
G063 - Ericka Bradley start - TOPIC CLOSED

These are the woods on the island’s Western coast. The trees run nearly all the way to the sea, allowing only a thin stretch of beach, which disappears altogether depending on the tide.
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Post by Syph† »

(GM Approved)

Alex turned on his heels, now regressing into a barbaric animal. He needed her club for his defence, or something else. A distraction could work in his advantage, but... Alex then noticed the gun and saw it pointed in his general direction. The bitch was here. His plan could work if he could have a quiet word with Rena.

He charged at her again and this time grabbed her, dragging her out of earshot to behind another tree while she struggled intermittently. Alex pushed her into the tree and leaned in close to her. Rena's hair stroked his face as he whispered.

'You are going to help me get that girl's gun. First, you chase me away... then you distract her so I can grab her from behind!'

The violence of the event then caught up with him, triggering repressed emotions of sorrow and regret. His father would be so disappointed. The animal inside had escaped, an animal that society had locked away for good reason. In hindsight, was the animal really locked away. Was the difference between man and beast a loaded gun? It was a difference that would change his power on the island considerably.

'If you try anything, you will die. Agreed?'

Alex took a slow step back and prepared to race away from Rena, a defeated animal. Recalling his most extreme moment of pain; being thrown from horseback the year before this nightmare began. He howled beckoning Rena to chase him.
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Post by ThoDuSt »

Ericka watched through the trees and grass as Rena dodged Alex's attack... and then they were out of view. She could still hear them struggling, but without context....

'Snap out of it and think!'Ericka thought, shaking her head, 'Which way is the quickest way to escape?'

She quickly came to a decision. Nervously glancing over her shoulder, she started moving in the direction opposite from where the others were.
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Casey the Undead†
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Post by Casey the Undead† »

Rena stood stock still for a moment, completely and utterly confused as to what to do next. She could try and make a break for it...but she wouldn't get far before he noticed and started chasing her. She figured it would be best not to make enemies this early in the game.

Of course, the number of enemies she'd have would be irrelevant if she was dead.

It occurred to Rena that she couldn't see the other girl anymore. She wondered if that girl had made a break for it. The only reason Alex seemed to be showing any interest in Rena was to get that gun the girl allegedly had. If the girl was gone, what would Alex do to Rena? Kill her, just to get her out of the way? Take her as leverage? Take her weapons? Just leave her to wander helplessly in the woods?

Rena knew she didn't have enough time to fully think this over. She didn't have enough time to weigh her options, to really think. She was sweating, and she felt like she might burst into tears at any moment. Hopeless. No matter what she did, she would still be lost in the woods of some godforsaken place, fighting people she knew for her own lives. No matter what happened, it wouldn't really get any better.

She took a deep breath, finally deciding on what she would do. She was going to help Alex, for now, anyways. She would aim to be nothing more than a third party to the fight over the gun. She was going to try to fade away into the background, hopefully making her escape. Reluctantly, she followed Alex.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Casey the Undead. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Syph† »

Alex swiftly darted into the forest, noting that the girl with the gun was still nowhere to be seen. He remembered what his father had taught him. The principles of the hunt were to identify, stalk and attack.

He imagined himself as a lioness (male lions being lazy). How would he approach? From behind? From a flank? So many questions.

Without a sound he dodged through the trees until he spotted the girl. He couldn't see the gun from where he was crouched. He sprinted to a closer tree, taking tiny steps to avoid pebbles and branches.

Alex fired a look around the tree. He smiled as he watched Rena emerge from the trees. His plan would fall together into his hands. Then he would strike and escape. Alex remembered his caffeine pills but decided against taking one. They would be more useful during the night.

