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Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:36 am
by armeggedonCounselor†
Janet stood off to the side as Jay and Hayley... reconnected. Of course, Janet was aware that Hayley was a bit dangerous, as she had appeared on the announcements multiple times already. When a name appeared more than once, it tended to penetrate her mind better than the spattering of onetime killers and the dead. She jolted as her name was said, in reference to the other girl present. Ema. Janet nodded to the girl, acknowledging her presence. And then Jay and Hayley went off somewhere, to smoke, leaving Janet and Ema alone to socialize.


At least Ema seemed about as awkward about this whole... socializing thing as Janet was. Janet clicked her attention to the girl, noting, with her still overly analytical brain, a sort of... deadness to her tone. Perhaps the girl was perturbed by something? Perhaps it was the fact that Janet was a killer? Mildly hypocritical, considering Hayley was a far more prolific killer, but certainly there would be a bias there. Hayley, after all, was close enough to Ema to warrant a... fairly romantic kiss.

It occurred to Janet that Hayley had, at the time of them leaving to go on this trip, been with somebody. Kyle. And now he was.... Probably dead. Otherwise separated from Hayley. Janet cursed her habit of not listening to the announcements. That would be pertinent information.

The silence was dragging on to almost awkward levels, before Janet replied.

"Uh, hey, indeed."

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:21 am
by Hollyquin†
[[OOC: This long, timeskipping post has been brought to you by me, Little and Chib. :3 Also, this will probably be edited a bit. Hard to keep up with a post this long.]]

The look on Jay's face was nearly enough to drag Hayley back down. She could see it, behind his eyes. Judgment. Fear. That wasn't okay, given that she'd just gotten to spend five minutes so excited that someone wasn't afraid of her. What had she said? The whole reasons-she-killed-five-people thing? Like...okay, so maybe that hadn't come out as well as it could've, and maybe he'd expected her to have a better reason, but what could she have done, lied? Hayley Kelly didn't lie. At least not to people she actually liked, a designation Jay qualified for. I could've know, not brought it up. That would've been smart. But he would've wanted to know, sooner or later. Or maybe not. Jay Holland was generally happy living in his own little world. Maybe she would've been better off letting him stay there.

Well. I'm a bitch. No news.

The cigarette seems to cheer Jay up immensely- huge surprise there- and Hayley stopped for a moment to kiss Ema on the cheek before strolling into the woods, cigarette in one hand, dear Vera in the other. She really hoped she wasn't going to have to shoot anyone. Jay wouldn't like it. Besides, this whole getting-rid-of-the-tension thing would seriously go to hell. Speaking of the getting-rid-of-the-tension thing, they were in the woods now. Quick, think of a really awkward conversation starter!

"So.'s your magical island adventure thing been so far?"

That works. This magical island adventure thing (Hayley Kelly, you are obviously on crack) was balls. Like, there was nothing it could possibly be other than balls. Unless Jay had actually, somehow, through incredible miraculous miracles, gotten laid. Except that definitely hadn't happened, because he would be fucking bursting to tell her, and he just seemed...normal. A little wary, still, but the cigarette was doing wonders to bring him back down to base-Jay.

"Oh... Oh, y'know. Standard, SotF I guess. I stole some panties early on. Well- I mean. Found some. Not as creepy as it sounds, really. Got threated by Fatty John- he's dead now... Actually, I spent a lot of my time getting threated. And running. Running and uh, yelling, when appropriate."

Running, yelling, people waving guns in your face- normal Survival of the Fittest shit as far as I can tell. I've had a damn good run, far as this game goes. Really relatively few life threatening situations...I mean, I created like half the ones I was in, but you know. I'm an idiot, that's no- WAIT WAIT WHAT DID HE SAY

"Wait, no, wait, slow down, PANTIES? There is actually no way that's not as creepy as it sounds."

"No, no I found them! I was just walkin'- and.. You know how it is. Find someone's underwear on the ground, you're like 'Hey, who's are THESE?' It was-... Yeah. Yeah, okay, I guess I was channeling my inner creeper there. Just a little."

Okay. No, yeah, okay, that was totally fair, yeah. Finding random people's underwear. Happens all the time. Oh, Jay, you fucking pervert, I love you so.

"You're just having the time of your fucking life out here, aren't you? With fucking...panties and, no you're not a creeper at all with some random chick's underwear. Wait, did you keep them?"

"Uh... I only kept them for... Well, only for a little bit. Just y'know. In case I ever got a chance to give them back or y'know- Look uh, what about you? Let's, let's just move on for now."

Oh christ.

"Yeah, sure, no problem. Just, you know, adding this to the long list of shit I can make fun of you for. Wait, see, this is why my life is awesome and yours sucks: you were stealing panties, I was getting fucking drunk. "

"You... You have booze? Oh god, tell me you still have booze."

Hayley sighed, taking another drag of her nearly-spent cigarette. Oh, now she was gonna feel guilty for drinking her own goddamn alcohol. Would it have been better, really, if she'd drank it with Jay instead of Ema? Ema, who the fuck knew if they would've done what they'd done if she hadn't been off her ass at the time. Now, okay, that bridge was passed, built, whatever, but who knew how far she'd ever had gotten without dearest vodka by her side? Of course, drinking with Jay would've been great. Preferably with Alex too. Just like the old days. But you can't regret what you can't change, yeah?

"...Kid, if I knew I was gonna see you, I totally would've saved some, but like...Survival of the Fittest. Carpe diem. You know? ...Yeah, sorry. I mean, I kind of needed it."

That's not what carpe diem even means and you know it. ...He doesn't, though. So it all works out.

"Awh... Shit. I guess so. Just my luck. Seriously man, only thing worse then Survival of the Fittest wasted is Survival of the Fittest sober."

True that. God, why hadn't she brought more drinks? Because she was supposed to only be here for, like, three days. Supervised. Nothing she could've predicted, really. But still, hindsight was a bitch goddess.

Hayley took the last pull of her now-done cigarette, flicking the butt to the floor at nearly the same time Jay did. He was definitely in a better mood now; seemed like he'd forgotten their earlier conversation completely, God bless him. She almost offered him another, thought better of it at the last second- they could easily run through the rest of her pack in the next hour and she'd really rather not.

Fuck. She really wanted another cigarette. Also another drink. Damn her many vices, not that she could ever regret that night.

" know, that night might've been almost worth this whole fuckin' game. Almost."

Jay perked up suddenly, in contrast to the almost hangdog look on his face a moment prior. Oh, yeah, he was going to enjoy this, and Hayley was really, really going to enjoy telling him. Yeah, okay, maybe Ema would rather she didn't, but look: they were going to die, the entire world had already seen them, it was going to make Jay happy and wouldn't it be against the bro code not to share this shit? I'm such a good friend, really, I am.

"Oh...? Hayley, I hear one of your stories coming on... Did you get Ema wasted? Is that it?"

She had to stifle a giggle. The boy knew her so well.

"What gave you that idea? Getting innocent girls drunk, who do you think I am?"

"Shit, don't play nice Hayley, I'm wise to your tricks! You're a Grade A corrupter of the innocent- What did you do, come'on!"

