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Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:46 am
by LordB†
James gave another smile as Kathryn introduced him to her friends. He only really knew these people from sight at school, and so was pretty much relying entirely on Kathryn vouching for him here. For all he knew the pair of them would have killed or chased him away on sight had he not been accompanying their friend. It had been a little awkward to watch the three girls discussing the death of a team mate, someone he'd barely known. When Kathryn began to talk about weapons, he held up the slightly dented cardboard box. He began to feel much calmer. Don't act like a threat, and they won't treat you like one.

Eventually, he swallowed and spoke up. "I'm sorry to hear about your friend's death, I really am." He rattled the Clue box. "As you can see, I'm kind of useless in the weapon department."

He gave a half-hearted shrug and lowered the box. James had deliberately neglected to tell them about his history with amateur boxing; as far as he was aware no one from the school went to his gym and knew about it. To the others, he was just the quiet, long-haired English kid with a board game for a weapon. He pushed a stray lock of hair back behind his ear. Okay, still alive, just keep up the reassurances and they'll start to trust you. Even if Kathryn vouched for him, he still didn't know if one of the others intended to take him down the moment his back was turned.

"I know we didn't hang out and you don't know me very well, so let me tell you this: I've got no intention of killing anyone for no reason. I'm not playing this stupid fucking game."

James took the tiniest of steps back. He wasn't one for swearing but perhaps hearing the quiet kid drop an F-bomb would convince these two that he was serious. Right, cheesy speech out of the way, now to see if they buy it. Strangely, he found himself holding the Clue box to his chest once more. Just in case.

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:46 am
by Casey the Undead†
After everything about Sven came out, Alda mostly just felt stupid. If she'd known about Iselle and Sven earlier, she might not have been so nervous when she brought up the player plan. Then again, Iselle seemed genuinely distraught about Sven, about what had happened. That was worrying. It wasn't that Iselle was weak -- hell, Iselle was probably the toughest sonovabitch Alda had ever met. If Iselle could get shaken by death, then maybe killing people would be harder than Alda thought. She still believed in what she had said. She didn't owe anyone anything, especially not dirtbags like Sven. Sven who'd kept Andi away from the team with that fuckin kid, with his goddamned snide attitude. Alda was never close to Andi, mostly because they rarely saw eye to eye on anything, but no one deserved to be treated the way Sven seemed to treat her. Dismissive was the word Alda would use -- then again, Alda wasn't really Andi's friend, and she certainly wasn't Sven's so maybe things were different. Still, that kid, Sven and Andi's kid, was down a parent. Iselle was part of making that kid an orphan. If the Softballers couldn't find Andi and get her to join in, then Andi would become their enemy, and it might be that Andi was already their enemy. That Andi had heard what Alda hadn't, and that she would never forgive Iselle for being a victim of circumstance.

It was too heavy a line of thought for Alda to go down, and it made her feel even more jumpy then she already had. Iselle wasn't ready to kill yet, that was the only problem. That was why Sven had bothered her. Not to mention that they were teammates with his girlfriend, that probably made things worse. Things would be different now. Things would be different because they were planning, they were thinking ahead. Why feel bad about Sven? He had it coming, as far as Alda could tell.

"Never liked that guy anyway," she said with a grunt, eyes pointed toward the ground. There was nothing else to say.

Nothing else until that moron that Kathryn had dragged with her had to open his mouth. Not playing the game. Great. Excellent. That through a lovely wrench in the middle of everything. Let me just interrupt your plans to get to the end no matter what it takes with my fucking shiny-eyed, naive moral compass. It wasn't like anyone asked him, anyway.

Alda shifted her gaze towards Iselle, who knew the plan, and towards Kathryn, who didn't. James could be the first. First blood. Hit him with the whip, knock him down. Get the girls to hold him. Would Kathryn freak? Would she go along? Would Iselle? Would James change his stance if it meant saving his skin?

A lot of questions that Alda couldn't answer. She was a risk-taker by nature, she liked to think, but risks were . . . well, risky, and she had a brother to find.

She uncrossed her arms slowly, letting the Cat in her hand unfurl, it's nine tails dangling loosely. She hoped it looked as threatening as it might have in a movie. "I gotta a feeling you're not gonna like runnin with us, James. Call me crazy but -- I don't think we're gonna see eye to eye."

Alda hoped he got the point. Hoped he would understand that she was giving him a head start, a chance to see another day. Iselle would back her up, maybe. Kathryn too, if she was lucky. James would run if he was smart. If he was stupid, then ---

Well, anything could happen.