All he needed was a few seconds to approach and a strong grab to the throat. He would throw her to the floor and take the gun.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Syph. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Namira »

((Sorry, Syph, but Alexander went inactive four-five days ago, and since you were already warned about this, you've been relieved of writing him and he's been put up for adoption. The warning specified that two weeks would mean inactivity from now on, and you didn't heed that. Rules are rules)).
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Post by ThoDuSt »

Ericka stumbled through the trees, her shirt and bag getting caught on tree limbs and bushes, she knew she wasn't making great time and that the other people, if they were coming after her, were likely catching up by now. She had to think of a way to get those people to stop chasing her, if only... 'There is a way I can get them to stop chasing me, at least for the short term,' she realized, 'if I shoot they might take cover long enough for me to lose them. No, I-I can't shoot at another person. They might... but....' Ericka stopped and looked down at her gun. If she wanted to survive, she would at some point have to fire this thing, at other people even. If she couldn't do it now when her life was potentially in danger then she had little chance of surviving much longer.


Ericka spun around. She couldn't see them, but the sound seemed to say that they were closer than she thought. This was it, the moment of truth.

Ericka put both hands on her gun, aiming it toward location the sound came from. She put her finger on the trigger and pulled. Once. Twice. Three Times. Then she turned and ran.

((Ericka Bradley continued in Just Like a Hangover, But Without All the Fun))
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Casey the Undead†
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Post by Casey the Undead† »

Rena was starting to get dizzy. Her head was killing her, she had no idea where she was, and she couldn't trust the people she was with. Why was this happening to her?

She stopped. She was lost. Wherever that boy had been, she couldn't see him anymore. And there was still a girl with a gun out there, somewhere. Her mind wasn't thinking rationally, and a thousand thoughts were buzzing like insects. Run? Hide? Scream? What would any of it do?

Tears slipped slowly from her eyes. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to be killed by complete strangers, lost in the woods. She wasn't ready.

It was right then and there that Rena figured it out. She wasn't going to lay down and die. She was going to get out of here. She was going to get away from these people.

Rena turned around, and started to move in the other direction. She still had no idea where she was going, but she would have to stumble across someone she knew sooner or later. She would find allies, get help, sit and breathe and think about what she was going to do. She was going to live.

And then she heard gunshots. Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt something nick her leg. Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod. Rena did everything she could not to look at her leg. She hadn't been shot. It wasn't possible.

But someone was shooting. She didn't know if it was at her, but she wasn't going to stay and find out. Desperately, Rena tore through the trees, running as fast as she could.

(Rena Peters continued in Run from Your Troubles.)
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Casey the Undead. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Lord_Shadow† »

Explanation wrote:Putting this up to resolve continuity error. Now Alex has officially moved on. If a mod could please close the thread as the last participant has left. Sorry to anyone following the story who got confused. This was my fault entirely. Bad Shadow. =( (For reference, this is the sample post that got me the character. Yay.)
Things were going exactly as planned. Just a few more steps and he'd get the drop on her. His 'accomplice', if one could call her that, was fulfilling her task.

He'd have an actual weapon in a few more moments. Just a little while longer and—

What? No! Fuck

Everything fell apart faster than he had thought it up. He hadn't expected the gun girl to fire. He instinctively ran for cover, unsure where she was shooting at. He heard the sound of footsteps running away from the area. TWO people running away.


How could it all fall apart that quickly? Just one random action, and his brilliant planning was shot to pieces. Stupid, he'd been so stupid. He was so caught up in the need to get a weapon, to be the predator after his prey, that he failed to realize that gun girl could have done nearly anything with her weapon. And she did just that.

He yelled in frustration and rage. He'd been so close, yet he couldn't have been any farther from his goal. "Dammit!" He pulled out the caffeine pills in disgust. "How the hell am I supposed to use THIS?" He tossed it down in anger. So much for that plan. After taking a few minutes to calm down, figure out what went wrong and how it could have gone better, he picked the box up and went on his way.

Easy Alex, easy. You can get through this. You WILL make it through this. You are not the hunted. You are the hunter. Act like it!

((Alexander Seymour continued elsewhere.))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Lord_Shadow. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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