See, this was the best thing about friends, the kind that have seen the worst things you do and absolutely love you anyway. Hell, fuck anyway, Jay loved her for the crazy shit she did on a regular basis, which this whole situation definitely qualified for. She was on the verge of laughing, he was practically hopping with excitement. Jay Holland loved a good story. So did Hayley, actually, and she was getting the lowdown on this panty business later, not to mention the deal with him and Janet. But for now, hell. Gotta throw the boy a bone.

"Dammit, Jay. Knowing me well and shit. Yeah, okay, so I got her drunk. Gave the audience a goddamn show, too."

"...Are... You mean."

The look on this boy's face right now. Oh my god. This is worth death. This is seriously worth death. Okay, maybe not, but still-

"Hayley. Did you tap that."

She didn't bother suppressing the grin that had formed on her face. "Maaaaaaybe."


Jay Holland, you are my favorite.


Okay, she could not. She could not let this go on any longer, fucking hilarious as it was. The boy was practically jumping up and down and oh my god she couldn't resist the smirk that was growing on her face. Like a frat boy telling his boys exactly how hot the girl he fucked last night was. She'd hate herself so much if she met herself as a dude. Like, seriously, she was kind of a douchebag. Only when she got into this mode, though. Jay Holland brought out the worst in her in the best possible way. Even so, she should really tone it down, probably.

"Oh fuck YES I hit that. Who do you think I am? I'm Hayley fucking Kelly, this is what I do, and Survival of the Fittest can suck my dick."

Yeah, okay, no. You're dying, girly. Party and bullshit all you want to. Not like it'll ever matter.

Not like Jay seemed to mind. Jay's reaction did not disappoint, considering all of the jumping around and grinning and laughing he was doing right about now. He held his hand out for a high five, fucking classic, and she took it, rolling her eyes but unable to resist the grin that quickly formed on her own face.

"DUDE. YES. UP TOP. HIGH FIVE. YOU ARE MY HERO. Holy GOD, you are my HERO. All the dicks, they all belong to you. Fuckin' highlight reel, Hayley you fantastic motherfucker!"

"Bro, this is my fuckin' job. I walk in places, I get laid."

Every girl watching this hates me right now. The guys probably love me, though...

"...Oh my god, how many boys back home d'you think taped that shit?"

"I dunno man, probably half the country! Man, you can bet as soon as I get off here, I'm youtubing that shit!"


"You...has anyone ever told you that you're an idiot? Other than, you know, me?"

"I... I... Yes. Yes, that's a common statement, uh, around me. But this time, I stand by it!"

...Oh, Jay.

Poor thing was in denial. That much was obvious. This was the funny bit about killing five people- you stopped thinking about death as an abstraction. It wasn't "oh let me just pretend I'm going to be fine", it became "I'm going to die, in the meantime, let me be awesome". That was Hayley's Survival of the Fittest philosophy and it was working out pretty well for her so far, but she never really forgot where she was and what was going to happen. She put it away, yeah, and she could ignore it, yeah, and she managed to feel precious little about it, yeah, but still, it was there. She was probably going to die. Jay...Jay wasn't there yet. Who am I to break him out of his denial, though? I it really better, remembering constantly that you're not gonna get off the island? That you're never gonna do any of the shit you want to do back home? Is it better to die with hope still left? Not that I have a choice anymore.

"You...yeah, I'll...I'll have to youtube it too. See how I look on camera, you know. I mean, you and me both know I looked fucking amazing, but still."

She managed a weak smile. Yeah, she wasn't going to break his good mood. Didn't want to fuck up her own, either. He seemed to miraculously detect the awkwardness this particular conversation-direction contained, though, and so he changed the subject and saved her the trouble.

"Shit dude, I just- I can't believe it. Drop you on a deserted Island, you end up bangin' some hot redhead girl. Just- Standing ovation man. You will live forever on the hard drives of teenage boys EVERYWHERE. I love your very existence Hayley Kelly, I really do."

"Like, I feel like I shouldn't be okay with being immortalized as whack off material, but I totally am. I mean, look at my life. That was kind of my destiny all along, yeah?"

"Hey man, that's a fine destiny to have! Especially for someone like you."

"I'll take that as a compliment. I think. Coming from you, anyway."

And the day went on.

They came out of the forest eventually, rejoining Ema and Janet, who...hadn't made much progress, it seemed, not that that Hayley had been expecting much. Janet seemed less than social, and, Ema was never particularly social, so she doubted much of note had happened. The atmosphere was...awkward. Not, like, terrified awkward, or someone's-about-to-kill-someone awkward. Just...teenagers who don't know how to talk to each other, awkward. That was nice. Reminded Hayley of home. So she greeted her girlfriend with a kiss, and she tried her best to lighten the mood. And so the afternoon passed. Not eventfully, but...eventful wasn't good, on Survival of the Fittest. This was better. This was nice. This could last as long as it wanted to, far as Hayley was concerned. It wasn't the easiest atmosphere to deal with, but she dealt.

She gave in and gave Jay two more cigarettes before the day was out. Two more for her, too. Six gone. Six left. Half out. She just hoped they'd get the chance to smoke the rest before her luck finally ran out for real.

Not thinking about it.


It was a long night.

Not the nightmare-filled, paranoid, terrifying sort of long night that was oh-so-common on Survival of the Fittest. Not any kind of long night that Hayley would seek to avoid. No, this was the kind of long night occupied by the warm touch of her girlfriend's hands, by kisses, by bodies pressed against bodies. The kind of long night that involved things that Hayley had definitely done before but Ema sure as hell hadn't. The kind of long night punctuated by loud moans that Ema tried oh-so-hard to get her to stifle, but how many fucks did Hayley give? If they were even awake, Janet could deal and Jay would be loving every moment.

These were the moments Hayley lived for. And was dying for, in a matter of speaking.

Though admittedly that was the last thing on her mind. As she pulled on the most minimal clothing she could get away with, and settled in for a pre-announcement nap, her last thought in her mind was something like I love you. Or had the words slipped out of her mouth? No, they couldn't have. They weren't allowed to. But they probably did, not that Hayley would remember in the morning, tired as she was, and she could only hope it'd slip Ema's mind too.



Hayley winced as her eyes fluttered open, taking in the first light. How long had she stayed up last night...? She didn't have a watch, but considering how the rising sun stung her eyes and how utterly unwilling her limbs were to do anything even remotely useful, she figured she'd gotten maybe three hours of sleep at best. The announcements could go fuck themselves, honestly. She was definitely going back to sleep the second they were over, especially how she was now- she'd woken how she'd fallen asleep, with Ema curled against her chest. She pressed her face into the top of the girl's head, breathing in her scent. Wonderful. Danya needed to shut the fuck up and let her get back to this.

"Good morning once again, kiddies. Would you believe that there are less than one hundred of you left alive? Well, it's true. Congratulations to those of you still standing. You've come a long way."

...Holy shit.. Under a hundred left. This whole 'winning' thing seemed more and more plausible by the second. How many had come here? Something like 250, 300, somewhere around there. And now...practically nothing. Of course, more of the kids left were probably killers, or at least really good at staying alive. Whether her odds were actually any better now, that was a question for the fans back home. They could probably do some statistical analysis on that shit.

"You only need to brutally murder a few more people, and then you'll be on a plane home. Isn't that a delightful thought? I bet you all miss your families. I'm sure they're rooting for you."