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:46 am
by BetaKnight
Kathryn's hug and Alda's comment let Iselle know that they understood what had happened and were not holding her responsible in any way. She sagged into Kathryn's embrace, a huge weight off of her shoulders. However, Kathryn's tag-along shattered that sense of relief as soon as he opened his mouth.

'He has no intention of killing anyone for any reason? So what the fuck was I supposed to do, stand there and eat a bullet?! Who the fuck does this kid think he is, judging me about a situation that he's never been in! He's just like Garrett and Joey, deciding what I should and shouldn't do! Fuck him and fuck them!'

Iselle pulled away from Kathryn and turned to glare at Kathryn's puppy who stepped back. She couldn't deny the spark of power and accompanying gratification when the boy stepped back. 'That's right, little man. You, who won't defend himself for any reason, have stumbled into the lion's den.'

It was almost as if Alda had read her mind as the other girl stalked forward and toyed with her cat o' nine tails. Iselle found herself nodding in agreement as Alda gave James fair warning. A predatory grin appeared as she watched Alda. 'Run, little man, run before we devour you.'

As Alda talked, Iselle prowled around to her impromptu bed and slid her walking stick out of the backseat of the car. Its cool, smooth finish was soothing in her grip. Planting her feet, she stood her staff up and leaned against it as she watched James' reaction intently. Would he run, scamper off with his tail tucked firmly, or would he stand his ground? And if he did stand his ground and continue to lecture, what would she do?

Iselle glanced over at Alda. 'We', she silently amended her thought. 'What will we do."

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:46 am
by Arscapi†
Kathryn looked between her teammates and James. It was becoming obvious that she'd missed something. Something that apparently Alda and Iselle agreed on given Iselle's body language. Kathryn and James had agreed that they wouldn't kill each other, but she wasn't sure about not playing the game at all. If someone had threatened her like they had Iselle, her instincts too would have been to lash out and get them to stop. Since Kathryn had a rifle it seemed likely that her instincts were going to result in someone's death, whether she meant to kill them or not.

"Sven wasn't our friend. He was the annoying, manipulative boyfriend of a teammate, who knocked her up and then left her with the baby," Kathryn clarified starting with the easier topic. "Look I don't know about playing or not playing the game, I really can't see that we have that much choice in the matter. I probably won't be actively hunting down classmates, but I do know that if someone starts threatening me or my team I will defend myself."

Kathryn glanced over at her teammates and then at James wondering what was going to happen next.

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:47 am
by LordB†

James had made his little heroic speech, dropped an F-bomb and tried his hardest to look tough and inspiring while doing it. He'd seen similar things done time and time again in movies and games, so why not here?

Well, that didn't work.

As he looked around at the girls, James began to sweat. His master plan had backfired spectacularly. The whole 'not killing people' thing was supposed to sound all righteous and make this lot trust him. Instead, he was facing what looked to be a trio of femme fatales ready to kill him. He began to slowly back away, keeping an eye on the three of them. James clutched the Clue box to his chest even tighter. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...

"If that's how you're going to play the game, then fine," he began, ready to run for his life the moment Alda or any of the others so much as twitched their weapons in his direction. "I'm going, if that's the case."

James was close to freaking out and having a panic attack right now. He could feel his breathing getting faster and the sweat was pouring off him. Back home he'd had them before exams, though he'd always been able to calm down. If he froze up here than chances were that he'd be killed. He looked over at Kathryn, the first person he'd encountered on the island. She hadn't turned on him, at least. Still, the girl who'd been the closest thing James had to a friend on this island could still kill him if she gave in to peer pressure, and he had no intention of trying to fight the girl with the gun. What the hell was I thinking? One stupid remark and I'm about to be killed by the fucking softball team!

James stopped, having put a good few feet between him and the girls. "Don't follow me," he said, trying to sound as intimidating as possible. "I won't deal with players; you'll get yourselves killed off eventually."

He didn't wait around to find out what happened next. James turned and ran as fast as he could towards the trees.

((James Wade continued in Burnout))

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:47 am
by Casey the Undead†
Alda tried very hard to not actually sigh in relief. It wouldn't do good to show weakness, even if these were her friends. They couldn't afford weakness -- just like they couldn't afford to let anyone else run away. One wild card, one good karma chip or whatever, and every other person they met was going down. Alda was ready, and even if she wasn't ready she didn't have much of a choice anymore. She'd said her plan, and she'd recruited her teammates. She was in it, now, for better or worse.

