.

Part of her was ready to run into the room and flop down on a cot. Her head was throbbing (moreso from a headache that had formed than the fall she'd taken, Ianto had made sure she hadn't bore the brunt of that incident), and she was both mentally and physically exhausted. In fact, the whole group looked worn out.

It was during that time that Gabe suddenly spoke up, saying that he had people to find. She could understand his feelings somewhat. She'd been fortunate to find the one person she was most worried about on the island, but that didn't change the fact that her other friends were probably out there dying. Still, leaving right now wouldn't do them any good.

And of course, the comment that he absolutely had to find Kara stung a little more than Viki would have dared to admit. She couldn't blame him, of course he should want to find his girlfriend. Just listening to him talk about her was hard, though. She bit down on her lip, her eyes casting to the floor a moment, before it finally registered completely that Gabe was leaving the group.

"Gabe..." she muttered under her breath before suddenly finding her voice and speaking out audibly, "I'll go too. It's dangerous out there, you don't need to go out there alone. And... and when we find everybody, we can all meet back here at the hospital. Maybe when everyone's together, we'll be able to think of something... and we'll know that our friends are safe."

She nodded to herself, casting the football player a bright smile.

"And besides... I'm worried about Evan and Steve and everyone too. I can't let you find them all and play the hero, now can I?"

And what are you gonna do when you see something like whatever's lying in that examination room? Pass out again? You're lucky you didn't bust your head open. If Ianto hadn't acted so quickly, you probably would have, and now you're going to leave people who've done nothing but take care of you to chase after some lost cause. It's stupid, Viki. You should really reconsider.

She frowned slightly as the thought passed through her mind.

[/i]But... if he dies, then I could never forgive myself. He was here... right there... and I can't just let him go out there and get himself killed. I might not be much use, but at least he'd have another set of eyes to watch his back. Besides, it's not like you're saying goodbye to Ianto and everybody forever. All you've gotta do is find everybody else and come back here.[/i]

"We'll be back guys... I promise. And hopefully, we'll be bringing some more manpower with us."

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:17 am
by Ares
"Yeah, sorry guys, but as much as I appreciate you helping me and, well, not killing me on the spot," Dan chuckled a bit, "I've got a person to find too. So Gabe, if you'd be so kind as to return my wrench, I'll be on my way as well." Dan said extending his non-bandaged arm towards Gabe.

Fixed up and ready to go. She's all mine.

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:17 am
by RePeate†
As Gabe handed the wrench back to it's rightful owner, the first announcement came on. As he listened to Danya laughing at the deaths of his friends and classmates, hatred built inside of him, but it was overpowered by a feeling of anxiety. He was listening for the names he worried about most. Gabe could do nothing but sit and listen to the kids he grew up with being killed in horrible ways... and he grew more and more anxious for the announcement to end. He hadn't heard the names of his closest friends yet. Please... please God... please not them. Stop talking you fucking windbag... stop talking and don't tell me my friends are dead! He waited patiently, his nerves shot from the inside. Please not Kara, please not Steve, not Evan... not them, please. And with that Danya wrapped up the announcement with some danger zones, and the speakers stopped their awful crackling. Gabe's heart almost skipped a beat. Oh thank God... there's still time!

He looked over at Viki and the others to guage how they were dealing with the horrible news. He had no doubt some of the party had close ones die. Gabe was all the more thankful his friends were alive when he saw the sullen expressions on the faces of the others. He sat for a moment in silence, allowing the group to absorb the bad news. I wish I didn't have to leave them. I wish I could stay and help. But I don't know how much time I've got left. I need to find them. I couldn't live with myself if I wasn't there and... something happened to them...

He looked over at Viki, glad that she was coming along. He wasn't sure how much help she could be, but it was always good to have another set of eyes and hands around. "You see... this is what I'm saying. People are out there dying, and we can't help them. I need to find my friends. You should be tracking yours down too. Who else is coming with me? Maybe we can find your friends along the way too."

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:17 am
by Mitsuko2†
"I'm going..."

Serenity had been quiet for a long while. She was still in schock from what she had seen. Now that she knew whom the body belonged to, it was even worse. Lance had killed Heather in cold blood, that much she was certain. She couldn't stay here. She had to find Kara. And Steve. And everyone else who needed help. It was all she could do. If she died trying, then so be it. She wasn't going to lie down and die. That wasn't her at all.