Oh, yeah, Danya had a way with words, for sure. You only need to brutally murder a few more people! It'll be fuckin' great! Fun for the whole family, assuming yours doesn't hate you by the time you get home! Mine will...forgive me, probably. Johnny will forgive me, at least. I'd need to actually be home to know for sure, right? Yeah, I don't know. Is mommy's little darling still mommy's little darling when she comes home pretty much a serial killer? They never show you that part on TV. Whatever. Hayley wouldn't be killing anyone else until absolutely necessary. Right now, she had plans, and they involved dozing back off into her own little piece of heaven with her girlfriend, maybe slipping off into the woods for a bit when Jay and Janet were otherwise occupied-

"Alexander Campbell died of I-thought-it'd-be-fine-to-field-amputate-my-arm. This is a lesson: practice first aid before your wound starts growing green fuzz."


The word slipped out of Hayley's mouth- just loud enough for him to hear her, assuming he was awake, and she prayed he was- before she even really registered what she was feeling, what Danya had said, what was happening. She shot up in a second, her hands finding their comfortable positions on her sides, scratching open wounds that hadn't even healed yet from the morning before. Her eyes wide open and blank. Still not quite registering. Still refusing to acknowledge it because Alexander Campbell could not be dead. Maddy, Hayley loved her, but she could somehow believe she was dead. It seemed like something that could happen, even though suicide seemed so completely bizarre to her. But Alex was invincible. Alex couldn't die, because he was Alex. That made sense enough to her. What didn't make sense is how he could be-

She remembered him being shot. The wounds in his arm. Rot. He'd cut it off? He'd cut it off. Gotten infected.

Now he was dead.

That couldn't happen.

That was impossible.

Not...please. Not you too.

To her credit, though, she held it together. Hayley Kelly did not cry. She couldn't. There was just this great emptiness, this nothing that was swallowing her, she couldn't move, couldn't even look up, didn't see if Jay was awake or reacting or coming to her or anything or if Ema was awake- they'd been friends too, she remembered, vaguely. Everyone loved Alexander Campbell. And now he was dead and she could hardly breathe, her eyes saw nothing. There was nothing. Nothing at all. At least she held it together. For a few moments. And then-

"Örn Ayers was shot by Liam Brooks, and bled to death."


She snapped out her stupor. Alex couldn't be dead- Alex was invincible, Alex was special, Alex was too strong. But Dutchy...Dutchy could die because Dutchy could break. Dutchy had broken and she hadn't been there, and that she could wrap her head around. Sweet, angelic, utterly fragile Dutchy. He was dead. Bled out. She hadn't even seen him since she'd gotten here. At least she'd seen Alex, not that she had been able to do anything but leave him alone, leave him to die, to die without her, how could he be killed by a goddamn amputated arm?! What was he doing, should've been keeping it clean, she should've been keeping it clean, should've been there...should've helped, done anything, anything to keep him alive, keep them both alive, keep them all alive, dammit, they were dead, they were all dead, and she-

Hayley curled into fetal position. Fuck dignity. She sobbed like a child and waited for something, anything at all, that would make this stop.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:30 am
by decoy73
((Charlene Norris continued from The Use of Common Sense is Authorized))

Charlie walked through the area, looking around and running her free left hand through her semi-decent hair as she did. Her friends were behind her a ways (Funny thing - she was leading the pack, if only for a short while).

It was weird - she actually felt something bordering on decent. Yeah, there were still people playing, and some of them would come after her, because hey, why the fuck not, but still, it wasn't like they could exactly have an easy time of it - four well-armed women would probably be match even for Maxwell Lombardi or that Brooks guy.

Charlie looked down for a second as she stopped to tug at her slightly loose top, and smiled for a second.

Wow. Are my boobs smaller? From a certain angle, it seemed that it was kinda true - her tits had, due to the conditions, become slightly smaller - still not small, just enough to justify getting a smaller bra.

She shook her head for a second, getting herself back into semi-reality, and walking on for a few minutes, continuing up a hill of some sorts. Looking ahead of herself, she saw what seemed to be someone ... crying. She crept forward, looking for others. On the one hand, she wasn't a bitch, well not a complete bitch, but on the other hand, she'd been shot at and slashed, so someone could still be around having quite possibly making an attempt on ...

Hayley Kelly.

Not again!

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:31 pm
by Chib†
"Uh, hey, indeed."

The conversation only managed to deteriorate from that fantastic start. With "So, do you like hobbies" automatically off the table due to being a joke ice-breaker, Ema really had nothing to say to Janet. What does one say? "Oh hey, how's the murdering going? I'm a little behind quota, only managed one so far. But I'm trying my best, you know?" Not likely. So in the end, with the pretence of trying to chat idly straight out the window, Ema and Janet failed to "make besties". Ema drifted off back towards the cliff's edge, ended up humming along to a tune she couldn't quite identify by name, and lost track of time. Every so often she'd glance back over to make sure Janet was still there, and that they still didn't know what to talk about, shrug, and go back to doing nothing.

As such, Ema didn't really know how much time had passed between the riveting conversation's start and the return of Hayley and Jay. The name of the song she'd been humming for the last few however-long-it-was was right on the tip of her tongue when Hayley showed up and kissed her. Oh well, that was nicer than knowing what it was anyway... ironically enough, she was pretty sure it wasn't The Smiths or Morrissey, though.

As for the rest of the day, eventful wasn't an applicable adjective. Ema sat around lamenting the absence of her iPod, finally finished American Gods, contributed to idle conversation every few minutes. Nothing interesting. But by comparison to "interesting" days, that was a lot more palatable - not seeing human blood and grey matter on the sand was, after all, one of Ema's favourite parts of the day, up there with not being shot and not being on fire. The evening and night, however, were considerably more enjoyable. Things she'd never done before, things she'd only done once before, mainly the former, all of them things she'd dreamt of doing for years prior. At first she tried in earnest to stay quiet, and to convince Hayley to do likewise, but as time wore on, the amount she cared slowly dwindled, and likewise the protests soon ceased. If the other two didn't like it? Well, they could deal. Opportunities to enjoy oneself were fast running out, Ema wasn't about to give up one of the more prominent ones.


The next thing she knew, it was morning. Ema didn't recall falling asleep, but then, when did anyone remember the moment they dropped off? Still, she didn't even remember her head hitting the proverbial pillow. She had one leg vaguely entangled in one of Hayley's, and what appeared to be breasts pressed against her face. It was nice, an eminently enjoyable way to wake up of a morning. She could feel Hayley's chest rise and fall through her own cheek, and each breath in and out alongside it against the top of her head. But there was something niggling at her, something desperate to ruin the lovely moment. Oh right. That noise that had probably been what woke her up. Still on the bloody island. Morning announcements. Better pay attention, just in case. Ema didn't really want to, though, she was tired, she wanted to go back to sleep. The words washed over her quite ineffectually, until something - rather, someone - stood out.

"Alexander Campbell died of I-thought-it'd-be-fine-to-field-amputate-my-arm. This is a lesson: practice first aid before your wound starts growing green fuzz."

"Alexander Campbell died."