, she reminded herself. Only good comes from this. Don't owe no one nothin'.

As James scampered off, Alda wrapped her Cat back up. She pulled the tails around the handle and stuck it in her belt loop, hand still grasping it loosely. It wasn't a lethal weapon, sure, but a Cat to the face would mess a fucker up and give them the upper hand. Best to have it ready to go.

"That kid talks real big for someone with a fucking board game for a weapon," Alda said, shaking her head. "We ain't the ones running for our lives, the moron."

She was real sick of stupid people not listening to her. If dumbass Dan had listened and stuck with Alda, he'd probably be alive right now. She wouldn't be even a little surprised if she woke up tomorrow and heard James on the dead roll call. What good was not playing the game going to do you anyways? Oh, you got a few "good person" awards, a bit of moral high ground. Shit didn't matter when you were dead -- St. Fucking Peter would probably call you out for being a pussy at the pearly gates.

Alda looked towards Iselle and Kathryn. There was no point in pretending she could ever be the leader of this little group. She wasn't a captain, she was a team player. It always worked out better that way. She nodded towards the both of them, a smile tugging on her lips. "We got a play in mind to beat the opposition, or what?"

She still needed to find Paulo, but she couldn't think about it right now. Dwindling down the competition and the kid would come to her. She was certain he'd want in, certain he'd want help -- but meeting people like Dan and James was throwing her off. What if Paulo didn't want to play? Worse -- what if Paulo decided that she was his competition? It was a team sport until the end, damnit, no one ever lasted long on their own. Paulo was the inferior twin -- not as smart, not as strong, and not as angry. He'd lose if he fought her, and Alda would be branded brother-killer. Wasn't worth the trouble, maybe.

He'd come to her, she decided. No point in stressing about it.

She shoved all thoughts of her brother aside and waited for her captains to give their commands.

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:47 am
by BetaKnight
Iselle blew out a noisy breath as the Cowardly Lion scampered out of her sight. She wasn't sure why she had decided that he was the Cowardly Lion, but the name fit him so it stayed. And thank God that he didn't forced the issue and took off. It saved her from having to do anything to him or about him.

She glanced over at Kathryn, trying to gauge her pitcher's response to his departure. They had seemed to be friends. What would she do if Kathryn chased after him? Would she let the other girl go? Forcing her to stay could get messy, but there was safety in numbers.

Either way, it was a moot point right now. As for a plan....

She scrubbed her face with her free hand and tugged on her braid again. "Current game plan is 'don't die and assemble what is left of the team'. We've already lost Kelly. Katy and Lauren out there somewhere. Knowing Katy and her sunshiny personality, she could probably use some backup and we could use her too." How they were supposed to find Katy was something she had yet to work out. So far, blind luck had brought the three of them together here.

"As to how we accomplish that, I could use some help with the details. Is there anybody else we should be rounding up? And before we go any farther, I think we need to set up a fall-back place. You know, a designated meeting place in case something happens and we have to split up and run."

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:48 am
by Arscapi†
Kathryn stood still for a moment trying to figure out exactly what had just happened. As far as she could figure out James had accused them of being players, because of Alda's comments and then left. For a split second she was tempted to go after him, but her teammates meant way too much to her. She wasn't sure where James got off being so righteous, taking such a dramatic stand.

"So, that happened," she said turning towards the girls. "I think the probably is trying to figure out who the opposition is. How do we decide? I mean besides the obvious of someone showing up wielding a weapon and threatening us. I agree with Iselle, that we should find the rest of the team. If we could get a group together maybe we could find some other way to get out of this."

"Where'd you guys come from? I woke up in the middle of the bike trail and then spent most of the day on a cliff next to the lighthouse. I've been lugging this cool rifle around, and am so ready to sit down for a while. I have no idea how to use it, but I think it looks fairly intimidating."

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:48 am
by Casey the Undead†

Alda lifted a shoulder in a shrug-like motion, not quite committing to the movement. "I think I was at some sort of Docks, but I couldn't tell you where the hell it is from here. I sorta walked for awhile. Not quite sure how I got here," she said.

She snapped her Cat o'nine tails out, grinning at her friends. "And, of course, I got my cat here -- vicious bitch in a fight, probably, though I'm guessing it's not lethal." She shrugged again, weariness tugging at her bones. "Should come in handy."