"I'm sick of this... I can't let this happen. This time, I'm going to do all I can to help those people. Because they're just as scared as we are. All of them... I can't let them die. I won't let myself give up on any of them. There's always good to be found... And even if it costs me my life, I'll make sure that good is protected."

She stood and walked over to the door, looking out. She looked back to the group and smiled.

Re: Carnage

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:17 am
by riserugu†
Ianto found himself terribly caught off guard how fast things started happening around him, first everyone seemed set of sitting down for a minute and getting some rest, and actually planning something before setting out again, giving the girls a chance to rest after they had been so visibly upset by the body in the examination room. But just as quickly as that seemed to happen Gabe was suddenly standing up and announcing to the group that as of that moment he was going to be leaving off to try and find his girlfriend and finds, Ianto glancing over his shoulder toward this and giving the other boy a rather confused looked over this sudden change in pace...

He didn't have to much time to stand there and think on the subject because Viki taking his hands to pull herself back onto her feet distracted him for a brief moment, having to fight the want to just gape at the girl when she decided that she was going to be going along as well, now really wanting to protest this whole sudden surge of just wanting to leave and go off back out there, in the open, all of them lacking any time of good weapons to protect themselves. It was just stupid to go out there without any sort of plan and when it was clear they where all exhausted in all way of the word, Ianto found he just couldn't understand this sudden drop in logical thinking, where they forgetting what was happening around them?

Apparently Dan was leaving as well after getting himself bandaged up, Ianto unsure how he wanted to think about all that–but, but—once more Ianto didn't get too much time to think before something odd reached his ears, looking up somewhat alarmed before an unknown voice began to boom over the island, he swallowing somewhat and guessing these where the 'announcements' that had been spoken about, the ones that would report on the deaths from the following day and read off the so-called 'danger zones' where, from what his little booklet they had been given said, their collars would start up before exploding and lobbing their heads off.

Even more though he was surprised by the list of deaths and just how their killers where, a lot of people he hadn't expected to be up there where—people he had really pegged to not be playing game where, and... taking a bit of a deep breath he moved off, placing down Viki's daypack on the counter and resting back, crossing his arms about his waist and sighing a bit, thinking over all this as Gabe continued rattling on about leaving and going to find people and suddenly Serenity seemed as good as rain seeing as a some time before she could barely function enough to stand and now seemed more than willing to jump on this bandwagon and leave.

"Are all of you stupid?"

It was a pretty rare change when the student vice-president and class clown, more or less known as being the nice guy of Southridge found himself showing a flash of anger, but he really, really just could not help because there was just no other explanation for what was happening right now. "Now really... I'm not trying to be an ass when I say this, but I'm really considering it. You all really want to just leave, just leave like that? I don't know if you where all here the past day, but we spent half of it walking from the marsh to here... alright that's not so bad, but let's remember this, none of us have ate a damn thing, or touched any water, none of us have slept during the night unless you count Viki, but that's something completely different." He muttered, glancing toward the girl somewhat and sighing.

"None of us have even taken the moment to sit down, to rest, to just try and gather ourselves and you really want to just leave?" Ianto even wasn't sure where all this was coming from, but damn if he didn't feel the need to say it... "Listen I don't blame you for wanting to find your friends, even more that you've heard they've survived, what good do all of you think you're all going to be to them if a killer comes along and you can't run away fast enough because you're exhausted or hungry, what happens if you come across another body – worse than Heather's? I don't know if you heard but people where electrocuted in blood and some one had a fucking grenade shoved down their throat. What's going to happen if Viki passes out again, or Serenity freezes up and a player happens to come along, you think you'll be able to protect the girls with your weapon?"

He sighed, loudly, at this point—rubbing at his temple and just... really, really trying to rid away the headache that was coming on, "Like I said, I know what it's like to want to find someone, but you can't do it exhausted and without a plan, you might as well be skipping out there with a neon sign telling all the killers, 'Hey everyone, three free kills right here.' Because that is what's going to happen, I'm not saying hang around here all day, but hell we're in a secure location for the moment, give the sun a chance to rise, sit down, give the girls a chance to rest, eat something and get some water and go over your map, try and think of a plan—anything, anything is better than just running out there with just the want to find them." Ianto sighed again as this point, sifting around the rifle on his shoulder.

"Anyway, I'll be more than happy to come along–I'm the only with a weapon worth a damn, but I'm actually taking Danya's words into consideration and burying Lance and Heather's baby, there's... there's just no way I'm going to let it rot out in the sun like he said."