Wait. What? Alexander Campbell? The Alex she and Hayley had been trying to regroup with for the last almost-week? Alongside Maddy, he was also the Alex that had been part of the ever-dwindling group of people Ema actually knew, and could call her friends. And he'd died, not from losing an arm, but from it getting infected? In spite of herself, Ema was almost impressed. Surviving with one missing arm must have been no easy task. Cutting it off, too, that was probably hellishly difficult. And now the guy capable of that was dead. No longer someone to look out for, no longer a potential, presumably hyper-competent ally. And there it was, back to thinking about herself. Alex was one more person that might've been inclined to help her that was now dead. Ema's estimation of her odds of survival plummeted.

At some point during that mental tract, Hayley had shot bolt upright, rolling Ema over onto her side in the process. She became aware of how little (read; nothing) she was wearing, and hastened to dress herself. She'd barely managed to get a pair of panties on and one leg into a pair of jeans when the next bombshell dropped.

"Örn Ayers was shot by Liam Brooks, and bled to death."

Örn Ayers? Why did that name sound familiar? Somebody she knew better by a more pronounceable nickname?


Clearly someone Hayley had kn-- Dutchy. That sweet Scandinavian guy she'd spoken to once or twice, known him via Hayley, not unlike most of her Bayview acquaintances. She didn't know how to feel about that news. First Maddy, now Alex and Dutchy, just about everyone she and Hayley had been meaning to find was dead. But for the three people around her, Ema was alone on the island. It was a frightening thought, but again, somehow she couldn't find it saddening. She was aware that it ought to be, that something about her was terribly broken for it not to be, but all the same, Ema didn't find sorrow in any of it. Only fear. Fear of pain, fear of death. All fear for herself. "God I'm a heartless bi--"

At that point, Ema noticed how much worse Hayley was taking it than herself. Curled up on the floor crying like an infant. They must have been closer than she'd realised. She wrestled her other leg into the jeans, and made her way over, entirely at a loss for how to proceed. What do you do in this kind of situation? "Oh yeah, everyone important to you is dead except for me." Jay's existence didn't seem to cross her mind. "So... chin up, soldier on?". Not the most tactful thing. Comforting people wasn't Ema's strong suit, and given that she was still trying to figure out why she herself wasn't in a similar state to Hayley, she was even less qualified than usual. "Because I'm a soulless monster, yeah."

So instead of trying to say anything comforting, she just knelt down beside her friend best friend girlfriend, and tried to work up the nerve to even ask if there was anything she could do to help. But of course, something had to get in the way. Or someone. In the distance, on that hill they'd passed a while beforehand on the way up from the beach. Ema couldn't make out who it was, with her eyes still bleary from morning light and lack of sleep, but she could tell it was human. Comforting Hayley could wait, making sure nobody was trying to kill either of them jumped up to top priority.

Completely disregarding the lack of clothing on her upper half, Ema scrambled for her discarded coat, fumbling around with the inside-pockets for her gun. Eventually she just pulled the damn thing on, and took the weapon out from the inside with greater ease. The adrenaline had kickstarted her system somewhat, and upon closer inspection, she did recognise that silhouette. Not by name, but by deeds. The girl that shot Kyle.

She shot Kyle. Assume she's hostile.

Ema raised the weapon, yelling (intentionally rather loud, in hopes of rousing the others) at Charlene to "Just... just back up... walk away, okay!?"

"Try to act reasonable. She's got a gun too."

It dawned on Ema just then that making herself the most obviously dangerous member of her group may not have been a good idea, as far as preserving her own life went. It showed on her face, and in her slightly shuddering hands. She was afraid.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:09 pm
by Little Boy†
They'd talked like they were old friends. Well, in truth, they were old friends. Jay wasn't exactly sure what it meant to say "talking like old friends" but he knew it was a good thing. The conversation flowed on endlessly, Hayley Kelly and Jay Holland two stupid stoners, recounting exploits and jokes, having the time of their life at the end of their lives. Oddly poetic, completely stupid and utterly terrifying. But he didn't mind. Hayley was Hayley, and well, he was Jay Holland. He wasn't much of anything to begin with, but at least he hadn't changed.

He never would change. Ema, Hayley, Janet and Jay. Only one of them would survive, if any. What chance would he stand in the final four, against them? He couldn't kill Janet; it just wasn't in the cards. He still couldn't believe just what had happened to Hayley- but he wasn't about to kill her either. He barely knew Ema, but that counted for shit all. She was quiet, but she was hot and she was Hayley's bitch. That meant no killing her either.

So what was he to do? There was no one he could kill. He was right and good, proper fucked. He was stuck as he was right then, a dopey stoner who couldn't really cope with reality. He'd die like that, same as it ever was.

Is that a bad thing? Really- is that really such a bad thing? I should like me. I'm not that bad a dude... Fuckit. Just fuckit.

Jay sighed and sat down, spreading out his pack next to Janet. The sun was setting, and they were going to camp for the night. Not much had happened- He supposed that was a good thing. More kids had probably died. He sighed again.

How in the hell was he still going?

He looked over at Janet. He felt a bit bad about his freak-out- what with finding Hayley he'd had little time to talk to her. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like it was a dickish thing to do. She was lying down, but he wasn't sure if she was sleeping yet or not. Hayley and Ema were, but he was a night hawk at the best of times. And it wasn't like he was about to get a good nights sleep anyway. He reached forward, jostling her shoulder.

"Hey. Hey Janet."

He paused. He didn't know what exactly to say, but that'd never stopped him before. He needed to talk.

"Hey Janet- uh- not sure if you're awake or- well. Whatever. You can just go back to sleep, I just wanted to talk to someone. It's a little crazy to talk to myself."

Well no shit...

"I... Just wanted to say y'know. Sorry. For uh, for the fair n' stuff. Not sure if I said before, never had a really good memory with that sorta thing. I figured it'd be best to do it again, to reiterate. I'm not gonna ditch you for Hayley or anything because y'know. I really like you Janet. You're awesome, and uh, yeah. You get it. We'll all stick together, nice group from here on out."

Jay waved his hand toward the forest half-heartedly. The forest was deathly quiet. Some nights he'd heard gunshots, sounds and people moving in the distance. Tonight it was empty.

"It's fucked. I'm sorry I freaked back with- with David. I just really didn't expect it to go that far. I didn't mean to shoot him- that was fucked up. That was- he just started screaming like a crazy bastard, I just wanted him to go away... But y'know. It's so fucked. Danya- this entire game. So fucked. Man... I'm just saying-"

Jay laughed, trying hard to mask it as a courtesy to the sleeping forms around him. He was smiling, although it was impossible to tell in the dark.

"Heh. I'm just saying what everyone else has said. Hell, people have probably said THAT already too! People have probably commented on the fact that everyone is commenting on Survival of the Fittest... Hell, they've probably fuckin' commented on the fact that people constantly comment on the fact that everyone- I don't know what I'm talking about. "

He paused, staring out into the night. Where were the others? Jojo and Alex, Jasper and Isabel. Where were they sleeping? What was running through there heads. Jay thought long and hard, running through a list of people he knew. Jeremy Franco. Where was that shitbag? They weren't exactly close friends, but Jeremy was a funny guy. He kept thinking about others, Saul, that kid who played the mascot at all the school games. He was a total pushover and a complete bitch, but Jay hadn't heard his name read out yet. Or couldn't remember hearing it... Liz Polanzski had been all over the announcements for awhile, but she was apparently very dead. A real shame, whatever she'd done to the collars had really fucked up Danya's day. She'd died for it, but it was apparently a big deal.