Her eyes narrowed, and she felt her resolve harden. Kathryn talking about the opposition was sparking back the conversation she'd be having with Iselle. Who was the competition? Alda knew the answer, of course, but she couldn't help but wonder if it would be that easy to convince her friends that she knew the answer.

"And the competition . . . I mean, damn, ain't everyone competition? All motherfuckers are gonna be out to kill us so. We should be out to kill all motherfuckers." She snapped the Cat against the ground, gritting her teeth. "I'm not one for dying young, and I'm sure as hell not gonna do it in this shithole of a fucking place. Everyone is enemy, yeah? Us against the world and all that." She shrugged again, hoping Iselle would chime in and make things clearer. Alda was never good at leading, or anything -- she was good at anger, and she was good at using anger, but she knew shit all about helping other people with that anger. All she really wanted to do was make someone pay, right now, which was going to be counterproductive, probably. Fuck. She didn't know.

She glanced to Iselle for guidance. "'Course, that makes us pretty high-profile. I dunno. Your call."

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:48 am
by BetaKnight
Alda's words felt like a lead weight in the pit of Iselle's stomach. She had made hundreds of calls, thousands of calls, in her life. Some of them had seemed important at the time but nothing like this. Her calls were now literal life and death decisions, a truth that had been hammered home earlier. The trusting looks on Kathryn and Alda's faces caused her to break out in a cold sweat. If she made the wrong decision, it would cost her friends their lives.

'But you haven't yet,' she reminded herself. 'So far, you are still okay. Alda is okay. Kathryn is okay. We just need to gather up the others, hole up somewhere, and come up with a good plan.' Iselle nodded, half listening to Alda. She wasn't ready to plan to run out and start killing anyone they came across, but it was reasonable to defend yourself. Stalling for time, she moved on to other issues.

"First order of business is sleep. I got some but it sounds like you two had a less than optimal night. They're not the greatest, but crashing in the back seat of a car beats camping out on the ground. Why don't you guys pick a spot and get some rest. I'll stand watch, and then we can trade-off every couple of hours. After everybody has some rest, we can figure out how to work Kathryn's gun."

The walking stick was a comforting weight in her grasp. Iselle leaned against it, letting it support her weight a bit. Sometimes the simplest approach was the best one.

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:48 am
by Arscapi†
Kathryn wasn't sure she liked where Alda's thoughts were headed. Kathryn's experience on the island hadn't been all that bad. She hadn't met anyone who wanted or even tried to kill her. While Kathryn was cautious, and thought Iselle's idea to have a guard was good, she wasn't sure that everyone was competition.

"I didn't sleep that badly, except that it was on the dirt. I'll take second watch," she said finding a van and climbing into it with the gun. She was still getting comfortable when a thought occurred to her. She stuck her head out of the van. "Hey, you want this," she asked. "Nobody knows we don't know how to use it and it might scare them off. I'm all for figuring it out tomorrow. I'd like to have a weapon I can actually use."

Sticking her head back in the van she stretched out. Car seats were infinitely more comfortable the rocky ledges.

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:49 am
by BetaKnight
Iselle eyed the rifle with distaste but took it from Kathryn. It was very different, being on this end of the weapon rather than staring down the barrel. "Yeah, sure. We'll figure it out tomorrow," she said, distracted by the weight in her hands.

Alda, uncharacteristically, had not comment about Kathryn's hand-off of the weapon. Iselle shrugged and settled down to keep watch. The good thing about the location was that it had beds, sort of, and hiding places, but the low light levels and multiple entrances made it hard to really secure. Tomorrow, in the light, they would find a better, more secure place to call their own.

"Tomorrow, we need to gather what's left of the team. But first, you guys sleep."

Tomorrow, they would find a more permanent home.

((Iselle Ovalle-Vandermeer continued in Do You Know Who I Am?))

Re: The Usual Suspects

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:49 am
by Arscapi†
Kathryn looked up at Iselle blearily when she woke her for the second watch. She grumbled a little as she climbed out of the van. She didn't have that much to complain about really, the van seat had been pretty comfortable.

"Get some rest, I've got this," she assured Iselle. She watched her friend get settled and then walked the length of their little space. The walking did more to clear her head and before long Kathryn was running through her familiar softball exercises just to keep herself occupied. If she didn't she'd be jumping at every little noise.

Kathryn's shift went by faster than she thought it was going to, and soon she was waking Alda for her turn.

"All's quiet," she reported before retreating back into the van and laying down again.

((Kathryn Nguyen continued in Do You Know Who I Am?))