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Re: Selfish

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:13 pm
by General Goose
Luckily, Rena decided to step up to the plate and began to try and comfort Garry. Sunil, still clueless on how to respond or what he could do to help, just stayed where he was, not wishing to interfere, biting his nails subconsciously. Sunil just stood still, while the two talked, only piping up when Garry admitted he didn't know his name. "Sunil, it's Sunil." He wasn't sure if they'd heard him, but no matter.

Once the two had stopped their conversation, Sunil still had no idea what to say. He didn't know how to comfort Garry over the loss of his friends, and he didn't want to suggest they move away from the body or something else in case he came off as blunt or uncaring. Recovering from Danya's announcements was a lot harder now he was seeing first-hand the torment it was causing to the friends of some of those killed. Before he was just content with mourning for a few seconds, shrugging his shoulders to clear his mind of any depressing thoughts and then getting on with whatever crap he was doing.

It hadn't been ideal, and Sunil knew that it was harsh and cold-hearted, but it was better than this awkward situation.

He'd been unable to comfort neither Rena nor Garry. He'd never felt so pathetic, so useless in his entire life.

So instead, he just distracted himself by staring solemnly at the wet blood trickling out of Jake's head, onto the grass and the cinderblock, trying not to think that the body had once been home to a boy with thoughts, dreams and aspirations, and now was just an impotent vegetable.

Re: Selfish

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:10 am
by Casey the Undead†
Garry. Garry and Sunil. Rena wished she could say that she knew them from around school, but really she was coming up blank. It was beside the point anyways, considering the circumstances. For one, she agreed with Garry wholeheartedly that Danya was a bastard, despite the fact that the collars detonated had only happened on the announcements to her. She did not recognize the names, was not sure of the faces- as far as she was concerned, they barely existed at all.

Which didn't change the fact that they were dead. They were somebody's sons, someone's friends. Garry's friends.

No matter how long she stayed around death, she still had no idea how to deal with it.

This had the upsetting side effect of her not knowing how to deal with killers, one of whom she was now standing next too. The issue was that Rena always expected killers to be like the villains in old movies and cartoons. Crazy, ugly, hunched over people with twirling mustaches and diabolical laughter. People who captured damsels in distress and tied them to railroad tracks. She always thought it would be easy to sort the good from the bad.

But Garry was a killer. And he didn't really seem all that evil. Which was really frustrating, really, because Rena both wanted to trust him and was afraid of trusting him all at the same time.

But he said it was self defense. And it wasn't like the body, which she still refused to look at for fear of vomiting yet again, was...gross or anything. At least, what she glanced at wasn't too bad. Except for the blood thing. But even that wasn't enough to make her faint.

Maybe I'm just getting used to it.

Rena, doing what she did best and shoving that thought aside, turned her attention to the other boy, who'd said nothing but his name since she showed up. Sunil. He wasn't being very helpful, but he looked harmless enough.

She glanced back and forth between the two boys for a minute, doing her best to keep the dead one out of her sights. She took a deep breath, making up her mind. She needed people to help her. People who she could trust. Right now, the only other people she could trust where...somewhere. She didn't even know if they bothered following her. She didn't even know if they were okay.

She swallowed, trying to fight back the threatening tears. No more tears. Time to figure this out.

"Okay. I...I believe you, Garry. I mean...about know." Don'tlookdon'tlookdon'tlookdon'tlook.

"I...uh...I guess what I'm trying to say, not to sound rude or anything, is that I'm not really comfortable being this near a de-" She croaked slightly on the world, swallowing before continuing on. "Dead body."

She breathed slightly.

"But it's nice to meet you?"

Re: Selfish

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:57 pm
by JamesRenard†
"No, I don't feel comfortable being here either," Garry replied to Rena, shooting a glance at Jake's body. "I... I'm going to go, I don't want to hang around with... y'know... any longer than I have to," he said, shakily getting to his feet and started to slowly move away from the scene, his bag hanging around his shoulder. He walked a few paces and then stopped in his tracks. "Sunil, Rena..." there was a pause as he sighed, turning back to face them. "If you two wanna stay around with me, then that's fine. If not, well, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to keep your distance."

He turned away from the three students again and started to amble away at a slow pace. He'd leave it up to the pair of them if they wanted to follow him or not.

((Garry Villette continued in Walk On Water Or Drown))

Re: Selfish

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:07 pm
by General Goose
Sunil was compelled to agree with Garry and Rena. Being around a freshly-incapacitated, braindead Jake Crimson was hardly Sunil's idea of comfort. This whole area now struck Sunil as distinctly more morbid and hostile than it was beforehand. Far from being a nice, if unorthodox, place to nap, it now reminded Sunil only of violence. This whole place was insane, and Sunil found the suggestion of getting away from the corpse a very agreeable one. One he wished he'd thought of, but meh, it wasn't a competition.

Well, it was, technically, a kill or be killed competition to be exact, but the whole "who thought up of this plan first" element of SOTF wasn't in itself a competition.

Quickly stopping to scoop up his bag (which was lying, unaffected, unnervingly close to the slowly expanding pool of blood), Sunil gave Jake one last look, trying to come up with suitable, solemn words of parting, but considering he hardly knew the guy and his one experience with him could have resulted in his death were it not for Garry, it was not an easy task. So, he gave up, contented himself with a mumbled generic sentence on how cruel the game was, and then ran to catch up with Garry, quickly motioning at Rena to follow.

((Sunil Savarkar continued in Walk On Water Or Drown.))

Re: Selfish

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:52 pm
by Casey the Undead†
Garry and Sunil were in the same mindset, it seemed, neither wanting to be around the boy any longer. Garry moved out first, adding that if they didn't want to follow him, they didn't have too. Sunil grabbed his bag and moved next, only he motioned for her to follow.

And now came the decision that Rena was incredibly terrible at making. Stay or go? She'd followed Ridley practically across the whole island, looking for Raine, and then, suddenly, she'd left. She still hadn't really figured through that in her head, but at the time the idea of running seemed so...natural, that she just followed it.

Following Ridley had seemed natural too. It'd seemed right. Finding Raine, even leaving them with the body in the tunnels, it had all seemed to be the smart choice at the time.

And right now it felt right to follow Garry and Sunil.

She followed Sunil, idly wondering where they were going, and truly wondering if she would regret the choices she made later. Or if it really mattered if she did.

((Rena Peters continued in Walk On Water Or Drown.))