Who else? The Indian kid who'd threatened him back in the forest with Jojo and Fatty John. Sunil, he was still around. David Meramac- he hadn't looked too hot the last time Jay had seen him. He had a sinking feeling David wouldn't last much longer. That freaky ass goth girl, Anna something or the other, she was still around though. The same with Tabi, who'd sat behind him in History Class. She'd killed Clio, that psycho bitch who'd been slaughtering people left and right in the first few days. That was more of a relief then anything else.

"I feel like I'm running through the motions." He said abruptly. "I just don't get it, you know? Like- I have to feel bad at this point in the game, feel angry at this point, lament all the senseless death at this point, and then kill someone at this point... And I just find it really funny how unremarkable it all seems, how standard it is. So I can't take it all that seriously, and I keep fucking it up. I know I'm going to get my ass killed eventually- I know I need to be serious. I think I have it sometimes, I promise myself, no more joking around, people are dying. This is serious. But I can't help it. Because well, the alternative is some pretty fucked up shit. I really think there's something wrong with me... A big-ass clusterfuck, that's what it is. And I don't know what to do or how to explain it any better then that."

Gonna die. I'm gonna fucking die.

He closed his eyes. He didn't want to say anymore. Janet liked him, and he wasn't about to spoil that by turning into a complete sap. She was hard as nails, and she'd probably kick him in the balls if he bitched, and mentioned his deepest fears. He wasn't meant to win the game, and he didn't deserve it. So he skipped over it.

"You know what? Fuck this. You know what I want to talk about? My Mom, she used to sing me to sleep. Sounds like the most uncool thing ever- but this was when I was little right? She had this uh- this mix tape and it was filled with all these absolutely awesome bands. It was always turned down really low, so it wouldn't hurt my ears n' shit. But you could still hear the voices and the guitar and all that good stuff. My Mom, she's really cool like that. She'd play it when it was bed right, so I got to go to sleep listening to classic rock, and y'know, cool things like that."
"She liked to sing along with it, and she wasn't ever that good, but y'know how it is. She tried. Problem was, I would, like, start singing too. So that'd just wake me up more, then I never wanted to sleep. So uh, she'd just leave and wait for me to settle down. There were some slow songs near the end of the CD, - pretty sure she expected me to freak out and calm down when they came on. Sometimes it worked. Heheh. So uhm, she'd always come in at the end. She'd start singin' really low and quiet, the last song."

"Running just as fast as we can. Holding onto one anothers haaaannnd.
Tryin' to get away into the niiight, I put my arms around you and we tumble to the ground and then I say-
I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around- -
I think we're alone now. The beating of our hearts is the only sound."

Jay yawned. He looked around, at Janet, at the still forms of Hayley and Ema. He grabbed his blanket, throwing it over himself and lying down on the ground a few feet away from Janet. It was dead silent. His throat had been hurting him constantly- at times it was so annoying he barely talked. He didn't know what it was, but if it shut him up he counted it as a good thing. After a moment he continued, his voice cracking ever so slightly, making his voice sound hurt, far more hurt then he'd intended.

"It's really fucked up how everyone forgets their parents' like- after the first day or so. After the first day, we're all a bunch of selfish pricks, and that's when people really start slaughtering each other, y'know?"

Jay fell silent, considering things. He doubted Janet was still listening, if she had ever been in the first place.

"I uh- I think you're really hot Janet- no lie. I'm not trying to be y'know, creepy and sappy and all that shit dude, but seriously, I'd totally be DTF, any day of the week. Totally. Haha! Sucks about y'know, Survival of the Fittest happening to us."

He closed his eyes, breathing deep. What had been the point of all that? He coughed, clearing his throat. He was tired, and sleep would do him some good. He rolled away from Janet, staring out into the bushes and the forest beyond.

"Yeah. Really sucks that you're here. Well, later Janet."

Jay closed his eyes. A few feet away, Jay heard shuffling noises. What could that be? Another student? His thoughts were cut off abruptly as Ema tried desperately to stifle a moan.

Jay began to grin, barely suppressing a giggle. Hayley Kelly was on the prowl.


Jay dreamed, as he often did. He dreamt of home, he dreamt of sewage and weird mutations, hot chicks and Hayley and Ema, Janet and Maria. He dreamt about home and he dreamt about 100 kids slowly beating each other to death with their bare fists. He was scared. He was terrified and restless and he could have sworn what he was witnessing would stick with him for the rest of his life, stuck in the back of his mind, dictating everything he'd do.

But in the end he woke up, and didn't learn a single thing.


The announcements shook Jay awake and his heart rate skyrocketed. He sputtered upwards, jerking his head around, looking at the others. Hayley was awake, Ema too. Jay swallowed hard, feeling a lump in his throat-

"Alexander Campbell died of I-thought-it'd-be-fine-to-field-amputate-my-arm. This is a lesson: practice first aid before your wound starts growing green fuzz."

He stopped moving. He heard Hayley say his name. Danya blathered on, listing more of the dead. He thought of Alex. One of the bright lights left- his best friend-

Jay leaned over, and threw up violently on the ground. He didn't have much in him, but it didn't matter. Tears were welling up and he smacked himself in the chest, hacking and spitting up bile and chunks of foul smelling vomit.

He'd lost his arm. Alex had got an infection, and he'd had to cut off his fucking arm.

oh fuck oh holy fuck

It was unreal; an absolutely terrifying demise for someone who'd never had a speck of malice in his body. It was as if God was taunting Jay for his words before.

You don't think this is a big deal? Your friend's arm is gone. Bam. Big deal now Jay- how you like that? Fuck you Jay Holland. Fuck you Jay Holland.

He brought his head up, spitting away gunk. He looked over toward Hayley, gasping for breath. She was crying now- not only over Alex- but Dutchy. Someone had killed fucking Dutchy, that happy-go-lucky blonde haired kid, without a mean bone in his body. Someone had had the cruelty to snuff some poor scared little kid, all for the slim chance of getting back home.

This is so fucked up.

David was gone, just like he'd predicted. He looked over toward Janet, a pained look in his eyes. She'd been right- he was just fodder, bound to die soon. But the pain of just leaving him was still there. Jackie Broughten was dead; the girl who'd killed Maria, aka Panties Girl. Jay felt dull inside- he was happy she was dead, but the pointlessness of it stopped him short of rejoicing over the death.

"This is fucked." He mumbled out loud.

Stating the obvious, but fuckit. I'm done. This is it- I'm done, stoner always dies. Done.

He looked over toward Janet, wiping vomit from his chin. He felt oddly ashamed, vulnerable. He couldn't believe Alex was gone. He sniffed his nose, looking at the girls.

"Where to-"

He trailed off, glancing off the path to see a figure emerging from the foliage. His eyes went wide.


Charlene Norris? The party girl, tennis star with huge tits. Oh, he remembered her alright. Jay stood dumbstruck for a second, trying to work through just how exactly she'd arrived, and why she was standing there, staring at them. There was movement. Jay looked over to see a barely clothed Ema holding up a gun, aiming it at Charlene.

His eyes went wide. Instinctively he reached down toward his bag, yanking out his Nambu Pistol. Shit was going down. Ema was yelling, the others were slow to react.

He raised up the weapon, pointing it toward Charlene's feet, making sure his finger was far away from the trigger. He heard David screaming in his mind, and he could hear the sound of gunshots clearly.

Fuck no, fuck that, not happening!

"Janet- " He started, looking over toward his companion. His heart was beating fast- how had the girl snuck up on them? Did she even have a gun? Oh how he wanted Janet up and at the ready. She was so much more imposing then him; the gun was shaking in his hands.

"O-okay- just do what Ema says- just – calm down, I haven't been so good with standoffs all throughout this game, don't want anything bad going down- just cool your jets." He mumbled rapidly, unsure of what else to do.

His gun sank lower and lower, until it was pointing toward the ground completely. It had done little to suppress his shakes. Jay twitched as his eyes flicked back and forth between Charlene and Ema, wondering what would happen.

Oh God- Fuck- I hope for once someone listens to me...

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 5:18 am
by armeggedonCounselor†
Janet let Ema walk away, as there was no point in trying to converse. What would they talk about? All Janet could think of was how her precious Psychological models had not predicted Hayley Kelly being capable of murder. It was such a weird thought to be having.

Fortunately, they were eventually saved from the awkwardness by the return of each of their respective Nicotine addicts. Time wore on, as it does, and eventually it was night. She laid down and began dozing when she was jostled. Jay's voice washed over her, keeping her from panicking. Besides, she felt certain that any trouble would be loud enough to wake her before she was in danger. Jay was still talking, and for the first time, she really listened. She laid there silently, pretending to be still asleep, as Jay droned on about the events from the beginning of their time together, his feelings about the island, and so on. He fell silent.

Janet began to doze again, but was again jolted awake by Jay beginning to talk again. More heartfelt this time. She completely understood what he meant. Going through the motions.... She would never tell him that she still thought about both the boys she had killed, and the fear they had felt before she killed them. She would never tell him that every time she touched her gun, she felt a shiver of revulsion and fear. She would never tell him that she admired him for his ability to stay true to himself.

Then he started talking about his mother. Janet felt the cold fingers of fear grip her heart. She would never see her family again. Even if she survived, if she won... they would probably leave. She would, in their position. She was a murderer. She couldn't even claim to have a good reason. She did it because she didn't want to die. A good reason for her, but....

For the first time since arriving on the island, she touched her neck where her choker would normally sit. And for the first time, she cried. Silently, so that Jay wouldn't notice, she cried for her grandfather. She was glad for the complete darkness. Nobody would ever know except her. So still she cried, and eventually, fell asleep.


The screeching of the intercom woke her up far too early, as it usually did. She grumbled slightly and rolled back over, pulling her pack over her head. She decided then and there that, if she ever got the chance, she would not hesitate to put a bullet in Danya. Kidnapping them? That was fine. Waking her up too early? Certainly a crime worth death. She would make him pay.

Soon the announcement was over. She supposed it was about time to get up. It seemed some people already were. Jay was wiping his mouth, and she could smell vomit. Disgusting. She sat up and yawned, wiping her eyes. Then, suddenly, things got intense.

Ema drew her gun, screamed at someone approaching. Janet was aroused in an instant, rolling to a kneeling position and leveling her own gun toward the person. She wasn't certain when she had drawn it. Maybe she hadn't, and had slept with it in her hand. In a far more calm voice, she stated, "You heard the girl. Get away from here."

She clicked the hammer back on the revolver to back her words up with a threat.


Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 7:10 pm
by Hollyquin†
[[OOC: I'm temporarily suspending post order so we can get this whole death type thing done. It'll be back and forth between me and Decoy for a while. Not too long, promise. :3]]

She was the last one to know. Hayley Kelly was the last one to know what was happening, that there was tension, conflict, an intruder because Hayley was not gonna be part of the world at large for a while. Her eyes were focused in on her white-white knees, though her face was buried too far to let in light. She saw only darkness in this cocoon she'd built for herself, and though she could feel Ema's presence by her side, doing nothing, saying nothing, she felt entirely alone. What was there to say? Ema had known Alex too, even Dutchy she was at least aware of, but she didn't love them like Hayley did. Where was Jay? He'd understand better. She heard retching between the choked noises her own throat was emitting, and figured that must be him. Janet didn't seem like the type.

She didn't want to move. Breathing was hard enough, without considering moving. But she felt movement, frenzied movement, panicked movement beside her- Ema- and she knew she had to try. Had to do something. Something was happening and she was too wrapped up in her own misery to know exactly what- or far more likely, who- was the problem. Her foot twitched. Then her hand. Then, finally, she untangled herself from herself, looking up, properly taking in the light.

"Just... just back up... walk away, okay!?"

...No. No, shit, not you, anyone but you-!

Hayley's body seemed to move of its own accord as she felt her feet try desperately to touch ground. Charlene. Charlene Norris. Of all the people in the world, of course it was her. Of course, now, at her lowest moment, this fucking bitch, her nemesis, her start of darkness, the girl who took her Kyle away from her, killed her boyfriend and ran away. Her erstwhile ally. Back in the days of Madelyn and Alex, when both of them were alive, back before that kid whatshisface, asshole, Jonathan, that was it, before he shot Alex, before Charlene-

"Anna Chase? Short, skinny girl, looks kinda like a freshman. Shit, she doesn't stand a chance."




"You heard the girl. Get away from here."

Janet's voice was there, penetrating her fog, but only just. She was still scrambling. Glad she'd remembered clothing, sort of. A t-shirt and panties- hell, that was kind of Hayley's uniform out here by now, her skirt always seemed kind of superfluous. Not that that mattered, any of it. More important was Vera. Where the fuck is Vera? Her hands searched desperately for cold metal.

Charlene Norris. She'd killed Kyle with her own hands, Hayley'd been there, Hayley'd seen it, Hayley knew. But- she realized, and her heart hurt for thinking of it- she was the only one left alive to remember what had happened. Maddy was dead. Alex was dead. Even Jonathan, he was dead, days ago, and she'd been happy at the time, but...but Jonathan shot Charlene. He'd been shooting Charlene. Charlene had been spouting some shit about his girlfriend. Jonathan had shot her. And Alex, hero, fucking hero that he was, tried to protect her, got shot in the arm.

Then, apparently, his wounds had gotten infected.

Then, apparently, he'd amputated his arm.

Then, apparently, he'd died.

Jonathan was dead. No holding him accountable for his actions anymore.

But from a certain point of view, the point of view a desperate and angry and hateful girl most wanted to take, Charlene Norris was the reason Alex Campbell was no longer alive.

Good enough for me.

Her hands touched metal, her hand gripped metal, and she'd sent a bullet spinning in Charlene's general direction before she was fully aware that she was standing. As the other girl went running for cover, Hayley took a moment to actually survey the situation and holy god this was a well-armed group. Three guns all stood pointed in Charlene's general direction, not counting her own, and she saw the looks of shock on their faces. They hadn't wanted a fight, they'd just wanted the intruder gone, wanted her to leave, but Hayley couldn't let that happen. She'd let the girl escape once. Never again.

"Get back," she hissed, not entirely sure her words were loud enough for all three to hear them. But she didn't want them near right now, didn't want them in the line of fire- who knew how good a shot Charlene was? she could easily miss her and hit one of them- and besides that. Besides that. She's mine. She didn't say it out loud, but the sentiment was there in her voice. Unmistakable. Jay and Janet might not understand why but Ema- Ema knew.

Hayley watched Charlene disappear into the trees, and danger be damned, she screamed-

"Come BACK here, you bitch!"

All that sobbing had shredded her throat. The words came out scratched, mangled, broken but still recognizable. But she held her gun steady, in the general area where Charlene must have gone, and she felt tears stinging at her eyes again. Tears of anger. Rage tears. Were those things? They were now.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:09 am
by decoy73
"Just... just back up... walk away, okay!?"

Some other girl (at least, that's what it sounded like) raised a gun in Charlie's direction after scrambling for clothing. Then a guy pointed a gun at her - as Charlie looked at him, she recognized Jay Holland - he was a regular at the parties, although he mostly gave drugs - not her type of
fun. However, Jay at least had the common sense to realize that lowering the gun was a good idea, especially since Charlene was already backing away from the group.

"You heard the girl. Get away from here."

Some other girl had decided to go all action heroine and pull a third gun out, making an audible click as she did so.

Now I know how Ricky felt ... okay, should have felt.

"O-Okay. I'm leaving. No need to get all worked up." Charlene quickened her pace, going back faster, all she had to do was make sure that ...

"Come BACK here, you bitch!"

Hayley was up, pointing her own gun at Charlie. Niiice. She was fucked. If it weren't for the gun in her right hand, Charlie would have probably given up hope. If she ran, Hayley would shoot her. If she tried to shoot Hayley, she'd have her head blown off before she could move to hide, and given Hayley's mood and track record, it seemed that Hayley was practically ready to shoot even if Charlie stayed. What could she do?

"Alright. I'm here." Charlie took a few steps forward, gripping her gun and trying not to sound like she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:06 am
by Hollyquin†

So this was really stupid. Hayley knew it was stupid, she was self-aware enough to hate herself for being this stupid, not to mention selfish, not to mention horrible. They, her friends, or at least Ema and Janet, they wanted Charlene gone, and when the other girl came into view finally it was clear that she was taking their advice and backing slowly off the scene. But no, Hayley had to do that thing where she listened only to that little voice inside her head, the one that both told her to do terrible things and taunted her when she did them. It would yell at her for this later. But right now, there was no turning back, as Charlene had clearly heard her, and she was coming back, and she was pointing a gun at Hayley's head.

Hadn't I just been thinking how few life-threatening situations I've been in, all things considered? Yeah she really had been. She'd been shot at a few times, yeah, but she'd been running and hiding those times like a logical individual. There was that one time that one kid- Andrew, was it? He'd pointed a gun at her, but she'd just gone ahead and shot him and that had been the end of that. She'd had the element of surprise on her side, then. This was different. This was a fucking standoff, the kind you see on TV and movies, not so much the kind that was fun to be part of in real life. At least she had backup, but she knew none of them would shoot until she made a move. Or unless Charlene shot first.

Hayley was really, really hoping Charlene didn't shoot first.

"Alright. I'm here." No fucking shit, Sherlock. Hayley ran a finger over Vera's trigger. Probably she should just do it now. Probably she should pull the trigger and pray Charlene didn't get the chance to pull hers. Probably she should end this, but she had to open her stupid mouth instead.

" Alex is dead, did you hear? Alex is dead. Kyle's dead. you even know how much you've taken from me?"

She wished she could sound stronger. Angrier. But she couldn't even say Alex's name without tears filling her eyes right back up.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:39 pm
by decoy73
" Alex is dead, did you hear? Alex is dead. Kyle's dead. you even know how much you've taken from me?"

Okay. That wasn't cool. First of all, Charlie knew about that, and she did in fact feel bad that the guy that saved her on the first day was now dead. Second, although somewhat less important was that Charlene did not feel responsible for Alex's death. She hadn't shot him (Jonathan was dead), she hadn't cut off his arm (Jason was also dead, killed by Hayley, no less).

"Yeah. I heard. I hate it, too. I feel like I owed him my life and I wasn't there to help him. Some guy got pissed off and lopped it off. Jason, I think. I think you shot him." Okay. That should take some of the heat off. Hayley shot the guy who cut off Alex's arm. That had to make her happy - or at least less mad.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:52 pm
by Hollyquin†
Hayley was holding steady. She was entirely unaware of the actions of the other three, but unless they were shooting, it seemed irrelevant. She had tunnel vision right now, focused in on Charlene Norris, the enemy. Her target. No matter what pretty words came out of her mouth, and it was quite clear the other girl was gonna use whatever pretty words she could to get out of this alive.

"Yeah. I heard. I hate it, too. I feel like I owed him my life and I wasn't there to help him. Some guy got pissed off and lopped it off. Jason, I think. I think you shot him."

So, take a moment to parse that statement. Does it smell like bullshit? Of course it smells like bullshit. So, whose fault was it that you weren't there to help him, Charlene? Totally not yours in the slightest, Hayley was so sure. She'd left Alex herself, sure, and she was still beating herself up over it, so thanks a lot for bringing it up- her eyes were still swimming with tears, it was hard to aim, this was so stupid, why couldn't she just concentrate, just until this girl was dead?- but it wasn't really her fault. Not really. She'd wanted to find him again, so badly, she'd been searching for days...she'd left because she needed to give Alex and Maddy space to come to terms with the shit she'd pulled back at the fair. Not to mention give herself space to cope with the same. What was Charlene's excuse? She had to run off and kill Kyle? Because whatever excuses she gave about Alex, Charlene still had Kyle on her conscious. Hayley wouldn't forget. The fact that Kyle had attacked her first didn't even cross Hayley's mind.

And "some guy got pissed off and lopped it off." That was just extra bullshit piled on top of bullshit. Okay, Danya was a lot of things, but he didn't lie on the announcements; it would be counterproductive for him to do so. Especially when it came to calling people out as culpable. Danya wasn't going to say that Alex had thought to amputate his arm if someone had just cut it off in a fit of rage, because Danya was way happier when kids were attacking each other than when they were doing stupid things. Someone must've helped Alex, but Alex wasn't an idiot, so if he'd wanted to amputate his arm, it must've been necessary. So it still all went back to the reason he got shot. So it all came back to where Hayley wanted it to come to.

Besides, blaming someone else who's dead? ...I shot him. Weird. Funny how that works out. Hell, if she's not lying, somehow, that was just really terrific luck, wasn't it?

"You're lying," Hayley said, her voice still cracking. She blinked away tears, not daring to move a hand from Vera to wipe them away. "A-and even if you weren't...he's dead, and Jonathan's dead, and...y-you're the only one left. I can't...let you..."

Live? 'Get away with this'? It sounded stupid in her head, either way, and she was having trouble speaking in any way that could be considered intelligible. She needed to end this before she broke down completely, but somehow her finger still refused to pull the trigger. She wanted something. But what? An apology? An admission of guilt? It's not gonna bring them back. Nothing is.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 2:40 am
by decoy73
((It this seems bad, it's because I'm trying to get this done))

"You're lying." Charlie could just barely make out what Hayley said. "A-and even if you weren't...he's dead, and Jonathan's dead, and...y-you're the only one left. I can't...let you..."

Okay. That was dumb. Charlie hadn't done anything wrong. She was clean. What did Hayley want to prevent her from doing? And why? Wasn't like Charlene had done anything wrong except defend herself against a guy who threw a knife at him. Hayley had killed five people with no reason whatsoever. It was completely different. Charlie started to step back.

Get back, get back ...

"You killed Jason. You got your revenge. Besides, it's not like you're exactly blameless here. I panicked. You killed five people for no reason. One of them was my best friend's boyfriend. James Mulzet? Remember him? The way I see it, if I killed Kyle and you killed James, we're even. Karma's a bitch, huh?"

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:01 am
by Hollyquin†
Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop listening to her, what are you doing, just pull the trigger, pull it, kill her, this is taking way too long-

"You killed Jason. You got your revenge."

Still bullshit. Hadn't Hayley just said that Charlene was obviously lying about this whole Jason-randomly-hacked-Alex's-arm-off-in-a-fit-of-psychosis bit? Was she not even listening? Not that Hayley could exactly blame her, it wasn't like she was making much of an effort to listen herself, but if Charlene really wanted to save her own ass she could at least bother listening to the words that came out of Hayley's mouth. If she'd heard them at all, with the way Hayley had been choking on her speeches, chewing them and spitting them out when they were hardly recognizable.

"Besides, it's not like you're exactly blameless here."

Yeah. Yeah. Hayley could blame herself forever for this. Hayley had been blaming herself since she heard the news. She'd blamed herself for Kyle, she was blaming herself for Alex. How had it been working out so far? It had gotten her here, sobbing, listening to her least favorite person telling her this was her fault...

"I panicked."

You killed my boyfriend.

"You killed five people for no reason."

Okay, that raised Hayley's hackles. Who the fuck was Charlene to assume she had no reason for anything she did? Maybe her reasons weren't the best reasons- hell, she could tell from the look on Jay's face earlier that her explanation for what she'd done wasn't satisfactory. But still- what that hell did this bitch know? If she was assuming, hearing the announcements- Danya didn't know her. Danya could go to hell. The only person who seemed to really comprehend what she was doing and why was Hayley herself, and even that was a crapshoot. But still. But still. That didn't given Charlene Norris the right.

One of them was my best friend's boyfriend. James Mulzet? Remember him?

Yeah, I remember James. He was that asshole in my science class who decided it was an awesome idea to wave a gun at my boyfriend and- Ema.

"The way I see it, if I killed Kyle and you killed James, we're even."

Hayley hissed.

"Karma's a bitch, huh?"

This was over. Over. Didn't deserve another second of her time. She saw the other girl, stepping backwards, trying to get away, trying to retreat before Hayley finally pressed down on that trigger, and maybe it would have worked. Maybe Hayley wouldn't have been able to regain her motor functions, force her vision to clear and her finger to move, before Charlene could've gotten away. But Charlene had made a fatal mistake in well and truly pissing Hayley off. Her sight suddenly fell into focus, zooming in on this stupid fucking cheerleader who was trying so hard to run.

Not again.

Her finger finally came down on Vera's trigger, and as the cracking bullet was echoed by a second bang, she felt something like fear.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 4:09 am
by Arscapi†
((Thea Kairos continued from The Use of Common Sense is Authorized ))

Thea was walking backwards as she talked to Acacia and Mary-Ann. She was remembering a particularly thrilling routine with Acacia when she glanced over her shoulder checking on Charlie's progress. She was surprised that Charlene had managed to get so far ahead of them.

"I guess we should probably catch up," she said spinning around to face forward. She was about to call out to Charlie when she saw another girl approach her. "Looks like Charlie has found some new friends."

Thea quickened her pace, trying to make out who it was that was with her. As she drew closer, she realized that there were more people further out. She didn't spare them much thought as Charlie's conversation turned heated.

"Shit," Thea said as she finally recognized who it was Charlie was talking to. Before she could shout a warning she saw Charlene start to back away. 'Good, keep coming,' Thea thought as she reached into her bag for her gun. She pulled it and glanced down at it. It took her a moment to locate the safety and flick it off.

Then it happened. Thea jumped slightly as the gunshot rang out. 'Not Charlie too,' she silently pleaded. She saw her chance and took it. She sighted the gun the best she could, wishing for the entire world that it was a bow and arrow. Took a moment to relax her breathing and fired at Hayley.

Re: Everyday is like Sunday

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:54 pm
by Hollyquin†
[[OOC: And we return to normal post order after this post. ...Normal post order as we leave the thread, anyway.]]

See, this was the beautiful thing about gunshots, especially when they're made by a gun that's pointed right at you- they are a goddamn universal language and they say oh shit, let's bounce. Hayley's body understood that before her brain did, and she felt herself hit the ground before she was aware that the shot Charlene had sent at her wasn't the only one. The second- no, third gunshot came out of nowhere, out of the woods, and- why was she on the floor? Had she been hit? Oh god, she'd been hit, she was going to die here, in front of Jay and Ema and oh god they were under attack they were gonna shoot her so full of fucking holes-

Oh. Wait, no, she was fine, a little dazed from hitting the floor, yes, and a little more dazed by the bullet she'd just heard go whizzing over her head- oh, wait. Ema. Ema was there. Ema was on top of her. When had that happened? Somewhere in the back of her dizzied mind she realized that Ema was the reason she'd hit the floor. Good on Ema, then, given how close she'd come to dying just now. The first bullet, Charlene's, had missed. The second- was it low enough that it'd have hit her, had she been standing still? She thought so. What did that mean for Ema, though? Hayley couldn't see, all she could see was the ground and darkness but Ema had to be okay, Ema was breathing, she could hear it. She was right there. And Ema was not allowed to be anything but okay, ever.

But where there were bullets, there were, uh, more bullets- she saw as she pulled herself from the ground that Charlene had been hit, and she wasn't exactly concentrating on pointing her gun anymore. Busy with that whole bleeding-out thing. Good fucking riddance. But that mysterious gunshot from the trees- and isn't that the worst kind of gunshot? the mysterious kind?- didn't bode well. Suddenly that universal language caught up with her brain.

Time to get the fuck outta this moon kingdom.

Hayley pulled her jacket and her bag so fast it was hard to tell that she'd done anything at all. Her skirt went on, too- weird how modesty made its sudden appearance, as they were running for their lives- but her shoes went in the bag, they could wait until they got to wherever it was they were going. That was it- Vera in her hand, cigarettes in her pocket, she was good. Everyone else, though-

Ema was...there was blood. There was blood, but it wasn't serious, she could tell, she'd seen serious. She'd caused serious. Ema would be okay, though in any other circumstance she'd probably fuss over her a bit. Jay was-

Jay was long gone, running back the way they'd came. Towards the godforsaken beach.

"Motherfucker-" she cursed, tearing after them, trusting Ema to follow, praying she was in condition to. No way was she losing sight of Jay Holland now, not when she'd finally gotten the chance to be happy again. With Charlene dead, everything could be okay, least in Hayley's world. So long as this little group stuck together. Selfish? Maybe...yeah, a bit.

Any happier now, girly?

Not now, okay? Not now.

[[Hayley Kelly continued in The Stoner Always Dies]]